Writing professional practice portfolio
Writing professional practice portfolio
This is an assignment that focuses on the development of a professional practice portfolio. The paper also requires a structure in writing the answers.
The development of a professional practice portfolio
Professional practice portfolio useful notes and frequently asked questions (FAQs) Assignment structure: 1. Electronic cover sheet is to be used. 2. Title Page: Include a title page with the following information only: student name, essay/report title, and word count (excluding title page, reference list/bibliography and appendices) (see presentation formatting exemplar). 3. Include page numbers. 4. No introduction or conclusion required for the written assignment. 5. A reference list, not a bibliography, is (last page). 6. We also suggest you use a heading for each of the two components of the assessment. Word count: 1. The word count for each question varies. Word allocations cannot be transferred from one question to another.
2. The in-text citations ARE in the word count.
3. The reference list is NOT included in the word count. 4. Do not exceed 1,500 words. Indenting: Please indent the first line of each paragraph. Additionally, see example below and note the in-text citation format:
A peripherally inserted central catheter is a form of intravenous access that can be for a prolonged period of time (Opilla, 2017). These intravenous devices, insert into the superior vena cava, are frequently to deliver parenteral nutrition to patients in intensive care units (Opilla, 2017).
The development of a professional practice portfolio
Responding to requirements: Secondly, make sure you understand the questions. Also, do not write in broad statements. Provide details to demonstrate your understanding of the questions. Also, use examples to demonstrate your knowledge. See below: Broad statement: A peripherally insert central catheter is to deliver parenteral nutrition to ICU patients (Opilla, 2017). Additionally, a peripherally inserted central catheter is a form of intravenous access that can be for a prolonged period of time (Opilla, 2017). Subsequently, these intravenous devices, insert into the superior vena cava, are frequently to deliver parenteral nutrition to patients in intensive care units (Opilla, 2017). Lastly, parenteral nutrition allows sick patients to receive their required daily nutrients (Opilla, 2017).
Writing: 1. Please correctly structure each answer using academic writing conventions (correct grammar, spelling, referencing, and sentence and paragraph structure). 2. However, please do not use dot points.