10 differences between qualitative and quantitative study
10 differences between qualitative and quantitative study
This is an assignment that focuses on the unit PSL7030-Difference between qualitative and quantitative study.
PSL7030-Difference between qualitative and quantitative study
Read and explain in your own words what you understand about this discussion? After reading the assigned readings for the week. I’ve learned that there is a difference with identifying the difference between a quantitative and qualitative study. In a quantitative study, the purpose of the study usually begins with “The purpose of this study” or “The aim of this study”. The purpose of a quantitative study also includes five elements for specifying the purpose: the major variables, overall intent, theory, the participants, and the research site or setting (Clark & Creswell, 2015).
When it comes to a qualitative research purpose, instead of identifying five elements like a quantitative study, a qualitative study, includes the elements for specifying the purpose: the overall intent, the central phenomenon, the participants, and the research site (Clark & Creswell, 2015). A qualitative purpose is broader than a quantitative purpose. When collecting data and performing research for a quantitative study, researchers focus on theories to predict how variables are related; the researchers state hypothesis to convey predictions.
In some other quantitative studies, researchers focus on casual relationships among variables; a quantitative study focuses on how one variable can affect another variable in the study. Compared to a quantitative focus, a qualitative research focuses on a central phenomenon instead of a number of different variables such as a concept, activity, or process. Another difference between a quantitative and qualitative study is that a qualitative study does not focus on a hypothesis, it focuses on the views of individuals in a group (Clark & Creswell, 2015).
Some questions that are best suited for qualitative research. Questions are like “What is it like going to a high school without a school resource officer in the south?” or “What is a person’s sleep pattern like while working full-time?” Questions that can be asked for a quantitative research study are, “How often do people aged 50 to 60 shop online?” or “How often do individuals that workout out regularly eat compared to individuals that don’t workout at all eat?” References Clark, V. L. P., Creswell, J. W., (2015), Understanding research: A consumer’s guide. [Capella]. Retrieved from https://capella.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781323003060/cfi/6/26!/4/20/10/16/6/2/4/4/2@0:77.9