Depression in American teenager

Writing Style All papers are to be type written, double spaced, with pages numbered. Please write course name and number, your name, and date clearly on materials submitted.


Use American Psychological Association (APA) style 6th edition including paper format and references. Points may be deducted for multiple spelling, grammar, format and typing errors. Protection by Copyright 1. Reports, and essays submitted for assessment must be your own work, unless in the case of group projects a joint effort is expected and is indicated as such. 2. Use of quotations or data from the work of others is entirely acceptable, and is often very valuable provided that the source of the quotation or data is given.

Failure to provide a source or put quotation marks around material that is taken from elsewhere gives the appearance that the comments are ostensibly your own. When quoting word-for-word from the work of another person quotation marks or indenting (setting the quotation in from the margin) must be used and the source of the quoted material must be acknowledged.

3. Sources of quotations used should be listed in full in a bibliography at the end of your piece of work. Students are expected to submit their Written Report relevant to the topic and content area. Students will be graded on their report by the Course Faculty using Rubric for Assessing Written Assignments Grammar and Style Numerous and distracting errors in sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. Many errors in sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. Almost no errors in sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. No errors in sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. Rubric for Assessing Written Assignments Beginning

1 Developing

2 Accomplished

3 Exemplary

4 Goal Statement Incomplete and/or unfocused States the paper’s purpose in a single sentence Clearly states the paper’s purpose in a single sentence Clearly and concisely states the paper’s purpose in a single sentence, which is engaging, and thought provoking Introduction There is no clear introduction or main topic and the structure of the paper is missing.

States the main topic but does not adequately follow the structure of the paper States the main topic and follow the structure of the paper. States the main topic in a engaging manner and follow the structure of the paper. Body No evidence of structure or organization. Logical organization; But the association of ideas is not fully developed Each paragraph has sufficient supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea Demonstrates logical and subtle sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs; transitions are used to enhance organization Conclusion Incomplete and/or unfocused. The conclusion does not adequately restate the thesis. The conclusion restates the thesis. The conclusion is engaging and restates the thesis. Citation and Bibliography Absent or only internet site are cited. Inconsistencies evident. Few cited works, both are done in the correct format. Done in the correct format with many errors. Includes 3 major references (e.g. science journal articles, books, but no more than two internet sites. Some cited works are done in the correct format. Done in the correct format with some errors. Includes 4 major references (e.g. science journal articles, books, but no more than two internet sites. All cited works are done in the correct format with no errors. Done in the correct format with no errors. Includes more than 5 major references (e.g. science journal articles, books, but no more than two internet sites. Grammar and Style Numerous and distracting errors in sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. Many errors in sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. Almost no errors in sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. No errors in sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling.

Biopsychology term paper

ASSIGNMENT 2: CHOOSE AN ASSIGNMENT FROM ONE OF THE THREE CATEGORIES LISTED BELOW; Category A: Web site summary and critique (cannot be Wikipedia) Each of these requires that you visit a specified web site related to Physiological Psychology.

Biopsychology term paper

For each of these, browse the site thoroughly and answer the following questions: Who created the web site? (person, professional organization, etc.)

What is the purpose of the web site?

Who is the target audience? (If this is not explicitly stated, use your own judgment.)

What type of information is presented? How does the information in this web site relate to class notes and the text? (Be specific!)

What additional information (that is not in the class notes and the text) did you find on this web site? (Again, be specific!)

What did you learn about Physiological Psychology from this web site? .

Category B: Journal article summary and critique Summaries a selected (peer-reviewed) journal article in the field of Physiological Psychology. Use the school library or any links like PLOS One that I may make available via Announcements.

Make sure the article relates to a topic covered in the text or lecture. For your summary, include the following information:

What is the topic of the article, and why is it important?

Who wrote the article?

Is the article an empirical article (reporting the results of a study that the authors conducted) or a review article (a summary and integration of the results of many previous studies that have been done on a particular topic)?

If the article is an empirical article, what is the purpose or goal of the study being described? Do the authors make specific hypotheses? If so, what are they?

Who were the subjects/participants? Describe the methods/procedures used. What were the main findings? Did the findings support the researchers’ hypotheses?

What do the researchers make of the findings – that is, what do they conclude? If the article is a review article, summarize the major themes or patterns of findings that the authors discuss.

What do the authors conclude about this area of knowledge based on their review of the research in it? What do the authors say still needs to be done? Explain how what you’ve read in this article fits in with what you know from class notes and the text (be specific!). Identify 3 specific things (facts, ideas, etc.) that you learned about Physiological Psychology by reading this article. As much as possible your own words to explain the article and the findings reported within it. Category C: Popular press article summary and critique These assignments require that you summarize a popular press article relating to Physiological Psychology. Find a recent popular press article (Time, Slate, local newspaper, etc., published later than 2007 – an electronic version is fine) relating to Physiological Psychology. Attach a copy of the article to the assignment. Summarize the article. Why did you choose the article? (That is, you probably found it interesting, but why?) How does the article relate to topics we’ve covered in class? Based on the class notes and text, how accurate is the article in its explanation of Physiological Psychology topics? Suggested length – 3 to 5 pages not including title and references. Concentrate on completing the task thoroughly and thoughtfully, and what you hand in will be long enough.

EMDR Therapy

The paper is about EMDR Therapy which means eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. My paper should consist of who created the therapy, different phases, techniques, goals, and who can use it. I need 6 references scholarly journals for databases. The content of the paper is 6 pages.


I need an abstract and introduction and conclusion. The therapy is an edivence based model and it’s used for PTSD, trauma, anxiety and other sources of mental health disorders. If you need anymore information feel free to email me at

Trauma and Stressors-Related Disorder

The paper assignment must include the following structure and it must comply with APA written standards: Title page (1) Abstract page (1) Content pages (5) Conclusion page (1) And Reference page (1): You must provide the 3 journals from the FNU database to support your paper! Therefore, there must be a minimum of nine (9) pages per project. And the topic to talk about is Trauma and Stressors-Related Disorder


3 sections: introduction 1-st: write about which school of psychology scriptotherapy belonged to and brief history of its founder etc. 2nd section: write about each technique used by the aforementioned school and specify why scriptotherapy is important 3rd sections: on which patients/disorders should we use scriptotherapy and how are we going to do it in therapeutic sessions for example. + (other ways) conclusion

Does Depression affect genders Differently

Description -My research question is: Does Depression affect genders Differently? -I need a hypothesis and an annotated bibliography. A testable research question based on previous research related to your chosen topic and a description of your research question’s relevance to the field of psychology. A testable hypothesis based on the research question Abstracts for at least six articles that are related to the research question and hypothesis. For the purposes of this assignment, it is acceptable to copy the abstract from each article and paste it into your paper. Annotatio  for at least six articles Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You need to provide citations, abstracts, and annotations for at least six peer-reviewed articles.


3 sections: introduction 1-st: write about which school of psychology scriptotherapy belonged to and brief history of its founder etc. 2nd section: write about each technique used by the aforementioned school and specify why scriptotherapy is important 3rd sections: on which patients/disorders should we use scriptotherapy and how are we going to do it in therapeutic sessions for example. + (other ways) conclusion

Psychology Intervention

Description Crisis Intervention Plan (200 Points): For this assignment, you will create a crisis intervention plan very detailed – school suicide that has effected the whole high school (public). Plan will come from the point of view of being called in for the 10th grade boys. Population 10th Grade Boys Setting Public High School Type of Crisis suicide You may include an initial debriefing and a follow up plan for example. You should target a specific age, group or population see above. You will also 11/23/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing 5/7 need to identify the type of crisis – crisis is school suicide. The paper must 6 pages and be formatted consistent with APA 6th Edition. APA is very strict. Paper pages can be more but details is most important Outline for Crisis Intervention Plan Paper (100 pts) Paper should be in APA Style. Please use headings in your paper as they are noted below: Presenting Issue & Assessment (20 pts) Please explore/describe an encounter with an imaginary client to include the setting, the client and nature of the crisis as well as discussing what you would have ordinarily gathered from the intake. You should describe the assessment tools you would use and any other relevant information you would have gathered in the initial meeting (2 pages minimum). Ethical/Legal Issues (20 pts) Please discuss legal and ethical issues that you would need to consider for the imaginary client’s crisis. Please do not reference every possible code/law, but rather only the ones most important/relevant to the situation (1 page minimum). Intervention (30 pts) Based on the imaginary information you gather in your assessment of the client/crisis and the legal/ethical issues involved, please describe your intervention plan (3 pages minimum). The plan should include planned interventions with the client along with a rationale for the intervention choices you selected. Appendix A (10 pts) Write a case note that reflects your first meeting and plan. References (20 pts for reference formatting and APA Style) 10 references required more can be used but this is a minimum LATE WORK NOT ACCEPTED APA VERY IMPORTANT 3rd Year Level writing is critical You can write more pages but details must be through out

Bipolar disorders

Bipolar disorders  Abnormal

Psychology Research Paper You will choose a disorder for your paper.

You must have at minimum, three resources.

I would prefer that the DSM 5 be a resource but as we only have one copy in the library and it’s quite expensive to purchase, please at least, reference what your book has to say about the DSM in regards to the disorder. The paper should be 6-10 pages long adhering to APA guidelines. I have added links and resources regarding APA format if you are unclear. This will affect your grade, please specifically look at referencing within the body of your work. Many people reference their work in the end and forget to reference within the paper. Please follow the following format. A grading rubric is provided below. Introduction What the disorder is and why it is important to study Body Diagnostic features Course Prevalence Differential Diagnoses/Rule outs (not just a list, but 1 or two and how they can be confusing) Special Features of the Disorder Treatment Research in the field Conclusion Summary Implications Caution – DO NOT COPY WORD FOR WORD WHAT IS IN THE BOOK OR DSM. IF YOU DO, YOU WILL GET AN AUTOMATIC 0. INSTEAD READ IT, DIGEST IT, AND COME UP WITH YOUR OWN WORDS THAT EXPLAIN WHAT THE BOOKS SAY. QUOTES ARE FINE, NOT NO MORE THAN 2. You may choose from the following disorders. If there is something you would like to research that is not listed, please email me for approval. Anxiety Disorders Trauma/Stress Related Disorders Somatic Disorders Neurocognitive Disorders Depressive Disorders Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia Substance Related Disorders Sleep-Wake Disorders Sexual Dysfunctions Gender Dysphoria Paraphilic Disorders Personality Disorders – Cluster A, Cluster B, Cluster C Oppositional Defiant Disorder PTSD Eating Disorders Autism Spectrum Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity PAPER Great (A-B) Fair(B-C) Poor (D-F) APA Formatting 10 points All correct 10 pts Mostly correct 5 pts None or incorrect O pts Grammar, Spelling, Syntax 10 points Minor to no errors 10 points Moderate amount of errors 5 pts Frequent errors 0 pts Introduction What is the disorder/Why study the disorder? 10 points Well-illustrated intro 10 pts Intro present but lacking sufficient info 5 pts No intro of theory 0 pts Diagnostic Features 10 pts Clearly explained diagnostic features 10pts Brief and unclear description of diagnostic features included 5 pts No diagnostic features 0 pts Course 10 pts Clearly explained course of illness 10pts Somewhat vague or brief explanation of course of illness 5 points Little to no explanation of course of illness. 0 points Prevalence 10pts Clearly explained prevalence of illness 10pts Somewhat vague or brief explanation of prevalence of illness 5 points Little to no explanation of prevalence of illness 0 pts Differential Diagnosis/Rule outs 5 pts Clearly explained possible differential diagnoses or rule outs 5 pts Somewhat vague or brief description of possible differential diagnoses or rule outs 3 pts No explanation of possible differential diagnoses or rule outs 0 pts Special Features of the disorder 5pts Clearly explained special features 10pts Somewhat vague or brief explanation of special features 5 points Little to no explanation of special features. 0 pts Treatment 10pts Clearly describes treatment options and outcomes 10 pts Somewhat vague or brief explanation of treatment options and outcomes5pts Little to no explanation treatment options and outcomes 0 pts Research in the field 10 points Well-illustrated example of research 10 pts Somewhat vague or brief explanation of research 5 pts Little to no explanation of research 0 pts Summary 10 points Thorough and concise summary of disorder 10 pts Somewhat vague or brief summary of disorder 5 pts Little to no summary of disorder 0 pts.

Appropriate and inappropriate behavior that we can judge from the outside

Aristotle stressed that virtues led to excellence in human behaviour.

This implies that there is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour that we can judge from the outside, as part of the social context. But implicit in this idea is the perspective that we can understand what life calls for (a sense of purpose), that change is progressive, and that most experiences can be predicted. Do you think that everyday life has a purpose? If so, what is that purpose and how do you know it? If not, what guides your sense of excellence, of better rather than worse in human behaviour? In either case, what do you think are the indicators of virtue that suggest a person is excellent (or on their way to excellence)? Quotation and or paraphrase with explanation from Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics is required for students seeking a top grade.