Cognitive physical socia emotional moral spiritual changes

Cognitive physical socia emotional moral spiritual changes

Highlight the major changes (cognitive, physical, social, emotional, moral and spiritual) one typically experiences through this period. Use APA format (7th edition styling), including a cover page, reference page,

Major changes (cognitive, physical, social, emotional, moral and spiritual)

Highlight the major changes (cognitive, physical, social, emotional, moral and spiritual) one typically experiences through this period. Use APA format (7th edition styling), including a cover page, reference page, headers with paper title and page number on each page, and cite your sources throughout the paper. The paper also must be double spaced, 12 point font, and saved as a Microsoft Word document. The final paper is due at the end of week #7.


Rubric for Lifespan Development Paper
Firstly, meets page requirement, 8-10 pages not including title page, abstract, or reference section (5 points)

Secondly, APA formatting – Title page, Abstract, Headers, Headings, In-text Citations, and Reference Section (5 points)

Thirdly, Minimum 8 scholarly articles or books (10 points)

Fourthly, strong thesis statement and introduction paragraph (5 points)

Further, strong conclusion paragraph (5 points)

Finally, discuss and support with outside research each of the developmental areas (70 points)


More details;

Physical, social, emotional and cognitive development

Adolescent developmental domains are intertwined and strongly influenced by experiences and environments.

The developmental changes that typically occur in adolescence have been documented extensively in literature that is widely accessible. Importantly, each area of development is intertwined with the other–physical, social, emotional and cognitive development–along with sociocultural and environmental influences and also experiences. A summary of some of the key developmental aspects of adolescence and the nature of these changes follows.

Physical development

In early adolescence, the body undergoes more developmental change than at any other time, apart from birth to two years old. The rate of growth is rapid and uneven, with a different pace and rate of change for each individual. Physical changes include increases in height, weight, and internal organ size as well as changes in skeletal and muscular systems.

Puberty occurs in early adolescence, triggered by the release of hormones which lead to the development of primary sex characteristics (genitalia) and also secondary sex characteristics (eg breast development in girls; facial hair in boys). The increased hormone production affects skeletal growth, hair production, and skin changes.

Review the Student Needs Assessment (Middle School) word plan

This is a paper that is requiring the student to Review the Student Needs Assessment (Middle School) word plan. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper well and precisely.

Review the Student Needs Assessment Middle School word plan

Role of the School Counselor

The school counselor has various roles within the educational setting and must be responsive to the needs of multiple stakeholders, most importantly, the students. One way that school counselors can assess student needs is by conducting a needs assessment review.

Review the “Student Needs Assessment (Middle School).” In a 750-1,000 word plan, choose one assessment statement from each of the four sections provided in the assessment and:


1.            Handling teasing or being bullied

2.            Understanding my learning style to improve how I learn

3.            My counselor is available to me when I need to see/him or her.

4.            I understand why I need a good education.

Firstly, describe the role of the school counselor in academic, career and college planning, and data-based interventions.

Secondly, discuss how a school counselor might address these four assessment statements with the principal.

Thirdly, describe the role of the school counselor in developmental, behavioral, or social interventions related to each of the four assessment statements.

Fourthly, describe the school counselor’s role in developing student-focused, schoolwide programs using data-based interventions for each of the four statements.

Include 3-5 scholarly based resources to support your plan.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and also the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Pick three social psychological concepts from a module of your choice

In this assignment, you will pick three social psychological concepts from a module of your choice.  Use this template to specify which module you will be working from.

Pick three social psychological concepts from a module of your choice

PSY 330 Social Psychology I

In this assignment, you will pick three social psychological concepts from a module of your choice.  Use this template to specify which module you will be working from.  After you have picked the module you want to work from, define, observe, and describe your concepts (single spaced) on the second, third, and fourth pages of this document.  Have fun with it and give a lot of details to support your concepts! And, don’t forget to proofread, edit, and submit your hard work, as grammar and spelling are important!

Module 6 (Liking and Loving) – Due 11:59PM the Monday before Discussion 5 is due (see Assignment Instructions for specifics)

First CONCEPT: Initial Attraction

Observation LOCATION: ______________________________________________
DATE of Observation: ________________________________________________
PEOPLE Present: _________________________________________________________
NARRATIVE NOTES of the Observation: (Define and Describe!!!)

***Fill out this page to define the concept and give detailed description of the concept from your observation***

Second CONCEPT: Closeness and Intimacy
Observation LOCATION: ______________________________________________
DATE of Observation: ________________________________________________
PEOPLE Present: _________________________________________________________
NARRATIVE NOTES of the Observation: (Define and Describe!!!)

***Fill out this page to define the concept and give detailed description of the concept from your observation***

Third CONCEPT: Interdependence and Commitment
Observation LOCATION: ______________________________________________
DATE of Observation: ________________________________________________
PEOPLE Present: _________________________________________________________
NARRATIVE NOTES of the Observation: (Define and Describe!!!)

***Fill out this page to define the concept and give detailed description of the concept from your observation***

Compare Thomas Hobbes and George Berkeley’s perspective on free will

Compare Thomas Hobbes and George Berkeley’s perspective on free will. Whose perspective better reflects how modern psychologists think about free will?

Compare Thomas Hobbes and George Berkeley’s perspective on free will

All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA 7 style and must be written at graduate level English. You must integrate the material presented in the text to support your discussion, citing in APA format. Current research articles may be used to support the text information, but not replace the text.   Your discussion should illustrate your understanding of the text and research.  Write in your own words, citing the source of your information in APA format.

Your response to each question should be approx. 1- 1½ pages per question. An introduction and also conclusion should be include d as well. Assignment should be 7-8 pages total plus a title and also reference page.

Firstly, compare Thomas Hobbes and George Berkeley’s perspective on free will. Secondly, whose perspective better reflects how modern psychologists think about free will?

What was Hugo Munsterberg’s criticism of Sigmund Freud? What did Munsterberg think was the right way to think about the mind?  

How did J.P. Guilford apply Titchener’s approach to studying consciousness to personality and intelligence?
Moreover, according to William James, what are instincts and how are they related to habits?

Discuss how Skinner’s operant conditioning theories were both rever ed and revile d.

Describe in detail Kurt Lewin’s three-step model of change and the primary goal of this action research technique in group dynamics.


How is ethnocentrism increase understanding of human behavior?

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to discuss how is ethnocentrism increase understanding of human behavior?. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper.

How is ethnocentrism increase understanding of human behavior

1.How is the sociological frame of reference contributing to a more comprehensive view of human interaction? Answer this question in no more than 100 words.

2.How is social change, ethnocentrism, cultural relativity, and socialization helping to increase your understanding of human behavior? Answer this question in no more than 100 words.

3.How is the multiplicity of values in today’s society affecting the social challenges we face as citizens? Answer this question in no more than 100 words.

4. In our social interaction with others, we make assumptions about what others are thinking and reasoning about their behavior. How can the application of sociology help to avoid misrepresentations of others’ behavior? Answer this question in no more than 100 words.

How is ethnocentrism increase understanding of human behavior?

5.What characteristics of critical thinking are you now using prior to this course you were clueless? Identify the characteristics and indicate how you are making application of them now. Answer this question in no more than 150 words.

6. Provide five questions about human interaction you have as a result of being in this class.

10. How is this course helping you to understand human behavior? Give two examples in your answer and limit your response to no more than 200 words.

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Observational methods are commonly used to understand child development

Observational methods are commonly used to understand child development. To give you experience with this method, you will conduct 1 observation of a child between 0 and 13 years of age and write a 3-5 paper

Observational methods commonly used to understand child development

Observational methods are commonly use d to understand child development. To give you experience with this method. You will conduct 1 observation of a child between 0 and 13 years of age and write a 3-5 paper (it is ok if you go over 5 pages, but the paper must be at least 3 pages. Also note the observation notes do not count towards the 3-5 page requirement.). Find a setting in which you can unobtrusively observe this child. Your observation should last approximately 15 minutes. Possible settings for this observation include playgrounds, grocery stores, at home, or in a park. Please make sure social distancing guidelines are follow ed!

Observe the child for 15 minutes and take into account (by writing detailed field notes) their motor skills and activities, social interactions, language use and development, disciplinary episodes, play behaviors, affect/emotions, etc.

Be sure to provide a description of the setting in which this observation took place as well as a description of who the child was with during the observation (e.g., caretaker, siblings, peers, etc.)

The first page of your paper should consist of your naturalistic observation notes, where you describe what you observed during the 15-minute observation.

Next, discuss the setting in which you observed, noting the approximate age of the child, the child’s gender, and the types of behaviors that you observed.

Following this, choose three (3) behaviors that you find most interesting and use concepts and theories from the class to explain what you observed (e.g., Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development, attachment theory, concepts in language development such as telegraphic speech, and more). For each behavior, describe the behavior you will be discussing. Then describe the concept you will be using to explain the behavior. Be sure to state the importance of this concept or stage of human development.

Finally, include a section on how you think the child’s culture influences one of the three behaviors you discussed. Culture is s the belief systems

Firstly, value orientations that influence customs, norms, practices,

Secondly, social institutions, including psychological processes (language, care taking practices, media, educational systems)

Finally, organizations (media, educational systems; (Fiske, Kitayama, Markus, & Nisbett, 1998).
This assignment should be APA style.

Integration of three dimensions of Multicultural Counseling Competencies

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to Integration of three dimensions of Multicultural Counseling Competencies. The paper also provides additional questions to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper well and precisely.

Integration of three dimensions of Multicultural Counseling Competencies

Students will conduct research to complete a 10-12-page research paper (not including title / references) that compares your personal family therapy theory with those discussed in class. Students are required to utilize Keiser’s online library database with ten scholarly sources (peer reviewed journal articles). No more than two family theories should be utilized. Specifically, describe your personal views of marital and family psychotherapy that constitute your integrated theory which include key concepts / tenets, techniques, and your role as therapist. Integration of three dimensions of Multicultural Counseling Competencies and a thorough explanation of how your chosen approach / method(s) will be appropriate / helpful for diverse families.

The overall paper should be according to APA Style and include properly formatted headings that correspond to the following sections to organize the information.  Support your discussion with in-text citations and references per APA Style and include a properly formatted reference list.  The reference list should contain at least 10 references, with at least 6 from empirical, peer-reviewed journals.

Integration of three dimensions of Multicultural Counseling Competencies

Family Therapy Research Paper Components

1.       Firstly, provide an introduction section to convey the paper’s purpose and scope to the reader (1-2 paragraphs).

2.       Secondly, identify one- or two-family therapy theories covered in class. Compare your personal theory with your chosen theories. Integrate research related to your theory throughout your paper as needed.

3.       Thirdly, discuss why you chose the theories and how it may be integrated with your theoretical approach and value system.

4.       Fourthly, discuss strengths and weaknesses of your theory.

5.       Additionally, address cultural considerations, including MSJCC’s appropriateness for diverse groups

6.       Discuss areas for future research, clinical implications, and recommendations as well as possible impact on the therapeutic relationship and outcomes, and possible ways to resolve potential negative consequences.

7.       Provide a conclusion section to summarize the paper’s chief points (1-2 paragraphs).

8.       Lastly, end the paper with a reference list that contains at least 10 references, with at least 6 from empirical, peer-reviewed journals.

Benefits and purposes for cognitive and behavioral therapy methods

This is a paper that is focusing on the benefits and purposes for cognitive and behavioral therapy methods. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Benefits and purposes for cognitive and behavioral therapy methods

Nonprofit organization. Focus on the benefits and purposes for cognitive and behavioral therapy methods.

Mental Health services will be available for parents and children to get over trauma from abuse, death and crime in the community, food insecurities and more.

Tutoring and sports should be offered because parents don’t have resources to get their children help or extra curricular activities.

Prepare a 1,000-1,500-word paper that:

Identify possible headings and subheading for the body of your proposal that include some goals for your program proposal and three to six objectives (steps) for each goal (100-250 words).

Incorporate the following under each heading and subheading that you have created:
Develop an introduction to your proposal.
What is the impact of change that the program proposal shows from the theoretical models examined?
What are methods or interventions identified that might produce behavioral changes with participants of the programs and/or services?
Identify aspects related to: Cognitive, emotional, spiritual, motivational or skill-building methods, resources, and interventions.
Lastly, what are the cultural and ethical considerations, along with risk and protective factors for treatment interventions and activities?

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Reflect on the application of one of the models of family therapy

This assignment is to reflect on the application of one of the models of family therapy by showing how you would apply it with your family of origin. Choose the model with which you most resonate so that you can delve into it more thoroughly.

Reflect on the application of one of the models of family therapy

Assignment instructions for this paper:

Write a reference paper of 4-5 pages (APA style, double spaced, plus the title and reference pages. Include the following in your paper:

Firstly, reflect on the application of one of the models of family therapy to your family of origin.
Secondly, the paper should identify and apply key terms and concepts from the model. Clearly explain how these experiences concepts in your family.
Thirdly, the primary text (Goldenberg, Stanton, & Goldenberg) provides the foundation for this application, but supplementary texts or reference articles should be used to enhance your understanding of the model.

Identify treatment goals based upon the model chosen and illustrate how a therapist might use aspects of the model to treat the family dynamics discussed.
Reflect on the role of faith, spirituality, and/or religion in your own family, including how it impacted your family dynamics. How it may or may not be integrated in a treatment process using the designated family therapy model.
(Note: If you feel more comfortable using a fictitious family rather than your own, you may do so as long as you are able to clearly articulate and apply the main components of the theory chosen).
Include supplementary Reference Citations

For more information on how to write a student paper in APA format (7th ed.). Additionally, check out the example student papers and also other resources available at
See Articles on religion and spirituality that may help you with the religion and spirituality components of the Family Therapy Application assignment:

Investigate a psychiatric diagnosis basing on the Gorenstein and Comer

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to Investigate a psychiatric diagnosis basing on the Gorenstein and Comer. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper well and precisely.

Investigate a psychiatric diagnosis basing on the Gorenstein and Comer

For this assignment, students will investigate and propose a psychiatric diagnosis based on the case study from the Gorenstein and Comer (2015) textbook Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, chosen in the Week One “Initial Call” discussion. This paper will include an in-depth overview of the disorder(s) within the diagnosis, treatment options for the diagnosis, and a sound rationale that explains why this diagnosis was made. Note that the diagnosis may include more than one psychiatric disorder.

The paper must present a thorough overview of each disorder within the diagnosis. Assume the audience has no prior knowledge of the disorder(s) within the diagnosis, and provide relevant and easy to understand explanations of each for the readers. When writing the paper, it is critical to convey all the necessary information in a straightforward manner using non-technical language. (Reference the Professional Voice and Writing resource provided by the Ashford Writing Center for assistance.) Support the analysis with at least five peer-reviewed sources published within the last ten years in addition to the course text.

Investigate a psychiatric diagnosis basing on the Gorenstein and Comer

The Psychiatric Diagnosis topical paper must include the following:

Explain psychological concepts in the patient’s presentation using professional terminology. Identify symptoms and behaviors exhibited by the patient in the chosen case study.
Match the identified symptoms to potential disorders in a diagnostic manual.
Propose a diagnosis based on the patient’s symptoms and the criteria listed for the disorder(s) in the diagnostic manual.

Analyze and explain how the patient meets criteria for the disorder(s) according to the patient’s symptoms and the criteria outlined in the diagnostic manual.
Justify the use of the chosen diagnostic manual (i.e., Why was this manual chosen over others?).
Summarize general views of the diagnosis from multiple theoretical orientations and historical perspectives. Include a discussion on comorbidity if the diagnosis includes more than one disorder.
Evaluate symptoms within the context of an appropriate theoretical orientation for this diagnosis.

Use at least two peer-reviewed articles to assess the validity of this diagnosis, and describe who is most likely to have the diagnosis with regard to age, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Provide a brief evaluation of the scientific merit of these peer-reviewed sources in the validity assessment.
Summarize the risk factors (i.e., biological, psychological, and/or social) for the diagnosis. If one of the categories is not relevant, address this within the summary.

Compare evidence-based and non-evidence-based treatment options for the diagnosis.
Evaluate well-established treatments for the diagnosis, and describe the likelihood of success or possible outcomes for each treatment.
Create an annotated bibliography of five peer-reviewed references published within the last ten years to inform the diagnosis and treatment recommendations. In the annotated bibliography, write a two- to three-sentence evaluation of the scientific merit of each of these references. For additional assistance with this portion of the assignment, access the Ashford Writing Center’s Sample Annotated Bibliography.