Child Development

You will either a) need access to a child between the ages of ½ year and 12 years (don’t just grab a random kid off of the street, make sure that you know the parents and that you explain to them exactly what your project entails), or b) make up a fictional child between the ages of ½ year and 12 years. In this paper, you will address the child’s development with respect to several areas that we’ve covered in the developmental lectures. To start, you’ll want to describe the child in terms of: Name, age, background information, and other general details, Identity development (both past and current issues related to Erikson’s theory of identity development and Marcia’s theory), Cognitive development (both past and current issues related to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development), Attachment type (based on Ainsworth’s theory of attachment), And moral development (based on Kohlberg’s theory) After describing the above details, you need to test the child (or pretend to test the child if you’re using a fictional child) on a Piaget-related age appropriate struggle that they’re currently going through (e.g. object permanence). You need to describe their performance on this test, using terms from Piaget’s work to describe your findings and experimentation.

You must also propose a few ways that you might be able to help the child master this challenge—or another cognitive challenge that they might be focused on—by building off of the theories and terminology of Lev Vygotsky. In the end, you will earn points for providing the following information: Your description of the child that you’re “testing”, with each section being between 1 to 3 paragraphs long Your description of your “experiment” on the child, the child’s performance, what this indicates about his/her cognitive development, and how you might be able to help this child better understand the cognitive concept more effectively Proper grammar, creativity, and depth of coverage in the paper Properly formatted in-text citations and reference list (use APA Format) Notes: The written portion of the assignments (not the reference page) should be a maximum of three, typed, double-spaced, pages in length—do not mess with font size and margins to make your paper longer or shorter. You will not lose points for having a paper that is shorter than three pages, but if you are fulfilling all of the requirements, your paper will be at least two full pages. Make sure that your paper is written as an expository essay. It needs to be coherent, with smooth transitions between topics, and it must be in essay form. You should not have different sections in your paper. There should also be no bullet points or other forms of separation in the paper. Please write several drafts, spell check, proofread, and revise your work before submitting your assignment. You will not receive full credit if your assignment contains multiple grammatical, spelling, or stylistic mistakes. The University offers resources to help refine your writing. Your GSI will not be able to proofread drafts.

Memory and Learning Psychology

Conduct a search of published literature exploring the connection between learning and memory. Describe the role that memory plays in classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning, and social learning theory. This paper should contain a minimum of four empirical research studies. This assignment should be 4 to 7 pages in length excluding the title page, abstract, and reference section and must be complete in APA format (6th ed.). The paper should include: Be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 full pages, size 12 font Times New Roman, double spaced with 1 inch margins, NOT including the Title and References pages. A title page Include the sub headings of: “Introduction”, “Role of Memory in Classical Conditioning”, “Role of Memory in instrumental Conditioning”, “Role of Memory in Social Learning Theory”, and “Conclusions”. Introductory paragraph ending in a clear thesis statement Several well-developed (5-7 sentences) body paragraphs that explore the assignment questions in detail A summary and conclusions paragraph Four references, of which cannot be from the class readings. Be sure to submit your project in one Word document in APA 6th ed. format

Discussion Operant conditioning

1. Make sure you read the chapter in the book FIRST regarding operant conditioning AND watch this video BEFORE you do this activity.

This will help you understand the task better. If you cannot click on the link, copy and paste into your browser. 2. Go to the following link. (There are no instructions other than to select option 1, 2, or 3.

It is up to you to figure out how to get things to happen.

Some of the things you may encounter are “virtual candy” and noises. Make sure your speakers are on.) If you have any problems accessing the skinner box, try right clicking in the box and then click play. Also, use the regular number keys above the letters on your keyboard and not the keypad. 3. What principles of operant conditioning did the activity use (positive or negative reinforcement or positive or negative punishment)? Discuss your experiences with the activity (how did you figure it out, etc.). (Warning.. you need to stick with the activity. It can be tricky to figure out, but don’t give up! Stating you could not figure it out or that it didn’t work will not provide credit for the assignment) 4. Think of a real-life example of operant conditioning (perhaps one you experienced or used on someone else, do not use reality shows or television shows as examples). Describe the example and identify which principle of operant conditioning was used. – Initial post has to be at least 200 words (this does not include titles, references or any information other than your actual response to the question) – Make sure you check for spelling and grammar issues (these are not text messages and need to follow formal rules of writing). – No direct quotes (all information must be put completely into your own words and cited) – Use APA style citations

Psychobiological approach and understanding of mental disorders

Psychobiological approach and understanding of mental disorders

Critically evaluate the extent to which the psychobiological approach can contribute to our understanding of mental disorders


Critically evaluate the extent to which the psychobiological approach can contribute to our understanding of mental disorders

2000 word essay, critically evaluating how the psychobiological approach contributes to our understanding of mental disorders. UK spelling and grammar, APA 7th Edition referencing, reference list not included in word count. Lots of references, must reference studies and research from provided reading list plus extra independent research if available.

Developmental Pyschoogy Attachment Theory: The impact on adult affect regulation


The purpose of the paper is to utilize attachment theory (psychodynamic perspective) for understanding affect regulation in adulthood. Two of the required readings are: Meyer, G. J., Viglione, D. J., Mihura, J. L., Erard, R. E., & Erdberg, P. (2011). Rorschach Performance Assessment System: Administration, coding, interpretation, and technical manual. Toledo, OH: Rorschach Performance Assessment System LLC. Weiner, I. B. & Greene, R. L. (2008) Handbook of personality assessment. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Required The rest can journal articles. The paper needs to address multicultural sensitivity.

The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test AUDIT Critique

Description The student will review the psychological testing instrument, Alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT) paper should be a 4pg paper. The paper should consist of the following criteria 1. purpose: how can it be used? 2. Standardization: Norm group population/ age, multicultural norms; additional norms established 3. Administration: how long does it take to administer? is it self-administered? can it be computer/ online administered 4. scale and scoring: how many items? how many factors/subscales? How is it scored? 5. Reliability: list all types of reliability testing. reliability estimates 6. Validity: List types of validity that were tested 7. Must have an Abstract and 8. Must have a table of Content

Psychology of Women

Description, watch  a video about arranged marriages; this one specifically focuses on “Mail order Bride” relationships between American men and Russian women. After watching the video clip, respond to the five (5) of the following questions/ statements as they related to this week’s textbook chapter content: (chapter 8) What kinds of meanings given to marriage discussed in the textbook research are applicable to these potential relationships?

What kind of marriage appears to be desired here- traditional, modern, egalitarian- explain why it appears that this is desired? Consider reasons people get divorced outlined in the textbook research- would these relationships experience a greater or lesser likelihood of divorce according to the textbook research? Do these potential marital relationships support or refute the marriage gradient research as discussed in the textbook research? Consider the textbook research examining why women get married- explain how do that research does or does not apply to this video? What factors discussed in the textbook research about making a marriage last are applicable to these potential relationships?

Psychology and the law

Psychology and the law

For your first writing assignment, complete a review and analysis of a recent scholarly source from the field of psychology, law, and/or criminal justice.


Examples of scholarly sources include research empirical studies, literature reviews, or theoretical article (i.e. book chapter, published legal ruling, or legal/amicus brief). If you choose a widely researched topic, choose a source that is no more than 4-5 years old. If your topic is not as broadly researched, an older source can be used. Your analysis should describe the theory, method (i.e. for a research article, identify the research question and describe how they tested it), and positions/results presented in the article. Also, you should provide some critical analysis.

You may choose to provide a theoretical or methodological critique (i.e. highlight strengths and weaknesses of the study design), suggest directions for further research, and/or consider how theories and points made throughout the article might influence future practice and/or policy

. Regardless of your selected topic, your critical analysis should include both legal and psychological components (e.g., if you choose a source that discusses a legal topic, you should analyze the legal issue but also include an analysis of relevant psychological concepts or implications). Base your analysis on your knowledge of psychological research, theory, and/or the law. While completing your analysis, include the citation of at least one additional scholarly source (e.g., a book, article, or legal ruling/opinion, or legal/amicus brief).

Your paper should be in APA format and 3-4 pages in length (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1’ margins). However, do not provide a separate title or reference page (see sample paper posted on Bb for format). Your paper should also include an original abstract (not the abstract from the paper you are reviewing). Grades will be determined based on organization, clarity, and proper citations as well as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. As per APA guidelines, do not include contractions or first-person references.

HBSE III Human Behavior and Social Environment III

HBSE III, , Human Behavior and Social Environment III

1. Choose a client from your current field internship or place of employment. Be sure to change the name to protect confidentiality. 2. Briefly describe the agency setting and the source and reason for referral. 3. Briefly identify your client’s age, living situation, work situation, and family and cultural background. Do not include information that would make your client easy to identify. 4. Generate a diagnosis. Please remember that the DSM 5 is a reference manual. Using your understanding of the DSM and the organization of the manual including major classifications of disorders and criteria for determining the “presence” of a particular disorder, consider the whole book potentially useful to your work, including categories we have not yet covered. 5. Document your process. For example, which major categories did you consider initially? What key features did your client exhibit that suggested a particular category of disorder? How did you rule in or rule out particular disorders. Do you need additional information to rule in a particular disorder? If so, what information do you need and for what purpose? 6. Identify and discuss examples of specific criteria involved in the diagnoses you considered that require an evaluative judgment to be made, based on such things as varied understandings of normative behavior, language that is open to interpretation, and a clinical threshold that is represented in non-specific terms. This is the reliability question as it relates to the DSM. 7. Using literature available on your selected diagnosis and/or symptom focus (peer reviewed e-journals found in the Touro College DATABASES/LIBRARIES are appropriate but not Wikipedia or other internet sites), identify and briefly discuss two treatment approaches found to be effective either in addressing prominent symptoms displayed by your client or a specific disorder you have ruled in based on DSM 5 criteria. You may not reuse a previous assignment—it is important that you use this part of the paper to broaden and/or deepen your understanding of interventions and their rationale for use in particular circumstances. Please note: While psychopharmacological interventions may be indicated, do not select psychopharmacological interventions for the purpose of this paper. Select interventions a social worker might employ. You may use articles from the course bibliography if appropriate to your topic. Be sure to document your sources using APA publication style for your in-text citations and reference list. Rubric for HBSE III Paper Assignment Elements Excellent Competent Needs Work

Functional Behavior Assessment

Attached you will find everything necessary to complete a Functional Behavioral Assessment.

I just realized this project is due and I have no lost track of time!! Please let me know if there are any questions you have! I will try to check back occasionally. I really appreciate these services! The forms necessary are attached. Please complete over sample student from 12th grade Economics inclusion class. Please let me know if I need to pay for additional pages.

From the sample exemplars attached, it varies with the amount for the final product. Please be sure to follow the highest point option on the rubric. Functional Behavioral Assessment (50 points): Select a student who demonstrates behavior that interferes with his/her learning or the learning of others. Complete the Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FAST) based on your observations of the student. Then collect at least 5 days of function-specific data about the antecedents, consequences and student’s reactions to the consequences for the target behavior. Collect sufficient data  to allow you to confidently determine the function of the behavior (you may need more than 5 days). Attach these raw data sheets when submitting the assignment. Use this information to complete the Functional Behavior Assessment form. Write a minimum three-page narrative describing the student, the setting, the problem/target behavior operationally defined, examples of the inappropriate behavior, and the function of the problem/target behavior. Read the FBA rubric for assignment details.