Should psychologists and other mental health providers use video/online therapy and/or telephone therapy in the assessment and diagnosis of those individuals seeking counseling services?
Paper details:
I would like to argue the “con” side. Debate Instructions: Please argue for the “pro” or “con” side of the following issue: Should psychologists and other mental health providers use video/online therapy and/or telephone therapy in the assessment and diagnosis of those individuals seeking counseling services? For the “pro” side, you agree with the use of video/online therapy and/or telephone therapy in the assessment and diagnosis of those individuals seeking counseling services. On the other hand, for the “con” side, you are against this type of therapy. Your paper should be 2-5 pages (excluding cover and references). Your goals in the debate will be to: Demonstrate understanding of the emerging issue and relevant research findings Display critical thinking skills, while demonstrating an understanding of the emerging issue that enables you to present your side in a rational manner. Identify at least two critical dilemmas and/or points related to the issue (e.g., ethics, socio-cultural norms) Defend your position with compelling arguments and predictions for future trends Select and apply relevant theoretical discussion, empirical data, and practical evidence from professional, scholarly journals. Accurately use APA citations and references when referring to findings supporting your side of the debate. NOTE: Verywellmind,, Wikipedia, WebMD, and Psychology Today are NOT peer-reviewed, empirical references and will not count toward this minimum. Use Psychology Journals, your course text, and any relevant textbook chapters. You may also use websites from reputable sources (e.g., NIMH, Professional Organizations, Psychology Licensing Board Webpages, etc).
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This project will be a 6–8 page paper in APA format. You will select a famous person (by reading a biography or viewing a movie) to complete a case study and a diagnosis. The person can be a historical or present-day figure of significance (e.g., has contributed to entertainment, science, industry, politics), or a fictitious character (e.g. Forest Gump or Anakin Skywalker). This assignment in no way suggests that you have the education or training to complete such a task in the real world. Moreover, it does not imply that your chosen person truly has the diagnosis and/or has consented to treatment. Therefore, you must write a disclaimer at the beginning of your paper to demonstrate an awareness of ethical practice. You MUST also base your diagnosis on information from the course readings and materials from “Abnormal Psychology” By: Ronald J. Comer, in addition to professional resources from Psychology databases such as PsychINFO. Please provide the following in your paper: Cover sheet: Provide the ethical disclaimer here. Background information: Give the background information of your subject (age, culture, gender, history, etc.) Discuss relevant socio-cultural aspects of his or her life—for example, possible historical influences (e.g., World War II). Discuss these with a focus on etiology. Diagnostic information: Provide a possible diagnosis, framed against the diagnostic possibilities from the course readings. Use books, journals, and the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) for reference, to help you build your diagnostic summary. Explain signs and symptoms identified and their coherency with the person’s context (physiology, risk factors). Discuss bias, assumptions, confounds, and other considerations sound clinical diagnostic practices require. Compare and contrast of at least two theoretical orientations: Find at least two empirical supports for your diagnosis that pull from different theoretical orientations. Evaluate the diagnostic value (e.g., applicability, empirical strengths) of each within the context of your diagnosis. (Empirical supports must come from professional journals from databases such as PsychINFO). Summary and conclusions: Here, provide a synthesis of data and your conclusions based on a close analysis of the case. Your paper should be written as a coherent essay. You may include additional insights in your analysis, but you must address these key issues. Assignment Guidelines Prepare your Famous Person Diagnostic Paper according to the following guidelines: Structure your paper utilizing APA style; this includes title page, headers, subheadings, in-text citations, reference page, and general paper format (1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12-point font, etc.). An abstract is not required. Your final Famous Person Diagnostic Paper should be approximately 6 to 8 pages (excluding title page, cover page, and reference page): Title page (do not count page towards paper length requirement) Cover sheet (This is Page 2 of your document and will stand alone, with the ethical disclaimer typed at the top of the page. Do not count this page towards paper length requirement). Body of paper (6 to 8 pages) Reference page (do not count page towards paper length requirement)
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Instructions: In this activity, you will demonstrate your understanding of the basic theories and techniques of abnormal psychology. Guidelines: Gary is a 39-year-old male who comes into your office complaining of a variety of life stressors. To begin with, he lists the following: – weight gain of approximately twenty pounds – insomnia and interrupted sleep – decreased self-esteem – general fatigue – moodiness and irritability – anxiety – loss of appetite followed by increased eating – decreased libido – feelings of guilt stemming from loss of income due to economic troubles (business owner). Gary has been married to his wife for twelve years. The marriage has had its ups and downs, but it is intact and relatively happy. Gary’s wife is a successful business owner with many irons in the fire and a healthy income (six figures). As is the case for Gary, his wife has to put the majority of her income back into her business ventures. The economy has taken a toll on the couple’s savings and investments, as well as on the way of life to which the two have been accustomed (doing and buying all they wanted—for an upper-middle income household). Gary holds a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University. He obtained his MBA and has ventured out in his own business. He has one full-time employee and a receptionist/data entry person who works hourly. He recently moved from a home office, which he shared with his wife, to a new office that has space for his employees. The office is large enough to be used as a meeting space for his clients. His list of clients has grown, yet the clients tend to pay later than Gary desires (60 days or more), and he often has to have his virtual accounting office prompt them for payment. Gary has to have a good cash flow in order to pay his employees, pay off his bills, and meet his family obligations. Due to a pre-existing health condition (his wife has a chronic illness), his health care premium is enormous (over $1K per month for his family plan alone). This does not include the premium Gary must pay for his full-time employee. Gary’s wife paid the family health care premium on her own plan for over two years. It cost her $1,600 per month to carry the entire family (which she did with no complaints). Gary took over the premium, as he felt that his wife had carried that nearly $2K per year burden alone while he built his company. She had also covered all the expenses he was not able to pay during that time. Gary has stated that he could not have embarked on his private venture without his wife’s support (financial and otherwise). He feels that this has put a strain on his marriage in these stressful economic times. Gary and his wife have two children, ages 6 and 9. Both are healthy, smart, obedient, fun, and well-behaved, per his report. Gary has no concerns regarding the children at the time of his visit. His wife works very hard to support the family and take care of the children. While Gary works most days from 8 a.m. to any and all hours of the evening, his wife does “double duty,” making nearly 200K and acting as a stay-at-home mother. Gary feels that his wife’s deteriorating health stems from her attempts to do it all and be there for the children and him. While his wife does not complain, he feels and understands that she must resent him for her 24/7 work schedule that has been set to accommodate his business. As the economy has declined, Gary has felt his overall physical, emotional, professional, and personal state in decline. Gary comes to your office asking you to help him regain control of his situation and make a plan to turn this cycle of decline around. Your assignment is to analyze Gary’s case and give this client a preliminary diagnosis using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10 link) to provide a diagnosis. Then, you will discuss your rationale for each decision using the knowledge you have gained in your studies. You will include homework assignments for this client in order to anchor his commitment to treatment and help him attain results. Your paper will be around 6–8 pages. Your directions for this case: What is your diagnosis of Gary? This is your first session/intake, so your information is limited to the above. (rationale; proper use of diagnostic coding; one-page discussion) What are the key symptoms that led you to your diagnosis or treatment concern? Explain and be specific. (rationale; one-page discussion) What are your treatment goals for Gary? (rationale; one-page discussion) What are Gary’s strengths as you see them (look for these to assist you in being a good helper for him)? ( rationale; one-page discussion) What are areas for improvement for Gary? (rationale; one-page discussion) What two homework assignments will you give Gary to work on for his next appointment with you? (rationale; one-page discussion) What are some areas you will explore next (e.g., Gary’s relationship with his wife; professional goals)? (rationale; one-page discussion of your reasons for wanting to find out this information). Use the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10 link) to provide a diagnosis, our course workbook “Abnormal Psychology” By: Ronald J. Comer, and other professional journals as references to help complete this assignment
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The assignment is a coursework that answers the question “why do people obey?”
The paper should explain how psychologists have measured obedience under laboratory conditions, explaining why and whom people obey. Milgram’s famous obedience to authority experiments should be referenced, along with other and more recent work involving field studies. These methods – and their ethical considerations – should be compared and discussed in-depth, in particular with regards to Zimbardo’s notorious Stanford Prison Study experiment and Milgram’s famous obedience to authority experiments.
Lastly, factors affecting obedience should be discussed with coverage revolving around the situational factors, such as legitimate authority, responsibility, graduated commitment and personality factors. Length: Approximately 1,500 words Format: APA No. of references: AT LEAST 10. Please review and reference the following:
1) Atkinson and Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology – Chapter 17: Social Influence (in particular the subsection entitled Compliance and Obedience) 2) Milgram’s Experiment: Milgram, S., (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology, 67, (371–78). 3) Hofling Hospital Experiment: McLeod, S. A. (2008, Dec 14). Hofling hospital experiment. Simply Psychology. 4) Kilham, W. & Mann, L., (1974). The level of destructive obedience as a function of transmitter and executant roles in the Milgram obedience paradigm. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. 29, (5) 696–702.
This Reaction Paper assesses your ability to think critically about the issues discussed in the reading.
The reaction paper should be in the 500-850 word range and consist of five paragraphs in the following format: • Introduction that provides a brief summary of the chapter. Do not go into detail, but just provide enough background for the reader to understand the discussion in the rest of the essay.
• Mention one topic from the reading and discuss this topic in a fashion that demonstrates you have thought critically about it. You can summarize a bit of info to let me know what you are discussing. • Mention a second topic and discuss it, as above. • Mention a third topic, and discuss it, as above. For example each topic should start off with just like my attached essay My first topic of discussion is about My second topic of discussion is about and My third topic of discussion is about side note: Normally talk about three psychologist or philosophers and there theories You can use words like I think, and in my opinion be descriptive in your writing about how you feel about the article. Remember THIS IS YOUR REACTION! The essay should be reasonably free of mechanical errors Be careful with Grammar Proofread your essay carefully to check for mechanical errors, such as incomplete or run-on sentences, misspelled or misused words, and awkward spots in your writing.
Don’t worry about cover page or abstract!! • Conclusion that briefly summarizes your comments. Restate your thesis The introduction and conclusion should be short, and the bulk of your writing should be in three content paragraphs. Essays will be graded on the following four criteria: • Organization. The submission should be organized in proper essay format, and paragraphs should be organized around a single topic. • Mechanics. The submission should be reasonably free from errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation as well as free of awkward phrasing. • Content. The submission should discuss important topics from the reading. • Development. The submission should include a well-developed discussion that demonstrates critical thinking of each topic that is raised in the essay.
Description Reflect on your practicum experiences with CBT in group and family settings. Post an explanation of how the use of CBT in groups compares to its use in family settings. Provide specific examples from your own practicum experiences. Then, explain at least two challenges counselors might encounter when using CBT in the group setting. Support your response with specific examples from this week’s media.
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Read Chapter 5: Deaf Individuals with Additional Conditions, pages 118-139 of Educating the Deaf: Psychology, Principles, and Practices (5th ed.) by Donald F. Moores. Write and submit a two- to three-page, double-spaced, referenced summary. Summarize: • all chapter headings (bolded & italicized in chapter), • all subheadings (bolded under headings), and • all sub-subheadings (bolded under subheadings).
Description Hello. This paper is a chapter summary describing and analyzing all of the important chapter sections/topics for chapter 5 in the book included in the assignment topic. The name of the chapter is: The Reawakening of Intellectual Life in the Middle Ages. When separating the sections, please do not provide the name of the section you are doing, but simply just discuss the section. Please, I need at least 550 words for the summary and no less. This paper should also be no more than 2 pages. Do not include any other source in this paper except the textbook. “Chapter 5 Summary” located right underneath it and centered for the heading. This paper MUST be typed in Times New Roman size 12 font and double-spaced. Also, be sure not to plagiarize!
Paper details:
Answer the following questions for each reading: 1. What are the key concepts? 2. What does the author imagine is their central claim? 3. What is the evidence offered in support of this claim? 4. Who is the intended audience? 5. Whom is the author arguing with/against?
You will reflect critically upon your targeted behavioral goals and learning within the first half of the course. The paper should use APA style, and be 6-8 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font Times New Roman.
This paper will allow you to demonstrate what you have learned about stress management.
First, choose at least 4-6 of the following assessments that you find most pertinent: 1) Assess your stress (page 17) 2) Symptoms of stress (page 18) 3) Perceived stress scale (pages 19-20) 4) Inventory of college students’ recent life experiences (page 21) 5) Ardell wellness stress (page 22) 6) Student stress scale (page 24) 7) Stress vulnerability questionnaire (page 25) 8) Tombstone test (page 26) References for citied work Stress Management for Life:
A Research-Based Experiential Approach. 4th ed. (2015). Olpin, M. & Hesson, M. Wadsworth Publishing. ISBN[10]: 1305120590; ISBN[13]: 978-1305120594 Reset: Make the Most of Your Stress: Your 24-7 Plan for Well-being (2014). Lee, K., IUniverse Publishing. ISBN[10]: 1491747579; ISBN[13]: 978-1491747575 (Hard Cover) Next, pick two targeted behavioral change to track progress. For example, you may wish to add more sleep or more exercise to your routines, or reduce the amount of fast food you eat. You may want to join a new social group, or start practicing meditation.
You will select two areas to work at. You will keep a running journal during weeks two and three on each respective goal. Your write-up will consist of the following:
• Part 1: Introduction/Results of learning and assessments: Discuss key learning in first half of course, including a summary of key concepts and definitions that have impacted you thus far. Next, describe the specific assessments you chose, rationale behind your choice, and a summary of what you uncovered. Discuss your results. Did they surprise you? Do you agree or disagree? What was the overall impact?
Finally, discuss your targeted behavioral change. What did you identify? How did you measure it? How did this impact your behaviors? •
Part 2: Target behaviors: Describe the two target goals, how you measured them, and what your results were. Discuss what interfered or helped facilitate your goals. Be sure to refer to your text to help you identify SMARTER goal setting methods. Submit a minimum of three excerpts from your journal entries.
• Part 3: Conclusion/Essential takeaways: What key insights did you develop? What is the most significant thing you learned from the experience of self-assessment and behavioral change and how is this relevant to our discussion of stress management? (Connect to course materials and discussion)
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