Pavlov’s Cockroach – Classical Conditioning of Salivation in an Insect
Pavlov’s Cockroach – Classical Conditioning of Salivation in an Insect
This is a paper focused on the Pavlov’s Cockroach and the Classical Conditioning of Salivation in an Insect
Pavlov’s Cockroach – Classical Conditioning of Salivation in an Insect
Questions to address in your two page paper:
Firstly, what experiment are you to use? Secondly, what will the experiment consist of? (Be specific and detailed) Then, what are the expectation to learn from the experiment? What is your hypothesis? Thirdly, how will the experimenter measure the results? Fourthly, what will be the results? Lastly, Are there any complications or frustrations relating to the experiment that the researcher addressed?
Write a two to three page, double-spaced, APA style paper (plus a title page and references page) which answers the questions at the end of this instruction sheet. Research a classical conditioning experiment ****It must be from a research based article/peer reviewed journal and conducted within the last twenty years (1999 or later). ******
Your paper should include the following: Double-spaced Title Page (APA style) Body of Paper (At least 3 paragraphs with complete sentences. Do not state the questions and answer them. Answer them in paragraph/proper sentence form) • Description of experiment including what is classical conditioning • What you expected from the experiment/Hypothesis • Measurement of Learning • Results • Conclusion References