Personality and Behavioral Patterns

Personality and Behavioral Patterns

Case Assignment Now that you are familiar with some of the psychologists and main theories within psychology, it is time to apply the viewpoints of Humanistic, Cognitive, Psychoanalytic and Behavioral Psychology, which are some of the broadest and most widely used theories in psychology. For this case study you will look at an event through the lenses of these psychologists. School violence is a terrible tragedy that has affected many children. One of the most infamous events was the shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999. This involved two students who killed 13 people and then killed themselves. Most recently there was the tragedy at Newtown Connecticut in which 26 people were killed. Dr. Humine, is a humanistic psychologist, Dr. Cogent is a Cognitive Psychologist, and Dr. Bean is a Behavioral Psychologist, and Dr. Freed is a psychoanalyst. Your assignment is to describe how 3 of these Psychologists might view school violence from their specific psychological perspective. Your paper should include a general description of their psychological theory, and then interpret school violence in general or choose a specific incident to evaluate more specifically. Your paper should show the lens in which these psychologists see their behavior, and also address potential treatment options to try and prevent further instances of violence. Assignment Expectations Your paper should be 4-5 pages long, and include 3 of the 4 approaches and 4-6 references. • Psychoanalytic: Emphasizes the importance of unconscious mental processes and early childhood, as well as sexual instincts. Believes things can be hidden within the unconscious mind, and these can be explored through psychoanalysis. • Behaviorism: Maintains that behavior is learned through previous learning experiences or interactions with social environment. Behaviorists don’t traditionally focus on mental processes because they believe that mental processes are too difficult to observe and measure objectively. Behaviorism is involved in the ongoing controversy of the influence of television and video game violence on children. • Cognitive: Focuses on the mental processing of information, including the specific functions of reasoning, problem solving, and memory. Cognitive psychologists focus on thoughts that guide and cause behavior. • Humanistic and existential: A more positive approach that emphasizes the uniqueness of each individual person and our ability and responsibility to make choices in our lives, and believe that a person’s free choice, free will, and understanding of the meaning of events in his or her life are important. Individuals may be driven by goodness and the desire to self-actualize.

Legal Psychology–Child Witnesses

Legal Psychology–Child Witnesses

Attached is the assignment that my professor gave us. As well as one of the articles I found that’s on the reference page of the slideshow. I don’t have access to the first article anymore, but I have the PDF file of the second. I just need three sources, two of which are empirical and the other being a news article. I also attached the Powerpoint I attempted to start. I would like a little summary of each source as this isn’t a REAL presentation, we’re just submitting this as a project, so it’s not technically speaker notes. So any extra information on the sources could be in the notes section. (I added three pages, I hope that’s what the means) Thank you!

Assessment of Cognitive functioning using the visuospatial cueing task Posner Paradigm in the clinical field Special relevance to attentional components

Assessment of Cognitive functioning using the visuospatial cueing task (Posner Paradigm) in the clinical field, Special relevance to attentional components Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details TITLE: Assessment of Cognitive functioning using the visuospatial cueing task (Posner Paradigm) in the clinical field, Special relevance to attentional components Practical analysis of analytical methods (clinical or health psychology) Purpose The purpose of the thesis is to present diagnostic methods, testing instruments which are applied or may be applied in clinical psychology, neuropsychology or in a broader sense in clinical practice. These testing instruments may serve clinical diagnosis and support therapy process or follow-up. Presentation should include the description of the method and the practical utility, difficulties and risks. Work needs to be illustrated with concrete examples. The thesis critically analyses the testing method and presents systematically and based on the empirical reference list the weaknesses of each method (e.g. criticism of Szondi test). Structure What is the purpose of the testing method and what are the relevant requirements satisfied by this method? What is the theoretical background of the method? Conditions of application of the method Detailed description of the testing method Presentation of the testing method with examples from the reference list Practical application of the testing method  SWOT analysis  Personal experiences related to the application of the method (if relevant)  Presentation of the method limits and critical analysis of the method Summary Reference list 5500 words Minimally 6 sources, ground work from herer: Posner, M. I., Snyder, C. R., & Davidson, B. J. (1980). Attention and the detection of signals. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 109(2), 160–174. Retrieved from

Three Faces of Eve

Basically this paper should have an 1) Introduction 2)Description of Psychopathology A comprehensive description of psychopathology (symptoms) or particular Psychopathological dynamics (Oedipus complex, Existential Angst) depicted, including a formal DSM/ICD diagnosis of the protagonist or main character. This should include specific and relevant symptoms and biographical information that indicates how the person displays these dynamics or meets criteria for a particular mental disorder. 3)Description of 3 scenes Identify a minimum of 3 SCENES either in the film that best the above points. 4)Characterization in the movie Discussion of how well or poorly the movie characterizes the particular form(s) of psychopathology depicted. 5)Positive and Negative messages A reflection on the positive and negative messages that the film or story portray regarding the particular disorder or psychological dynamics. In that order. If you decide to put sources please list them APA style Thank you!! ALSO- You do not have to watch this film there are a lot of summaries, essays and documents online that can be used. You would just have to do a little research for all these 4 subtopics that should be in the paper. If you have any questions please let me know. THREE FACES OF EVE it is a dissociative identity disorder.

Behavioral Therapy and Its Applications

Write a 5-page research paper on behavioral therapy.

The paper must present a review of the chosen topic and its application in the field of psychology. The resources must be academic journal articles (like from Your paper will be graded using the following criteria: • How well written your paper is: o Paper should have a clear organization including an introduction and conclusion. o Content of paper is clearly laid out and is logical and easy to follow. Paragraphs should have transition sentences to lead the reader from paragraph to paragraph. o Each sentence should be clear and concise. o Check for grammar and spelling accuracy • How well you discuss your chosen topic and its application in the field of psychology utilizing relevant references. You may also want to include your reasons for choosing your specific topic.

Develomental Pychology

This assignment is designed to facilitate your thinking about the content examined in this course and applications to the “real world”.

You will pick a movie related to the issues of development and developmental psychology. Summarize the movie, making sure to focus on and describe which character’s development you are focusing on including aspects of biological development, cognitive development, and psychosocial development.

Next, critically analyze the movie demonstrating your understanding of the theories and research reviewed throughout this course. For example, what developmental theories can be applied to this movie and the character you are focusing on? Are key concepts (e.g., ageism) demonstrated in the movie? What are some examples? How does context (e.g., culture, socioeconomic status) play a role in the character’s life? Lastly, provide a summary/ conclusion to your analysis.

Remember, this is not just a summary or an opinion paper I will be looking for how effectively you highlight the connections between the movie and the course content and demonstrate critical thinking and analysis. You must address all three areas of development outlined in your text, biological, cognitive, and psychosocial. Highlight specific examples, assuming I have not seen the movie. It sometimes helps students to imagine that I know very little about developmental psychology so that your writing is focused with enough depth. Examples of movies students have chosen in the past: Parenthood, Matilda, Grumpy Old Men, Diary of a Whimpy Kid, Twilight, Grease, Precious, Goonies, Lean on Me.

Cognitive Development Cognition- wide range of mental abilities Ex Thinking problem solving memory and language

Please use anything from these below notes to answer the question: What have you learned from this course and what do you hope to use in your future classroom _____________________________________________________________

_ Cognitive Development Cognition- wide range of mental abilities.

Ex. Thinking problem solving, memory, and language. Two of the most important child psychologists: Jean Piaget Lev Vygotski 1. Kids are not adult in their cognitive abilities. Kids are limited because of their immature brains and lack of experience. Piece together our experience to try and make sure of it. 2. Piaget’s Three Keys- a. Our understand of reality becomes more organized (increased organization)

Ex. Grouping to make sense. b. More efficient in use of cognitive abilities (increased efficiency) Ex. More cognitive tasks less mental ability (conscience) c. Begin to deal with the world more in our hand and less in the real world around us. (increased mental life) 3. Ways We Make sense of experience a. Assimilation- fitting new experiences into our existing understanding of reality (scheme) is what our existing understanding of reality Ex. Infant putting things into their mouths. Kid w/ single digit addition 4+3=7 moving into multiplication 4X3=7. He is using what he knows. b. Accommodation- changing existing scheme to make sure of new experiences Ex. Kid sees a cat and calls it a dog. Eventually starts calling the it a cat because everyone around her does. 4. Stages of Cognitive Development a. Sensor-motor period- 0-2 years of years a time of intelligence before language. No mental life- experiencing w/ their mental life. Ex. Jangling keys in front of an infant. Taking keys and the baby will not make them look for it. It doesn’t exist for them. i. Ability to integrate information from the senses ii. Ability to display goal directed behavior Ex. Crying iii. Develop an awareness of object permanence things exist even when they are not visible. 0-4 months develop partial object permanence.

Ex. Hiding object in front of them will not make them look for said object. If you hide only part of the object, the child will find the whole object. 8-12 months hide objects while child is looking. Ex. They are going to go to the first place they remember you putting it. Mental image of objects, they do not yet understand visible displacements. 12-18 months comes to understand visible displacements. They can no hold onto both image and mental image of motion ( moving said object) Does not understand invisible movement, if he hasn’t seen it directly. Ex. Moving object to another room, the child will still look where the object was last moved. According to Piaget movement from one stage to the next is maturity not experience. 18-24 months- b. Preoperational stage 2-7- Preoperational thinking. Improved cognitive thinking. Strengths- a. Child becomes capable of symbolic representation (carrying the world around in their his or her head, representing the world using mental symbols.) Symbolic Representation- 1. Able to carry world around in their head and representing the world using mental symbols. 2. Deferred imitation- putting off the imitation Ex. Child watches something and later can imitate it. 3. Symbolic play- child transforms something into what he or she wants it to be through imagination. Ex. Remote control into an airplane 4. Language- Words are symbols for things. b. Children come to understand identities. Things stay what they are, keeps its identity. Ex. A piece of paper crumpled up is still a piece of paper. c. Children come to understand functions. They understand the basic relationships that occur together consistently. Ex. Pushing the button on the tv remote Reaching where the light switch is at your best friend’s house. (you expect it to be where it is at your house.)

Social Psychology

Social Psychology


Paper details:

You are responsible for collecting at least 5 stories that show social psychological concepts in action.

For each item you collect:

present the link to the news article or video include a brief summary of the news story identify the social psychology concept(s) that you can use to best explain the event(s) in the news story provide an analysis of the event(s) where you carefully explain to the public what occurred based on your knowledge of social psychology and cite material from the textbook in your analysis all citations must be in APA style format and must include authors’ last names, year of publication and page numbers

You can assemble your collection of news stories as a Word document, a PowerPoint slide show,or a video compilation.

This will be submitted through a BlackBoard dropbox, so if your video is too large, you can post it on YouTube and provide me with a link. Make sure that the video is made public so that I can access it. If I cannot watch it, I cannot evaluate it, so make sure the link works and that video plays.

The techniques to cure distress in children discussion

This is a paper that is focusing on the techniques to cure distress in children discussion. The paper also provides a brief case on the a mother and child scenario for this assignment paper.

The techniques to cure distress in children discussion

Learning and Behavior
Please type your answers to the questions below. You are to work entirely alone on the exam. You may refer to your book, your class notes, or any other non-living source. Please answer all questions thoroughly and completely. Short, one paragraph answers are unlikely to earn you full credit. Each question is worth 10 points.

1. A mother left her young child playing outside in the garden and went into the house to get a cup of coffee. When the mother returned a few minutes later, she saw her young child playing with a large brown snake. Some months later, the mother took the child to a psychologist for treatment because the child was showing extreme distress at the presence of any long cylindrical object such as the hose to the vacuum cleaner. Explain what has happened (why the child is responding this way) and why it happened. In addition to your description, diagram your answer using the system and notation we learned in classical conditioning. Finally, describe a technique the psychologist might use to “cure” the child of this extreme distress.

The techniques to cure distress in children discussion

2. Secondly, compare and contrast the blocking and overshadowing effects we studied with classical conditioning. Next, using the Rescorla-Wagner theory, explain how these effects might occur with an example. Finally, explain, using the Rescorla-Wagner theory, why a dog would salivate more to the smell of food than to the sound of another dog eating food.

3.  Thirdly, describe how a psychologist could successfully treat alcohol addiction using classical conditioning. As part of your answer, diagram the process whereby the addictive behavior could be eliminated.

4. Fourthly, a psychologist has developed a treatment she believes will prevent child abuse. Unfortunately, the psychologist was unable to find enough people who abuse their children to conduct a study to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment. Ignoring the ethical considerations of such an experiment, design a study that would accomplish the following:
a. produce a sufficient sample of child abusers for the study
b. demonstrate conclusively a cause and effect relationship between the treatment and a reduction in child abuse

Teagan is a 21-year-old woman and living with her partner, Amita

Teagan is a 21-year-old woman and living with her partner, Amita. Teagan and Amita have been together for 15 months; their relationship is volatile, and they have separated a number of times. Last night, Teagan broke up with Amita again in a fiery exchange of insults and anger.

Teagan is a 21-year-old woman and living with her partner Amita

Teagan is a 21-year-old woman and living with her partner, Amita. Teagan and Amita have been together for 15 months; their relationship is volatile, and they have separated a number of times. Last night, Teagan broke up with Amita again in a fiery exchange of insults and anger. Teagan believed that Amita was about to leave her and fearing this relationship breakdown, she thought she would ‘get in first’. Amita admits things have been tumultuous between them for months now, and that neither is happy, but wanted to work things out by seeing a relationship counsellor. She is also concerned about Teagan’s use of cannabis. Amita claims that Teagan’s responses to small indiscretions are extreme and that she is quick to make judgements about people or situations with little information.

Recently, Teagan decided that a friend of Amita’s wasn’t allowed to come to their house because she had made some ‘throwaway’ comments about their dog. Amita says Teagan does this often, liking people quickly for frivolous reasons, and disliking others for similar reasons. Teagan has been cutting herself since she was 13 years old. She finds it difficult to articulate why she does it, only that she gets relief from cutting. On a few occasions she has contemplated suicide, and many more times she has threatened it. Amita finds this aspect of their relationship very difficult to deal with and frequently feels as though Teagan’s threats to self-harm or suicide are a way of manipulating her.

Questions: your answer must be 200 words for each question.

1.      Referring to the different diagnostic criterial and symptoms of BPD, identify specific symptoms Tegan exhibits.

2.      Borderline personality disorder is associated with ‘a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterised by alternating between extremes of idealisation and devaluation’ (APA, 2013, p. 663). What do you think this means?

3.    Discuss the phenomena of transference and counter-transference and discuss ways in which the nursing team, and nurses individually, can minimise the impact of these phenomena when caring for the person who experiences BPD.

4.    Develop three questions you would ask Teagan during an interview to complete an MSE. They could be from any MSE area. (NOTE: remember you need to have at least 200 words don’t give only 3 questions. please write what is MSE and why it is important to ask, what they are helpful for in your case scenario and why did you choose those 3 questions).

5.    Additionally, Complete a risk assessment;(see table below)

6.     Also, Discuss the current treatment plan and strategies used in developing a crisis plan for Teagan.

7.      Finally, Outline the psychological and pharmacologic interventions that may be offer ed to Teagan.