Develop a Transportation Improvement Plan

Happy Tails Travel Inc.

Improvement Plan Develop a Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) research paper for a supply chain of an organization your choice from any time period: past, present or future. Do not include any secure, confidential or private information in your plan. Your TIP should include background about the organization, its products and services, markets, and supply chain strategies (e.g., green chain). Also describe its current freight flows and future freight flows after implementation of one or more of your recommended improvement projects would be executed. Use a multi-year (more than one year) planning horizon. Support your Plan with theories, concepts, and best practices from the course textbook and scholarly resources available from the APUS Library. See below for Example Template for TIP Paper. Instructions: Minimum of 15 and maximum of 20 pages, including title page and bibliography. APA Style. Word document format. APPLY FOR THIS CASE

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