Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning

Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning. Compare REITs and Commodities based on risks, returns and Sharpe ratios. Assume STP (return of 3.2%) is the risk-free asset.

Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning

1) Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning.

2) Compare REITs and Commodities based on risks, returns and Sharpe ratios. Assume STP (return of 3.2%) is the risk-free asset.

3) Recreate the efficient frontier of three assets in Exhibit 5b (i.e. to use risk and return of 12 portfolios in Exhibit 5a); and add the efficient frontier for four assets in Exhibit 6 (i.e. to use 12 portfolios in Exhibit 6) and the efficient frontier for four assets in Exhibit 7 (i.e. to use 12 portfolios in Exhibit 7). You can use Excel and then print out or use grid papers.

Firstly,  How REITs and Commodities improve the efficient frontier?

Secondly, Does the degree of improvement relates to the Sharpe ratios in question 2?

Thirdly, What factor determines the degree of improvement?


4) Now we will focus on the two efficient frontiers. Firstly, one of three assets in Exhibit 5 and one of five assets in Exhibit 8. We know (from our chapter 6), the optimal portfolios are the tangency portfolios given the risk-free asset is STP (return of 3.2%). For simplicity, let find the optimal portfolio of three assets as the portfolio that have the highest Sharpe ratio out of the 12 portfolios in Exhibit 5. Let call this optimal portfolio O3-asset. Similarly, find the optimal portfolio of five assets, portfolio O5-asset, based on Exhibit 8.

– Draw a graph with the two efficient frontiers and show the two optimal portfolios.
– Report (in an easy-to-compare format) the risks, returns, Sharpe ratios, and weight of each of five assets for portfolios O3-asset and O5-asset.

More details;

5) Firstly, choose a number between 4% and 16% (round number only). Secondly, use this number as the target return for one hospital. Thirdly, you will create two compete portfolios to achieve your chosen target return. One allocating money using STP and O3-asset, and the other using STP and O5-asset.

– Report (in an easy-to-compare format) the risks, returns, and weight of each of six assets (now including STP) for the two complete portfolios. How much improvement (either in term of risk reduction or return increase) do REITs and Commodities bring?

6) Choose a number between 1% and 20% (round number only) and use this number as the maximum risk level (standard deviation) that one hospital can take. You will create two compete portfolios that have the chosen risk level: one allocating money using STP and O3-asset, and the other using STP and O5-asset.

Report (in an easy-to-compare format) the risks, returns, and weight of each of six assets for the two complete portfolios. How much improvement (either in term of risk reduction or return increase) do REITs and Commodities bring?

Islamic Banking and finance industry is aiming to provide alternatives

Islamic Banking and finance industry is aiming to provide alternatives to conventional interest-based banking and financial products and services. It has grown at a rapid pace for the last two to three decades and is becoming popular even in non-Muslim regions due to unique characteristics and solutions it provides and genuine concerns raised on the effectiveness of conventional financial markets and systems.

Islamic Banking and finance industry is aiming to provide alternatives

Type of Assessment: Written Assessment (Project report)
Weight: 20% of course grade

Islamic Banking and finance industry is aiming to provide alternatives to conventional interest-based banking and financial products and services. It has grown at a rapid pace for the last two to three decades and is becoming popular even in non-Muslim regions due to unique characteristics and solutions it provides and genuine concerns raised on the effectiveness of conventional financial markets and systems. Nevertheless, it is just a small fraction of total global banking and finance industry and moreover, facing challenges such as misconceptions about its products even among Muslims, evolved conventional industry and legal and regulatory issues in both Muslims and non-Muslims states.

The students are require d to prepare a report covering the following issues/aspects:
1.      Identify and compare 3 products originated in global Islamic and conventional banking and finance industries between 2000 and 2019.
2.      Compare the process and pace of innovation and development in both the sectors.
3.      Make recommendations for improvement in Islamic banking and finance industry and/or its products and services”.

1.    FIRSTLY, Students should work in groups of not more than 4 members for this assignment.
2.    SECONDLY, The reports must be prepare using Calibri, 12 font, and 1.5 line spacing with total report size of 10 pages (± 2 pages) excluding cover page and bibliography.
3.     THIRDLY, Submit reports online on or before the deadline.
4.      FOURTHLY, HCT’s policy on academic dishonesty and plagiarism is applicable on this assessment.


Leadership action on practical organizational and business experiences

This is a paper that focuses on the leadership action on practical organizational and business experiences. The paper also describes the two parts for writing this assignment in detail.

Leadership action on practical organizational and business experiences

Prepare a 2000-word case study on leadership in action from your own practical organizational, business experience or from some personal experience of team leadership e.g. teacher, sporting club, parent etc. As a last resort you may interview a person from your networks, but a personal experience is preferred. It should consist of 3 parts.

•Part 1(approximately 200 words -maximum)
Brief outline of the chosen case selected. It should contain a brief summary of the leadership issues and context.

Part 2 (approximately 800 words x 2 = 1600 words)
Students to prepare two 800-word reports using two different leadership theories (to be chosen by the student) to analyse and problem solve the leadership issue described in part one. The objective is to show how the application of different leadership theories can have different outcomes. The two reports should outline and apply the chosen leadership theory, provide potential solutions to the leadership challenge and detail implications of the chosen approach.

1.     Transformational
2.     LMX (Leader-member exchange)

Part 3 (approximately 200 words)
The last section should compare and contrast the outcomes and implications of the two chosen leadership theories, detailing insights and learnings. Students will challenge and critique the two theories and review how the chosen leadership framework may affect an organisation’s results or effectiveness – drawing from course knowledge, assigned readings as well as a broad range of academic literature.

Ensure that the paper should be at least 2000 words long excluding the cover page and also the reference page. Additionally, ensure that you include all the references from the sources you use. Finally, cite your assignment from the references that you will use in the assignment.

Identifying an HR topic for opportunities for improvement

This is an assignment that focuses on the identifying an HR topic for opportunities for improvement. The assignment also illustrates the writing guidelines for the paper.

Identifying an HR topic for opportunities for improvement

“On the job training” as your topic of interest. Minimum requirements for this paper are: APA Formatting (margins at 1″, minimum font size 12) Cover Page 15 pages in length 5 references from scholarly studies. The paper should be at least 15 pages in length (excluding cover and citations) with at least five different references (one may be the text book). Please make sure the paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.

Firstly, your focus for this assignment is to identify a specific HR topic and focus your efforts on: Illustrating your expertise in HR by identifying opportunities for improvement with the selected topic. Secondly, apply concepts of HRM and explore a practical approach to the real world HRM issue. Thirdly, propose recommendations for improvements and formulate a considered opinion on the HR topic of interest. Fourthly, analyze available literature to provide greater understanding of research topics related to the HR topic of interest.

You should have at least 3 pages, 1 full section of your paper, dedicated to recommendations for improvement. Consider this assignment a paper you are delivering to the HR Manager at a company who has asked you for help on the topic. Analyze the practices of HR in organizations using the concepts of the HR topic of interest. Analyze the approach of HRM in organizations on the selected HR topic(s), including the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach in organizations, citing relevant research and theories. Tables, graphs, and illustrations can help bring out key points. Remember that these are only the minimum requirements. An “A” paper will achieve a higher level of quality. If you have any questions regarding the final paper, please let your professor know

Analyze how business practices visiting hours easy access 

Analyze how business practices(i.e. visiting hours, easy access to their medical records, best practice policies, parking) regulatory requirements (i.e. joint commission, centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, or hospital quality initiatives like HCAHPS/core measures) and reimbursement (i.e. survey, Medicaid/ Medicare/ private, ability to help community?) impact patient-family-centered care within a healthcare organization. Part 2; Discuss how cultural diversity within the team supports patient-centered, culturally competent care.

Analyze how business practices(i.e. visiting hours, easy access

Part 1)
This section should be at minimum 3 well-developed paragraphs, each thoroughly addressing each of the 3 parts, supporting citations must be included.
– Analyze how business practices(i.e. visiting hours, easy access to their medical records, best practice policies, parking) regulatory requirements (i.e. joint commission, centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, or hospital quality initiatives like HCAHPS/core measures) and reimbursement (i.e. survey, Medicaid/ Medicare/ private, ability to help community?) impact patient-family-centered care within a healthcare organization.

Part 2
1) Firstly, Discuss how cultural diversity within the team supports patient-centered, culturally competent care.
2) Secondly, Using one of the leadership theories below, discuss the leadership style you would utilize in developing a successful healthcare team: • transactional leadership, • transformational leadership, • emotional leadership, • traditional leadership
Additionally, this section should be at minimum 2 well-develop ed paragraphs, each thoroughly addressing each question, supporting citations must be include d.

Part 3
1) Firstly, Why would it be beneficial to healthcare organizations to allow patients/families to participate in interview teams/search committees?

2) Secondly, Create a strategy to increase patient-centeredness in the organization that will support the participation of patients/families on interview teams/search committees? Would you apply system theory or change theory in the development of your strategy? *2 paragraph for this*

3) Finally, Discuss how the team will work together to implement the strategy.
This section should be at minimum 4 well-developed paragraphs, each thoroughly addressing each part, supporting citations must be included.

The Darden Restaurants Inc industry project analysis

This is a paper focusing on the Darden Restaurants Inc industry project analysis. The paper also provides clear guidelines and instructions for writing this assignment.

The Darden Restaurants Inc industry project analysis

This is a group project about Darden Restaurants, Inc. I am responsible for part 6 “Recent News” section, which I highlight in yellow below. That part will be required a minimum of 3 sources in APA format.
Since, this will not be in the beginning of the paper I will not need introduction and conclusion in my part.

COMPANY RESEARCH REPORT Topic: Darden Restaurants, Inc.

1.       Cover
Include the title of your report, the date submitted, and the authors’ names.

2.       Table of Contents (page numbers not necessary though helpful)

3.       Executive Summary

4.       Industry overview

Industry definition
•       Firstly, carefully define the industry (including identifying the North American Industry Classification System or NAICS code) in which the company competes. Use business language.
•       Secondly, identify the activities (products and services) for this industry.

The market
•       What is the market size (of the entire market, not just the market of your group’s company) and also volume (be specific as to whether it is U.S., global, North America, etc.)?  • What is the industry growth rate?
o    Include projections for 3 – 5 years
•       Who are the core customers and why?

Major competitors
•       Firstly, who are their top three competitors?
•       Secondly, what is the market share for each major competitor?

Key industry trends
•       Describe which trends (for example:  economic, technological, demographic, political, regulatory, and/or social) affect your company’s industry performance.

5.       Company overview

Company history and background
•       What is the company background/history (when was it founded and by whom)? How many employees do they have?  Also, where are they located?

Products, customers, revenues, & profit
•       Firstly, provide an overview of the company’s key products and services and, if possible, the proportion of revenue generated by each.  • What is the annual revenue and profit (net income) of the company for the last 3-5 years?  o            Use graphical formats (charts, graphs or tables) to present numbers so that trends are apparent
•       Secondly, what is your company’s stock symbol?  How has their stock performed over the past year and (if available) compared with the past 3-5 years?

The investment management department trading strategy

This is an assignment that focuses on the investment management department trading strategy. The paper also provides further instructions to use in writing the paper.

The investment management department trading strategy

The investment management department of your company has asked you to construct a speculative trading strategy using options.

You have been asked to invest £100,000 in options trading strategy for a single FTSE 100 or FTSE 250 non-bank, non-insurance company’s shares for the 35 working day period between Monday 9th March 2020 and also 28th April 2020 (inclusive).

a) For the company whose shares are to be the underlying for your options, set up an options-based trading strategy given your view of:

The company
Current market sentiment regarding the segment in which it operates
Likely market movements over the period.

Firstly, you must support your analysis using real market data (suitably evidenced) as well as suitable academic literature covering analysis methods such as, for instance, economic, fundamental, technical etc.

Secondly, you must include ‘screen shot’ evidence of the source of your options pricing in an appropriately referenced appendix

b) Thirdly, what is the annualised return that you are targeting based on your approach? Assess the risk that your strategy will not produce the returns you have anticipated. You must also assess the risks that the use of an options derivative instrument has introduced to the investment management department.

(500 Words: 10 Marks)

c) Fourthly, report on the actual profit and loss of your strategy over the period and analyse its actual performance relative to its forecast performance and analyse why your strategy achieved the results observed.

(500 Words: 15 Marks)

The assignment should be in word within the limit of 2,000 words (excluding appendices, tables, charts and also graphs). The word count must be stated in the assignment. References to relevant academic theory and research findings should be provided and referenced appropriately.

The analysis of a dataset containing AirBnB from Chicago

This is an assignment that focuses on the analysis of a dataset containing AirBnB from Chicago. The paper also involves using data science strengths in analytics.

The analysis of a data set containing AirBnB from Chicago

In this assignment, you will analyse a dataset containing AirBnB data taken from the city of Chicago in SAS VA (data file is called AirBnB-Chicago2). Your team is responsible for undertaking research to present findings to a company trying to understand the AirBnB market in Chicago. To have an effective report, your group will need to identify a specific set of objectives or questions that can be addressed through data exploration (e.g., what type of properties lead to the best guest experience or prices). In addition, you should detail how the data analysis was conducted to ensure replicability. Before carrying out the analysis, each member must visit and complete the survey to find your data science personality.

After establishing the data science team’s analytic strengths, you will analyse the data and prepare a written report that covers the following:
1. Team overview: The establishment of your team and its capabilities, by sharing and consolidating your data science personality.
2. Data exploration: Explore the relationships in the dataset and provide a summary of the insights.
3. A short narrative recommending how the firm can use add open data, unstructured data or social media data to extend the dataset.
The report covering the above has a limit of 2500 words, excluding figures, references and appendices.

The analysis of a dataset containing AirBnB from Chicago

Firstly, consider the points that you wish to make in this report and slide deck. Then, you should consider using tables and figures to present some material as they may help structure your argument.
In preparing the assignment, you should place yourself in the role of an external consultant.  It is important that you provide your audience with information that is customised for their situation rather than producing material that reads like a generic textbook. You should therefore illustrate that you understand their context and priorities. In order to do this you will need to make some assumptions. You should state all assumptions in an appendix to your assignment. You may also need to undertake research to prepare your assignment. References in the report and slide deck should be provided in Harvard style.

Assessment Criteria
The following set of marking criteria are for the report and slides.
Criteria Explanation Weight

Background and objectives
A set of well-articulated and justified objectives for data exploration and a well-justified explanation as to their suitability for the company (exploration). A well-considered analysis of your team data science personalities, revealing key skills and responsibilities. 15%

Analysis A detail and justification analysis of how data exploration was conduct. 35%

Evaluations and recommendations A well-articulated explanation of how data exploration meets the set objectives and also can provide useful insights for the organisation. 35%

The effective and coherent communication of information in a format suitable for a consulting report and presentation for senior management. Adherence to Business School presentation standards including Harvard referencing and the use of acceptable research materials. 15%

Business contact about occupation and industry you are interested in

To gather information from a business contact about occupation and industry you are interested in, to help you make more informed decisions about your career.

Business contact about occupation and industry you are interested in

To gather information from a business contact about occupation and industry you are interest ed in, to help you make more informed decisions about your career

Conduct an information interview either via telephone or in-person (NOT via email) with a professional within the U.S. who is currently in the career field that you are considering. The purpose of this assignment is to learn more about a career area of interest by interpreting the answers yourself.


You should be processing the answers in your own words and from your own perspective. Simply having your interviewee complete the answers for you via e-mail will result in a 0 grade on the assignment. In addition, simply repeating answers in quotes only or confining answers to just the most basic regurgitation of interviewee responses will result in either reduced or 0 credit for specific answers or, in the most egregious cases, a 0 grade for the entire assignment.

List each of the items/questions in your paper and document the information you have uncovered concerning the following:

5) Why you selected this particular individual to interview.

6) Also, General background information concerning the interviewee: degree, years in current position, etc. (Do not ask about interviewee’s salary)

7) Additionally, What are the primary tasks perform ed for this position and what percentage of the day is spent in each of these primary tasks?

8) Further, What do you find to be the most rewarding and most difficult aspects of your job and why?

9) Also, What kinds of technical and people skills are necessary to do well in this career, and why are they necessary?

10) Moreover, What is the work environment like (i.e., hours, facilities, co-workers, and culture)?

11) Besides, If you could start all over again, would you change your career path in any way? Why or why not?

12) Consequently, Which professional journals (or any other written materials) and organizations would help me learn more about this field?

13) Additionally, Design your own question and provide the interviewee’s answer>

14) Finally, Design your own question and provide the interviewee’s answer>

15) Lastly, State what you learned from the interview>

Challenging for organizations to calculate the financial benefits

Discuss why it is very challenging for organizations to calculate the financial benefits (returns) of online advertisement. Research has shown that although organisations spend a lot of money in all kind of online advertisement, they are finding it very difficult to calculate the return on investment.

Challenging for organizations to calculate the financial benefits

A) Firstly, Discuss why it is very challenging for organizations to calculate the financial benefits (returns) of online advertisement. Research has shown that although organisations spend a lot of money in all kind of online advertisement, they are finding it very difficult to calculate the return on investment. (1.5 to 2 pages)

B) Google Analytics is a fantastic tool made by Google. It helps organizations track their Web traffic and social networks, view their ads spending performance and take corrective actions. Also, Dashboards and other features are also supported by the Software. Additionally, Explain all the features that are supported by Google analytics. Be very explicit. Further, Don’t just copy and paste from Show me that you understand what each feature does. (1.5 to 2 pages)

a. Online customer relationship management proved to be very effective than offline CRM. Also, Explain the different factors that can explain this fact. Lastly, Read about what researchers say and add your own understanding about this fact. (1.5 to 2 pages).

b. Organizations that have implemented ERP (Enterprise resource planning systems) are more likely to be successful in implementing online Customer relationship management. ALSO, Explain why this makes sense (1.5 to 2 pages).

a. Firstly, Search electronic databases and find three multichannel retailers such as Walmart that failed their online businesses. A good example is Sears. You may use Sears as the first example. Finally, Please write one page for each retailer. For each retailer, describe the most striking failure factors. (1.5 to 2 pages)

b. Finally, Same as in question an above but this time do the same for those who succeeded their online businesses. An example would be Walmart. (1.5 to 2 pages).