Family counseling approach on therapeutic approaches

This is a paper that focuses on the family counseling approach on therapeutic approaches. The paper also has a second section to provide personal beliefs.

Family counseling approach on therapeutic approaches

PAPER INSTRUCTIONS During this course you will write two papers on therapeutic approaches appropriate for family counseling. Your paper will provide both a broad overview and personal integration. Choose an approach from column one below for assignment one. Also, for your second paper, choose an approach from column two below. PICK FROM Assignment Option 2 as this is the second paper Assignment #1 Options Object Relations Therapy Bowen’s Family System Therapy Contextual Therapy Symbolic-Experienctial Family Therapy Emotionally Focused Therapy Assignment #2 Options Structual Family Therapy MRI – Family Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Solution Focused Brief Therapy Part I:

Choose an approach from column one above for assignment one and also for your second paper, choose an approach from column two. Your paper will present a broad overview of the selected approach and should identify leading figures, historical and current issues related to the approach, development of the theory, concepts, and unique techniques related to your chosen approach. Please include headings for each of the areas covered in your paper in order to provide clarity and organization. You may use the course textbook as a primary reference. Part I of your paper requires a minimum of 4 full pages. Liberty University provides a helpful tutorial on finding appropriate sources for this assignment. Use the link below to watch this 5 minute video:

Part II:

This second section of your paper will provide your personal beliefs and opinions regarding the selected approach, including how your faith and family background might influence how you would integrate the use of this approach in a counseling context. Explain what aligns between your worldview and this theory and what does not. If your view is something other than Christian, discuss how your view might interact with your counseling approach. Consider what techniques, assumptions, and concepts unique to your approach might need to be in order to align with your worldview. Part II of the paper must be a minimum of 1 page. The entire paper (Parts I and II) will be a minimum of 5 pag‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍es.

Marjorie is a 52-year-old woman with obesity and a 9year 

Marjorie is a 52-year-old woman with obesity and a 9year history of type 2 diabetes. She is referred to you, a Health Psychologist because she presents with complaints of fatigue, difficulty losing weight, and no motivation.

Marjorie is a 52-year-old woman with obesity and a 9year

Marjorie is a 52-year-old woman with obesity and a 9year history of type 2 diabetes. Secondly, she is referred to you, a Health Psychologist because she presents with complaints of fatigue, difficulty losing weight, and no motivation. Thirdly, she notes a marked decrease in her energy level, particularly in the afternoons. Fourthly, she is tearful and states that she was diagnosed with depression and prescribed an antidepressant that she chose not to take.

She is presently at the highest weight she has ever been. Additionally, she states that every time she tries to cut down on her eating she has symptoms of shakiness and increased hunger. She does not follow any specific diet and she often eats extra snacks.
Her health care practitioners have repeatedly advised weight loss and exercise to improve her health status. She complains that the pain in her knees and ankles makes it difficult to do any exercise.

1. Identify the possible barriers to modifying Marjorie’s poor health behaviours, then Use The Trans theoretical model of behaviour change (the 5 Stages of Change Model- Ch. 3) as a framework to describe the predictable series of stages Marjorie will go through to rebalance her lifestyle.

2. Additionally, Use the Health Belief Model and the Self Efficacy model (Ch. 3) and apply it to Marjorie’s health behaviour.

3. Also, formulate the Theory of planned behaviour and the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) applied to Marjorie adopting a healthy diet (Ch. 3)

4. Further, apply the Cognitive-Behavioural Model of the relapse process (Ch. 3) to this case.

5. What would be your approach in treating Marjorie? What tools and intervention strategies would you likely use? (Be specific, i.e. if CBT, detail which interventions).

Critically review psychological theories on panic disorder

This is an assignment that focuses on critically review psychological theories on panic disorder. The paper also focuses on the role of personal responses and investments.

Critically review psychological theories on panic disorder

Critically review psychological theories
The critical review psychological theories that aim to explain development of panic disorder. How might one of these inform psychotherapeutic practice with clients who are experiencing panic disorder?
Essay title: In 2000 words, critically review psychological theories that aim to explain development of panic disorder. How might one of these inform psychotherapeutic practice with clients who are experiencing panic disorder? In the essay, you are required to • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key approaches, concepts and/or debates within the psychotherapeutic and mental health fields •‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ present informed positions on debates within the mental health and psychotherapeutic domains by evaluating (aspects of) psychotherapeutic approaches and/or relevant concepts on the basis of research and other relevant evidence

Reflect upon the role of personal responses and investments in shaping evaluations of approaches, concepts and/or debates within the psychotherapeutic and mental health fields the use of at least 12 relevant academic sources, presented in alignment with APA formatting requirements. (mostly articles from peer-reviewed journals, supplemented by book chapters and books). Every source that you cite should be present in conformity with APA formatting requirements at the end of the essay. Reflect in personal terms on how you develop your position on the essay topic.

The paper should be at least four pages long exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Be sure to use additional sources like the internet to gather information of the paper. However, ensure that you include all your references of the sources that you use in writing the paper. Do not forget that APA formatting guidelines are also for referencing the paper as for writing the paper.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is just one of several motivational theories

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is just one of several motivational theories discussed in this unit. It is a foundational concept in the role of a criminal justice administrator, whether in law enforcement, corrections, or courts.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is just one of several motivational theories

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is just one of several motivational theories discuss ed in this unit. It is a foundational concept in the role of a criminal justice administrator, whether in law enforcement, corrections, or courts.

For this assignment, you will examine Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Each of the levels in the hierarchy of needs must be examine d in detail as it relates to administration and personnel. Make certain that your essay meets the criteria below.

1. Firstly, include an introduction. Then, explain how a criminal justice administrator could apply Maslow’s model in each of the leadership theories (trait, style, and situational leadership) discussed in Chapter 2 on pp. 36–40 of the textbook. Further, Give an example from each of the three criminal justice sectors (law enforcement, corrections, and courts) to support your explanation.

2. Secondly, briefly identify one other motivational theory from the textbook (pp. 41–46) that can also be applied in all three criminal justice sectors. Additionally, Give an example of how it could be used in each.

3. Thirdly, discuss how the application of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs contributes to effective communication in a criminal justice organization. Also, Give an example from each of the three criminal justice sectors (law enforcement, corrections, and courts) to support your discussion.

4. Finally, analyze the connection between Maslow’s beliefs and how they relate to an administrator’s requirement to be aware of and respect the rights of employees. Give an example from each of the three criminal justice sectors (law enforcement, corrections, and courts) to support your analysis.

Social psychology-social thinking social relations and social influence

Thus far, we have considered the major themes of social psychology: social thinking, social relations, and social influence. In this interactive assignment, we will integrate knowledge from all three areas to provide a comprehensive analysis of a social movement, issue, event, or idea.

Social psychology-social thinking, social relations, and social influence

Thus far, we have considered the major themes of social psychology: social thinking, social relations, and social influence. In this interactive assignment, we will integrate knowledge from all three areas to provide a comprehensive analysis of a social movement, issue, event, or idea.

To inform your thinking on this topic, begin by reading “The Self System in Reciprocal Determinism” (Bandura, 1978) and “Social Action” (Synder & Omoto, 2007), and peruse The Stanford SPARQ Solutions Catalog (Links to an external site.). In addition, review “Ten Simple Rules for Making Good Oral Presentations” (Bourne, 2007) and “Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation” (Erren & Bourne, 2007).

Then, identify a current or historical social movement (e.g., the Tea Party, Black Lives Matter, the Reformation, etc.), issue (e.g., gay marriage, school choice, abortion, slavery, etc.), event (e.g., the 2016 Presidential election, the Rwandan genocide, the Bubonic Plague, etc.), or idea (e.g., democracy, the nuclear family, peace, etc.).

Create a multimedia presentation (e.g., a video, poster, etc.) that depicts the selected topic. Entail enough detail that classmates, even with no prior knowledge, will gain a basic understanding. (For additional guidance, review a guide for creating Presentations (Links to an external site.), available through the Ashford Writing Center.). Your presentation should apply psychological insight from at least two of the three areas covered. (Social thinking, social relations, and/or social influence) to analyze relevant social factors. In your presentation, interpret social psychological theory and research. Include the concept of reciprocal determinism in relation to this social movement, issue, event, or idea.

More details;

Describe research methods used to investigate relevant phenomena and summarize actual or hypothetical applications of social psychological insight. Employ knowledge from social psychology to identify specific careers or disciplines that might be especially well suited to addressing the underlying issues in your example. Be sure to maintain an objective stance. (In other words, if you select a social issue, avoid sharing your opinion regarding the “right” or “wrong” view. Your classmates should not be able to determine your personal views based on what you post.).

You must include a both a multimedia component. (E.g., link to or embedded PowerPoint, screen-cast Preview the document, video recording Preview the document, etc.). Also a transcript or other written component that fully explains the audio or visual elements. Please utilize APA style to format your transcript or other written component. Upload the completed assignment (including both the multimedia component and the written component) into Waypoint. Next week, you will share your presentation with your classmates in a discussion forum.

Utilize a minimum of five credible scholarly sources to inform your thinking on the topic, in addition to required course resources as applicable. Additional credible references are encouraged.

 Critically discuss the contribution that clinical psychologists

‘Critically discuss the contribution that clinical psychologists make within one of the following areas’:
Psychological therapy services for adults, Learning disability services…..

 Critically discuss the contribution that clinical psychologists

‘Critically discuss the contribution that clinical psychologists make within one of the following areas’:

Firstly, Psychological therapy services for adults.
Secondly, Learning disability services.

Thirdly, Services for people with autistic spectrum disorders.

Fourthly, Physical healthcare in medical settings.

In completing the third assignment you will need to explain the role of the clinical psychologist within this area, though you should focus more strongly on evaluating the usefulness of the contribution clinical psychologists make. We won’t be giving you many marks for simply describing what clinical psychologists do. In order to prepare an answer that provides a good level of critical evaluation and discussion you should be guided by the questions included in appendix 7.1 of the module handbook, though you do not have to answer all these questions comprehensively, and you may have additional ideas of your own which are not covered by these questions. You can use the discussion board and critical reflection lectures to develop your ideas by asking the practitioner tutors about aspects of their clinical work.

More details;

What are psychological therapies?

Psychological therapies are sometimes referred to as ‘talking therapies’. Psychological therapy is a collaborative space to explore your difficulties in a safe and confidential setting. Individually with a therapist. In a couple or with other members of the family. In a group of people with similar difficulties.
Further, What do clinical psychologists do?
Clinical psychologists meet with clients to identify problems—emotional, mental and behavioral—in their lives. Through observation, interviews and tests, the psychologist will diagnose any existing or potential disorders. … Identify psychological, emotional or behavioral issues.
Lastly, how does Clinical Psychology benefit society?
Clinical psychologists evaluate, prevent, and relieve people of many mental illnesses and promote positive personal development. These psychologists benefit our society by helping the people within our society improve their own lives by overcoming their problems.


Research one psychological disorder- Use National Institute

Research one psychological disorder. Use National Institute of Mental Health, your book, an abnormal psychology book, the DSM IV, or any other REPUTABLE SOURCE.

Research one psychological disorder- Use National Institute

1. Research one psychological disorder. Use National Institute of Mental Health, your book, an abnormal psychology book, the DSM IV, or any other REPUTABLE SOURCE.

2. Your first two pages should detail what the disorder is, what symptoms the person could have, maybe mention something about DSM-IV diagnoses, how it could affect the individual’s life, and any interesting case studies you might have encountered in your research. Please use your own words where possible. You are TRANSLATING to us the information in a way we will understand! You will lose points if you just copy and paste passages (I’ll run them through a plagiarism check).

3. The paper should also include treatment options and success rate of treatment (effectiveness) for the last page. During this last page, it’s also important to review what you learned (counter to what you initially thought about your disorder).

4. This paper needs to be 12 font, double spaced, 1 inch margins with a cover page. It also should be formatted in APA and it needs to have proper citation usage.

More details;

What are examples of psychological disorders?

What are some types of mental disorders?

Firstly, Anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias.

Secondly, Depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders.

Thirdly, Eating disorders.

Fourthly, Personality disorders.

Further, Post-traumatic stress disorder.

Also, Psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia.

What causes a psychological disorder?
The specific causes of psychological disorders are not known, but contributing factors may include chemical imbalances in the brain, childhood experiences, heredity, illnesses, prenatal exposures, and stress. … Others, such as intermittent explosive disorder and substance abuse, are more common in men.
What does the National Institute of Mental Health do?
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders. Its mission is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.



825-word research paper on Kleptomania psychological disorder.  The topic is a psychological disorder

Use a 12 pt Times New Roman Font Double-space paper Minimum of 750 words. No more than 1,000 words Minimum of three (3) cited sources Use APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material Make sure your name is on your paper Paper should contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion

Forensic Psychology

Length 6 – 8 pages (~1500 – 2000 words) plus references The goal of this assignment is for you to research and learn more about an area of criminal forensic psychology that is of particular interest to you. Whatever your topic, your paper must include citations in APA format from peer-reviewed journals and must include a list of references, also in APA format. (The paper itself does not need to be formatted according to APA guidelines – it doesn’t need a running head, etc.) Feel free to use other, non-academic sources – such as newspaper and magazine articles, websites, and books – but you must buttress the knowledge you gain from these sources with peer-reviewed articles. How many references is enough? This will vary from topic to topic. The best papers from previous semesters had at least 10 (and often more…up to 25+) references, with very few from non-peer-reviewed sources. For help with APA formatting, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.) or see (Links to an external site.) In Canvas, Files > APA Formatting contains a quick guide and detailed information about in-text citations and references, compiled from (Links to an external site.), plus a document about how to cite court cases. Use ideas from the following or generate your own. I’m happy to bounce around ideas and help you find resources. Discuss the research on false confessions or eyewitness identification, using the case of an individual exonerated by the Innocence Project as an illustration (choose your case carefully – they’re not all good illustrations). Here are some places to start: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) SCOTUS declined to grant cert in Dassey v. Dittmann, so we don’t know what the court would have said about the voluntariness of Brendan Dassey’s confession. Using this case (or not), discuss the particular vulnerabilities of juveniles and/or individuals with intellectual disability to police interrogations. APA’s amicus brief in Dassey is here: (Links to an external site.) How can a psychologist distinguish religious beliefs from delusions? Discuss why this became an issue in the competency proceedings in the Brian David Mitchell kidnapping case. The judge’s findings and conclusions concerning his competency are here (Links to an external site.) Gun ownership by the mentally ill has been in the news. What do we know about mental illness and gun violence in general or about mental illness and mass shootings in particular? Here’s an interesting article: (Links to an external site.) and here’s some information from the APA: (Links to an external site.) The diagnosis of psychopathy in children and adolescents is controversial, and it has been the subject of considerable research. What is childhood psychopathy? What does the literature say about the pros and cons of diagnosing psychopathy in children and adolescents? What does the literature say about treatment of psychopathy? Callous-unemotional traits have been a focus of a lot of research…what do we know about CE traits? What do we know about the persistence of psychopathy from childhood into adulthood? (Please don’t try to cover all of these!) Jared Lee Loughner ultimately pled guilty to 19 charges of murder and attempted murder following his attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Use his case to discuss involuntary medication in competency restoration, or use his case to discuss competency restoration more generally. Read the final report from the psychologist who worked with him here (Links to an external site.) John Hinckley attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan. Use Hinckley’s recent release as a springboard for discussing post-NGRI release and risk assessment. See the judge’s order here (Links to an external site.) In four states (including Michigan), 17-year-olds are automatically charged as adults. Should they be? Based on the psychological literature, give arguments for and against. Here’s an editorial: (Links to an external site.) Trace the history of the death penalty in the United States and how psychology has contributed to the limitations placed on it by SCOTUS. Or, read and discuss the literature on death-qualified juries. Here’s a place to start (Links to an external site.) Thanks to movies and TV shows such as Criminal Minds, Silence of the Lambs, and Mindhunter, the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit and their profilers are legendary. What does the research suggest about the accuracy and reliability of criminal profiling?

Children psychology and law

Given the concerns about how to determine whether a child is competent to provide testimony in the courtroom, your assignment here is to make an attempt. You will provide a list of at least 10 questions or activities that you would give a child to determine whether that child meets the court’s definition of competency. For each question or activity you recommend, also give a brief explanation for why it would be helpful in the evaluation. What sort of response are you looking for that would suggest the child is competent, and what sort of response would suggest that the child is not competent? Your grade will be determined by how thoroughly you assess competence, so you must make it clear that you understand the elements thereof. Please also keep in mind that if your criteria are too high, you make it so that some children will not be able to testify. By the same token, if your criteria are too low, even unreliable testimony will be allowed in the courtroom.