Entries by Bernard

Process of completing research project

Process of completing research project This is an assignment that focuses to explain how the process of completing your research project.The paper requires research from reading articles from news. Explain how the process of completing your research project This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. Task: Explain how the process of completing your research project […]

Erikson’s psychosocial stages Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Erikson’s psychosocial stages Maslow’s hierarchy of needs This is an assignment that focuses on the Erikson’s psychosocial stages or Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The paper also requires different analysis of the two organizations. Erikson’s psychosocial stages or Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Reaction Paper #3 You will write a report of at least 1 full page […]

Qualitative data collection worksheet

Qualitative data collection worksheet This is an assignment that focuses on the qualitative data collection worksheet for HEA 648. The paper also requires answering of a questionnaire. The qualitative data collection worksheet HEA 648 – Quantitative Data Collection Worksheet 1. Firstly, how are you going to collect quantitative data for your research proposal? (2.5 points) […]

Clinton’s Mentoring theory personal constellation paper

Clinton’s Mentoring theory personal constellation paper This is an assignment that focuses on the creation of a personal constellation paper using Clinton’s Mentoring theory. The paper is to capture and apply weeks material. A personal constellation paper using Clinton’s Mentoring theory P‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ersonal Constellation Paper This assignment consists of an 8-10 page paper in which you […]

Evidence-based practice and occupational therapy

Evidence-based practice and occupational therapy This is an assignment that focuses on what is the evidence-based practice and occupational therapy importance. The paper also requires intensive discussion on occupational therapy. What is the evidence-based practice and occupational therapy ASSESSMENT TITLE: What is evidence-based practice (EBP) and also why is this important within occupational therapy? Introduction: […]

Clinical patient management scenario

Clinical patient management scenario This is an assignment that focuses on the ICM7079 module 7 clinical patient management scenario. The paper also focuses on patient’s signs of injuries. The ICM7079 module 7 clinical patient management scenario ICM7079/Module 7: Assignment Instructions Word count: 1500 words (+/- 10%). Maximum 25 references. Clinical Scenario: The Police are called […]

Technology usage and young children perspective

Technology usage and young children perspective This is an assignment that focuses on technology usage by young children perspective. The paper also requires keen focus on young children only. The technology usage by young children perspective TECHNOLOGY ON YOUNG CHILDREN And make (3) annotated bibliography related to the TOPIC Length: 1000 words For this assessment […]

Banking Theory and Practice Brexit

Banking Theory and Practice Brexit This is an assignment that focuses on the Banking Theory and Practice 2019-20 on Brexit. The paper also is to analyze the financial ratios or measures. The Banking Theory and Practice 2019-20 on Brexit Individual Coursework The assignment is a case study. The length of the essay is 1000 words […]

Video project analysis

Video project analysis This is an assignment that focuses on the major concepts in the chapters to the video or project analysis. The paper also requires writing on bonus chapters. Major concepts in the chapters to the video or project analysis Application Paper Chapter 9 Firstly, you will apply the Chapter 9 major concepts to […]

Hypothesis testing and statistical analyses for clinical research

Hypothesis testing and statistical analyses for clinical research This is an assignment that focuses on the Hypothesis testing and statistical analyses for clinical research. The paper also explains the difference between null and alternate hypothesis. Hypothesis testing and statistical analyses for clinical research Assignment 2: Hypothesis testing and statistical analyses This is the second of […]