Using the organization of choice Choose a company or enterprise

Using the organization of choice (Choose a company or enterprise) to analyze its 5 building blocks based on the book: ‘ Business Canvas Model’. Students must include Building Block ‘Value Proposition’ in the paper along with other 4 building blocks at their choice.

Using the organization of choice (Choose a company or enterprise)

Firstly, using the organization of choice (Choose a company or enterprise) to analyze its 5 building blocks based on the book: ‘ Business Canvas Model’.

Secondly, students must include Building Block ‘Value Proposition’ in the paper along with other 4 building blocks at their choice.

Students are required to analyze future strategies for each building block.

Additionally, the paper should be supported by both research findings and student’s own perspectives on the organization.

Also, clearly label the 5 building blocks in your paper.

Finally, Read the Book: “Business Canvas Model” (p.22-46)

There are total of 9 building blocks:
① Customer Segments,
② Value Propositions,
③ Channels,
④ Customer Relationships,
⑤ Revenue Streams,
⑥ Key Resources,
⑦ Key Activities,
⑧ Key Partnerships,
⑨ Cost Structure.
The VALUE PROPOSITIONS must be included in the five selected building blocks, and make your own choice of the remaining four.

More details;

What are the 9 building blocks of the business model?
There are nine building blocks in the business model canvas and they are customer value proposition, customer segments, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key partners, key activities, and cost structure.
What are the building blocks of business?
The foundational building blocks of every business are Processes, People, Customers and Resources. Leaders, who strengthen and understand each one of these blocks, build their business. Those who weaken or neglect these building blocks, find themselves with declines in both their top and bottom lines.
What happens if you eliminate or change any of the building blocks of business model canvas?
It means you eliminate or change one or more of the nine most important elements you need to decide on when designing your business model. If you change one or more of the nine building blocks of the Canvas you eliminate one ore more of the questions that help you figure out the pillars of your business model.

Head of International Marketing Strategy for Nokia Networks

You have been appointed as a Head of International Marketing Strategy for Nokia Networks. You have been ask ed to prepare a Market Entry Strategy (in the form of a report) for the GCC region. (Namely six potential markets that Nokia Networks is interested in entering over the next 5 years).

Head of International Marketing Strategy for Nokia Networks

You have been appoint ed as a Head of International Marketing Strategy for Nokia Networks. You have been ask ed to prepare a Market Entry Strategy (in the form of a report) for the GCC region. (Namely six potential markets that Nokia Networks is interest ed in entering over the next 5 years).

The main purpose of this assignment is, after conducting a market analysis based on the available data, to recommend one market (either Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar or the United Arab Emirates) for Nokia Networks to enter in the first two years of their five-year market entry plan. Your market entry recommendation must be support ed and just by credible reasoning and suitable evidence.

You have been give n datasheets for the six GCC mobile communication markets. As a suggestion, you should choose a minimum of seven market variables, of your choice, from these datasheets. Further, compare them across the six markets to get a good feel for market trends that will indicate the mobile communication market potential. Examples of market variables could be Population, Nominal GDP per capita, Total Mobile Revenues, etc.

Furthermore, as a requirement, you should analyze these seven variables over a three year period (i.e. 2008, 2009 and 2010) to understand important trends within the GCC mobile communications market.

As a report, you should put together a maximum of seven pages. It will include the analyses (i.e. graphs or tables to show the GCC mobile communications market trends);

Also, key interpretations of the used data,

Furthermore, recommendations and their strategic justification.
Chiefly your report will be judge d on the selection of appropriate market variables, quality of data analysis, clarity in data presentation and appropriateness of recommendations.

Evaluation of Capital Projects using budgeting tools

This is an assignment that focuses on the Evaluation of Capital Projects using budgeting tools. The paper also requires making of appropriate decisions.

Evaluation of Capital Projects using budgeting tools

Create an Excel spreadsheet in which you use capital budgeting tools to determine the quality of 3 proposed investment projects, as well as a 6-8 page report that analyzes your computations and recommends the project that will bring the most value to the company.

This portfolio work project is about one of the basic functions of the finance manager. Allocating capital to areas that will increase shareholder value. There are many uses of cash managers can select from, but it is essential that the selected projects are ones that add the most value to the company. This means forecasting the projected cash flows of the projects and employing capital budgeting metrics to determine which project, given the forecast cash flows, gives the firm the best chance to maximize shareholder value.

As a business professional, you are to:
Firstly, use capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compare them to upfront costs.
Secondly, evaluate capital projects and make appropriate decision recommendations.
Thirdly, prepare reports and present the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.

You work as a finance manager for Drill Tech, Inc., a mid-sized manufacturing company located in Minnesota. Three capital project requests were identified as potential projects for the company to pursue in the upcoming fiscal year. In the meeting to discuss capital projects, the director of finance (and your boss), Jennifer Davidson, gives you a synopsis of the projects along with this question:

Which one of these projects will provide the most shareholder value to the company?
She also tells you that other than what she notes in each project scenario, all other costs will remain constant. Also, you should remember to only evaluate the incremental changes to cash flows.

How business strategies can affect pay decisions of organizations

This is a paper that focuses on how business strategies can affect pay decisions of organizations. The paper requires watching of a strategic video and reading of an article.

How business strategies can affect pay decisions of organizations

Why this assignment?
This assignment is to achieve the goal of our Module 3 learning objectives.“demonstrate an understanding of how business strategies can affect pay decisions of organizations.”. This assignment supports Course Objective 1.

First, watch the video Strategic Fit of HR Practices and Pay Decisions (by Professor Yoon) (Modules > Module 3 > Required Videos). To do this assignment, you need to have a clear understanding of the concept ‘competitive advantage’ and also ‘vertical fit of HRM practices.’

Now read the following article. 

In this article, the author does not directly use the words like “competitive advantage” or “vertical fit.”. However, he explains that Walmart pays its employees less than Costco because its business operation model differs from that of Costco. In other words, Walmart pays its employees less because its “competitive advantage” (which translates into its business operation model) differs from that of Costco. And the different business operation models (or competitive advantages) leading to different pay practices. (different pay levels in this case) can be explained by the concept of “vertical fit of HRM practices.”. So, the concepts that you learned in the above video by Professor Yoon can be utilized to some extent to explain why different companies pay their employees differently.

So, now I have researched the pay level of the two jobs, flight attendant and customer service manager, for the two airlines:

Spirit and American. The results are in Table 1 below.

Ensure that the instructor instructs you on the length of the paper. The cover and reference pages are not inclusive. Also, ensure that you reference and cite all the sources you are to use in the assignment.

Improving the customer experience MKTG 30673 assignment

This is a paper that focuses on improving the customer experience MKTG 30673 assignment. The paper also provides requirements to use for this paper.

Improving the customer experience MKTG 30673 assignment

MKTG 30673 – Improving the Customer Experience:

You will create a customer experience improvement plan. Additionally, you are a newly appointed marketer who has recently completed a module on improving the customer experience. You are invited by your line manager to make recommendations on how to improve the experience of the firm’s customers. You are interested to impress your marketing manager. Choose a firm that fits one of the 3 options below and develop a report to submit to the marketing manager. In developing the report you are to explore elements of the current customer experience relevant to the customers of your firm and to develop a plan for improving it. The report will also include a critical analysis of the concept of improving customer experience in the context of the type or firm selected from the options below:

The call centre experience of a firm (i.e. either a mobile network; telephony; bank; energy/utility; or public service firm).
Improve the service design or delivery of a company that implements ‘internet of things’ (IoT) in its service or robotics as a service (i.e. Samsung IoT, Alexa, or firms that offer self-serve checkouts such as stores or self service check-in services such as airlines)
Improve the value cocreation process of a company that bases its business model on customer collaboration or the sharing economy. (i.e. any C2C firm conducting business in the sectors of such as Apartment/House Renting and Couchsurfing, or Reselling and Trading, and , such as  Airbnb, vrbo, ebay, Craigslist, Shpock, car2go, uber)

Improving the customer experience MKTG 30673 assignment

However, you may choose ONE ONLY of the above 3 options. Please note that this assignment is based on available secondary data.

This assignment comprises a 2000-word individual report and represents 40% of the module mark. There are three sections:

Section One:

Introduce the reader of the report with a review of the current status of the customer experience of the firm’s clients. In this section you may identify a customer experience related challenge the firm is facing, or a problem that customers complain about, or the disadvantages of the current customer experience system in place. Also, remember your analysis will only be based on secondary sources. Or your personal observations/experience of a customer of the firm. Be clear about what the problem/challenge, in order to impress your boss. This section is rather small [recommended about 400 words], your analysis must be concrete and precise.

The knowledge and understanding of key marketing themes

This is a paper that is focusing on the knowledge and understanding of key marketing themes. The paper also provides further instructions on the learning outcomes of the paper.

The knowledge and understanding of key marketing themes

Firstly, you must apply your knowledge and understanding of key marketing themes covered in the module to examine the Healthcare Sector and discuss the most critical and salient issues in the form of an academic essay.

The Healthcare Sector and Healthcare Systems face significant challenges and changes. ‘Across the developed world, health systems must adapt to aging populations, changing patient needs, and advances in technology that could both reduce costs and revolutionize clinical care.’ (Dash, Singhal & London / McKinsey, 2019)

Secondly, to underpin your discussion, you must APPLY selected academic topics, concepts and theory covered – note you must determine which topics are the most, critically important and focus on these in your discussion.

Thirdly, you must use and refer to appropriate academic articles to examine the most prominent critical and emerging themes affecting this sector.

Fourthly, to support your discussion, you are required to undertake secondary research into the Healthcare sector using and sourcing appropriate and credible secondary sources (non-academic), e.g. FT, The Times, The Guardian, The Independent, McKinsey Quarterly, etc.
Note – that this is NOT a market analysis of the Healthcare Sector.
Reference your work accordingly using Harvard referencing.

Submit as an essay; the word count is 3,000 words (+/- 10%)
Further details will be in class and on Canvas Assessment section, and assessment guidance and support will be provided in the lecture and seminars.

Learning Outcomes
The following learning outcomes will be tested in this assessment:
K1. Critical understanding of key and emerging themes in marketing theory and practice
K2. Critical understanding of the challenges to marketing practice with regards to key and emerging themes

S3. Application of academic literature to support evaluation
S4. Critical thinking and communication of complex ideas

An analysis of an International Business Opportunity (China)

An analysis of an International Business Opportunity (China). The president of your company has given you a special assignment. It seems that the board of your organization is interested in exploring business opportunities in an international location.

An analysis of an International Business Opportunity China

The president of your company has given you a special assignment. It seems that the board of your organization is interested in exploring business opportunities in an international location. Because the president knows that you are taking an International Management course, s/he has asked you to investigate this idea and to prepare a full report that provides upside/downside implications of entering a particular foreign market, including a recommendation about the optimal entry strategy.


Your goal is to prepare a 10 to 12 page, APA-style written report that includes your recommendations about entering into an international venture, supported by a thorough analysis that incorporates what you have learned during your time in MBA 529.
Specifically, you will evaluate your organization’s potential to internationalize via a new installation (branch, factory, sales presence, etc.). Thus, the industry of your organization will serve as a key focus of your paper. Your instructor will assign a foreign country that will form the remaining context of your analysis.

So for example, if you currently work for a local hospital and you are assigned the target country of India, you would write a paper analyzing the potential of opening a subsidiary hospital (or other health care facility) in India. Or, if you work for an advertising firm and you are assigned the country of Uganda, you would perform an analysis to determine the feasibility of opening an office or a subsidiary firm in Uganda.

If you are not currently working for an organization, you may use a former employer or, alternatively, an industry with which you are familiar or that particularly interests you. If you work in a service-type role or profession—e.g., professional nanny—you could write an analysis on establishing a “nanny business” in your assigned country.

Step 1: Getting Started

Please begin by reporting to your instructor by the end of Week 2the industry that you will be investigating (i.e., the industry in which you currently are working or an industry in which you formerly have worked). Once you do so, your instructor will assign a foreign country for your analysis.

Step 2: Performing the Analysis
Using our MBA 529 learning modules as a guide, your detailed analysis should incorporate a thorough discussion of the following areas.

Social, political, cultural, legal, technological, and economic environment of the country that your organization proposes entering.

Please use the Hofstede, Trompenaars, and GLOBS cultural research and frameworks in the textbook to analyze the business culture and environment in the country of your choice.

Entry and organizational strategies the organization should consider and advance (including potential local partners)

Ethical, leadership, and management challenges (including human resources considerations) associate d with entering this market and pursuing the entry strategy that you are proposing

Step 3: Preparing the Final Paper

Please organize your paper into the following three (3) sections using the section headings indicated below. You may further divide the Analysis section into subsections that highlight key elements of your analysis. (E.g., Ethical Challenges, Economic Considerations, etc.).

Executive Summary: Please include the following information in a succinct-but-complete executive summary that is one or two paragraphs in length.

Entry strategy recommendation.

Brief description of the analysis you performed.

Major upside/downside implications (i.e., benefits & challenges) associated with entering this market


For the main portion of your paper, you will use data that you have researched on the country and your industry as well as the text and class discussions to perform an in-depth analysis that addresses environmental considerations (e.g., political,  legal & regulatory, etc.), an emphasis on culture, possible entry strategies, and management and leadership implications.  Demonstrate comprehension and application by integrating course concepts with country-specific and industry-specific examples.


Conclude with recommendations. Chief among the recommendations will be a final decision with respect to an entry strategy. At least four (4) additional recommendations should be related to areas such as organizational structure, and leadership style. Also, motivational approaches (including compensation approaches), and HR-related areas such as recruitment. Additionally,  selection, and training. Make sure your suggestions are clearly based on information gathered from current research and industry/country data as well as relevant course concepts.

Note: It is possible that your analysis could lead you to recommend against entering the foreign market. I.e., your analysis may reveal that the risks outweigh the benefits. If so, please report and explain this recommendation. However, please also note that the Conclusion section should still contain recommendations about the most feasible entry strategy. Additionally, recommendations related to organizational structure, leadership style, motivational approaches, and human resources management. In other words, if the organization nonetheless decided to enter the market, what recommendations should it follow?

Marketing managers for global organizations are often asked to evaluate

Marketing managers for global organizations are often asked to evaluate the feasibility of new products and services and predict their profitability for the organization. For this task, you will select a business that would like to develop new products and services in order to attain a competitive advantage in the global market.

Marketing managers for global organizations are often asked to evaluate

Marketing managers for global organizations are often asked to evaluate the feasibility of new products and services and predict their profitability for the organization.

For this task, you will select a business that would like to develop new products and services in order to attain a competitive advantage in the global market. You will first consider the products and services the company currently offers and recommend new products and services that have the most potential for profitability based on your evaluation. You will then identify the target market and consider how you would reach that market using traditional mass media and social media for the launch and beyond.

For example, a natural foods company may need to begin offering an online ordering system to remain competitive. If you discover a market exists for a new natural food product that is desired in other countries but not readily available there, this might be a good product to recommend adding, but you should first determine whether it is feasible.

Select a business from one of the industries listed below:

Firstly, Agriculture

Secondly,  banking

Thirdly,  Hospitality

Fourthly,  Healthcare

Further,  Retail

Moreover,  Transportation

Lastly, Technology



Please choose a business that can be adapt ed to a global market. Any information that would be consider ed confidential, proprietary, or personal in nature should not be include d in the actual task submission to WGU. Do not include the actual names of people, suppliers, the organization(s), or other identifiable information. Use fictional names. Also, include organization-specific data, and including financial information. Work performed for a client or an employer is their property and should not be used without written permission.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combine d total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quote d or closely paraphrase d from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provide when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will use to evaluate your work. Each requirement below is in evaluation by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Note: Submit your Assessment in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
A.  Develop a proposal for your chosen business’s global strategic marketing plan in which you do the following:
1.  Identify two new products and/or services that the company can sell or offer to a global market.
a. Discuss three different methods you used to determine that there is both a need as well as an existing global market for these products and/or services.

b. Explain one competitive advantage that the company will gain by offering these new products and/or services to a global market.

c. Discuss two inherent risks associated with launching the new products and/or services to a global market and how to minimize these risks.


2.  Discuss the customer relationship management (CRM) software system you prescribe to track product and/or service inquiries and sales.

a. Explain how the information generated by the CRM software will be used to continue to drive CRM practices and track sales in a global market.

3.  Discuss at least one distribution channel for the two new products and/or services.

a. Analyse key considerations for entering a global market (e.g., regional trade alliances, agreements, environmental forces).

b. Analyse how the global supply chain may affect the product or service.

4.  Discuss a major pricing strategy (i.e., cost plus pricing, competition-based pricing, break-even-based pricing, penetration-based pricing, premium pricing) aligned to your products and/or services’ position within the overall market strategy of the global marketplace.

a. Identify costs associated with developing and launching the new products and/or services.

b. Evaluate consumer acceptance of the price set for the new products and/or services.

c. Evaluate competitor prices for similar products and/or services.

5.  Discuss the promotional strategy you will use to promote your products and/or services in a global market.

a. Identify two mass media and two social media channels you would use to promote your new products and/or services in a global market.

i. Justify why you chose these channels based on market segmentation (e.g., demographics, psychographics, and behavioural characteristics)

b. Discuss two sales promotion activities (e.g., coupons, games, contests, sweepstakes) you would use to promote your new products and/or services in a global market.

B.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

C.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

The adoption of social media within an organization’s field

This is an assignment that focuses on the adoption of social media within an organization’s field. The paper also includes a depth literature review on the adoption.

The adoption of social media within an organization’s field

You are to assume the role of an external consultant for Manufacturing. You will need to research thoroughly the adoption of social media within your allocated field in order to determine how it has transformed the way organisations within your sector interact with their stakeholders, that is, their employees, partners, customers/clients, suppliers and other parties.

The result of your research will be a consultancy report that investigates the adoption and use of social media and social networks in your allocated sector and recommends a comprehensive social media strategy.

Your report should include in-depth literature review on the adoption and existing use of social digital technologies in your sector. Your research should include a wide variety of social media technologies and their application, or potential application in your sector. The report should identify the business drivers involved in the adoption/use of social media platforms; explore their benefits and opportunities; outline potential obstacles and adoption issues, both internally and externally; cover impact analysis and explore metrics and their implementation; provide supporting evidence and justification, including audience needs, innovation issues and the role of user generated content.

Learning Outcomes addressed:
Firstly, analyse and differentiate between the range of social media platforms, applications and tools, and their appropriate deployment.
Secondly, evaluate organisational cultures and characteristics and the potential impact of the implementation of enterprise social media
Thirdly, critically evaluate the most effective social media solutions to improve business performance
Then, appraise the social and ethical relationship between social media as it pertains to traditional mass media and public relations practice

Lastly, identify the opportunity to apply enterprise class social media to innovate within organisational processes, products and services

The head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer

You are currently the head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer. The organization has decided to expand its operations into the Eastern market such as China, Japan, and Singapore. The vice president of human resources has asked that you create a proposal outlining your plans for a new hire orientation program for the Eastern market. In your proposal, include the elements listed below.

The head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer

You are currently the head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer. The organization has decided to expand its operations into the Eastern market such as China, Japan, and Singapore. The vice president of human resources has asked that you create a proposal outlining your plans for a new hire orientation program for the Eastern market. In your proposal, include the elements listed below.

Firstly, Discuss how the Eastern market will potentially view new hire orientation, and then discuss two to three ways to tailor the new hire orientation to this market.

Secondly, Discuss how the Eastern market perceives the relationship between the learner and trainer.

Thirdly, Discuss who will be responsible for giving the new hire orientation to the Eastern employees. Also, how the orientation will be delivered. For example, will a local who is familiar with the language deliver a live orientation training session, or will it be a remote training session with a translator? Additionally, Will it be some other delivery method? Once the method is chosen, discuss why this method is appropriate for the given market.

Further, your completed assignment must be at least two pages in length and use at least two outside sources.

Also, adhere to APA guidelines when constructing this assignment, and include in-text citations and references for all sources that are use d.

Finally, please note that no abstract is needed.