How do we improve performance and the management

This is a paper that is focusing on how do we improve performance and the management. The paper also provides instructions to use and marks for every task question in the paper.

How do we improve performance and the management

How do we improve performance and the management of, within the team?
The aim for this research would be to have a more equal productive team where the workload and involvement is spread more evenly. To allow more introvert members to contribute fully.
1.0  Literature Review
Firstly, what is the issue, (the issue is a lack of performance in some staff and other staff going above and beyond without any management or reward for either) how does it effect organisations? Also, is there any supporting data you can include eg cost to organisation?
Additionally, write a section on each potential solution given (see above) where you compare and contrast what different authors say about each of those solutions. 3 authors 3 solutions with 7-10 references

800 words

2.0  Secondly, critique of Literature Review – Discuss the literature you have researched. Comment on the methods. What did various authors say about the methods, compare and also contrast.  500 words

2.1  Thirdly, justification of research selected – why did you pick the research that you picked. Has the research been useful, what are other business doing that you’re not?

2.2  Advantages and also disadvantages of research selected
Describe the data collection methods used by the researchers, was it appropriate?
Which sector did it research?

Quantative data, (questionnaire, survey)
The disadvantage is low response rate, the advantage is easy to analyse easy to distribute.
Qualitative data methods, (interviews, focus group ie thoughts feelings and also opinions)
The advantage is its open ended, if a time is set its likely to get a response. The disadvantage is dominant one person answering questions.

2.3  How could it be applied to this business
Fourthly, discuss findings from your literature review and also methods that you have critiqued that might work best in your organisation.
Introduce your primary data collection methods, one quantitative and also one qualitative. What why and how?
(3.1, 3.2, 3.3 combined word count of 500 words)

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