Mental Models Application

Mental Models Application

Choose one mental model from Peter Senge and write about how it could be applied to an
opportunity in your organization(independence blue cross).

Why did you choose this model and how would your organization benefit from the application?

Your paper should be 3 pages in length (exclusive of Title, Abstract, Reference pages) and must follow APA style/format.

Diversity and Training Challenges. Workplace Diversity


A. Describe two distinct diverse groups within the U.S. student population.

1. To help an educator gain knowledge of each diversity group, cite source information to support your description in part A.

2. Describe a challenge related to the diversity background that each identified group may experience in a school setting (i.e., one challenge for each group in part A).

3. Describe an instructional strategy by which educators can support the educational achievement of students from each of the identified groups (i.e., one strategy for each group in part A).

a. Cite source information that supports the instructional strategies described in part A3.

B. Explain why it is important for educators to develop approaches that are responsive to the diversity background of all students.

Leadership Theories. Comparing and Contrasting Leadership Styles / Theories


Compare and contrast two leadership styles or theories

Mini-Paper: Compare and Contrast two leadership styles or theories

This Assignment fulfills the following course objective:

  1. Integrate nursing leadership concepts and theories into the various roles of the professional registered nurse to promote safe and high quality nursing care.

In this assignment you will select two different leadership styles or theories, and write a 2-3 page paper comparing/contrasting the two. Focus on how the two are similar to each other (comparison), and then describe how they differ (contrast). When you are writing this paper, reflect on analyzing the differences, how and under what conditions would they be utilized, and what is important about them. State how these would or would not be significant to the nursing profession.



–          Identify the two different leadership theories or styles

–          State the rationale as to why these two theories or styles were chosen

–          What is the significance of these styles or theories, why are they important


–          Explain the similarities and differences between the two theories or styles, give examples

–          Discuss the advantages and disadvantages

–          State the conditions/environment that both of the theories or styles would work best.


–          Summarize the findings from the discussion

–          States significance to the nursing profession.




Nursing Conflict Resolution Case Study – Conflict Resolution Strategies

Conflict Resolution Strategies

Assignment Objective: To explore conflict resolution strategies.

Tied to Course Objective: Apply problem solving principles to a conflict situation in the workplace (Student Learning Outcomes 2, 5, 8)

Assignment Rationale: “Leaders work to implement changes that will have positive outcomes, but they also need to realize that there may be negative outcomes as well…. One of the most common outcomes of change is conflict” (Grossman & Valiga, p. 128).

Directions: The purpose of this assignment is to apply conflict resolution theory and communication principles to a life situation of your choice. There are no preselected conflicts. You will create your own case study from your experiences. This is a formal paper written in third person, and includes title page, introduction and conclusion appropriate level headings (listed below) and scholarly reference citations. Use correct APA format (6th edition) and pay close attention to correct spelling, grammar and sentence structure. Papers should be 6-7 pages (excluding cover page and references). Limit the use of direct quotations to no more than 2 per page of narrative.

Please provide an introduction, use the following level one headings in addition to Conclusion:
Description of the Conflict
Cost of the Conflict
Diagnosis of the Situation
Identification of Roles
Action Taken
You will have your choice of scenarios (choose only one):
Choice One: healthcare worker – to – patient and/or family conflict
Choice Two: healthcare worker – to – healthcare worker conflict
Do not refer to anyone by name; use initials only
Make sure you provide a clear description of the conflict, ‘paint a picture’ by describing: who, what, when and where. Leave the reader with a clear story about the conflict situation. If appropriate, describe antecedents (such as “T.L., a 40ish male nurse, and M.C., a 20ish female respiratory therapist, have had a civil, yet tense, relationship for weeks after T.L. was vocal about M.C.’s perceived lack of competence during a code.”).
It is expected that the student will use at least seven (7) scholarly resources to support an explanation of both effective communication principles and application of a conflict resolution theory. Information may be obtained from credible websites or journals as well as the text.
Three Required references: Advancing Your Career (Kearney-Nunnery), Nursing Leadership & Management (Murray) Chpt 6, and The Third Side resources .
Options for remaining references: any scholarly book, journal or website.
You must have at least 2 business references: Think ‘outside the box’ and consider the New York Times, BusinessWeek or Forbes (available online). Also, consider searching on Business Full Text (EBSCO), available via the PSC Library database.
You must have at least 2 nursing references: Consider nursing journals as Journal of Nursing Administration, Nursing Management or Nursing Administration Quarterly (all available on OVID via the PSC Library database).
Submit the paper to the Assignment due box by the published deadline. Points will be deducted for each day the paper is late (see late work policy in syllabus).
Use the TLCC, if you need help with composition or APA formatting.

For the case study, use The Third Side (3S) assumptions and skills (on CANVAS). There are two resources. The first resource is the author William Ury’s Website. Explore the site and listen to one video of your choice. In the upper navigation bar, click “10 Roles” and review them. The second resource is an overview of the The Third Side which may help you synthesize what you have read. Include the following elements to offer a resolution to the conflict:

Review the 3S overview, assumptions and skills. (Links to an external site.) and (Links to an external site.)

Apply 3S to your situation (assess cost, diagnose situation, identify roles and take action) (Links to an external site.) and (Links to an external site.)

Step One- review the cost of the conflict. Use the following table to gather your information. Then incorporate findings into your paper. (Links to an external site.)

Step Two- use the 3S resources to diagnose the situation (overt, covert, etc.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Step Three- identify roles that each member of the conflict is playing, such as the provider, the bridge-builder, etc. (Links to an external site.)

Step Four- use the resources to take action (how you would resolve the conflict, such as change the story or create a winning alliance)

site for this assignment

Interprofessional Collaboration and Teamwork Instructions

Interprofessional Collaboration and Teamwork Instructions

3-4 page article that addresses the topic of interprofessional collaboration and teamwork in healthcare organizations.

3 references

APA format

Please answer all parts of the following:

  1. Explain the meaning of the term “interprofessional collaboration” from a nursing perspective. Consider how it differs from interprofessional collaboration in other fields.
  2. Describe characteristics and quality of effective interprofessional terms in terms of patient safety and explain how the characteristics and qualities contribute to patient safety
  3. Analyze the benefits and limitations of interprofessional teams for healthcare organizations, interprofessional team members & patients
  4. Explain the challenges of working in interprofessional teams and considers the implications for the patients of a team that fails to overcome challenges
  5. Compare strategies to help people work effectively together to determine the best ways to use the strategies
  6. Explain interprofessional teams define success and explain how the definition may change depending on the team and organization.

Interviewing a Professional Nurse / Nurse Professional with Years of Experience

Provide examples for:

  • Teamwork Patient-care
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Communication style
  • Motivation and core values
  • 3-5 pages(excluding title page and reference page)
  • APA style paper with at least 3 references within 5 years.

Leadership Experience (Reflection Paper)

A. Develop a written proposal by doing the following:
1. Identify a problem or issue (Falls in the elderly in long term care setting) related to practice,
policy, population, or education that aligns with the organizational priorities you seek to solve.
a. Explain the problem or issue, including why it is applicable to the area of practice you chose
and the healthcare environment.
2. Discuss your investigation of the problem or issue.

a. Provide evidence to substantiate the problem or issue (e.g., organizational assessment,
national source documents, evidence from a stakeholder).
3. Analyze the state of the situation using current data.
a. Analyze areas that might be contributing to the problem or issue.
4. Propose a solution or innovation for the problem or issue.
a. Justify your proposed solution or innovation based on the results of your investigation and
5. Recommend resources to implement your proposed solution or innovation. Include a cost benefit analysis of your proposed solution or innovation.
6. Provide a timeline for implementation based on your proposal.
7. Discuss why each key stakeholder or partner is important for the implementation of the
solution or innovation.
a. Summarize your engagement with the key stakeholders or partners, including the input and feedback you received.
b. Discuss how you intend to work with those key stakeholders or partners in order to achieve
8. Discuss how your proposed solution or innovation could be implemented, including how the
implementation could be evaluated for success.
B. Explain how you fulfilled the following roles during your process of investigation and proposal
1. scientist
2. detective
3. manager of the healing environment
D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is
quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Change Implementation and Management plan

The Assignment (5-6-minute PowerPoint presentation):
Change Implementation and Management Plan
Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 or 6 slides that present a comprehensive plan to
implement the change you propose.
Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 or 6 slides with video excluding the Title and
References that presents a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose

Operational Budget Presentation

The purpose of this assignment is to create an operational budget presentation identifying key
components of budgeting and possible capital purchases that may be required.
Scenario: You have been asked to create an operational budget for a 20-bed nursing unit and
present it to the senior leaders of your organization.
Create a presentation of 10-12 slides, including comprehensive speaker notes that detail the
Provide the key components of budgeting, including the cost of staff, activities, services, and
Identify and describe a relevant capital purchase this unit may require, including the need, the
return on investment, benefits, etc.
Use at least three references,