Tender offer success Italian market corporate takeover

Tender offer success Italian market corporate takeover

This essay entails a paper on ways of predicting Tender offer success in the Italian market corporate takeover to make a profit. Tender offer success depends on the measures put and the extent of the project of the matter. It also depends on the availability of the materials needed to win a tender.

Tender offer success Italian market corporate takeover

this thesis is an empirical an analysis of the determinants of the success of a corporate takeover in the Italian market. Please refer to the word file “Instructions_Thesis” for all the details for this paper both in terms of content and format. I would need someone with competence in Corporate Finance and statistical softwares such as SPSS and Excel.

This is a very important project for my academic records, but I unfortunately I don’t time to write it because I am working. I will review everything carefully though. Thank you in advance! The research question is: once an acquisition is announced, what are the determinants that make the transaction completing or failing in the Italian market? Thesis should be around 18,000 words. The main reference on this topic is “Walkling, R. (1985). Predicting tender offer success: A logistic analysis.”

A hostile takeover is when an outsider acquires enough control of a company to elect a new board of directors. Install new management, and quite literally “take over” operations and ownership of the company.

You can find this paper online. I have attached 4 similar thesis that have been done recently not to copy but as a reference point. You can also find attached my “University Guidance” document and a “Table of Contents and References” file with a draft of the outline and of the basic references for this thesis. You can also find attached an excel file with the raw data from Bloomberg about the Italian transactions. We can discuss about the data later on because I think they might need some adjustments.

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