Leadership in Workplace

Employee performance, collaboration, and effective teamwork are vital to the success of not only the individual and team but to the organization as a whole. That said, there is a certain social phenomenon that may start to decay positive workplace culture and performance. With this in mind, address the following: 1. What are some ways to prevent social loafing? 2. How might one create more cohesive groups? 3. How might leadership encourage and reward diversity in the workplace?

Please note: Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length, excluding the cover page and reference pages. In your paper, be sure to create an outline utilizing these three elements. Do not number your elements in your paper, instead, be sure to start with your introduction section, then use each element above as a level header (see APA guide for how to do this).

For example, #1 could have the header title of: Preventing Social Loafing. #2 could be: Cohesive Groups; and #3 could be: Diversity in the Workplace, (these are just examples, you can rename if desired, but make sure they are close enough to be recognized). Then, be sure to add in a conclusion header and text as well. A good conclusion includes a brief summary of what was discussed as well as why it’s important to consider these elements in the future. That said, remember to CITE YOUR WORK! It is very important to show backing for your thought, so if you are summarizing/paraphrasing another’s work, cite that work, or any work that shows backing for your thought after that thought is over. Each paragraph starts anew, so remember that citing in one paragraph does not cover you for your whole paper. Also, if you quote words, be sure to add in the page or para# with the rest of the quote at the end of the quote mark.

Richard Branson’s Leadership and Management Philosophy

1.Analyse Richard Branson’s leadership style and his Business philosophy supporting your answer with organisational and leadership theories.

2. Discuss some of the behaviours and personality traits you observe in Richard Branson supporting your argument with behavioural and trait theories.

3. Discuss how Branson’s leadership style would impact on Virgin‘s performance and employees’ motivation. Support your answer with the relevant theories. 4. In a fast changing environment and a globalised economy, should Richard Branson consider a more post-modern organisation? Justify your answer.  GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION 1. who is Richard Branson?(beriefly explain) ANALYTICAL DISCUSSION 2.discuss what leadship is and how would you describe Branson’s leadership style. Discuss his business philosophy with reference to organisational theory( Classical, Huaman relations schools etc.) 3.What behavious do you observe in Richard Branson? (refer to Behavioural theory)

4.what do you think the impact of Branson’s leadership style is likely to be on the organisation performance (VIrgin) and employee’ motivation? You should provide a perspective on organisational structure as well in the section (eg: mechanistic v organic, and contingency approach) discuss how Globalisation would affect Vrigin and whether Richard Bransin should consider a more post-modern organisation? CONCLUSION 5.Draw togerther your principle duscussion point to conslude how leadership styles influence and impact on organisational behaviour.

Strategic Staffing at Atlas Corporation

Strategic Staffing at Atlas Corporation

Read the case study at the top of page 18 in Chapter 1 of the textbook. After reading the case study, answer the following questions: 1. How would you explain the alignment of Atlas’ business, human resource, and staffing strategies? 2. When considering the components of strategic staffing, what is Atlas doing well with regard to staffing strategically? What could they do better? 3. What would you suggest Atlas do to further enhance the alignment between its staffing function and its need to promote from within? 4. Is there a benefit for Atlas to have an internal or external staffing focus in order to gain/maintain a competitive advantage? Why, or why not? Answer all four questions in one document. Your completed case study must be no less than two full pages in length. You must use at least your textbook as a reference, but other resources may be used if needed. Any information fromresources used must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Sales Management Case Study

Answer the three questions according to the attached case study. Requirements: 1. Answers require insightful and thorough analysis of all the sales issues 2. Answers demonstrate well documented, reasoned and professorially appropriate comments on solutions, or proposals for solutions, to all the sales issues 3. Answers indicate excellent usage of case information into the issues with clearly documented links to class reading materials 4. Please be original, logical and use at least 4 academic references correctly

Auditing Assurance and Risk Assessment

Topic: Auditing, Assurance and Risk Assessment


Paper details:

REVISION Client: can you tell the writer to refer the sections to this file APES 110_Code of Ethics.pdf [MATERIAL] because this one is the latest version the e-book is already 2015th edition actually they are not changed alot but you tell him to refer it for sure Client: the writer section number is correct please dont change it you just need to define it longer and in more details Client: can you tell writer to add 1 section APES 290.168 for question d because it is related to the safeguard of preparing accounting records and financial statements Client: yup add it for question (d) and apply it Client: tell him to write more about the safe guards the safe guards he write was too short he should refer to this sample to write more about the safe guards Client: just write more detail like that sample Case_Study_1._18948211.docx [MATERIAL] Client: ok just 2 things i want to conclude first still keep the section number second write sections and safeguards more specificly and more details Client: because i dont want to confuse writer so just said 2 main things ______________________________________________________ can you ask the writer to define and apply the sections numbers in more details and make it longer because compared to the sample i think the writer havent defined enough i want him to define the section longer 1. Before you start writing the assignment, you should read the powerpoint Slide which is attached below to have a deeper understanding about “APES 110” Ethics and independence. 2. After reading those slides, you will have to use a number of sections from APES 110 to identify the threats, recommend safe guards to reduce the independence threats identified and also provide an objective assessment of whether audit independence can be achieved 3. In order to apply those sections, you need to refer my e-book account to find those sections and apply it to the questions. Here is my ebook accounts: 4. Moreover, there is also one sample writing assessment attached below for you to do some readings and have some ideas how to answer it

Define diversity and then review the three challenges it presents for organizations and managers

Define diversity and then review the three challenges it presents for organizations and managers.


Paper details:

Requesting writer ID: 2587269 500 – 750 words or 2 – 3 pages. Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior Sixth Edition, 2012 ISBN-13: 9780136124436 Jennifer M. George and Gareth R. Jones chapter 1 page 17-19 link to textbook: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2ahUKEwjSgvCIl-DjAhWHHDQIHUu1CR4QFjAAegQIABAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.homeworkmarket.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fq5%2F13%2F09%2Funderstanding_and_managing_organizational_behavior_6th_edit….pdf&usg=AOvVaw3wYhSlVrBiOWFKgzRJbFiI

The Balance Scorecard is a control tool created in the early 1990s and aimed at aligning an organization’s performance with its strategic objectives

The Balance Scorecard


Paper details:

The Balance Scorecard is a control tool created in the early 1990s and aimed at aligning an organization’s performance with its strategic objectives. This tool, widely used in business, government and non-profit organizations, provides an overall view of performance through four main aspects: finance, innovation and learning, internal business, and customers. Likewise, the Balance Scorecard is used as method of controlling projects performance. For this paper, you will apply a Balance Scorecard approach to the project plan developed during the Group Activity. Using the four perspectives outlined in the article “Align project management with organizational strategy” apply each perspective the project that was outlined in your group’s project plan. You should also download this balanced scorecard for a visual example: Regional Airline Balanced Scorecard (https://balancedscorecard.org/Portals/0/PDF/Regional_Airline.pdf) Based on the overall goals of the organization (you are free to make some assumptions given the information you have), as well as those of the project, identify some specific objectives for each of the categories of the Balance Scorecard (Employee Growth and Learning, Internal Processes, Customer Satisfaction, and Financial.) Which are the relationships among the specific objectives of the project identified? (See the Regional Airline Balanced Scorecard Simplified Strategy Map) Identify the specific performance measures for each area that will illustrate success of the project What are the targets for these performance measures—how will you know when the performance measures have been reached? Which specific initiatives and actions, by the organization, will contribute to the attainment to the targets? Again, assumptions are allowed just be sure to articulate them in the paper. Submit at least a 3- page paper (independent of the title page and reference page) double-spaced in Times New Roman (or its equivalent) font which is no greater than 12 points in size. Any citations should be in APA format. Paper Assessment Criteria Multiple objectives identified in each of the categories of the Balanced Scorecard: financial, customer, internal and learning. Objectives identified are clearly linked with the project. Description of the objectives is concise and self-explanative. Relationships for all the specific objectives established have been identified. A strategy map is included to better illustrate the relationships. Multiple performance measurements are identified for each of the specific objectives established. Measurements identified are clearly linked to the objective performance. Description of the measurements are concise and make sense given the project. Multiple targets for each of the performance measurements established and show creative, innovative thinking. Targets identified are clearly linked to the performance measurement. One action identified for each of the actions established. Actions have a clear contribution to the targets established and are realistic for the project constraints given. Actions are reasoned and well explained. Writing is clear, concise and professional. The writing follows a logical flow. No spelling or grammatical errors are present. All resources and references are correctly cited using APA style. / References were not require

Competitive Markets Price Quality and Monopoly

Competitive Markets, Price, Quality, and Monopoly” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, analyze at least two (2) primary economic assumptions and examine their short- and long-term impact on promoting the competitive market model in the healthcare environment. Evaluate the fundamental reasons why price and utilization economic factors in the healthcare setting influence competitive market status in regard to supply and demand for health care services. Provide at least one (1) example of such factors to support your response. Take a position on whether or not monopolistic competition works within a healthcare setting. Support for your position should include a discussion of the monopoly model being used to predict the allocation of resources in healthcare markets within preferred provider organizations.



Paper details:

This proposal meant to be finished in May, but due to failure of other exam. My teacher wanted me to send it again by instructions that i added to materials. I will also add what I ve done so far on the topic.

What are some of the strategies an international marketer should consider

Paper details:

In order to make effective marketing strategic decisions, marketers are increasingly drawn to the global marketplace because of the opportunity it represents – think globally, learn/live locally. As markets grow increasingly competitive, as companies find new opportunities, and as the cost of entering foreign markets increases, companies need such planning. If a company is planning to expand its operations in the international markets, what pre-investment measures would you suggests they undertake (plan) to minimize risks of product failure? What are some of the strategies an international marketer should consider?