A 44-year-old woman is brought to the clinic by her husband who says his wife has had some mental status changes over the past few days

A 44-year-old woman is brought to the clinic by her husband who says his wife has had some mental status changes over the past few days

A 44-year-old woman is brought to the clinic by her husband who says his wife has had some mental status changes over the past few days. The patient had been previously diagnosed with hypothyroidism and had been placed on thyroid replacement therapy but had been lost to follow-up due to moving to another city for the husband’s work approximately 4 months ago. The patient states she lost the prescription bottle during the move and didn’t bother to have the prescription filled since she was feeling better. Physical exam revealed non-pitting, boggy edema around her eyes, hands and feet as well as the supraclavicular area. The APRN recognizes this patient had severe myxedema and referred the patient to the hospital for medical management.


What causes myxedema coma? 

Treatment Methods of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Treatment Methods of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

There are many ways to treat anxiety disorders such as PTSD, some of which are more
effective than others. In the context of PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder), find the most
recent systematic review which describes and/or evaluates a specific treatment (or a variety
of them).
1. Describe the systematic review, why is diagnosing and treating PTSD important? What
type of treatment will you review in this systematic review?
2. How was the treatment evaluated? Describe the methods section that contributes or is
helpful in evaluating the treatment of choice (participants, research methods, etc.)
3. What was the conclusion of the systematic review? Did they evaluate other treatments
as well? If so, what was the conclusion?
4. What were the implications of this systematic review? Is it different from what is
available in the literature thus far? In your opinion, how can this be applied to a clinical
setting? Or if it already is, can it be improved? If so, how?

Delirium and Dementia.

Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However,
students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments
that fall in the following ranges:
Undergraduate courses: 350 – 500 words or 1 – 2 pages.
Graduate courses: 500 – 750 words or 2 – 3 pages.
Doctoral courses: 750 – 1000 words or 4 – 5 pages.
All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut
and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to
the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.
Please answer ONE of the following:
• Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number on each page
of your writing assignment (this is for your protection in case your materials become separated).
• Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by
the actual question itself (in bold type).
• Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle
paragraphs and conclusion).
1. Describe delirium and dementia. What are the main differences?

Clinical Case Vignettes tin Psychiatric Assessments

Clinical Case Vignettes tin Psychiatric Assessments

Students will be assigned one of six clinical case vignettes to write up a psychiatric assessment,
arrive at a provisional diagnosis, and develop a course of treatment. The aim is for students to
demonstrate an ability to use relevant resources to identify child and adolescent mental health
concerns, as well as work with appropriate individuals/systems for an appropriate course of
The 7-9 page paper is to be formatted according to the Roman numeral headings provided
below. The page limit does NOT include title page or references/bibliography.

Genetic Defect that Contributes to Schizophrenia

Genetic Defect that Contributes to Schizophrenia

-Must be 8-10 pages

-Must have at least 12-15 secondary sources.

PTSD Article for Discussion Board

Discussion Board Instructions

Please pay special attention to the Discussion Board Grading Rubric for specifics regarding how your input in the forums will be evaluated.

For this Discussion Board assignment, you are required to post 1 substantive thread (in at least 200–250 words)

In the thread, utilize at least 1 journal or book reference (besides the course textbook), cited in current APA format. In addition, you may use the textbook if you wish. Be sure your references are scholarly, peer-reviewed, book or journal articles only. Please do not use websites as references of information for your Discussion Board assignments. Direct quotes will not be counted toward the word count of the thread or reply (unless otherwise noted or unless a direct quote is required). Also, include a Bible scripture reference within your thread. Include an application of the passage to the topic about which you are writing, and not just a quote with a one-line explanation. Cite all sources used in the post in APA format, and list any utilized sources in APA format at the end of your post.

Discussion Board Forum # 2: Research Article

Read the Research Paper Instructions and Research Paper Rubric. Decide which specific DSM disorder you plan to research for the Research Paper assignment. locate one journal article to share with the class. Share your chosen topic with the class and your reasoning behind your interest in the selected topic. Within your post, provide a 150 word summary of one journal article that you are interested in using for your research paper, and provide the journal (full text) as an attachment. Include at least one direct quote from the journal article (not more than 25 words).   (Note that the entire post should be 200-250 words). All citations should be in APA format.

Social Stress in Mental Health

Research Paper:

The research paper should be 5-7 pages double spaced. It will consist of two
parts, statement of the problem, a short concise thesis statement about what you are going to
research. The second part will consist of a literature review of the sociological problem that you
will research. The paper should also have a title and bibliography. You can select any topic
related to Deviance. Make sure you narrow your topic down to a manageable topic. I am sure
that you can find something that interests you from the readings, videos and topics covered in
the course to research, if you are having difficulty choosing a topic. ASA Style-formatting should
be used in the paper. If you have any questions please ask.

Dementia (Case study)

Audrey (aged 71) and Edward (aged 74) are a couple who have been married
for nearly fifty years and have a very close relationship. They have lived in the
same home for over 35 of those years and enjoy where they live – although in
recent years there have been many changes in the area, with new subdivisions
being made, many new buildings along with new roads and changes to existing
street configurations.
Dr Susan Saunders has been their general practitioner for the past ten years. Dr
Saunders notes that over that time they have attended routine appointments
together and have enjoyed generally good health, although Audrey has some
mild arthritis in her hips and fingers. Today, Edward has made an appointment
to see Dr Saunders without Audrey present. He tells Dr Saunders that he is
worried about Audrey’s memory. During the last month, Audrey has misplaced
her car keys three times (although on each occasion she did find them a short
time later). Having recently watched a documentary about dementia, Edward is
very worried that Audrey might have dementia. He has thus been watching her
closely for any other possible signs of dementia, and a couple of events have
added to his concerns.
Edward explains that last week Audrey walked into their lounge room, and
completely forgot what she had gone in there for. She retraced her steps
however, and remembered she was going into the lounge room to get her
reading glasses. Edward added that during a recent cleaning spree, they had
rearranged the items in the kitchen cupboards. A couple of days later when
making a cup of tea, Audrey forgot that the cups had been moved, and she went
to the wrong cupboard to get them. Although she immediately realised what she
had done, laughed about it, and quickly went to the correct cupboard, this
incident just added to his concerns.
Dr Saunders asks if they have noticed other changes. For example, has Audrey
had any new health issues? Is she managing her daily activities and chores?
Edward confirms that Audrey has not had any recent illnesses or medication
changes, is still participating in all her regular activities including driving her car,
going out with their friends to play golf and, as usual, continues to share all the
cooking, gardening, and housework duties with Edward. She has also been very
busy planning and organising a trip to Europe to see friends in Germany and
Croatia. Edward tells Dr Saunders that Audrey has always enjoyed organising
their holidays away and on this occasion she seems to be managing it well.
Edward also tells the doctor about one odd incident that happened about six
months ago – he tells the doctor that Audrey was driving home from a friend’s
house and became disoriented and could not remember how to get home on this
usually familiar route. He said that Audrey pulled over and rang him on her
mobile phone to tell him that she could not remember the way home, but after
they spoke for a couple of minutes she suddenly said that she had just
remembered the route and would be home shortly. She then made it safely
home without further incident. Otherwise, apart from the memory issues
mentioned earlier, Edward says there have been no other concerns or issues
worrying them.

Ethical and Legal Considerations of the Developing Counselor

  • Volunteerism and standards
  • Self-disclosure.
  • Objectivity
  • Self-care
  • Spirituality
  • Disposition Analysis
  • American Counseling Association (ACA)

Medication in Children with ADHD

In this assignment, you are required to explain the problem about it, and your ethical position. Format your paper in APA, citing 3 sources. Page length 1350 words.