Experiential learning process of learning through experience

Experiential learning process of learning through experience

Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience. Students will choose an experiential learning assignment that aligns with their specific health promotion program; completion of this experience is due at the end of the semester.

Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience

Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience.
Students will choose an experiential learning assignment that aligns with their specific health promotion program; completion of this experience is due at the end of the semester.
Examples of experiential learning include: facilitating a health workshop, collecting primary data for a needs assessment, lobbying for a change in health policy, pilot-testing an intervention.

More o this assignment

Experiential learning (EXL) is the process of learning through experience, and is more specifically define as “learning through reflection on doing”. Hands-on learning can be a form of experiential learning, but does not necessarily involve students reflecting on their product.

What is the experiential learning theory?
Experiential learning theory defines learning as “the process whereby knowledge is create through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience”
What is the role of experiential learning methods in the training process?
Experiential training is a whole body of training methods that are used to develop behavioural skills and physical abilities. … Whereas when it comes to developing sales skills in individuals, simulation games and role plays are used when there is two way communication between the facilitator and the participants.
How do you use experiential learning?
Method 1 Incorporating Simple Experiential Activities in Class

Firstly, Determine what goals the students need to meet.

Secondly, Choose an activity that helps meet those goals.

Thirdly, Give your students a project calendar.

Fourthly, Ask students to reflect on the activity.

Lastly, Apply the activity directly to your lesson.

Ethical issues in the vignette case

Ethical issues in the vignette case

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to provide description of at least 3 ethical issues in the vignette case. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Description of at least 3 ethical issues in the vignette case

Case Vignette 1:
You are a supervisor in your thirties. You and your new supervisee have a great deal in common. It’s become routine to hold your supervision sessions in the local Starbucks. When the work is done, you can relax and enjoy each others’ company. You’re thinking of sharing a room at the upcoming conference on family therapy in Boston. Identify the ethical and legal concerns that apply to this situation.

Firstly, description of at least 3 ethical and/or legal issues in the vignette
Secondly, identification of relevant ethical codes
Thirdly, explanation of 3 courses of action to resolve the issue
Fourthly, description of the decision-making process for each course of action
Assessment of option that best upholds the ethical standards of the profession

The paper should be 6 pages and include a minimum of 4 scholarly resources.

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Lastly, ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Music therapy in regards to Aspergers emotions and music composition

Music therapy in regards to Aspergers emotions and music composition

This is an essay that discusses music therapy in regards to Aspergers emotions and music composition. The paper also analyzes how Aspergers affect ones ability to make music.

Music therapy in regards to Aspergers emotions and music composition

PhD Music Therapy: Aspergers, emotions, and music composition
P‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍hD research proposal in Music Therapy . In clinical practice, some ASD individuals escape diagnosis until they reach a season of life in which the complexity and demand of their circumstances overwhelms their ability to cope. Although autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurologic condition, many children and adults escape accurate detection and receive no diagnosis or an incorrect diagnosis. Also, this lack of accurate diagnosis leads to a lack of interventions and support, or to the presence of interventions that are ineffective or potentially harmful. Regan, Theresa . Understanding Autism in Adults and Aging Adults: Improving Diagnosis and Quality of Life (p. 15). IndieGo Publishing LLC. Kindle Edition.

Research questions.

Firstly, how can people with aspergers be helped to make music? How can diagnoses of aspersers and its traits be increased by combining them in music making and music composition products? Subsequently, how would this look like? How many people have undiagnosed Aspergers? How many people are diagnosed with aspergers? Then, how can awareness of aspergers be raised ?

Secondly, how can having Aspergers affect ones ability to make music ? Does having a diagnosis and awareness of person‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍s own aspergers help them to make music over someone who has not been diagnosed and has less awareness? What are the traits of Aspergers, and how would / could these traits make it difficult for someone with Aspergers to make music / make songs / compose? e.g. imagination problems, emotional problems, logistic and organisation problems, intuition problems, concentration problems. How is music related to emotions?Additionally, must the composer have connection to their themselves and their own emotions to be able to compose? How can people with aspergers connect to their emotions? And how can they help to connect to their own emotions?

Thirdly, how can music making help them connect to their emotions? How can core process pyschotherpay help to connect someone to their emotions? Can core process psychtharepy intergrate into a music composition book to increase peoples ability to connect with their emotions? How does toxic shame affect ones ability to connect emotionally with themselves and their core / life energy ? Lastly, how can raising awareness of the traits of aspergers be implemented in such a way that it It is now clear that many children and adults lack an appropriate diagnosis

Agnew strain theory and the state of scientific evidence on it

Agnew strain theory and the state of scientific evidence on it

(a) Describe (Agnew) strain theory and the state of scientific evidence on it.  (b)How might it be used to guide sentencing policy to be more effective?  (c) What concerns would you have about using strain theory to guide sentencing policy?

Describe (Agnew) strain theory and the state of scientific evidence on it

(a) Describe (Agnew) strain theory and the state of scientific evidence on it.

(b)How might it be use d to guide sentencing policy to be more effective?

(c) What concerns would you have about using strain theory to guide sentencing policy?  Why or Why not?  use references from crime and public policy: putting theory to work Decker, Scott and Criminological Theories introduction, evaulations, and applications Decker, Scott H., and Kevin A Wright

More details;


General strain theory (GST) states that strains increase the likelihood of crime, particularly strains that are high in magnitude, are seen as unjust, are associated with low social control, and create some pressure or incentive for criminal coping. Examples include parental rejection, criminal victimization, a desperate need for money, and discrimination.

These strains increase crime for several reasons; most notably, they lead to a range of negative emotions, which create pressure for corrective action. Crime is one possible response. Crime may be use to reduce or escape from strains (e.g., theft to obtain money, running away to escape abusive parents), seek revenge against the source of strain or related targets, or alleviate negative emotions (e.g., through illicit drug use). A range of factors, however, influence the response to strains.

Recommended Reading and References

Firstly, Agnew R (1992) Foundation for a general strain theory of crime and delinquency. Criminology 30:47–87
Google Scholar

Secondly, Agnew R (2001) Building on the foundation of general strain theory: specifying the types of strain most likely to lead to crime and delinquency. J Res Crime Delinq 38:319–361Google Scholar

Thirdly, Agnew R (2006) Pressured into crime: an overview of general strain theory. Oxford University Press, New York
Google Scholar

Multicultural Psychology Review a Recently Published article

Multicultural Psychology Review a Recently Published article

The study of multicultural psychology. For this assignment, you will read and critically review a recently published article. The purpose is not to simply summarize or repeat the contents of the article.

Multicultural Psychology Review a Recently Published article

Firstly, For this assignment, you will read and critically review a recently published article.

Secondly, The purpose is not to simply summarize or repeat the contents of the article. Rather, the assignment is intended to review the study’s main purposes, methodologies, findings and conclusions in a concise and scholarly manner, and then to discuss your views on the article’s strengths, limitations, and implications.

Thirdly, The topic should be something that interests you and is directly relevant to the study of multicultural psychology. Articles must be published in the years 2006 and above. Make use of the electronic databases, the library catalogue or library personnel in identifying and locating your article.

Also, You may not knowingly review an article that another current student has chosen to review. As part of the assignment, you must turn in a photocopy of the journal article. Papers must be typed, double spaced, and use a 12 point Times New Roman font, and not less than 8 pages long (references not included). Below is a recommended outline for the synopsis:

Requirements on multicultural psychology

1. Article: Give a full citation in APA format.

2. Purpose: Review the author’s objectives for conducting the study, and state the main hypotheses.

3. Method: Summarize the general designs, sample characteristics, measurements/instruments, and procedures.

4. Findings: Describe the major findings. Check that the findings you summarize are directly related to the central purpose of the study.

5. Firstly, Implications & Impressions: Highlight the practical implications for the study of multicultural psychology.

Secondly, Discuss how this article might influence research, work in a diverse community, or public policy.

Thirdly, Avoid general conclusion, such as “Psychologist can help more people…” and “Research on this topic is very important…” in favor of concrete and specific implications for the field.

Further, Do not restate what the authors said about the article in the discussion section.

Lastly, Do give me your opinion on the implications of the article. If you were a psychologist doing research or cultural studies or working in a diverse community, how might this article influence the way you go about your job?

African American Women Disorder Eating Behaviors

African American Women Disorder Eating Behaviors

African American Women Disorder Eating Behaviors

A research paper regarding eating disorders and women, specifically African American Women. Please find attached an outline for the paper.

Substance abuse in the US

Substance abuse in the US

Question 1 :Please choose one issue facing our nation’s youth that contribute to juveniles becoming dependent on the system for stability, safety, and security. Then conduct further research, with the links provided in your review section, to help substantiate your claims. Try to address the issue you selected by making alternative reform suggestions. Question 2: What do you recommend our culture do in an effort to embrace diversity and the immigration process? Question 3: What changes should the criminal justice system make in order to ensure Due Process under the Law for all? Question 1= 250 words Question 2+3= 250 words

Psychological and emotional disorders DSM V

Psychological and emotional disorders DSM V

Psychological and emotional disorders  This final paper will be the culmination of what we have accomplished during our course. Now that we have identified and clarified the nature of social problems, and examined two key organizations that address a social problem, we will give a more in depth discussion about the scope of a social problem, a major theoretical idea that can be applied to the social problem, and our own analysis of how this social problem might be better solved. A crucial part of this assignment will be in identifying one of the major theoretical perspectives we have covered this session. The major ones include the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interaction approaches. However, as our materials note, there are other theoretical viewpoints we may also adopt if we choose. The key will be in thoroughly understanding these theoretical viewpoints, and finding the most effective one for understanding our chosen social problem of study. Instructions: Complete a 6-8 page final paper (NOT including title or reference pages) that analyzes the future impact of a social problem of your choice – note: you must use a DIFFERENT social problem from the one you used in your first assignment. In this assignment, you will cover: 1. The scope of this social problem over the last 30-50 years. (Note: you will need to use historical data to articulate the scope of this problem.) 2. Your own original analysis of how you think addressing the social problem could be improved. In this analysis, please mention what you think should be done to solve this social problem. Use your own viewpoint and voice, as a sociologist, rather than relying heavily on sources for this section. 3. Define four concepts from our readings/materials that relate to your chosen social problem and analyze how these concepts help us better understand the social problem you are discussing. Concepts include ideas such as stratification, ethnicity, sexism, and others as mentioned in our readings and materials (NOTE: these are just examples of concepts – they may NOT apply to your topic – you need to select concepts that apply to your own topic). 4. Define one sociological theory from our readings/materials that relates to your chosen social problem and analyze how this theory helps us better understand the social problem you are discussing. Sociological theories include functionalism, conflict theory, feminist theory, symbolic interactionism, and others as mentioned in our readings and materials. Note – you may find our Sociological Theories and Concepts Toolkit to be helpful (found in Announcements). Do not use unverifiable, secondary sites such as Wikipedia, about.com, ask.com, and similar. Use our course materials, peer-reviewed journal articles from the library, and other scholarly sources. Your paper should utilize sound critical thought and it should include appropriate APA in-text citations and full APA references at the end. The structure of the paper must include the following, with subheadings: — TITLE PAGE (1 page) — BODY OF PAPER WITH SUBHEADINGS (6 pages minimum) — REFERENCE PAGE (1 page minimum) This assignment should follow the APA format. In addition to our course readings, you will significantly incorporate research from at least 5 meaningful up-to-date resources, two of which must be from reputable, peer-reviewed academic journals. Please check the Course Materials for more information on this homework assignment. DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results. LATE POLICY: See Syllabus Note: This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realize you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignment after it is graded, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes: Assignment 2 will evaluate your ability to do the following: Course Objectives: Course Objective One Identify specific social problems and their cause-effect patterns. Course Objective Two Identify current research methods that are utilized for the investigation of social problems. Course Objective Three Compare and contrast current and suggested policies, programs, and/or treatments in terms of their effectiveness for alleviating the negative consequences of social problems. Course Objective Four Apply class concepts to support opinions about social problems. Course Objective Five Illustrate how the sociological process enables us to identify various social concerns. Course Objective Six Explain the role of culture in identifying social issues as problems. Course Objective Seven Apply sociological theories to explain the occurrence and scope of these problems.

Education Theories Learning Theories Bandura Skinner

Education Theories Learning Theories Bandura Skinner

Article: Wallace, D. (2018) ‘Cultural capital as whiteness? Examining logics of ethno-racial representation and resistance’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39:4, 466-482. Question: Why might this be regarded as a sociology of education study? In this assignment we are particularly looking for you to: 1. Provide a short overview of your chosen article (i.e. tell us what it is about). This will need to be a concise summary which just picks up the key arguments presented in the article (e.g. what was the focus of the article, how was the work undertaken/what did the research entail and who was it with, what were the key findings, conclusions and suggested implications?). 2. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a philosophical, psychological, or sociological approach to education. This means that you will need to include a short section where you discuss what a philosophical/psychological/sociological approach to education might look like (e.g. what sorts of questions are academics working with these approaches interested in? How do they tend to view the world of education? Whose work has been influential in this area of study? How might this approach differ from others taken up in education studies?). The prezi resources will particularly help you to begin to prepare to answer this part of the assignment, but you will also find a variety of readings on each of these approaches on the extended reading list. 3. Look for evidence of these approaches (philosophy, psychology or sociology) in the article which you have selected and discuss these in some detail in your essay. This should be the longest section of your assignment (i.e. the section which you devote most words to).

Modify an Existing Behavior

Modify an Existing Behavior


ASSIGNMENT 04 C04J Introduction to Psychology Directions: Be sure to save and answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements. Part A For Part A of this assignment, you will apply the principles of operant conditioning to modify an existing behavior. Target a behavior to be modified, either an undesirable behavior that you would like to eliminate or a desirable behavior that you would like to strengthen.

1. Generate a plausible explanation for why the problem exists. 2. Describe one (1) reason why you want to change the behavior and one (1) benefit the change will bring. 3. Carefully design a program for modifying the behavior, making sure to include all relevant conditioning principles incorporated within your plan (which might include the use of positive and negative reinforcers, punishment, shaping, schedules of reinforcement, modeling, extinction, stimulus discrimination or generalization, primary and secondary reinforcers, and so on.) Your plan should include three (3) steps. Part B Design a series of test items that would indicate the different intelligences according to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Provide one (1) original example of how you would test each of the eight (8) different intelligence’s