Industry analysis into the UK smartphone sector

Description You have been appointed as a Senior Marketing Executive for Samsung. As part of your role you are required to produce an Industry Analysis Report into the UK smartphone sector. In particular, you are required to address the following issues: Q1 Undertake an industry analysis into the smartphone sector to identify key opportunities and threats within the UK market. (30%) Q2 Introduce a new product based on the opportunities identified from the analysis undertaken in Q1 and design a detailed marketing mix. (40%)  Q3 On what basis/competitive advantage would the new product compete in the market place in the long-run? (20%) Executive summary, summary, structure, presentation. (10%) 4000 words Assessment Marking Criteria and Guidance for Individual Questions: Assignment (Industry Analysis Report) As you would expect, the assessment is looking for evidence of an understanding of and application of the basic principles of the areas of marketing covered by the assignment as well as application of the principles to the company / situation in the assignment. Students who simply repeat chunks of the textbook and students who simply ‘theory dump’ without evidence of real understanding and application will not pass. Top mark students will show e.g. critical awareness, compare and contrast and otherwise show insights into the concepts and ideas and their application. You have been appointed as a Senior Marketing Executive for Samsung. As part of your role you are required to produce an Industry Analysis Report into the UK smartphone sector. In particular, you are required to address the following issues: Q1 Undertake an industry analysis into the UK smartphone sector to identify key opportunities and threats within the market. (30%) • A comprehensive analysis of all three levels using a recognised industry analysis model(s). • Highlighting key areas within each level with an appropriate level of explanation for the key areas. • Identification of key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats resulting from the industry analysis. • Prioritisation of opportunities and threats based on the industry analysis and overall business objectives. • Supported with referenced and up-to-date evidence throughout. Q2 Introduce a new product based on the opportunities identified from the analysis undertaken in Q1 and design a detailed marketing mix. (40%) • Rational and justification for introducing the new product. • Identification of and detailing of each element of the marketing mix (7Ps). • Supported with referenced and up-to-date evidence throughout. Q3 On what basis/competitive advantage would the new product compete in the market place in the long-run? (20%) • Identify the main competitive advantage approaches(s)/strategies and select and justify an appropriate strategy (the competitive advantage strategy should be integrated into the marketing mix). • Describe how the strategy will be maintained in the long-run. • Supported with referenced and up-to-date evidence throughout

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