Core facilitative conditions depiction in Carl Rogers’ client-centered therapy

This is a paper that is focusing on the core facilitative conditions depiction in Carl Rogers’ client-centered therapy. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Core facilitative conditions depiction in Carl Rogers’ client-centered therapy

Please choose a film, listed below, that addresses the life of a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer, questioning or intersex person (LGBTQQI). Then, research information related to the core facilitative conditions as depicted in Carl Rogers’ client-centered therapy, discuss how you would approach your work if the person in the film were your client. Choose, and also identify in your paper, the point in the narrative of the film at which you, as the social worker, would enter the client’s life. Basic information about the core facilitative conditions will be discussed in class and also can be found in the course textbook.

Please use APA style and at least three scholarly references:

1. Firstly, present a detailed description of the core conditions based on your research. State why knowledge of each core condition, and the associated practice skills, are fundamental to the practice of social work. (20 points)

2. Secondly, present a 3-page narrative of the client, their situation, and possible issues, and circumstances surrounding your entry, as the social worker, into the client’s life. This is not an overview of the film. (30 points)

3. Thirdly, give two specific and dialogic examples of each core condition in the work with your client from the film. For example, describe how an overall empathic approach would help the client, and then give two specific dialogic examples of your attempt to convey empathy to the client through language as illustrated by examples below. (30 points)

4. Fourthly, discuss how the developmental presence and/or absence of the core relational conditions in your life experience might affect your ability to communicate them to the client. (20 points)

Core facilitative conditions depiction in Carl Rogers’ client-centered therapy

FilmFilm character to be considered the clientActor

Brokeback Mountain (2005)Ennis Del MarHeath Ledger
(Amazon Prime)

The Kids Are Alright (2010)JulesJulie Ann Moore
(Amazon Prime, iTunes)NicAnnette Bening

Moonlight (2016)Chiron Trevante Rhodes (adult)
Ashton Sanders (teen)

La Mission (2009)JesJeremy Ray Valdez
(Amazon Prime)

Examples of a specific, dialogic example of a core condition in work with a client:

Genuineness: Client says: “I don’t know where to look to find a job right now.”
SW response: “I’m not an expert in employment counseling, but I know that many people consider the internet a good resource when looking for a job.”

Empathy: Client says: “I can’t deal with the kids and all their activities. I have been leaving work early most days of the week to get everyone where they need to go.”
SW response: “It sounds like you are completely overwhelmed and also stressed out with all of your responsibilities with your family right now.”

Unconditional Positive Regard:
Client says: “There are a lot of changes that happened in the world while I was locked up. I’m not sure where I go from here.”
SW response: “My guess is all those years in prison were hard on you, and also served you well by teaching you about persistence and survival.

The Psychological Analysis of Macbeth essay paper

This is a paper that requires the student to write on the Psychological Analysis of Macbeth essay. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

The Psychological Analysis of Macbeth essay paper

Essay 1 –Psychological Analysis of Macbeth

Great dramatists have always given actors rich language tools which enable them to portray human beings revealing their thoughts and motivations and conducting their relationships. What makes William Shakespeare the greatest of all is that he brought to dramatic art not only revelation of character to the audience, but opened up the characters’ psyches to show self-reflection – their own contemplation of why they do the things they do.

For example – in Hamlet’s famous “To be or not to be” soliloquy, a young man contemplates suicide. He examines the reasons why ending his life would be a rational choice (“… to take arms against a sea of troubles… we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to…”), but then chooses not to, out of fear of what happens after death: a fear “that makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of.” (3.1.78-82)

The Psychological Analysis of Macbeth essay paper

We’ve now spent some time reading, hearing, and discussing what Shakespeare tells us, through dramatic language, about the psyches of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. What are the thought processes that lead them to make the choices that propel the plot of the play? (The excerpts we’ve read focus on the desire of both of them that Macbeth be king, the plot to murder Duncan, their feelings about the regicide after they’ve committed it, the “necessity” of murdering Banquo and others, Lady Macbeth’s guilt, and Macbeth’s reaction to her suicide.)

What you’re to do in this essay is to play amateur psychoanalyst. Examine what Macbeth and Lady Macbeth say – to us, and to each other, and to themselves. Argue a thesis that draws some conclusions about what kind of mentality compels them to do the things they do.

I’m looking for 750-1000 words. Make sure you use specific textual references from Shakespeare to support your assertions about the characters’ motivations.  Your references should indicate act, scene and line in this fashion:

“I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition…” (1.7.25-27).

Why do we use the biopsychosocial model of pain

In Health Psychology, why do we use the biopsychosocial model of pain, rather than biomedical model of pain? Why is the biomedical model limited? (300 words max)

Why do we use the biopsychosocial model of pain

This module focuses on pain, highlighting the biopsychosocial model and gate control theory.

Q1: In Health Psychology, why do we use the biopsychosocial model of pain, rather than biomedical model of pain? Why is the biomedical model limit ed? (300 words max)

(hint: consider the idea that pain is an “experience”, and that this experience can be modified! You might like to refer to a personal experience where you were able to modify your pain experience through non-biomedical approaches).

Q2: Complete the following tasks on pain measurement
Firstly, read the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) instructions (linked on vUWS) – this will help you to understand how this questionnaire is used

Secondly, choose ONE scenario of an injury (from Bondi Rescue) – video clip on vUWS, and see details/link below!

Thirdly, complete the MPQ (linked on vUWS) as if you were the person who experienced the injury

Answer the following question: Why are pain scales like the MPQ useful? (100-200 words max) (hint: think about the difficulties associated with describing pain, such as subjectivity of experience).

NOTE: Scenario 1 (Kailan, torn calf muscle), is covered in the tutorial class, please choose one of the other scenarios from the clip!

Scenario 2:

Jethro, dislocated shoulder: 3.26 – 6.25

Scenario 3:

Jesse, fractured spine: 6:25 – 9:26

Scenario 4:

Yatesy, broken rib: 9.26 – 12.24

Scenario 5:

Kobi, broken neck: 12:24 – 15:00

Finally, Bondi Rescue clip can be accessed here:

Complete a biopsychosocial assessment with this family

This is a paper that is requires you to complete a biopsychosocial assessment with this family. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

Complete a biopsychosocial assessment with this family

.Section I.

1.  Firstly, complete a biopsychosocial assessment with this family.

a.   Identify tasks, information under each domain (biological, psychological, social, cultural,

spiritual). Feel free to embellish the client’s history to respond to the question.

b.  How could you incorporate the strengths perspective principles to this client? What

would you do to help the client recognize their strengths and assets?

2. Secondly, identify four (4) specific psychosocial techniques in working with this family.

a.       Firstly, give your rationale for selecting these techniques, note how and when you plan to implement them, and describe anticipated outcomes.

b.       Secondly, identify concrete examples of referral resources to be utilized.

c.       Thirdly, identify any environmental forces that have influenced this client.

d.       Fourthly, identify any ethical dilemmas or concerns related to the case.

Section II. Instructions:  As the assigned worker, respond to one (1) of the questions below (6 points).

1.                   Identify two (2) possible obstacles that might block your attempts to offer help.

a.       Describe specific steps that you would take in responding to these obstacles, especially related to enhancing the motivation of the client system.

b.       Also, how could identified (actual or potential) strengths of the client system be effectively used to reduce or eliminate the obstacles noted?

2.                   Assume that you have 4 months to work with this family:

a.       Firstly, identify at least two (2) short-term goals and

b.       Secondly, identify three (3) long-term goals for work with the client system.

c.       Thirdly, discuss your reasons for identifying these as goals based on your initial assessment of the client system, problem system and other systems or forces that maintain dysfunction.

d.       Fourthly, what is your plan for measuring progress and achievement of these goals listed? Be specific (remember Research?).

Identify four specific psychosocial techniques in working with a client

This is a paper that is requires you to identify four specific psychosocial techniques in working with a client. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

Identify four specific psychosocial techniques in working with a client

.Section I.

1.  Firstly, complete a biopsychosocial assessment with this family.

a.   Identify tasks, information under each domain (biological, psychological, social, cultural,

spiritual). Feel free to embellish the client’s history to respond to the question.

b.  How could you incorporate the strengths perspective principles to this client? What

would you do to help the client recognize their strengths and assets?

2. Secondly, identify four (4) specific psychosocial techniques in working with this family.

a.       Firstly, give your rationale for selecting these techniques, note how and when you plan to implement them, and describe anticipated outcomes.

b.       Secondly, identify concrete examples of referral resources to be utilized.

c.       Thirdly, identify any environmental forces that have influenced this client.

d.       Fourthly, identify any ethical dilemmas or concerns related to the case.

Section II. Instructions:  As the assigned worker, respond to one (1) of the questions below (6 points).

1.                   Identify two (2) possible obstacles that might block your attempts to offer help.

a.       Describe specific steps that you would take in responding to these obstacles, especially related to enhancing the motivation of the client system.

b.       Also, how could identified (actual or potential) strengths of the client system be effectively used to reduce or eliminate the obstacles noted?

2.                   Assume that you have 4 months to work with this family:

a.       Firstly, identify at least two (2) short-term goals and

b.       Secondly, identify three (3) long-term goals for work with the client system.

c.       Thirdly, discuss your reasons for identifying these as goals based on your initial assessment of the client system, problem system and other systems or forces that maintain dysfunction.

d.       Fourthly, what is your plan for measuring progress and achievement of these goals listed? Be specific (remember Research?).

Select a topic of Psychology to conduct a literature review

This is a paper that is focusing on select a topic of Psychology to conduct a literature review. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in writing of the assignment paper.

Select a topic of Psychology to conduct a literature review

PY215QX Literature Review Assignment Instructions:

You are a researcher and want to conduct a thorough literature review of your favorite topic. You have decided to submit your manuscript for publication as a review paper. The journal you are submitting to, requires that you use APA formatting (7th edition) and include all the appropriate sections mentioned below for a review paper.

Here are the steps you need to complete for this assignment:
1. Firstly, select a topic of Psychology that interests/intrigues you and conduct a literature review:
2. Secondly, based on Module/Week 2 sources, search for the interesting topics/keywords.
3. Thirdly, use the UAB library link to access Psych Info or Google Scholar. Search for key terms. Choose 1) only peer-reviewed articles; and 2) relatively more recent papers. Read the abstracts, shortlist the ones that suit your topic and then read those papers thoroughly. Pick minimum of 5 papers for this assignment.
4. Fourthly, identify a title; write an abstract, and the body of your paper. Make sure you cite sources when you are referring to a previous finding or study. Finally include all the references cited in the paper.

Select a topic of Psychology to conduct a literature review

II. Write and Submit your paper in APA format. Include:
1. Title Page,
2. Abstract (150- 200 words)
3. Body- Start with the Introduction. Introduce the key terms, and additionally build your topic, mention the existing literature, gaps, highlight the importance of your study (between ½ to full page double space).

4. Method- (the process of literature review you adopted, the key words you’ve used, number of results that were generated, and also why did you select the particular five papers). I am not interested in knowing about the original method section of your five papers. Your focus should be on explaining your own method as a reviewer, preparing this manuscript/term paper. (few sentences to max half page double space)
5. Discussion (Include examinations, summaries, and also critiques of the research in a cumulative way using your own words). This will be based on the five papers that you have selected. (2 pages, double space)
6. Conclusions and Suggest the next steps (few sentences)
7. and References

You must cite at least 5 research articles within your review. They must be peer-reviewed empirical studies. Also, only one paper can be a review article or meta-analysis (if relevant to your paper).

Lastly, be clear, succinct, and thorough for the formatting part, make sure to consult the various resources provided in the module or online APA resources. Make sure the title page and also the rest of the paper is formatted as per the guidelines.

Define the Piaget and Vygotsky theories of cognitive development 

Define the Piaget and Vygotsky theories of cognitive development and discuss three factors that can affect the cognitive abilities of children.

Define the Piaget and Vygotsky theories of cognitive development

Firstly, define the Piaget and Vygotsky theories of cognitive development and discuss three factors that can affect the cognitive abilities of children.

Secondly, discuss the role of self-awareness in helping children to grow in their cognitive development abilities.

Finally, identify three ways that the presence of child abuse or neglect can affect a child’s normal cognitive development.

More details;

Comparing Piaget and Vygotsky

Methods and approaches to teaching have been greatly influenced by the research of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Both have contributed to the field of education by offering explanations for children’s cognitive learning styles and abilities. While Piaget and Vygotsky may differ on how they view cognitive development in children. Both offer educators good suggestions on how teach certain material in a developmentally appropriate manner.

Piaget proposed that cognitive development from infant to young adult occurs in four universal and consecutive stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations (Woolfolk, A., 2004). Between the ages of zero and two years of age, the child is in the sensorimotor stage. It is during this stage the child experiences his or her own world through the senses and through movement. During the latter part of the sensorimotor stage, the child develops object permanence, which is an understanding that an object exists even if it is not within the field of vision (Woolfolk, A., 2004). The child also begins to understand that his or her actions could cause another action, for example, kicking a mobile to make the mobile move. This is an example of goal-directed behavior. Children in the sensorimotor stage can reverse actions, but cannot yet reverse thinking (Woolfolk, A., 2004).

The PSY 2390 Adulthood Psychology Final Project

This is a paper that is focusing on the PSY 2390 Adulthood Psychology final project. The paper also provides additional guidelines to writing this assignment paper clearly.

PSY 2390 Adulthood Psychology Final Project

PSY 2390 Adulthood Psychology Final Project

A final project is included as part of the course requirements for a couple of reasons. One, managing such a project allows you to develop and hone your time management skills. Two, such a capstone project allows you synthesize what you have learned this semester.

All projects must be in APA style,7th ed.  For these projects, that means 1) a title page with a title, name, course number and semester; 2) page numbering upper right corner, beginning with #1 on the title page; 3) format of in-text citations; 4) format of reference page at the end of the paper. Projects must also be double-spaced (everything, including the references).  Grammar and spelling are also important.

Final projects must be 6-8 pages, not including the title page and reference page. Note that each page refers to about 250 words. You must use peer-reviewed journals and other academic works in your paper. It is not to just be your ideas. You certainly must include your own ideas but this paper is to be research based.  The paper should be in APA style and include a minimum of 8 references, 5 of which must be peer-review journal articles. The other 3 should be scholarly/academic sources. Additionally, any paper using Wikipedia, or will lose 10 points.

As a part of this class you read about and analyze many theories of adult development.  Based on these readings, and also on your own experiences, you will develop your personal theory which you feel best explains adulthood.  Your theory may be a combination of the theories we study, describe in your own words, or it may be an original theory.  Your theory should be on observational or empirical evidence, which is cite in explaining the theory.  You should discuss how your theory explains at least three (3) areas – (e.g. health, family, cognitive) of adult development.  You will use an adult that you find in film or literature to illustrate your theory.

General possible delays and partner developmental factors

Primary (7-9, and 10-12-year-olds).

Please only do the one that I have put the no on. don’t worry about the other part because my group member is doing his/her part.

Group Project:

Applying theories of child development, prepare a 45-minute group presentation on a selected age group primary (7-9, and 10-12-year-olds).Include: Developmental characteristics for the physical development (fine and gross motor), cognitive development, language development, social and emotional development of this age group.

Discuss major theories and/or theorists relative to this age group. YOU MUST DO THIS PART

(1. Discuss general possible delays and partner developmental factors with suggested interventions.) Prepare and demonstrate 3 developmentally appropriate activities that exemplify the development in all 3 domains of your age group. Please actively engage the class in your demonstration) AND MUST DO THIS ONE 2 (Use visuals, props, video and/or PowerPoint) please make sure to use the useful visual and videos with the brief descriptions.

RUBRIC: DEVELOPMENTAL GROUP PRESENTATION Early Childhood Development Names:_______________________________________________________ Group: _______________________________________________________________________ FORMAT (10 points) • Outline or Organizer includes major points of presentation _____/3 • Technology and visuals used (PowerPoint or Promethean) _____/3 • Additional materials (photographs, videos, “hands on” materials) used _____/2 • Sources other than text cited _____/2 STYLE (15 points) • Stimulating and interesting _____/3 • Stays within time limit of 45 minutes _____/2 • Well paced (e.g., not rushed towards the end) _____/2 • All presenters have a meaningful, active role _____/3 • Transitions between presenters well coordinated _____/2 • Creative _____/3 CONTENT (25 points) • Clearly and accurately describes milestones of child development _____/5 • Describes relevant theories that focus on age specific development (Piaget, Erikson, Vygotsky and one other specific to developmental stage) _____/5 • Cites examples of theory based activities that promote normal development _____/5 • Demonstrate 3 developmentally appropriate activity (Cognitive, Social/Emotional, Physical) _____/5 • Discusses one possible delay or atypical factors w/suggested interventions _____/5 TOTAL POINTS ____________________/ 50

Stressful life transitions/traumatic events


Present a Case: Assessment, and Treatment Plan. Use Ego Oriented and Ecologically Informed (Life Model) Treatment Approaches with a client family or small group presenting with one or more of the following: * Stressful life transitions/traumatic events, * Environmental stressors and dysfunctional family processes,

* Need for Crisis Intervention *Victim of “Othering” go to Netflex. Look for the TV video titled Atypical. Go to Season #1, first episode. Please watch the whole episode.