Discuss how performance appraisals are a function of HR and management

Paper details

• Discuss how performance appraisals are a function of HR and management. • Analyze the basic components of an effective performance appraisal. o Explain how performance appraisals can contribute to organizational goals and objectives. • Explain the advantages of performance appraisals and how they contribute to effective training and development. • Explain potential forms of discrimination based on labor laws and regulations when conducting a performance appraisal.



Chapter 4: Research Results, Findings that includes carefully designed sub-chapters/headings i.e. Clear presentation of research findings. Discussion: a critical discussion of results with a clear connection to literature, re-assessment of research hypotheses/Research questions under the light of the new findings) of your dissertation. There are some changes made to the research questions please review attachment ‘introduction for final’ for changes. The information from questionnaire is in attachment ‘research findings’

Identifying how managers build trust in their organization

This is an assignment that focuses on identifying how managers build trust in their organization.The paper also looks into the different aspects to an organizational behavior.

Identifying how managers build trust in their organization

Organizational behavior
This grid assignment is to enable you to apply concepts in this course. Work Place Report Topics (both must be answered)

1. Firstly, to what extent do managers try to build trust in the organisation? 2. Secondly, how is ethical decision-making encouraged in the organisation? You should identify your connection with the chosen organisation, for example, employee, employer, etc. at the start of the report. An organisation chart should include in your presentation as an appendix. If the organisation is one in which you currently work or have worked, you need to identify where you fit in the organisation chart. Within your analysis you should discuss how you would expect the organisation to be managed based on the relevant concepts/models/research suggestions.

Aspects to an organizational behavior

You should then analyse how it is actually managed and note the differences from your theoretical expectations. In doing so, you should seek answers to questions such as: – How does the organisation conform to the concept above? – Are there differences between research and practice? – If your answer is ‘yes’ to the preceding questions, what are the reasons for these differences? Write relevant specific recommendations for your organisation; for example, suggestions for change, and/or further development, for each of the above two concepts. Your choice of the organisation for this assignment is very broad. It may, for example, be:

The organisation in which you work (the whole organisation). A department, unit or section of the organisation in which you work (if the organisation is large). A club or society with which you are associating (for example, sports club, social club, theatre group etc.). An organisation about which you can obtain enough information to analyse its management structure and also process (you need not necessarily work in this organisation) You should discuss the organisation with your Lecturer if you are in doubt Reports will be confidential between you and your Lecturer.

Managing of complex and interesting projects using project management

This is a paper that focuses on the managing of complex and interesting projects using project management. The paper also provides the requirements and guidelines to follow in the paper.

Managing of complex and interesting projects using project management


This assignment focuses on the concept of Project Management when managing complex and interesting projects.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the assignment you should be able to;
Firstly, research a topic and critically appraise the content of associated documents and papers in order to ascertain their validity and contribution to the subject area

Secondly, correctly use the Harvard recognised academic referencing system and use citation where appropriate

Thirdly, develop written skills required for an MSc level assignment

Lastly, use project management software to plan a complex project

The third busiest railway station in Scotland, Glasgow Queen Street, is being expanded to form a larger facility with superior services for growing passenger numbers. The station redevelopment will be part of the £742m Edinburgh – Glasgow Improvement Programme (EGIP). The station currently handles approximately 20 million passengers a year, and this is estimated to grow to 28 million by 2030. Use the following link as the starting point for a discussion relating to the “Queen Street Redevelopment Project, Glasgow”: https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-routes/scotland/glasgowqueenstreet/.

You should critically analyse the importance of project planning / scheduling for this project. Working individually, you are to write a report (using headings and subheadings) as set out in the task above. You are to further research the subject and all of the work must be fully reference and all sources of information must be correctly identified and cited within the text. Use the Harvard System of referencing. Academic neglect to reference your work correctly will lead to a poor mark and possible failure of this assignment.

The paper should contain a cover page and a reference page. Additionally, ensure that you include at least four references from the sources that you will use.

Discussion will focus on management control using the case study

This week’s discussion will focus on management control using the case study “Brief Integrative Case 3.1:
Google in China: Protecting Property Rights” (p. 415) in International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behaviour.
Decision-making and controlling are two vital, and often interlinked, functions of international management.

Discussion will focus on management control using the case study

This week’s discussion will focus on management control using the case study “Brief Integrative Case 3.1:
Google in China: Protecting Property Rights” (p. 415) in International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behaviour.

Firstly, Decision-making and controlling are two vital, and often interlinked, functions of international management.

Secondly, Strategic evaluation and control is the process of determining the effectiveness of a given strategy in achieving the organizational objectives and taking corrective actions whenever required.

Thirdly, Control can be exercise d through formulation of contingency strategies and a crisis management team.

Using the Decision-Making Process (stages 1-9) outlined in the textbook (Fig 11-1) and this module’s content, what are your thoughts on each step in the process using the Google in China case study as it relates to the strategic evaluation and control process definition above?

For example:
Stage 1: What is the problem perception in the case?

Stage 2: What is the problem identification in the case?

Repeat for stages 3-9.

Additionally, What overall assumptions can you make using this decision-making process?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with two scholarly peer-reviewed references supporting your answer. Keep in mind also that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references.

Further, Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing all sources referenced. Post your initial response early and check back often to continue the discussion.

Lastly, Be sure to respond to your peers’ posts as well.

Diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management 

Diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this assignment, select a KSA company whose strategy includes or included diversification and explore their motives, competitive advantage, and strategic planning based on the topics from Chapter 12 and the assigned reading.

Diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management

Diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this assignment, select a KSA company whose strategy includes or included diversification . Explore their motives, competitive advantage, and strategic planning based on the topics from Chapter 12 and the assigned reading.

Firstly, Identify and provide company strategic details and consider what circumstances existed that motivated this company to diversify.

Secondly, What mode of diversification did the company adopt?

Thirdly, How does this relate to their resources and capabilities?

Fourthly, What are the benefits of diversification in this industry. How significant are they in the shape and growth of the industry?

Further, What are the implications of the strategy chosen for the organizational structure, management systems, and allocation of decision making within the diversified firm?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 5 to 7 pages in length, which does not include the title page or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts;

principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly,

peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.

It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check before submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check—Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Identifying an HR topic for opportunities for improvement

This is an assignment that focuses on the identifying an HR topic for opportunities for improvement. The assignment also illustrates the writing guidelines for the paper.

Identifying an HR topic for opportunities for improvement

“On the job training” as your topic of interest. Minimum requirements for this paper are: APA Formatting (margins at 1″, minimum font size 12) Cover Page 15 pages in length 5 references from scholarly studies. The paper should be at least 15 pages in length (excluding cover and citations) with at least five different references (one may be the text book). Please make sure the paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.

Firstly, your focus for this assignment is to identify a specific HR topic and focus your efforts on: Illustrating your expertise in HR by identifying opportunities for improvement with the selected topic. Secondly, apply concepts of HRM and explore a practical approach to the real world HRM issue. Thirdly, propose recommendations for improvements and formulate a considered opinion on the HR topic of interest. Fourthly, analyze available literature to provide greater understanding of research topics related to the HR topic of interest.

You should have at least 3 pages, 1 full section of your paper, dedicated to recommendations for improvement. Consider this assignment a paper you are delivering to the HR Manager at a company who has asked you for help on the topic. Analyze the practices of HR in organizations using the concepts of the HR topic of interest. Analyze the approach of HRM in organizations on the selected HR topic(s), including the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach in organizations, citing relevant research and theories. Tables, graphs, and illustrations can help bring out key points. Remember that these are only the minimum requirements. An “A” paper will achieve a higher level of quality. If you have any questions regarding the final paper, please let your professor know

The advanced project management development for a project

This is an assignment that focuses on the advanced project management development for a project. The paper also requires usage of cause and effect tools.

The advanced project management development for a project

Advanced project management
1‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍. Firstly, select a project and develop its project charter

2. Secondly, develop a business case to secure support from senior management

3. Thirdly, assess the alignment of the project using a system approach

4. Fourthly, develop project’s Goals, Objective, Strategies, CSF, and KPI (at least one for each) 5. Then, assess and select appropriate project organizational structure 6. Use a weighted selection model to select a suitable project manager Dr. Mohammed Kafaji Page 1 of 2 College of Business OPM 380 Advanced Project Management Practical Sessions Instructions for Managing the Course Project 7. Use the pairwise selection approach to select between suppliers 8. Apply the NPV concept to evaluate the feasibility of the project

9. Additionally, use Cause-and-effect tool to identify the root causes of the quality-related issue 10. Apply EVM to evaluate project progress after two weeks of progress. Must include all ten assessment EMV param‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍eters 11. Report progress (using status and progress reports) 12. Demonstrate the use of the contracting model (FP, CR, or T&M) with an external supplier 13. Develop lesson learned document

The advanced project management development for a project

14. Lastly, develop project closure document The paper needs to be a very simple project and it should include charts if needed Why the project is done, must be reasonable and differentiate between mission and objective. develop project team it must be suitable: based on this project it should be projectized or matrix or functional. NPV uses numbers and assumes how much you’ll invest give them 5 years Cause and effect: why and why not you should run the project ex. stakeholders have a disagreement just one problem needed, use all the statics needed like Pareto also for one problem select a contract: fix price, cost, material please make sure not to miss anything from the 14 points, many thanks in adva‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍nce

Application of management principles for creation of plans

This is a paper that focuses on the application of management principles for creation of plans. The paper also provides various questions to focus on the topic of the paper.

Application of management principles for creation of plans

T‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍he purpose is for you to apply management principles to create management plans. They include strategy formulation, business analyses, industry trends, and organizational characterization. Deliverables one (1) through four (4) focus on preparing you for the final capstone project. You will apply skills, experience, and knowledge that you have gained through the completion of prerequisite courses throughout each deliverable. The intent of the Capstone project is for you to use the same case / company throughout the course. Select one (1) out of the three(3) recommendedcases listed below. Each case is located in the Cases to Accompany Contemporary Strategy Analysissection of the textbook. Based on the case, you will perform an industry analysis and develop a strategy for the CEO of your chosen company to help shape the company’s future. Write a three (3) page paper in which you:

Firstly, define strategy and examine how the definition of strategy fits your chosen company and its situation. Support your response. Secondly, summarize the main strategies that your chosen company’s management took leading up to this company’s recent development. Thirdly, identify your chosen company’s industry and determine its main competitors. Next, select two to three (2-3) strategies that the competitors use, and analyze whether or not the selected strategies are‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ successful. Support your response. Additionally, perform an industry analysis for the CEO of your chosen company in order for him / her to develop strategy for the company. Next, evaluate the company’s current standing in this industry taking into account the company’s resources and capabilities. Lastly, propose at least three (3) performance goals for the company for the next one (1) and five (5) year period respectively. Provide a rationale for your response.

Application of management principles for creation of plans

Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and also other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and also the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Case 13: Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto Industry The project contents will address the following materials: Deliverable 1: Strategy Development. In this deliverable, you will perform an industry analysis and also develop a strategy for the CEO of your chosen company to help shape the company’s future. Submission Requirements 3 page paper (MS Wo‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍rd)

The managers leadership styles and responsibilities

This is a paper that focuses on the managers leadership styles and responsibilities. The paper also discusses the patient safety and staff skills affecting staffing.

The managers leadership styles and responsibilities

T‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍his is a six page paper which must answer the questions provided with at least 5 refrences. You can pick any unit in the hospital and any leadership style. Grading Rubric • Introduction that explains the individuals with whom you had your practicum experiences, the type of institution in which the practicum experiences occurred, and a bit about the areas in which these individuals work. (10%) • Body contains one section for the management experience:

o Discuss what you learned about the manager’s leadership styles and responsibilities. (13%) o Discuss information gained about staffing requirements, patient assignments, acuity of care issues, and demonstrate your understanding of these topics. (20%) • Body also contains one section for the Quality/Risk Management experience: o Discuss what you learned about the nurse’s role as it pertains to quality/risk management and reimbursement. (20%) o Discuss information learned about the Quality/Risk Management Department, the measurement of data, and the relation to reimbursement and demonstrate your understanding of these topics. (13%) • Conclusion that summarizes the two learning experiences individually and reaches judgments on what was from the practicum experience as a whole. (13%) • APA, Grammar, page/slide length, and Spelling. (10%) • A minimum of 5 peer reviewed, non-class text references.

The managers leadership styles and responsibilities

(1%) Criteria for paper is on Nurse leadership role such as the Quality department and or Risk Management Department Must answer these Questions

1. Firstly, identify the leadership style of the unit manager you are shadowing. Did the person’s style change based upon different situations you saw him or her in? Did the style(s) seem appropriate for the situation? Might a different approach have been appropriate? 2. Secondly, identify how patient safety and staff skills or mix affect staffing assignments. 3. Thirdly, what are the staffing requirements for the unit? How was the mix decided upon? Who has the final say in determining this mix?

4. Fourthly, explain the skills and understanding needed for how to staff a unit appropriately. How is unit staffing adjusted for higher or lower than expected patient census or increases and decreases in patient acuity? 5. Also, categoriz‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍e the different ways patient satisfaction is measured and shared with staff. What changes are initiated as a result of this measurement? 6. Categorize the different ways staff satisfaction is measure. 7. Additionally, evaluate how the unit manager responds to changing patient safety, acuity, and census levels. Is there an acuity model to measure patient acuity? How does decreased acuity or census change staffing patterns? How does the skill mix (e.g., types of nursing staff) change based on these daily changes? 8. Lastly, what management theories and principles were to make these decisions? Support your answer with examples from your practicum experience.