Informational Memo Assignment (Electronic Health Records)

Informational Memo Assignment about Electronic Health Records (EHR)

EHRs have many components, functions, and attributes.  Administrative staff must be educated comprehensively about all the factors that make up the EHR system.

You are the Chief Information Officer of your hospital. Write a memo addressed to the senior departmental staff. Any memo format may be used.

  1. In this informational memo you will discuss, with outside literature support for each section, the following EHR components found in your textbook:
    1. Administrative Processes
    2. Communication & Connectivity
    3. Decision Support
    4. Dentistry/Optometry
    5. Health Information & Data
    6. Order Entry Management
    7. Patient Support, Results Management
    8. Population Health Management.
  2. Research and describe what each of these components do, and why it is important for your facility to incorporate these. How does each affect reimbursement?
  3. Support your position with solid peer reviewed research and make sure any facts in the paper receive in-text citations.
  4. Your memo should be at least two full pages to fully explain to the managers all the various components of the hospital’s new EHR system.

Make sure to use credible journal articles or .gov websites in your research. Provide a cover page and references page as well.



Diversity and Training Challenges. Workplace Diversity


A. Describe two distinct diverse groups within the U.S. student population.

1. To help an educator gain knowledge of each diversity group, cite source information to support your description in part A.

2. Describe a challenge related to the diversity background that each identified group may experience in a school setting (i.e., one challenge for each group in part A).

3. Describe an instructional strategy by which educators can support the educational achievement of students from each of the identified groups (i.e., one strategy for each group in part A).

a. Cite source information that supports the instructional strategies described in part A3.

B. Explain why it is important for educators to develop approaches that are responsive to the diversity background of all students.

Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation

Part 1

Discussion: The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation

(1 page, with 3 sources)

Some nurses may be hesitant to get involved with policy evaluation. The preference may be to focus on the care and well-being of their patients; some nurses may feel ill-equipped to enter the realm of policy and political activities. However, as you have examined previously, who better to advocate for patients and effective programs and polices than nurses? Already patient advocates in interactions with doctors and leadership, why not with government and regulatory agencies?

In this Discussion, you will reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.

Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that currently exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy review. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities. Be specific and provide examples.

Supported by at least three current, credible sources. Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

Part 2

Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

(1 page, with 3 sources)

Program/policy evaluation is a valuable tool that can help strengthen the quality of programs/policies and improve outcomes for the populations they serve. Program/policy evaluation answers basic questions about program/policy effectiveness. It involves collecting and analyzing information about program/policy activities, characteristics, and outcomes. This information can be used to ultimately improve program services or policy initiatives.

Nurses can play a very important role assessing program/policy evaluation for the same reasons that they can be so important to program/policy design. Nurses bring expertise and patient advocacy that can add significant insight and impact. In this Assignment, you will practice applying this expertise and insight by selecting an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation and reflecting on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program/policy.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.
  • Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.
  • Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.

The Assignment: (3 pages

Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
  • How was the success of the program or policy measured?
  • How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?
  • How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
  • At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
  • What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
  • What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
  • What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
  • Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
  • Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?
  • Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template

Use this document to complete the Module 5 Assessment Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation  





How was the success of the program or policy measured?











How many people were reached by the program or policy selected? How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?












What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?













What specific information on unintended consequences were identified?


What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.













Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?












Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?












Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after one year of implementation.














General Notes/Comments  














Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) Worksheet

Read over each of the following directions.
You must read the Assignment Practice Scenario below before completing the PPE Worksheet.
Download and use the required PPE Worksheet
(Links to an external site.)
Review the information provided in our library of how to search for journal articles here
(Links to an external site.)
Review the information provided in our library of how to locate and copy a journal permalink
(Links to an external site.)
You are required to complete the worksheet using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013
(or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word
Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the
student portal at
(Links to an external site.)
. Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
Complete each section of the Problem/PICOT/Evidence (PPE) Worksheet. For the Clinical PICOT Question, use the NR439_Guide for writing
PICOT Questions and Examples.N439_Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples
(Links to an external site.)
Use one of the templates/guides to write your Clinical PICOT Question using all of the PICOT elements. Be sure to include the PICOT letters in
your question.
Be sure to use the PPE grading rubric to make certain you are meeting all grading criteria of the PPE Worksheet.
Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and in-text APA formatting.
Submit the completed PPE Worksheet on the Week 3 Assignment page.
Students, A short tutorial with tips for completing the Week 3 Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) worksheet assignment may be viewed

Problem PICOT Evidence PPE Clinical PICOT Question

Problem PICOT Evidence PPE Clinical PICOT Question

Read over each of the following directions.
You must read the Assignment Practice Scenario below before completing the PPE Worksheet.
Download and use the required PPE Worksheet
(Links to an external site.)
Review the information provided in our library of how to search for journal articles here
(Links to an external site.)
Review the information provided in our library of how to locate and copy a journal permalink
(Links to an external site.)
You are required to complete the worksheet using the productivity tools required by University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013
(or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word
Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the
student portal at
(Links to an external site.)
. Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
Complete each section of the Problem/PICOT/Evidence (PPE) Worksheet. For the Clinical PICOT Question, use the NR439_Guide for writing
PICOT Questions and Examples.N439_Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples
(Links to an external site.)
Use one of the templates/guides to write your Clinical PICOT Question using all of the PICOT elements. Be sure to include the PICOT letters in
your question.
Be sure to use the PPE grading rubric to make certain you are meeting all grading criteria of the PPE Worksheet.
Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and in-text APA formatting.
Submit the completed PPE Worksheet on the Week 3 Assignment page.
Students, A short tutorial with tips for completing the Week 3 Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) worksheet assignment may be viewed

Application of Concepts from Caring Science. Watson’s Theory of Caring

Summary: A theory can be used to guide practice. This assignment is an exercise in supporting a clinical practice with theory and evidence.

Directions: Identify an outcome of nursing practice in your area of practice that can be improved.

For example, if you work in home health, you may identify that throw rug use by fall risk patients is too prevalent.

You may be able to use the problem that inspired the theory concepts that you developed in week two.

Identify the concept in Watson’s Theory of Caring that could represent or include the outcome.

In our example, the outcome would be the changes in self through the change in the patient’s floor covering practice.

Identify a practice that can be changed or implemented that may influence the outcome.

Identify the concept in Watson’s Theory of Caring that includes the practice.

In our example, the practice could be to improve the understanding of fall hazards through the engagement in a teaching-learning experience, one of Watson’s Caritas Processes.

Identify exactly how these two concepts will be measured with their operational definitions.

Develop a proposition between the two.

Present your outcome in an APA formatted paper meeting the University’s standards for a written assignment.

Length: 5 to 7 pages including title and reference pages

References: 3 to 10. There should be enough to support the links between the concepts of the problem and the concepts of Watson’s Theory of Caring.

Nursing Care Plan for Compartment Syndrome of Fracture of Ankle

Nursing Care Plan for Compartment Syndrome of Fracture of Ankle


Complete attached template

 Hospice and Palliative Care Assignment

 Hospice and Palliative Care (150-word min response)

In this week’s discussion you will share the hospice and palliative care resources available in your area. You will explore the referral process and what services are typically covered by hospice in the area where you live and will potentially practice as a human service professional. It is recommended that you call the facility and speak to staff directly but if that is not possible, their website can be used instead

Please respond to the following:

  • Identify the hospice and/or palliative care resource you have selected. Include the location, phone number, website, and a brief reason why you selected this agency.
  • What is the referral process of the agency?
  • What is the criteria for receiving hospice care? Do they also provide palliative care?
  • What does a hospice team look like in their agency (doctor, social worker, nurse, etc.)?
  • Is this an area you see yourself working in? Why or why not?

PART 2: (125-word min response)

Pediatric conditions are often some of the most difficult cases to treat due to the complex emotional aspects, varying physical attributes between patients, and the degree of involvement from the family or support team. Therefore, it is always important to remain professional while providing consistent compassionate care.   Each of the following diseases or disorders have varying dietary implications.

Please choose ONE disease/condition from below and briefly summarize medical aspects & common symptoms.

  • Prader-Willi
  • Autism
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Down’s Syndrome

Then, address each of the following topics:

  • Are there any weight issues associated with the disease/condition? What does the research say?
  • Does the disease alter GI tract function (digestion or absorption)? What is recommended?
  • What feeding or meal consumption challenges/ issues may exist in children with this condition? Recommendations? (may include theories here)
  • Does the disease/condition alter overall calorie/protein requirements?
  • Does the disease or condition raise the risk of other nutrition associated side effects or chronic diseases (i.e. diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers)? Can the risk be reduced?


Nursing Leadership and Management


Write a 3–4 page evidence-based resourcing plan for one component of the Heart Failure Clinic.
It is important for the nurse leader to have not only a basic understanding of the budget process, but to understand how to work with variances
in staffing, patient loads, and supply costs in order to meet the needs of the patients, without compromising the funding process of the clinic.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment
Competency 3: Apply management strategies and best practices for health care finance, human resources, and materials allocation decisions to
improve health care delivery and patient outcomes.
Apply evidence-based management strategies and best practices for resourcing health care services.
Describe management and accountability tools and procedures used to manage health delivery services and patient outcomes.
Competency 4: Apply professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct in professional practice.
Apply legal and professional standards for resourcing outpatient services.
Competency 5: Communicate in manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and current APA style.
Kelly, P., & Tazbir, J. (2014). Essentials of nursing leadership and management (3rd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.

Theoretical Nursing Concepts (Assignment)


Check the attachment for the requirements. Then write 4-5 pages following APA format with 2-3 scholarly sources.