Public figure with ideal leadership traits leadership qualities

Public figure with ideal leadership traits leadership qualities

Identify one person who you believe possesses primarily leadership behaviors and one who possesses primarily management behaviors. Craft a 3-4-page APA formatted paper using at least 2 sources that answers the following questions:

One person who you believe possesses primarily leadership

Firstly, Identify one person who you believe possesses primarily leadership behaviors and one who possesses primarily management behaviors.

Secondly, Craft a 3-4-page APA formatted paper using at least 2 sources that answers the following questions:

Thirdly, What are the different types of behaviours you observe between these two individuals.

Fourthly, How effective are each individual in their roles and what suggestions might you make to help each of them improve?

Further, Based on the two individuals, which one would you aspire to want to be more like and why?

Also, What might be some strategies you could consider implementing to help enhance your leadership or management behaviors and why might this be beneficial to your personal or professional lives?

*I started this paper and simply do not have time to finish so I’m throwing in the white flag. I’ll attach it under Additional Materials, feel free to use what I started with OR NOT. It seriously does not matter, if something else is easier or better go for it. Thank you!*

What are the most valuable traits of a leader?

A proposed leader must have specific qualities that suit his or her ability to lead an organization or department. These qualities can be learned, acquired through education, or be adapted by new skills and technologies. Although these qualities are mainly required for mid to upper management positions, it is important to have other employees in the organization who also have these skills and abilities. This is to secure quality improvement processes are secure and organizational standards are being kept up to date.





Resource and Talent Management Assessment on employment markets

Resource and Talent Management Assessment on employment markets

This is an assignment that discusses the Resource and Talent Management Assessment on employment markets that are there o an international scale.

Resource and Talent Management Assessment on employment markets

Firstly, analyse and evaluate the major features of national international employment markets from which organisations source staff and ways in which these markets evolve or change.

Secondly, play a leading role in the development and evaluation of resourcing and talent management strategies, diversity management and flexible working initiatives.

Thirdly, manage recruitment, selection and induction activities effectively, efficiently, lawfully and professionally. Assessment brief/activity:

Resourcing case scenario

You work in the head office of a rapidly growing UK based budget hotel chain. It has a focus on providing high quality, but basic services. The HR Director is aware that the hotel chain has been experiencing problems with the resourcing of staff in both managerial and reception roles. This has been attributed to the unsociable hours, as well as the extensive responsibility of the roles. Staff turnover in both these roles is much higher than the sector’s average and a great concern for the organisation. The hotel chain also has discrimination cases pending which, when reviewing turnover and current staffing.

There is a suggestion that there is a large numbers of females leaving both roles and practically all managers are now male. Current reception staff are working extra shifts to cover shortages of staff especially in London and the South East. The reward package is above the norm for this segment of the sector. The reception and management roles are made up of full time and part time permanent staff as the hotel has a commitment to staff and to the high quality serv‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ices they provide. Contracts have mobility clauses (staff may be required to work in any of the hotels within their region) these have only recently been utilised however. Shift hours are fixed although the days and nights staff are required to cover frequently change. The organisation is concerned about some of these resourcing issues.


Lastly, your new HR Director has asked you to produce a proposal in the form of a 3000 word report.  It should draw on examples of organisational practice. Additionally,  an academic literature to provide a rationale for a new resourcing and retention strategy. Your proposal should provide the HR Director with an analysis and evaluation of the following:

  • The key features of the employment market, such as labour trends that may impact on the recruitment. Also, the retention of suitable candidates for the roles
  • Recruitment, selection and induction practices which are: effective, efficient, lawful and professional and are appropriate to each of the roles in question
  • Retention strategies, diversity management and flexible working initiatives that will address the issues experienced by the hotel chain.

The analysis and evaluation should provide a rationale for new resourcing and retention strategy. This will enhance employee retention and thus facilitate employee diversity, and support flexible working initiatives. All submissions should be in the region of 3,000 words plus or minus 10%. There is a Harvard Referencing tutorial in the Resources Area which outlines the formatting ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍required.

Importance of PM in various organizational cultures and in various strategies

Importance of PM in various organizational cultures and in various strategies

Describe the importance of PM in various organizational cultures and in various strategies. Further, describe the typical phases and processes used in projects and explain the relationship between subject areas, process groups, and processes.

Describe the importance of PM in various organizational cultures and in various strategies

Project Management Concepts and Applications Paper Conduct research on Project Management using the current textbook, PMBOK, PMI website.

Firstly, describe the importance of PM in various organizational cultures and in various strategies.

Secondly, describe the typical phases and processes used in projects and explain the relationship between subject areas, process groups, and processes.

Thirdly, describe and evaluate important factors to project selection and prioritization, in terms of organizational capability and resource capacity and availability.

Finally, evaluate and assess the importance of ethics and professionalism throughout a project’s life cycle; include factors that influence moral conduct.

You are required to cite any paraphrases, quotations, or support for your opinions/assertions; also, providing appropriate references on the references page.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

More details;

How organizational culture can influence project management

In every company, project management happens within the much larger context of the company’s organizational culture. Having a good understanding of this broader context can help to keep the work of project management in synch with the objectives of the organization, and aligned with already-established practices. Often discredited, we underestimate how corporate culture can affect a project’s progress – for better or worse.


Even within similar industries, there are often differences in the way that companies treat the life cycle of a project, documentation, resources, etc. that stem from differences in corporate culture. There is no one type of organizational culture that’s better or more productive than the rest. They are simply different, also these differences have an impact on project managers.

In this article, we will explain how organizational structure and corporate culture influence project management.

Multicultural social factors workplace teamwork diversity

Multicultural social factors workplace teamwork diversity

Answer the following questions for each chapters listed below. Chapter 1 chapter 3 and chapter 5 in the book multicultural social. Work practice book.

Chapter 1 chapter 3 and chapter 5 in the book multicultural social

Answer the following questions for each chapters listed below. Chapter 1, chapter 3, chapter 5, in the book multicultural social
Work practice book.

Firstly, Summarize pain points

Secondly,  Summarize your main reactions, analytic, personal and/or emotional to each chapter

Thirdly,  From each chapter what are you learning regarding cultural diversity and competence?

Further, How does this relate to social work practice and other life experiences? What competency or competencies are relevant in the chapters and why?

Each chapter listed (1, 3, 5) needs to answer these questions separately . Also, they each need to be three pages minimum per chapter. And it should be written in narrative form on complete sentences.

Here are the links for the chapters:
Ch 1-

Ch 3-

Ch 5-


Chapter 1 Cultural Diversity and Implications for Multicultural Social Work Practice 3


Firstly, Chapter Learning Objectives 3

Secondly, Overview 4

Thirdly, Voices of Diversity and Marginalization 4

Also, African American Male 4

Gay American 4

Female Worker 5

Person with a Disability 5

Person in Poverty 6

Individual from an Undocumented Immigrant Family 6

Diversification of the United States and Implications for Social Work 10

The Multiple Dimensions of Human Identity 14

Individual Level 16

Group Level 17

Universal Level 18

Individual and Universal Biases in Social Work 18

Multicultural Challenges in Social Work Practice 20

Implications for Multicultural Social Work Practice 22

Chapter 3 Becoming Culturally Competent in Social Work Practice 

Chapter Learning Objectives 59

Overview 60

Defining Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice 60

Four Components of Cultural Competence 62

Firstly, Competency 1: Becoming Aware of One’s Own Values, Biases, and Assumptions about Human Behavior 62

Secondly, Competency 2: Understanding the Worldviews of Culturally Diverse Clients 63

Thirdly, Competency 3: Developing Appropriate Intervention Strategies and Techniques 64

Fourthly, Competency 4: Understanding Organizational and Institutional Forces That Enhance or Diminish Cultural Competence 66

Working Definition of Cultural Competence 67

Multidimensional Model of Cultural Competence in Social Work 69

Firstly, Dimension 1: Group-Specific Worldviews 70

Secondly, Dimension 2: Components of Cultural Competence 71

Thirdly, Dimension 3: Foci of Cultural Competence 77

What Is Multicultural Social Work Practice? 79

Implications for Multicultural Social Work Practice 81

Nokia’s company issues and problem solving steps

Nokia’s company issues and problem solving steps

This is an assignment that discusses the Nokia’s company issues and problem solving steps. The paper focuses on a certain issue or problem that the company might be facing.

The Nokia’s company issues and problem solving steps

My Company is “Nokia”

Before you begin this assignment, ensure the below attributes are in place. So, you must first identify the following in your project:
What is your corporate client
Then, your client’s specific issue (Example: declining sales due to too many competitors offering the similar product)
How you plan on solving the problem using the six steps on the Project Scope Checklist: 1) Project Objective, 2) Deliverables, 3) Milestones, 4) Technical Requirements, 5) Limits and Exclusions, and 6) Reviews with Customer.

Upon identifying the above factors, ensure that you follow the below guidelines in writing the assignment.

Your “presentation” to the Board must be in following format:
The assignment should be at least 3-5 page paper. Times New Roman, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins; no funny business with the formatting.
Additionally, feel free to include charts, visuals, etc. However, I require at least 3 pages of pure writing.  For example, 3 pages consisting of both writing and visuals will be deducted points. So be keen while including visual elements in your presentation.
In writing the paper, ensure that you are using APA format and style. This format will also be useful while citing your sources in the paper.

You can select a company that is current in risk of failing (i.e. JCPenney) or one that’s already failed (i.e. Blockbuster). If you are choosing one that’s already been dissolved, please pretend  that they are still open and you are trying to prevent their failure.
Firstly, ensure that you clearly explain what the company’s issue is that’s bringing them close to failure.
Secondly, as previously done, ensure you clearly explain what your plan wishes to accomplish.
Lastly, ensure that you clearly describe the risks involved if your plan fails.

ACME Company’s cosmetic industry overview concepts

ACME Company’s cosmetic industry overview concepts

This is a paper that is requiring the student to analyze ACME Company’s cosmetic industry overview concepts. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Analyze ACME Company’s cosmetic industry overview concepts

Overview – ACME Company, Inc.

ACME Company, Inc. is a medium-sized company in the cosmetic industry and is based in Arizona. The company originally began in 1992 by a brother and sister team, Paul and Mary. Ten years later, Paul and Mary incorporated the company and went public. They hired new executive leadership so Paul could focus on innovation and Mary could focus on being the Human Resource Manager. Since that time, they have grown from a small business to a medium-sized company with 750 employees. Paul and Mary started the company with strong family values, such as working together as one team, looking after each other, and valuing each individual employee. By 2015, they noticed some of those values “slipping” as new executive leadership has come on board to help run the company.

ACME Company, Inc. is facing a major decision – to move into the 21st Century or maintain the status quo. Paul and Mary started the company with family values but have a desire to innovate and grow. Mary became the HRM when they incorporated and Paul became head of Research & Development. The new executive leadership does not share their same values, and, is questioning the need for a budget for Research & Development since the company is already so successful and a major market leader. Paul and Mary, though, want to continue to be innovative and grow.

Analyze ACME Company’s cosmetic industry overview concepts

The executive leadership of ACME Company, Inc. believe they can reduce their expenses (and in turn increase profits) when it comes to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Currently, the company’s policy on FMLA is as follows: for an eligible employee ACME provides up to 15 weeks of leave per year for covered conditions and they also provide 25% paid leave. ACME employs 750 people with an average per person salary of $50,000. Annually, ACME averages 10 employees out on FMLA. All employees on FMLA use the full 15 weeks annually. Leadership decides to ask Mary for her recommendation, since she is the HR professional.

For this project assignment on ACME Company, Inc. complete a minimum of three pages that addresses the following concepts:

The key features and purpose of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
The minimum legal requirements of FMLA.
The advantages and disadvantages of keeping the current company policy and changing the policy to meet minimum legal requirements.
If you were Mary, what would be your recommendation? Explain.

Make sure to include an APA formatted title page and reference page for sources that you may have used for your research. Remember to follow APA guidelines for in-text citations when paraphrasing or quoting information.

Development of a training Manual for an organization

Development of a training Manual for an organization

This is an assignment that focuses on development of a training Manual for an organization. The paper firstly assumes that you are a hired consultant for an organization.

Development of a training Manual for an organization

T‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍his is a cumulate assignment, meaning, you need to apply what you have learned throughout the course. Firstly,  assume you are hired as a consultant to develop a leadership training program for the Scottsdale Police Department OR the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (the agency that oversees corrections in Maricopa County).

For this assignment, you need to write a leadership training manual for one of these organizations. You can use any format you like, however, you must use a proper tone (you cannot use “I”), use proper punctuation, spelling, grammar, no long quotes, etc. However, this is still a technical writing assignment so you will be graded on your ability to write properly. You must also cite your sources according to APA and include a reference page.

Assignment Criteria:

1. Firstly, write between 3-5 pages (not including the title page and reference page)–THIS IS NOT A FORMAL PAPER–WRITE A TRAINING MANUAL

2. Secondly, a min of 3 reputable or scholarly sources: (1) boo‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍k, (2) at least one journal article, (3) any other reputable or credible source

3. Thirdly, use SUBHEADINGS to address the topics below (you will lose 10% if subheadings are not used in your training plan)

4. Lastly, these are the topics to address: Organizational Structure: How does the organizational structure impact leadership? How should span of control be determined? Leadership Style: What is the most effective leadership style? Describe the style and explain how it should be implemented in the field. Unions: Describe how leaders should work with unions? Collaboration: Should the agency participate in inter agency collaboration? Explain your answer. Be specific. Which groups should this agency work with and why?

Employee Stress: How should the agency address employee stress? How can employee burnout be minimized. Employee Motivation: How can leaders motivate employees (individually or as a collective group)?

Socialization: Lastly, how can new employees effectively be socialized into the culture so they are produce ethical and productive‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍?

Professional development training based on exceptional learners

Professional development training based on exceptional learners

This is a paper that discusses the Professional development training based on exceptional learners. A development of a training session is part of this assignment.

Professional development training based on exceptional learners

Y‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍our principal would like you to share what you have learned about exceptional learners with other educators in your school.

Firstly, develop a 4-hour training session about special education that could be used for a teacher in-service at your school site or district. You must prepare specifications, a multimedia presentation, and handouts or samples for the training.

Complete Parts 1–3 below.

Part 1: Training Specifications

Secondly, write a 260- to 350-word statement describing the purpose and intent of the training.

Thirdly, include the following elements in your statement: • Explanation of purpose and benefit to attendees • Target audience • Training schedule or timeline (include the rationale for the schedule) • Preparation required • Location and a description and seating arrangement in training room (include rationale for the arrangement) • Materials needed for trainer and participants • Technology needed in the room

Part 2:

Presentation Develop a 5- to 6-page presentation for the training. Include the following subtitles information in your presentation:

  • The purpose of special education • The educational needs of exceptional learners versus non-exceptional learners
  • The common characteristics of learners with specific learning disabilities, ADHD, behavior disorders, and gifts and talents
  • Academic and behavior supports for common characteristics of learners with specific learning disabilities, ADHD, behavior disorders, and gifts and talents • Recent special education litigation that has impacted least restrictive environment (LRE) decisions for exceptional learners
  • The difference between individualized education programs (IEPs) and 504 plans, and how each are handled in your district
  • When and why a behavior intervention plan should be implemented, based on your district policy, with an example of an observable and measurable functional behavior goal
  • Examples of low incidence disabilities, and services available to educate ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍learners with low incidence disabilities in your district to include multiple disabilities, severe disabilities, physical disabilities, and other health impairments
  • Also, descriptions of autism spectrum disorders, and strategies to support students with autism spectrum disorders
  • Examples of educational and social/emotional needs of students with disabilities across grade levels and transition into adulthood • Strategies to effectively support students with communication disorders, including ways to support their physical, mental, social, and emotional needs • Your school district’s response to intervention (RTI) plan • Examples of cultural diversity found in your school or district, and strategies for addressing cultural diversity
  • Additionally, effective strategies for communicating with families of special education students

Part 3: Handout with Communication Sample

Lastly, create a 1- to 2-page handout that includes the following information:

  • Agenda for the training
  • A chart or matrix comparing common learner characteristics and correlating academic/behavior supports for student success developed in Week 2
  • A chart or matrix comparing or contrasting IEPs and 504 plans
  • Additionally, an explanation of the educational needs, placement considerations, and common supports for students with hearing and vision impairments
  • Lastly, an overview of RTI that provides information regarding the RTI process and tiered level supports for students with academic and behavioral needs.

Regulatory compliance and risk management brief

Regulatory compliance and risk management brief

This is an assignment that discusses of a regulatory compliance and risk management brief. The paper takes into consideration the increase in levels of activities in regards to compliance.

A regulatory compliance and risk management brief

You are the head of compliance in a firm regulated in a sector and jurisdiction of your choice. Mindful of the increase level of activities in which your compliance team will be involving in. This will be as a result of the number of additional projects plans within the firm. You intend to apply for an increase in the compliance departmental budget for the coming year.

You recently attended a session at a Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management conference that discussed the most effective methods of securing compliance resource. However, refer back to the notes you made at that time, particularly noting the following points.
You schedule a preliminary meeting with the chief finance officer, who has overall responsibility for departmental budgets within your firm. In advance of this meeting you wish to also ensure that the executive board are aware of and support your plans. Accordingly, you intend to include a presentation on this topic at the next board meeting as part of your regular scheduled briefing on current and planned compliance activities.

Taking into consideration all that is in your conference notes concerning the volume of regulatory change and potential challenges to securing more budget. Henceforth, prepare an appropriate presentation to the executive board comprising PowerPoint slide content and supporting notes that explain the slide content. Given timing restrictions, your presentation can have a maximum of six slides. Within the slides and/or notes you should include relevant information about compliance costs and challenges, with appropriate examples to support your intended objectives and to help to ensure that board members understand the benefits of investing in effective compliance.


All questions can be answered in relation to a jurisdiction with which you are familiar.
Please use the Cayman Islands and the Banking industry when giving examples.
Use single spacing
Assignment must be properly reference using footnote referencing system.
1.      I will include the course notes for the chapters applicable to the questions

Ryanair strategic advice Ryanair strategic management paper

Ryanair strategic advice Ryanair strategic management paper

Write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice. Introduce Ryanair and the management problem and create a research question. It is a necessity to find extra data/articles on Ryanair, on the internet, to use as input for the models & concepts that you’ll choose to use.

Write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice

Write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice. Introduce Ryanair and the management problem and create a research question. It is a necessity to find extra data/articles on Ryanair, on the internet, to use as input for the models & concepts that you’ll choose to use. Only articles from renowned media (Economist, The Guardian, New York Times, Bloomberg, etc.) can be used as an extra data source on Ryanair. Conclude the paper with advice, based on your analyses, to Ryanair.

This assignment will account for 100% of your final grade for this course. The basis for this assignment is the business case: “Ryanair: the low fares airline – ‘always getting better’?” which can be found on page 622 of your coursebook. It is mandatory to use this case for this assignment. Please hand in your assignment via Canvas before the deadline, for only then will your paper be assessed. Canvas will automatically check your work with anti-plagiarism software. Lastly, the assessment matrix, which is under modules, to assess your paper.

Strategic advice for Ryanair Assignment
Firstly, Write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice.

Secondly, Introduce Ryanair and the management problem and create a research question.

Thirdly, incorporate (and use) the relevant class materials to analyze the situation at Ryanair.

Fourthly, It is a necessity to find extra data/articles on Ryanair, on the internet, to use as input for the models & concepts that you’ll choose to use.

Further, Only articles from media (Economist, The Guardian, New York Times, Bloomberg, etc.) can be as an extra data source on Ryanair.

Finally, Conclude your paper with advice, based on your analyses, to Ryanair Strategic advice for Ryanair Assignment