Dynamic systems family systems theory overlapping waves theory psychoanalytic theory social cognitive theory triangular theory of love, and socioemotionala selectivity theory


Dynamic systems, family systems theory, overlapping waves theory, psychoanalytic theory, social cognitive theory, triangular theory of love, and socioemotionala selectivity theory

I need 3 paragraph for each theory. The first paragraph explaining the theory. The second paragraph explaining how the theory is applied in therapy and which setting. And the third paragraph explaining do you agree or not agree with the theory

Personal experience in social psychology

Personal experience in social psychology

To encourage you to apply social psychology theory to your everyday life, you are to write a2 short (3 5-6 page) essays during the course of the semester. Each The essay must include: (1) a short description of a personal experience or an observation which exemplifies one of the social psychological phenomena covered in class or the text; (2) a brief explanation of the theory dealing with this phenomenon along with a summary of a research article from a peer-reviewed journal investigating this theory or phenomenon (include the research question, hypothesis, population, methods, results and conclusion), (include citation at the end of your paper), and (3) an assessment of how well you think the theory or phenomenon investigated in the research article explains your personal experience. Give reasons for your assessment. Include the reference for your research article at the end of your paper in APA format.a hard copy of the original article with your paper. The term you use that is conformity and obedience. Use the definition from Social Psychology (131th Ed.). David Myers and JeanTwenge;. Published by McGraw Hill. 20183. The personal experience relate the Asian family.

The Ethics of Intervention for Food Refusal

The Ethics of Intervention for Food Refusal In the article by Vaz, Volkert, and Piazza (2011) an intervention was applied to address the negative reinforcement function of food refusal by a young boy. For this assignment: Describe your initial reaction to the intervention, especially regarding the use of escape avoidance strategies.

Take the position that you oppose the intervention and explain why. Your rationale should specifically address any possible undesired side effects, as well as whether the intervention appeared to violate any ethical codes. Be sure to cite specific codes from the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. Take the position that you support the intervention and explain why. Your rationale should specifically address any possible benefits and the boy’s right to effective treatment. Revisit your initial reaction to the intervention. Do you still feel the same way, or has your examination of both sides influenced your reaction? Do you believe the intervention is in line with the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts? Explain.

Observe first-hand the cognitive development of children

The goal of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to observe first-hand the cognitive development of children. Choose and complete ONE of the following application activities with at least TWO different children. Based on your application experience you should submit a 2-4 page report, double-spaced, type-written, and in 12 point font. In your report, be sure you address the following issues:

Observe first-hand the cognitive development of children

The goal of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to observe first-hand the cognitive development of children. Choose and complete ONE of the following application activities with at least TWO different children. Based on your application experience you should submit a 2-4 page report, double-spaced, type-written, and in 12 point font. In your report, be sure you address the following issues:
1. Describe the children who participated in your activity (e.g. age, gender, education, SES, culture, has/hasn’t had nap, etc.). How did you select or recruit your participants and how do you know them? 5 points

2. Describe the environment in which you administered the activity (e.g. time, day of week, who is present, school vs. home, etc.). 5 points

3. Describe in detail your method (the activity you devised and how you administered it). What exactly did you do and say (you can even write this out as a script). Be sure to specifically explain how your activity relates to method(s) you have read about or heard about in class (e.g. “This was similar to the …method because I did…. and it did… but instead of… I used….”). 10 points

4. Describe your findings (what exactly were the children’s behaviors and explanations?

What exactly did the children say and do?). Make sure you provide a detailed account of the children’s words and behavior. 10 points

5. Discuss the conclusions about each child’s cognitive development that can be drawn based on your findings. Make sure to discuss developmental stages and/or cognitive abilities using terminology from our course. How do the responses of the two children compare (similar) and contrast (different) to one another? Were CDEV/PSYC 3140 Esterly the findings expected? Be sure to explain why. Were there any factors that might have impacted your findings (child was tired, parent interrupting, etc) 10 points

6. Discuss how your findings and conclusions relate to what you have read about in our text or what we have discussed in class. You must discuss at least three concepts and/or theories of cognitive development discussed in class or in the text.10 points

Application Activity Choices

Pick one activity below and complete the activity with two different children. Make sure the activity is designed to be appropriate for the ages and personalities of the children participating. You need to make sure to use a similar method for both participants so that you may compare and contrast their development. However, in order to determine the developmental level of each participant, you may need to make the activity increasingly difficult if one participant is doing well and/or make the activity decreasingly difficult if one participant is struggling with the task.

A. Object Permanence (0-3 years): Your task is to examine the object permanence ability of 2 different children. Based on your readings and our class discussions, devise a way to test the object permanence ability of two children at different ages (e.g. 3 washcloths and an object). More than one hiding location is needed to look for the Anot-B error. Invisible displacement is needed to identify full object permanence.

B. False Belief (3-6 years):

Your task is to assess children’s understanding of false belief. Based on your readings and our class discussions, devise a way to test false-belief understanding in two children at different ages (e.g. juice box with ribbons).
CDEV/PSYC 3140 Esterly

C. Conservation (3-10 years): Your task is to examine the conservation abilities of 2 different children. Based on your readings and our class discussions, devise a way to test conservation understanding in two children at different ages (e.g. water/glasses, play dough, pennies, etc). You only need to do one type of conservation task.

D. Class Inclusion (3-10 years): Your task is to assess children’s understanding of class inclusion. Based on your readings and our class discussions, devise a way to test class inclusion understanding in two children at different ages (e.g. green skittles vs. skittles).

E. Seriation (3-12 years): Your task is to examine children’s abilities to seriate objects.

Based on your readings and our class discussions, devise a way to test the seriation abilities of two children at different ages (e.g. pencils of different sizes). You’ll need a physical task (pencils) and an abstract (algebra word problem) task if one of your participants is older than 8.

If possible you should complete the activity yourself with actual children. If you do not know any children you may want to ask to join a classmate who does. By completing this assignment with actual children you can earn up to 5 points extra credit. If you are unable to complete the assignment with actual children, you may choose to find and watch video clips of others completing these tasks online. Also, If you do your observations online, choose wisely. In your paper, make sure to acknowledge your source, and make sure to discuss similarities and differences in how the task was administered to each child and specifically how this may influence the results and conclusions.

Psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists

Write a college-level research paper describing the psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists (i.e. recruits and suicide bombers; NOT leaders such as Bin Laden).

Psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists

Write a college-level research paper describing the psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists (i.e. recruits and suicide bombers; NOT leaders such as Bin Laden).

Address different radicalization processes/models in the final paper such as Moghaddam’s Staircase, so you only need to research and discuss individual psychological and behavioral factors in this paper. Also, remember that “psychological” does not mean “psychotic” and we are only addressing those of sound mind who deliberately choose violence for a political purpose, or retribution or to instil fear (not crazy mass shooters).

Assignment Specifics:

The body of your report is to be at least three FULL pages in length (not counting title page and references) and is to contain the following:

A brief introduction, with the topic and your thesis.

A main body, containing the “meat” of the paper, where you provide the requested information supported by class readings and with your analysis.

A conclusion, summarizing your information clearly and concisely.

Make sure you read the instructions carefully and that you focus your paper on answering the assigned questions. This assignment is a research paper. It is not an opinion paper. You need to use scholarly sources to support your thesis. Make sure you use APA style in-text parenthetical citations at the end of every sentence where you are quoting another’s ideas (or any information) that is not your own thoughts and words, like this (Bergen, 2015, para. 14).

Citations are required for paraphrases as well, but not the page or paragraph number in that case. Make sure you use only scholarly and credible sources. (Do not use open websites and you never want to use Wikipedia for a college-level paper). Also, dictionaries and encyclopedias, as well as general news sites (like CNN, FOX News), are not appropriate for college-level research papers.


The understanding of major Social Psychology ideas and concepts

This is a paper that is focusing on the understanding of major Social Psychology ideas and concepts. The paper also provides further questions and guidelines in doing the assignment.

The understanding of major Social Psychology ideas and concepts

What is a portfolio—This portfolio is collection of examples and short explanations to illustrate your understanding of major Social Psychology ideas and concepts. Your portfolio may be virtual or hard copy. I want you to show your understanding using your own best strategies and practices.

Choose 10 questions below to include in your portfolio. Your portfolio should show your understanding by explaining (not copying from the book) in your own words, any key concepts; provide digital, visual, or other examples to show your understanding; and apply the concept as specified by the topic.

The understanding of major Social Psychology ideas and concepts

1. Firstly, explain the key terms when defining social psychology as the scientific discipline that attempts to understand and explain how the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others.

2. Secondly, describe the scientific techniques used when forming and testing hypothesis, conducting correlational, and experimental research designs in social psychology.

3. Thirdly, discuss the development of the self, including the nature of the self, the self as a social being, and contemporary self-theories.

4. Fourthly, discuss the presentation of self and social interaction as “theater”, including the influence of culture and personality.

5. Also, identify how humans organize and make sense of social information.

6. Additionally, differentiate attitudes, both positive and negative, and how values shape attitudes and behavior.

7. Recognize prejudice and discrimination and the influence of stereotyping.

8. Differentiate types of social influence including conformity, compliance and obedience.

9. Explain theories of Aggression and identify factors that influence aggression and solutions for reducing aggression.

10. Describe factors that lead to friendship and attraction and also differentiate between passionate love and companionate love.

11. Identify factors that enables close relationships as well as the factors that could lead to the termination of a relationship.

12. Lastly, recognize the factors involved in the application of Social Psychology with focus on its applicability in the legal system

What have you learned so far in psychology

What have you learned so far in psychology? How does it pertain to your life? I want you to create a 1 to 2 page infographic on the top 10 things you have learned in psychology.

What have you learned so far in psychology?

What have you learned so far in psychology? How does it pertain to your life? I want you to create a 1 to 2 page infographic on the top 10 things you have learned in psychology. Your Top 10 list must include a specific topic from each of the eight chapters we have covered, the extra two topics can come from any of the 8 chapters we have covered thus far. You must tie each concept to something in your life or a real-world situation. Be sure you are applying or relating the concept correctly. Each concept/topic of your list should be approximately 2-5 sentences long. Make sure your infographic is visually appealing, use appropriate colours, graphics and images

For Example:
In Chapter 3 we learned about neurotransmitters and brain areas. One idea in my Top 10 list might include: “Dopamine & Nucleus Accumbens. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. When I eat my favourite chocolate, a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, dopamine is released in my nucleus accumbens, part of my limbic system! The increase in dopamine here ensures that I will keep coming back to Reese Peanut Butter Cups in the future”

For Example:
In Chapter 6 we learned about sleep disorders. One idea for my Top 10 List might include: “Insomnia. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects up 40% of the population. My mother experiences insomnia as she has a hard time staying asleep for long periods of time and experiences a lot of daytime fatigue. Insomnia is affect ed by biological, psychological and environmental causes. My mother’s insomnia is likely related to the stress she experiences as a nurse.”

There are several websites that provide free infographic templates – such as Canva.com and Piktograph.com

William James defined psychology as the science of mental life

In 1890, William James defined psychology as “the science of mental life, both of its phenomena and their conditions.” Hebb said that phenomenology was a “dead duck.” Has the definition changed since then? How do you define psychology — and why do you define it that way? (Hebb Article)

William James defined psychology as “the science of mental life

Answer each of the 5 questions below with brief essays between 400 and 500 words in length for each essay. Identify by number the question you are answering. Use critical thinking in providing your answers and provide historical context for each of your answers.

1. In 1890, William James defined psychology as “the science of mental life, both of its phenomena and their conditions.”   Hebb said that phenomenology was a “dead duck.” Additionally, Has the definition changed since then?  Also, How do you define psychology — and why do you define it that way? (Hebb Article)

2. Is there value in studying the behavior of animals? Or are animals so significantly different from humans and it would be a wasted effort to study their behavior? Additionally, trace the historical progression of thought on this issue from Descartes to Beach to current thinking. (Beach Article)

3. It is common to think of oneself as a “ghost in the machine” but there are many reasons to reject this as a model of consciousness.  Also, cite arguments against the model that point to interactions between the body and the mind. Further, do you agree with the conclusion that the model is only a “seductive idea”? (Churchland article)


4. Lashley failed to identify cells that provide a physical representation of memory in the brain and yet he is credited with advancing our understanding of learning and memory. Also, what research strategies did he use and what did he find? Additionally, Why is this important? (Engram Heroes Article)

5. Twin studies provide insight into the genetic contribution to behavior. Also, provide a brief summary of the results of these studies. Do evolutionary factors control our behavior as well as our physical attributes? Have changes in our environment and the way we live as humans favoured specific behaviors? (Genes by Bouchard Article)

Family counseling approach on therapeutic approaches

This is a paper that focuses on the family counseling approach on therapeutic approaches. The paper also has a second section to provide personal beliefs.

Family counseling approach on therapeutic approaches

PAPER INSTRUCTIONS During this course you will write two papers on therapeutic approaches appropriate for family counseling. Your paper will provide both a broad overview and personal integration. Choose an approach from column one below for assignment one. Also, for your second paper, choose an approach from column two below. PICK FROM Assignment Option 2 as this is the second paper Assignment #1 Options Object Relations Therapy Bowen’s Family System Therapy Contextual Therapy Symbolic-Experienctial Family Therapy Emotionally Focused Therapy Assignment #2 Options Structual Family Therapy MRI – Family Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Solution Focused Brief Therapy Part I:

Choose an approach from column one above for assignment one and also for your second paper, choose an approach from column two. Your paper will present a broad overview of the selected approach and should identify leading figures, historical and current issues related to the approach, development of the theory, concepts, and unique techniques related to your chosen approach. Please include headings for each of the areas covered in your paper in order to provide clarity and organization. You may use the course textbook as a primary reference. Part I of your paper requires a minimum of 4 full pages. Liberty University provides a helpful tutorial on finding appropriate sources for this assignment. Use the link below to watch this 5 minute video:


Part II:

This second section of your paper will provide your personal beliefs and opinions regarding the selected approach, including how your faith and family background might influence how you would integrate the use of this approach in a counseling context. Explain what aligns between your worldview and this theory and what does not. If your view is something other than Christian, discuss how your view might interact with your counseling approach. Consider what techniques, assumptions, and concepts unique to your approach might need to be in order to align with your worldview. Part II of the paper must be a minimum of 1 page. The entire paper (Parts I and II) will be a minimum of 5 pag‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍es.

Marjorie is a 52-year-old woman with obesity and a 9year 

Marjorie is a 52-year-old woman with obesity and a 9year history of type 2 diabetes. She is referred to you, a Health Psychologist because she presents with complaints of fatigue, difficulty losing weight, and no motivation.

Marjorie is a 52-year-old woman with obesity and a 9year

Marjorie is a 52-year-old woman with obesity and a 9year history of type 2 diabetes. Secondly, she is referred to you, a Health Psychologist because she presents with complaints of fatigue, difficulty losing weight, and no motivation. Thirdly, she notes a marked decrease in her energy level, particularly in the afternoons. Fourthly, she is tearful and states that she was diagnosed with depression and prescribed an antidepressant that she chose not to take.

She is presently at the highest weight she has ever been. Additionally, she states that every time she tries to cut down on her eating she has symptoms of shakiness and increased hunger. She does not follow any specific diet and she often eats extra snacks.
Her health care practitioners have repeatedly advised weight loss and exercise to improve her health status. She complains that the pain in her knees and ankles makes it difficult to do any exercise.

1. Identify the possible barriers to modifying Marjorie’s poor health behaviours, then Use The Trans theoretical model of behaviour change (the 5 Stages of Change Model- Ch. 3) as a framework to describe the predictable series of stages Marjorie will go through to rebalance her lifestyle.

2. Additionally, Use the Health Belief Model and the Self Efficacy model (Ch. 3) and apply it to Marjorie’s health behaviour.

3. Also, formulate the Theory of planned behaviour and the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) applied to Marjorie adopting a healthy diet (Ch. 3)

4. Further, apply the Cognitive-Behavioural Model of the relapse process (Ch. 3) to this case.

5. What would be your approach in treating Marjorie? What tools and intervention strategies would you likely use? (Be specific, i.e. if CBT, detail which interventions).