How do acute cases differ from chronic cases in primary care?
Compare and contrast how acute cases differ from chronic cases in a primary care setting (750-1,050 words, APA style, 5-7 sources)
Compare and contrast how acute cases differ from chronic cases in a primary care setting (750-1,050 words, APA style, 5-7 sources)
Changes in the Field of Nursing. Dynamics in the Field of Nursing.
The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750‐1,000 word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following:
Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual.
Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an associate and baccalaureate education in nursing. Explain how scope of practice changes between an associate and baccalaureate nurse.
Identify a patient care situation and describe how nursing care, or approaches to decision‐ making, differ between the BSN‐prepared nurse and the ADN nurse.
Discuss the significance of applying evidence‐based practice to nursing care and explain how the academic preparation of the RN‐BSN nurse supports its application.
Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more effective patient outcomes.
PICOT Question . Development of PICOT Question
PICOT question development- In potentially septic pediatric patients in the emergency room (P), will the administration of antibiotics after a lumbar puncture (I), compared to before a lumbar puncture (C), affect the CSF cultures, incidence of morbidity, mortality, and patient outcomes (O)?
and then the Search Tables. PICOT Paper I is your PICOT Question, identification of all variables along with any
synonyms used in the search, purpose of the paper, the significance of the question to your practice, the
background and a narrative of how the search was conducted in each database and a conclusion summarizing
the main points. You will include a title page and reference page, but an abstract is not needed for this paper.
Please title your paper with a relevant title based on the topic of your PICOT- Do NOT title the paper as “PICOT
Paper I. The page requirement for the paper is between 4-5 pages, excluding title page, references, and
Appendix (search tables)-abstract is not needed. The narrative of the search will be within the body of the
paper where you will describe each database search. The search tables will be located after the references as
an appendix. Include four to six (no more than six) references for this paper to support the background and
significance. Use headings from the grading rubric to organize the paper. **the heading of “introduction” is
not used in APA, just begin with title of the paper. Follow APA-6
th edition and the APA, formatting, and style
part of the grading rubric. (See pp. 41-60 in your APA Manual for a sample paper to view style and format.)
Your PICOT question is not final, you can revise it up until your final assignment, which a majority of students
do. You will not discuss any specific articles; this is all about conducting the search. Please follow the Grading
Rubric for the assignment to ensure you have included all required elements.
Some important points for PICOT Paper I:
1. You are NOT doing research, so please do not say you are doing research or researching, but rather you
are seeking evidence to support your PICOT question.
2. Follow APA format. Look at PurdueOwl or the sample paper in the 6
th edition for help:
3. No Direct Quotes – paraphrase instead.
4. Four peer reviewed references required for paper and no more than six peer reviewed references that
are five years old or less.
**Please note: Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis cannot be used for this course; so do not use Cochrane
as one of your databases. Additionally, Quality Improvement Projects will not be acceptable options to answer
your PICOT since the Level of Evidence is very low.
**Please note: Looking forward: Final Projects submitted using Systematic Reviews, Meta-analysis, or
Quality Improvement Projects are not acceptable and must be revised based on approved “Keeper articles”.
Points will be deducted for late submission.
Assignment 4: Description and Grading Rubric: Completed Critical Appraisal Tools, Evidence, and Synthesis
Tables (Week 7)
The purpose of this assignment is to complete the appropriate critical appraisal tool for each of your “keeper
studies/articles”, then create your Evidence and Synthesis Tables in order to have the necessary information
to answer your PICOT question and begin writing your Final PICOT assignment. Please upload your four
completed Critical Appraisal Tools and the four “keeper” articles into Blackboard under “Assignments”. You
must submit the four actual articles-no Hyperlinks will not be accepted. There is no need for title page or
reference page with the articles or the Critical Appraisal Tools. Upload your completed Evidence and Synthesis
Tables as one document (both Tables in one Word document) under the assignment area. Your Tables
document should have a title page and the full citation for each “keeper” article in proper APA format on a
Reference page following the tables. Your title will be reflective of your topic and NOT Evidence and Synthesis
Tables. You will include the PICOT question at the beginning of the tables. There are three links under the
assignment tab for this assignment:
1) Critical Appraisal Tool (CAT) for each article with citation at top of each CAT;
2) Four Keeper articles (not hyperlinks) identified by author last name and date;
3) Evidence and Synthesis Tables with title page and references.
Below is the Grading Rubric for the Evidence and Synthesis Tables. There is a required template to use for
these tables under Weeks 6-7 > Synthesizing the Evidence folder.
Important point: Cite correctly in synthesis of articles, do not number articles and discuss articles in tables by
number. You must cite correctly using author(s) last name and date-see APA resources in course. For example:
Incorrect method would be “Articles 1, 2, and 3 stated….”; Correct method would be “Smith (2019) found
that……, while the study by Jenkins (2017) found that…….”
**Please note: Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis cannot be used for this course, so do not include these
as keeper articles-See explanation in the Black Board course. Additionally, Quality Improvement Projects are
unacceptable options to answer your PICOT since the Level of Evidence is very low.
Medication Errors Reduction. Reduction of Medicatioon Errors
This week, you will submit summaries of quantitative and qualitative studies. The purpose of this
assignment is to become familiar with published research, research designs, and methodologies.
For the assignment, you will select one quantitative research study and one qualitative study
related to the field of nursing and write a summary of each study. Each summary must be
accurate, succinct, and clear. These articles should be somewhat related to your PICOT
questions which is the following. please pick one but if it is too hard pick something close to
medication errors reduction
1) For nurse administering medication, (P) will implementing a “ Quiet zone” (I) as compared to
no intervention (C) reduce interruptions and distractions, decrease medication errors and
improve medication safety (O) during the 9am medication pass time (T)?.
2)For nurses who works in emergency department administering high-risk medications such as
insulin or heparin (P), will practicing double-checking (I) , as compared to giving those
medications without double-checking (C), reduced medication errors (O) while patients are in the
E.D (T)?”.
3)In patient over 65 years old (P), will practicing medication conciliation by asking the patient to
bring a bag of all their medication including herbal and over the counter drugs (I), as compared to
usual care by just asking questions ( C ) reduce medications errors (O) while patient are
hospitalized (T)?
Ensure the following questions are addressed in each summary:
1. What type of research is it (quantitative, qualitative, and design)?
2. What was the research question(s) or hypothesis?
3. What is the sample, the sample size, and sample attributes?
4. What was the setting of the study?
5. What were the researcher’s findings? (Identify one.)
You must submit the research study articles along with your summaries.
Each summary should be between 150–250 words.
Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources.
For the Quantitative and Qualitative Abstract Assignment (due week 4) you should:
Select a topic in nursing or medicine
Select one original research article that is quantitative and one which is qualitative. NOTE: The
articles should not be a mixed-method, review article, a meta-analysis, a Meta-synthesis or a
systematic review.
Summarize the articles
Both abstracts should be combined into one single Word document.
For a manuscript to be considered an original research article, the following conditions need to
be met:
It should be written by the researchers who actually conducted the study.
It should include the hypothesis or research question, the purpose of the study, and the details of
the research methods.
The research findings should be reported.
These findings should be interpreted and possible implications discussed.
Your paper should include:
A title page
Reference page listing your sources
Cost-Benefit Analysis in Healthcare
Suppose an issue has emerged in your organization that presents significant risks to the stakeholders involved. Your supervisor has asked you to conduct a CBA, make a recommendation, and present it to the board of directors. You are expected to consider the numbers within the context of the organizational mission, strategic direction, patient safety, risk-management issues, regulatory requirements, patient and stakeholder satisfaction, and the dynamics within the health care industry.
Select a relevant issue within your workplace (or one from the Suggested Resources) for which a CBA may be conducted. The CBA should include one of the following course-related topics:
Step One: Identify Costs
Apply the process from Writing a Cost-Benefit Analysis article (from the Required Resources) to identify costs:
Step Two: Identify Benefits
Continuing with the CBA, proceed with the identification and quantification of benefits, per Writing a Cost-Benefit Analysis article.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Enter the cost and benefit data you developed for the CBA in your preparation steps into the Cost-Benefit Analysis Template, linked in the Required Resources.
Then, write an analysis in which you do the following:
Your analysis should use proper APA style and formatting and include the following sections. Each section, except the title page, should include the appropriate section heading.
Balanced Score Card in Healthcare Organization
Preparation Select
Select a health care organization that has readily available data for the four categories from Kaplan and Norton’s 1996 model. Those categories are:
You may wish to select your employer; however, please do not disclose proprietary data without prior written consent from your employer. You may wish to review the websites of large global organizations to research case study articles on best practices for organizations.
PowerPoint Slides
To complete this assessment, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation with 10–12 slides that describes how you would apply a balanced scorecard to your selected organization. Include the following in your PowerPoint presentation:
Audio Recording
Include the notes or script of your audio recording. You may choose to include this in the form of the completed Notes section of the PowerPoint presentation slides, as a script you may have used when you created your recording, or in the form of a detailed outline. This will serve to clarify any insufficient or unclear audio.
Note: If your notes are not included in the PowerPoint presentation itself, attach them in a separate document along with the other presentation elements.
Additional Requirements
Definition of the Balanced Scorecard
The Balanced Scorecard Institute: The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. The balanced scorecard performance measurement framework considers non-financial performance measures in addition to financial metrics to provide a more balanced view of organizational performance.
Using the Scorecard in the Health Care Industry Within the health care industry, the scorecard must reflect a framework that incorporates patient safety, regulatory compliance, and a variety of other operational factors (Gunduz & Simsek, 2007). The contemporary version of the balanced scorecard transforms the organizational strategic plan into a dynamic document that provides a snapshot of performance measurement across the organization. Recall from earlier units that performance measurement is a condition of participation for some government and privately sponsored reimbursement sources.
The Four Perspectives
The balanced scorecard indicates that organizations should be examined from four perspectives: learning and growth, business processes, customer satisfaction, and financial performance (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). Additionally, each perspective requires metrics for which data can be collected and analyzed (Balanced Scorecard Institute, n.d.). The analysis takes place within the context of the organizational strategic direction. When used to its full potential: The balanced scorecard is a management system (not only a measurement system) that enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. It provides feedback around both the internal business processes and external outcomes in order to continuously improve strategic performance and results. When fully deployed, the balanced scorecard transforms strategic planning from an academic exercise into the nerve center of an enterprise. (Balanced Scorecard Institute, n.d.) Once the balanced scorecard is applied to an organization, it is important that managers effectively communicate results and take appropriate action. Applying the balanced scorecard results to key risk management areas is equally important when using the scorecard to minimize risk and develop a quality improvement strategy.
Organizational Leadership in Healthcare
You have been asked by organizational leadership to develop a PowerPoint presentation for
department managers on building leadership and trust in collaborative teams. Use the notes
section of each slide to expand your talking points and reference your resources.
This assessment examines two critical components for interprofessional team success:
leadership and trust. Develop a PowerPoint presentation in which you:
* Identify at least three leadership behaviors that build trust within a team.
* Identify at least three leadership behaviors that undermine trust within a team.
* Explain the consequences of a team that does not trust its leader in terms of patient safety.
* Describe strategies team members can use to build trust among one another in terms of skill,
knowledge, and responsibility.
* Describe principles of effective interprofessional team leadership. In other words, what skills
and qualities should a good team leader possess? Is there a difference between being a good
leader and being an effective leader?
Formal Medical Case Report
General Instructions:
Health professionals often find themselves writing case reports, in various forms, that rely on careful observation of a patient’s struggle with an illness or other disorder. The case report is a kind of story, one that differs from more literary stories in that the tale it tells appeals not to our emotions, but to our scientific curiosity. It is intended to help those who read it to make diagnoses. It tells the reader what symptoms to look for, and how a disease usually presents itself (which is particularly useful when the disease is new or rare). The clinician does not know, on first seeing a patient, what point the illness has reached in its natural course. The case report helps in this situation by giving a thorough description of the whole course of an illness, and does so by relating an actual instance of the condition as suffered by a real person.
Because you are not yet in the field, you may think that you have no patients about whom to write a case report. You do, however, know a great deal about a variety of diseases and temporary or permanent disabilities, even if they are only the common ones, like a childhood illness, or one of the diseases that frequently appear among the elderly. Any of these topics can—if not too simple—provide the basis for the case report I am asking you to write. So, too, might your knowledge of a more unusual physiological or psychological problem.
For this assignment, write a formal case report, using as a model the case report that I gave you, and using as your subject an actual person. Your next assignment, after this one, will also be a case report, but more “creative” (and will further require that you find a new person to write about). For now, we will be more detached. Your audience is different from the last essay; this time, you should think of the audience as people with a medical education, and you should imagine that you are an expert on the condition you are describing. You will therefore not need much explanation of technical matters, but will probably have some, carefully adjusted for the audience. You should include both the specific course of the condition as suffered by your patient, and a discussion of the condition in general. Support your discussion with at least one source written for a professional audience (you can of course include more than one). You will likely include most of the following:
The patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, economic background, and other such basics.
Careful descriptions of the patient’s health condition. These descriptions must be based on your own observation of the patient, or your discussion with people who know—or knew—the patient. You can write about someone who is deceased; you can also write about an infant, or a person with an illness so advanced that he or she can no longer communicate. In these cases, you will rely on conversations with friends or family of the patient.
Your description of the patient’s health condition should also be highly detailed. You will likely discuss the onset of the problem and its course, as thoroughly and specifically as possible. Remember that one purpose of a case report is to tell those who read it how the disease presents itself through its whole progression. Consider possible triggers to the condition, the severity of episodes, the usual duration, the extent to which physiological and emotional responses change throughout the course of the problem, responses to treatment or palliatives, and much else.
Do not use yourself as the subject. This is your chance to do real medicine, and take an actual case history. You will miss that chance if other people are excluded.
Do not use a real name. Refer to the subject as “the patient.”
You must get your subject’s permission to write about him or her. Attach to the paper a signed consent form from the subject, or the equivalent. There is no official form, so just make up a simple one of your ow
Concepts of System Thinking in Healthcare
This week’s assignment will help acquaint you with the concept of systems thinking through
some general questions.
1. Explain and discuss the concept of systems thinking.
2. Explain and give an example of the difference between silo thinking and systems thinking
3. Provide one example of where you could apply systems thinking that would positively affect
your current work environment.
Required Format:
Title Page APA Format
Concept of Systems Thinking (Level 1 APA Heading)
Difference Between Systems Thinking and Silo Thinking (Level 1 APA Heading)
Program Evalution Final Report- Hospice
Designing the Program Evaluation Plan: This evaluation should be a minimum of 25 pages, including charts, pictures, or graphs. Citations are to be credited, and APA format should be followed.
This design should be created within the framework of program evaluation. This would include working with some agency to gather information, analyze the data, and develop a professional tool that could be implemented. Each evaluation will be different and will require additional research methods that may not necessarily be presented in this course. Remember, this exercise is intended to be “real” and “useable.” Choose an area that you are interested in, and then go to work. Your Program Evaluation Plan should consist of a combination of but may not include all the following sections* depending on the type of evaluation:
*These can be combined within sections but must be identifiable.
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