Regulatory compliance and risk management brief

Regulatory compliance and risk management brief

This is an assignment that discusses of a regulatory compliance and risk management brief. The paper takes into consideration the increase in levels of activities in regards to compliance.

A regulatory compliance and risk management brief

You are the head of compliance in a firm regulated in a sector and jurisdiction of your choice. Mindful of the increase level of activities in which your compliance team will be involving in. This will be as a result of the number of additional projects plans within the firm. You intend to apply for an increase in the compliance departmental budget for the coming year.

You recently attended a session at a Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management conference that discussed the most effective methods of securing compliance resource. However, refer back to the notes you made at that time, particularly noting the following points.
You schedule a preliminary meeting with the chief finance officer, who has overall responsibility for departmental budgets within your firm. In advance of this meeting you wish to also ensure that the executive board are aware of and support your plans. Accordingly, you intend to include a presentation on this topic at the next board meeting as part of your regular scheduled briefing on current and planned compliance activities.

Taking into consideration all that is in your conference notes concerning the volume of regulatory change and potential challenges to securing more budget. Henceforth, prepare an appropriate presentation to the executive board comprising PowerPoint slide content and supporting notes that explain the slide content. Given timing restrictions, your presentation can have a maximum of six slides. Within the slides and/or notes you should include relevant information about compliance costs and challenges, with appropriate examples to support your intended objectives and to help to ensure that board members understand the benefits of investing in effective compliance.


All questions can be answered in relation to a jurisdiction with which you are familiar.
Please use the Cayman Islands and the Banking industry when giving examples.
Use single spacing
Assignment must be properly reference using footnote referencing system.
1.      I will include the course notes for the chapters applicable to the questions

Risk management techniques international company

Risk management techniques international company

This is an assignment that discusses an International company’s risk management techniques. The paper also discusses the benefits and drawbacks of its outsourcing arrangements.

An International company’s risk management techniques

Q1. Firstly, you are to choose any international company, who has faced any one of the country risks: political, economic, operational or competitive, in the last 12 months in one of the following regions: 1) South America, 2) Africa, 3) Central Asia, and 4) Middle East. Identify, analyse and manage the risk as if you were employed as a consultant by your chosen company. Any risk management technique which you adopt and utilise by the chosen company will NOT be accepted in your answer. (500 words)

Q2. Secondly, you have been promoted to HR Director in the Swedish company which manufactures and sells the medical equipment (MRI scanner). Being very hi-tech, the equipment have been made in Sweden by the company’s skilled team. Your employer has just purchased a factory in Mexico for the manufacture of medical equipment that have been selling well in the USA. There is a budget for three expatriate managers to be sent to manage its operation in Mexico for four years. Additionally, the CEO has asked you to recommend the job title for three expatriates with your justification for each job title and prepare a plan to help these expatriates’ early settlement in Mexico. (500 words)

International company

Q3. Thirdly, choose any international company who has outsourced one of its business functions to a local company in their international operation (For example: DHL’s use of local Indian company for its inbound freight distribution in India) and critically discuss the benefits and drawbacks of its outsourcing arrangement with the local company. Subsequently, an outsourcing arrangement between the two companies should be post 2010. (500 words)

Q4. Lastly, recently, a notion of ‘Industry 4.0’ or ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ has become of a centre of attention in the business world. Some associated technologies, such as additive manufacturing, advanced robotics, Drones, IoT, Blockchain, and AI, have been rapidly developing and many firms are contemplating different ways to exploit these technologies. Finally, choose any international company utilising one of these technologies. Also, discuss their journey in moving away from its traditional business to more sustainable business. (500 words)

Conflict between genders and conflict resolution by gender conflicts

Conflict between genders and conflict resolution by gender conflicts

Research the topics of conflict between genders and conflict resolution by gender. Write a one-paragraph summary of your research, focusing on the question, how does gender impact conflict resolution styles?

Topics of conflict between genders and conflict resolution by gender

Step 1:

Hunt for definitions.

Firstly, Research the topics of conflict between genders and conflict resolution by gender.

Secondly, Write a one-paragraph summary of your research, focusing on the question, how does gender impact conflict resolution styles?

Step 2:

Answer the following questions, giving examples of conflict, conflict resolution, and the role of gender in both conflict and conflict resolution from your own experiences in your personal life and professional life.

Firstly, In the movie clip, which conflict resolution style does Brooke exhibit? Which style does Gary exhibit?

Secondly, What role does gender play, if any, in the different ways Gary and Brooke handle conflict?

Also, How could each character change their communication to resolve the conflict?

Furthermore, Put yourself in each character’s shoes. How would you react to your partner’s method of dealing with the conflict?


More details:

Gender and Conflict Resolution

Gender also affected dispute handling mechanisms. The processes used to resolve disputes for women were less effective than for men. For example, women were more often transferred laterally instead of resolving the dispute. The outcomes of the processes were also different for men than for women.
How does gender cause conflict?
Gendered causes of conflict are interlinked with others such as unemployment, access to land or education, generational differences, internal displacement and the requirements of marriage customs.
What is the gender conflict approach?
The Gender-Conflict Approach is a point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between men and women. It is closely linked to feminism which supports the social equality for women and men.
How do men resolve conflict?
8 Tips for Solving Relationship Conflicts

Firstly, Be direct.

Secondly, Talk about how you feel without blaming your partner.

Thirdly, Never say never (or “always”).

Fourthly, Pick your battles.

Further, Really listen to your partner.

Moreover, Don’t automatically object to your partner’s complaints.

Also, Take a different perspective.

Lastly, Do not show contempt for your partner.


Public figure with ideal leadership traits leadership qualities

Public figure with ideal leadership traits leadership qualities

Identify one person who you believe possesses primarily leadership behaviors and one who possesses primarily management behaviors. Craft a 3-4-page APA formatted paper using at least 2 sources that answers the following questions:

One person who you believe possesses primarily leadership

Firstly, Identify one person who you believe possesses primarily leadership behaviors and one who possesses primarily management behaviors.

Secondly, Craft a 3-4-page APA formatted paper using at least 2 sources that answers the following questions:

Thirdly, What are the different types of behaviours you observe between these two individuals.

Fourthly, How effective are each individual in their roles and what suggestions might you make to help each of them improve?

Further, Based on the two individuals, which one would you aspire to want to be more like and why?

Also, What might be some strategies you could consider implementing to help enhance your leadership or management behaviors and why might this be beneficial to your personal or professional lives?

*I started this paper and simply do not have time to finish so I’m throwing in the white flag. I’ll attach it under Additional Materials, feel free to use what I started with OR NOT. It seriously does not matter, if something else is easier or better go for it. Thank you!*

What are the most valuable traits of a leader?

A proposed leader must have specific qualities that suit his or her ability to lead an organization or department. These qualities can be learned, acquired through education, or be adapted by new skills and technologies. Although these qualities are mainly required for mid to upper management positions, it is important to have other employees in the organization who also have these skills and abilities. This is to secure quality improvement processes are secure and organizational standards are being kept up to date.





Ethical and legal concerns that apply to interviewing in Starbucks

Ethical and legal concerns that apply to interviewing in Starbucks

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to identify the ethical and legal concerns that apply to holding interview in Starbucks. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

The ethical and legal concerns that apply to interviewing in Starbucks

Case Vignette 1:
You are a supervisor in your thirties. You and your new supervisee have a great deal in common. It’s become routine to hold your supervision sessions in the local Starbucks. When the work is done, you can relax and enjoy each others’ company. You’re thinking of sharing a room at the upcoming conference on family therapy in Boston. Identify the ethical and legal concerns that apply to this situation.

Description of at least 3 ethical and/or legal issues in the vignette
Identification of relevant ethical codes
Explanation of 3 courses of action to resolve the issue
Description of the decision-making process for each course of action
Assessment of option that best upholds the ethical standards of the profession

The paper should be 6 pages and include a minimum of 4 scholarly resources.

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Lastly, ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Human Resources and Change – HRM responsibilities

Human Resources and Change – HRM responsibilities

This is an assignment focusing on Human Resources and Change and the responsibilities of Human Resource Management.

Human Resources and Change – Human Resource management responsibilities

T‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍he major responsibilities of human resources management (HRM) are attracting, developing, and maintaining a quality workforce. Research an organization, with which you are familiar, that is in need of a change and present how you will manage the change process by incorporating the three essential duties of HRM.

Firstly, choose one subsystem to change related to HRM. Then, write a 1,250-1,500 word paper addressing the following questions that pertain to the major human resource management responsibilities and to change management. Strengthen your recommendations by showing how your proposed changes are working in another similar organization that is successful.

HRM Assignment Tasks

Provide an overview of the organization you have chosen. Include three subsystems of the organization, three stakeholders of the organization, and the reason for selecting this organization. What one major organizational subsystem needs to be changed in the organization? Justify your choice. How does it compare to a similar successful organization? How will the subsystem change affect the two other subsystems within the organization that you have identified? Also, how will you realign the total system? Identify and explain how you would ensure that the proposed change will satisfy any three stakeholders of the organization? How should the organization attract, develop, and maintain the workforce required to bring about your proposed change?

Choose at least one of the following in your discussion about attracting a quality workforce to support the change in questions above: human resource planning, recruitment, or sel‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ection. Identify at least one of the following in your discussion about developing a quality workforce to support the change in Questions above: employee orientation, training and development, or performance appraisal. Choose at least one of the following in your discussion about maintaining a quality workforce to support the change in Questions above: career development, work-life balance, compensation and benefits, employee retention and turnover, or labor-management relations.

Assignment requirements

Integrate a faith-based or worldview-based component in the paper. Make a clear connection on how it informs the groups’ management practices. (NOTE: Individuals all have a worldview, and that worldview influences their decisions, values, and perceptions. It also affects how they manage people, or think they should be managed. For this assignment, this requirement relates to the worldview of the presenters. Include at least four academic references to support your position. One of them should directly relate to the company discussed in your paper and another to the organization to which you are comparing it.

Types of problems conflicts complaints and mistakes

Types of problems conflicts complaints and mistakes

This is an assignment that discusses the Dealing with types of problems like conflicts, complaints, and mistakes The paper also focuses on some types of problems that are there in the society.

Dealing with types of problems like conflicts, complaints, and mistakes

Firstly, you need to identify how you can deal with conflicts, complaints, and mistakes as well as how to use a process when it comes to following personnel rules

For this assignment, you will need to identify an example or examples from your personal experiences for each of the three types of problems listed below:
A conflict,
A complaint, and
A mistake.

You may use the same example if it covers all three types of problems, or you may include three different examples where each one covers a different type of problem.

Secondly, after identifying your example(s), you will need to meet the requirements below.
Additionally, provide an introduction to your experiences.

Thirdly, explain the situation in each example and the outcome.
Compare and contrast the processes that were or should have been used to handle each type of problem.

Lastly, propose recommendations and solutions that could or should have been used.
Should they have all been handled in the same manner, or are different procedures for handling each needed? Why?

Role of leadership in managing conflict in an organization

Role of leadership in managing conflict in an organization

This is an assignment that discusses the role of leadership in managing conflict. Additionally, the paper also focuses on the various tools and strategies that can be used to improve communication.

Role of leadership in managing conflict in an organization

Firstly, imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. There will be 100 people attending. Within this assignment you will be creating a document that discusses the main components of leadership and corporate culture.

Secondly, write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: 1. Address a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. 2. Discuss a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. 3. Describe some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. 4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: a. This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses.

Thirdly, please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: • Describe the primary functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) and the associated skills, tools, and theoretical approaches that can be used to accomplish these functions. • Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior. • Describe actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in organizations. • Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts.

Lastly, write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics. Ensure that you follow the given guidelines in regards to referencing and given by the instructor. Please add the sources that you will use in the assignment and they should be cited accordingly.

Human Resource Practices in organizations- FedEx Corporation

Human Resource Practices in organizations- FedEx Corporation

This is a paper that entails you to research on the Human Resource Practices in organizations like the FedEx Corporation.

Human Resource Practices in organizations- FedEx Corporation

Firstly, select any organization of your choice for analysis in this Paper. Briefly describe the organization and its organizational framework, including a structural overview of the HR department.

Secondly, describe the role of HR manager in this organization. Provide an analysis of the organization’s capabilities. Discuss how they can be maximized through appropriate human resource practices to improve organizational performance.
Thirdly, how would you integrate best practices in strategic planning for the HR function. Include a discussion of compensation, benefits, employee orientation, performance manageme‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍nt, training, development, and succession planning.

Lastly, provide a concluding analysis on the overall effectiveness of the HR manager’s function in the organization. Be sure to integrate information from course readings and demonstrate mastery of course material throughout your concluding analysis.
References: Reference a minimum of 5 scholarly journal articles.

The incorporating of the following is key for this paper: Integration and application of prominent terminology, facts, concepts, principles, and current HRM trends. Demonstration of a solid grasp of course and subject matter by correlating concepts and theories to recommendations, strategies, and conclus‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ions.

Expectancy theory of W-Pure for the Northern region of Wonderland

Expectancy theory of W-Pure for the Northern region of Wonderland

This is an assignment that discusses the expectancy theory of W-Pure for the Northern region of Wonderland.  The paper also discusses the expectancy theory perspective.

Expectancy theory of W-Pure for the Northern region of Wonderland

This discussion will allow students to apply the Expectancy Theory that they have learned in Module 5 to solve problems that are likely to arise in the real world.
Step 1. Watch the video Expectancy Theory in Module 5.

Step 2

. Read the case below.

You are a regional manager of W-Pure for the Northern region of Wonderland. W-Pure is the largest company in Wonderland that sells water purification systems for individual households. One of the largest and most important employee groups in the company (and also for your Northern Regional Office) is the salespeople. The sales methods that these employees utilize include visiting individual homes, setting up an information booth in various retail stores and fairs, running a blog on the company’s purification systems, and more. The salespeople work independently, and sales of the purification system are mostly based on the individual effort of a sales employee.

The business of W-Pure has been very successful in the last decade. However,  the sales have been plummeting recently due to the recession in the economy of Wonderland. It seems that purified water in the house is less of a concern for people when they are struggling to survive throughout the recession. Furthermore, the company predicts that it will be losing money for the next two years. Most of the employees, including salespeople, are aware of this situation.

The pay of salespeople in W-Pure is consisted of two parts. A base pay that is about 10 percent below the market level for water purification system salespeople in Wonderland, and a more generous bonus system. The base pay increases by the tenure within the firm and the bonus amount are based on a formula that is linked to the company’s profits. For example, if the company’s profit in a given year is between 0 and 1 million Wonderland dollars, all sales employees receive 5 percent of their base pay as a bonus. I When the company’s net profit is below 0, no bonus is given out to sales employees.

Expectancy theory

You have recently surveyed the sales employees in your region to measure their job satisfaction and engagement level. But to your disappointment, the job satisfaction and engagement level of your sales employees were very low. The survey results also demonstrate that the sales employees are very dissatisfied with the bonus system. Many of the salespeople feel that the MGMT 4303-120: Managing Compensation – Spring 2020 2 system does not motivate them to sell more water purification systems. So, you have decided to make some changes to the bonus system for the sales employees in your region.

Step 3. Answer the following two questions. Provide your answers to the discussion post.

Question 1. From the Expectancy Theory perspective, what can be some problems within the bonus system for the salespeople of W-Pure that makes the system demotivating? Utilize the Expectancy Theory perspective, you need to analyze the case from at least one of the three factors. Factors include valence, instrumentality, and expectancy, within the Expectancy Theory. For example, your answer should be “The bonus system can be demotivating since it lacks in instrumentality because … …” and/or “The bonus system can be demotivating since it lacks in expectancy because … …”
Question 2. Now provide a solution to the problem that you have identified in Question 1. Also, explain how your solution can strengthen the three factors within the Expectancy Theory that you have outlined as lacking in Question 1.