Describe IKEA’s international corporate level strategy overtime

Describe IKEA’s international corporate level strategy overtime, and discuss the implications for local responsiveness, global integration, and regional expansion. Based on these readings: 1.Jonsson, A. & Foss, N. J., 2011, International expansion through flexible replication: Learning from the internationalisation experience of IKEA, Journal of International Business Studies, 42, pp. 1079-1102. (Available from the library) 2.Porter, ME 1990, ‘The Competitive Advantage of Nations’, Harvard Business Review, 68, 2, pp. 73-93. (Available from the library) 3. Ghemawat, P 2005, ‘Regional Strategies for Global Leadership’, Harvard Business Review, 83, 12, pp. 98-108. (Available from the library) 4. Bartlett & Ghoshal 1989 Matrix 5. International Strategy class course (pdf attached)

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