Sequence of instructional procedures
Sequence of instructional procedures
This is an assignment that focuses on the explanation of sequence of instructional procedures. The paper also requires students to explain the purpose of the lesson.
The explanation of sequence of instructional procedures
Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each):
Student Prerequisite Skills/Connections to Previous Learning:
Identify pre-requisite skills students need to already know (i.e., possess, control, understand) to be successful in this lesson.
Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling:
Presentation Procedures for New Information:
Explain the purpose of the lesson.
Explain at least one activity which serves as an anticipatory set, schema, or review of definition of terms activity and actively engages students and allows them to do at least one of the following:
Make connections to their background knowledge related to the focus skill.
Make connections to previous learning related to the focus skill.
Ask themselves questions which will serve as a guide throughout the lesson.
Explain the purpose of the lesson (if not done above).
Explain how you will model the skill.
Modeling is a time when the teacher uses ‘thinking aloud’ to show and explain how to ‘do’ the focus skill. (e.g., if you were going to teach a child how to tie his shoes, you would first demonstrate how you tie your shoes and you would explain the steps as you go).
Guided Practice:
Explain how students will practice the focus skill with teacher guidance. Students and teacher might work together in a large or in small groups. Students might work independently or with peers as the teacher provides support and checks for understanding.
Independent Student Practice:
Explain how students will practice the skill independently. The teacher steps back during this time and allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the focus skill. This can be a pure practice time or a time when the assessment is administered.
Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event:
Explain how you will end the lesson by describing an activity or discussion which allows students to articulate what was learned during the lesson and how that learning might be applied in the future. You might also include a review of relevant terms and connections to the next lesson.
Instructional Strategy (or Strategies):
Explain at least one pedagogical strategy used in the lesson. Pedagogy is the way the overall instruction was done; it is the general way we categorize teaching (e.g., direct instruction, interactive instruction).
Differentiated Instruction Accommodations:
Describe how you will differentiate for two or more subgroups. Describe accommodations for such groups as English Language Learners, students with learning disabilities, students with hearing or physical disabilities, and/or gifted/accelerated learners.
Use of Technology:
Explain how you will incorporate 21st century technology into the lesson.