Ethical Nursing Issues (Healthcare Fraud)

As a profession, nursing has ethical responsibilities. In the practice of nursing, legal and ethical issues often arise, and the nurse must understand them and take appropriate steps to address them. Ethics and legal issues involve professionalism, practice concerns, health policy,
reimbursement issues, and the organizations that provide health care (Finkelman, 2019).
Focus: The focus of this assignment is the ethical principles and how they apply to making ethical decisions.
*Please review the Week 2 Instructional Recording and Tutorial on Turn-It-In.
***Please note that you MUST include a running head in your APA paper. This is based on each institutional preference.
Directions for Writing Assignment (WA):
**Access all Turnitin Assignments (Writing Assignments) through the Moodle link within this week. Do not make your own account.
*You must review the Writing Assignment Rubric within this week’s content prior to starting your paper.
*Select and research one (of your selected) legal/ethical issues discussed in chapter 6 of your textbook -or- identify ONE issue from current
events. Nursing/medical issues are strongly encouraged. *Pick only ONE topic.
*Write a 3-5 page paper in APA format, page count excludes the title and reference page.
*A minimum of 4 references are required. References must be recent which is less than five years old, and from the United States- your textbook is not a journal.
*If you want to use more than 4 references they must all be current and peer reviewed sources.
*Abstracts are not required for writing assignments in this course.
**Articles must be “current” 5 years old or less and research based in the United States.
Cover the following items in your Writing Assignment:
(1) Define the issue (introduction),
(2) What is (are) the ethical principle(s) related to the issue? Here are the Ethical Principles from your text book: Autonomy, Beneficence,
Justice, and Veracity. Ethical principle(s) are required in this writing assignment. Relate one, two, or more principles to your ethical issue in your paper.
(3) Provide a detailed definition the ethical principle(s) identified and how it applies to this situation.
(4) Significance to nursing-patient care.
(5) Conclusion- Summarize your paper and draw your conclusion.
Note: You should not enter new information in the conclusion.
(6) Use appropriate headings for the various sections of your paper.
(7) The title of your paper is unique to your topic. Do not use the headings in the textbook, and create your own title. *Please do not use any facility names in your document for confidentiality purposes.

Patient Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration & Quality Improvement

Paper Instructions

Read the assigned QSEN topics. Web page included. Topics: Patient Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration & Quality Improvement. Reflect on how you met each competency (knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA)) under EACH of the main topics. Be thorough with your reflection of the assigned competencies. Minimum of three thoughtful paragraphs are required (one for each section); length of paper is up to student. You are required to have 2 sources. 1 is the QSEN website, written in APA format and the other must be a scholarly article also cited in APA format within your paper and on a reference page.

You must post in the following format:

1. What? Define each of the 3 topics of QSEN (overview of each QSEN topic – Patient centered care, Teamwork/Collaboration & Quality Improvement). Expresses evidence of knowledge and personal understanding of each Quality Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) topic: Patient Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Quality Improvement.

2. So What? Give examples of meeting each KSA. Connects QSEN content to personal clinical experience; describing thoroughly with different examples for each competency (knowledge, skill, attitude (KSA)) and how it relates back to the experiential learning.

3. Now What? How does/will this discussion affect your future in nursing? Discusses in depth and with evidence of personal reflection how these experiences will shape your personal and professional growth as well as application to nursing practice.

This should be an APA formatted paper (according to level) with at least 2 sources (provided QSEN web address must be used as 1 source), other sources may be used in addition. This should have a title page, headings, and reference page.

Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy in Medical Setting

Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy

  • Pick a pharmaceutical or biologic that is approved in the EU or US that does not presently have a REMS Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy.
  • Try to choose one that has had previous safety issues as evidenced by either communications from Regulatory Authorities or SAE’s (Serious Adverse Event) reported by healthcare facilities or patients.
  • Prepare a REMS for the product that you choose following the FDA guidance document, “Format and Content of a REMS Document, dated October 2017.
  • Each REMS should contain a either a mocked-up patient enrollment form or a prescriber enrollment form.
  • Make sure that you include at least one REMS element (i.e., Medication Guide, patient package inserts or communication plan).
  • The REMS element will be separate from the REMS. Either do it as a separate document that is appended to the REMS or start it separated by a page or section break of your REMS

Note: if the drug or biologic you choose has a medication guide then you cannot provide the medication guide as your one REMS element.

You will have to choose another REMS element to provide. The REMS elements should be created by you.


Times New Roman, 12 font

Cite your references.


REMS document that includes:

  1. Include either a mocked up patient or prescriber enrollment form
  2. Include one REMS element (i.e., Medication Guide, patient package inset or communication plan)

Evidence-based Practice. Learner-centered. Art of Writing Learner-Centered Objectives

This assignment, writing of learning objectives, will allow you to gain knowledge that is foundational to the teaching learning process and provide you with the opportunity to partially achieve the course learning outcome: apply the teaching and learning process to a health-related situation in a systematic manner that reflects the principles of teaching and learning presented in this course. Supporting information to assist you in writing learner-centered objectives is addressed in the learning activities of Unit 4 and Unit 5: The Art of Writing Learner-Centered Objectives

Case scenario

John is a retired 57-year-old man with a 5-year history of type 2 diabetes. He was diagnosed with diabetes in 2010 but he had symptoms indicating hyperglycemia for 2 years before diagnosis. He had fasting blood glucose records indicating values of 118–127 mg/dl, which were described to him as indicative of “borderline diabetes.” His doctor has been encouraging to lose weight (at least 10 kg. as he currently weights 100 kg and is 180 cm tall. Write learning objectives to guide your teaching about the importance of weight loss related to type 2 diabetes.

Evaluation Criteria  – Writing Learning Objectives

  • Articulate three objectives, one for each domain. Each objective is: learner-centered and discrete; written in clear, measurable terms; reflective of your assigned case study; reasonable for a three minute teaching session
    • Cognitive (4 marks)
    • Affective (4 marks)
    • Psychomotor (4 marks)
  • Provide rationale including integration of theoretical knowledge that is, evidence-based practice to support each objective (4 marks)
  • Provide evidence of application of course concepts and references of external sources as needed to support each learner centered objective (4 marks)
  • Accurate APA format including:
    • Title page, headings and subheadings (1 mark)
    • References in the body of the paper (2 marks)
    • Reference citations in the references list (2 marks)
  • Accurate scholarly format including:
    • 4 pages in length, excluding title page and References list (1 mark)
    • Introduction (1 mark)
    • Scholarly language and professional tone  (1 mark)
    • Grammar, spelling, and punctuation (1 mark)
    • Conclusion (1 mark)

You can also use the following link



Nursing Model for Practice

Nursing theory is the term given to the body of knowledge that is used to support nursing practiceNursing models are constructed of theories and concepts. They are used to help nurses assess, plan and implement patient care by providing a framework within which to work (, n.d.)


In this assignment, you will locate a model of practice that you could apply to nursing. It does not need to be a nursing model. Models of practice can be found in leadership, business, education, and technology. You will explain why you have chosen the model and apply the model to your advanced practice role (Family nurse Practitioner ) in the template provided.
In the first row, in the first column, write the name of your chosen model. An example has been provided in the first rows to guide you. Please remove the examples when entering your information
In the first column of the template table, list the characteristics of the model you have chosen with a source/s of support. In the second column, list an application to your advanced nursing practice role upon graduation with a source of support/s.
Assignment Details
For this Assignment, your paper must be 2 to 3 pages, not including the title and reference pages.
Provide 7-10 Model Characteristics and Application to Your Advanced Practice Role in the template provided.
Use 5 or more References.


Cost Savings Analysis

Cost Savings Analysis

Assessment Instructions


As the senior care coordinator in your organization, your manager has asked you to examine and report on how care coordination can generate cost savings, improve outcomes, enhance the collection of evidence-based data, and improve health care quality for the community. She would like you to compile cost savings data in a well-organized spreadsheet and present your key findings in an executive summary.


Determine how care coordination can reduce costs. Compile your cost savings data in a spreadsheet, using Microsoft Excel or a suitable application of your choice. (If you elect to use an application other than Excel, check with faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.) Your spreadsheet should contain at least four cost-saving elements. Identify the cost-saving element, current costs, and anticipated savings.

Then create an executive summary using the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]. Discuss your cost-saving elements and report key findings from your analysis.

Analyzing Cost Savings

The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your analysis addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the Cost Savings Analysis Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

  • Describe ways in which care coordination can generate cost savings.
    • What are your primary evidence-based sources of information?
    • Are your conclusions substantiated by the data?
    • What assumptions, if any, underlie your analysis?
  • Explain how care coordination can promote improved health consumerism and effect positive health outcomes.
    • What evidence do you have to substantiate your claims?
  • Describe at least five ways in which care coordination efforts can enhance the collection of evidence-based data and improve quality through the application of an emerging health care model.
    • Choose any emerging health care model.
  • Present cost savings data and information clearly and accurately.
  • Support main points, claims, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.

Additional Requirements

Executive Summary Format and Length

Format your executive summary using APA style:

  • Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX] Be sure to include:
    • A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
    • A running head on all pages.
    • Appropriate section headings.
  • See also the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX]to help you in writing and formatting your executive summary.
  • Your summary should be 4–5 pages in length, not includingthe title page and references page.

Supporting Evidence

  • Cite 4–5 sources of relevant and credible scholarly or professional evidence to support your cost savings analysis.
  • Apply APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.

Submit both your spreadsheet and your executive summary.


Refection Essay. Reflective Paper. Reflective Essay. Writing Reflection Essay.

APA Style format.
Scholarly references to be within 5 yrs.
The bullet points are the areas to address.
The paper needs to be written from a Master’s level education as Advance Nurse practitioner.
Examples can be made up.
Directions and guidelines are provided.
Directions and Guidelines specific for the assignment are:
1. Reflect and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet: The bullet points are the areas to address. Make up examples in which an Advance Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), ( Not the role of a Registered Nurse(RN) would perform or job role based on credentials would be practicing in.
2. MSN program Outcome # 5
3. MSN Essential # VIII
4. NONPF Nurse Practitioner Core Competency # 8
1. Chamberlain College of Nursing Program Outcome #5
• Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary
nursing) (This is the outcome) Reflect on how this has advance you.
2. Masters Essential VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health
• Integrate clinical prevention and population health concepts in the development of culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate health education, communication strategies, and interventions.
• Design patient-centered and culturally responsive strategies in the delivery of clinical prevention and health promote on interventions and/or services to individuals, families, communities, and aggregates/clinical populations.
3. NONPF: #8 Ethics Competencies
• Integrates ethical principles in decision making.
• Evaluates the ethical consequences of decisions.
• Applies ethically sound solutions to complex issues related to individuals, populations and systems of care.
Students will reflect on each of the listed outcomes or competencies listed above individually and provide two (2) examples for each. Examples can be from course assignments  or clinical experiences. Can make up experience but make sure it pertains to older adults age 55yrs or older.

Nursing Theory Paper

Choose one grand nursing theory and one middle-range theory and have them approved by your instructor. Write an 8–10 page comparison paper based on your approved theories.
Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand
nursing theory.
After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.
Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a
middle-range theory.
After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.
The following should be included:
An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories
Background of the theories
Philosophical underpinnings of the theories
Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships
Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability
Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice
Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting
References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA format
The paper should be 8–10 pages long and based on instructor-approved theories. It should be typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. APA format must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list.
The proper use of headings in APA format is also required.

Nurse as an Advocate. Nursing Advocacy. Nursing Essay Help. Nursing Homework Help.

The Nurse as Advocate
In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, you will describe the advocacy process. Whether nurses are advocating for their patients, health care, and/or policies that improve people’s lives, the advocacy processes have commonalities that transcend the subject of their advocacy. There are also differences, although these differences may be more nuanced than obvious.
Review the following chapters from your course textbook:
Taking Action: Nurse, Educator, and Legislator: My Journey to the Delaware Senate
Taking Action: A Nurse in the Board Room
Respond to the following questions based on your readings:
Describe what you believe to be the drivers for each of the individual advocates.
What factors led the individuals to become advocates?
Discuss the challenges that each of the individuals identified in their writings.
Analyze these drivers and challenges and compare them with your own experience to date as an advocate.
In what ways do you believe you can expand your advocacy skills within the next five years?
On a separate reference page, cite all sources using APA format. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.
Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.
You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.

Nursing Theory Assignment. Nursing Essay Help. Nursing Homework Help.

Nursing Theory Assignment. Nursing Essay Help. Nursing Homework Help.


After your graduation, you will be in an academic or clinical field.  Depending on your field choice, discuss one nursing theory and identify the effect that the implications of this theory could have on nursing administration, management, or education.