Employment laws and federal regulations governing employment

Employment laws and federal regulations governing employment

Consider what you have learned about employment laws and federal regulations governing employment, particularly regarding the distinctions between independent contractors and employees and how business is conducted with each. Read the scenario below.

Employment laws and federal regulations governing employment

The purpose of this assignment is to identify laws and federal regulations governing employment.

Consider what you have learn ed about employment laws and federal regulations governing employment, particularly regarding the distinctions between independent contractors and employees and how business is conducted with each. Read the scenario below.

Madrid and Berne is a top-rated accounting firm with offices in Phoenix and Tucson. Madrid and Berne wanted to provide bookkeeping as an additional service to its clients. It hired Joan Newman Business Services, with offices in Phoenix, Flagstaff, Tucson, and Yuma, to perform contract bookkeeping services for Madrid and Berne clients who requested and needed such services. Madrid and Berne entered into an independent contractor agreement with Joan Newman Business Services. The contract stated that Joan Newman is an independent contractor. She agrees that her business is an independent contractor of Madrid and Berne.

After entering into the agreement, Joan work ed solely on jobs assign ed by Madrid and Berne and had a commission for the work. The commission was based upon the fees determined by Madrid and Berne and paid by the clients to Madrid and Berne. Joan was on a weekly basis payment. She used available and unused office space at Madrid and Berne, along with Madrid and Berne’s equipment and supplies. This arrangement also made it easier for clients to utilize Joan’s services and be familiar with the offices. Madrid and Berne reviewed Joan’s work and returned faulty work to her for corrections. They finally delivered the completed work to the clients.



In a 500-750 word paper, apply what you have learned about the distinctions between employees and independent contractors to the scenario. Discuss the following.

Provide an explanation of why it is important to know the distinctions between employees and independent contractors when operating a business.

Also, Using the rules for distinguishing between employee and independent contractor.

Further, Discuss whether Joan’s designation as an independent contractor was correct. Justify your designation by citing laws and federal regulations.

Lastly, Your instructor will provide feedback on the first draft for you to review.

Finally, He will incorporate into the Benchmark – Employee vs. Independent Contractor assignment, due in Topic 7.

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