Ethical issue ethical dilemma decision-making process

Ethical issue ethical dilemma decision-making process

Students are expected to write a seven- to eight-page paper analyzing an ethical issue using an ethical dilemma decision-making process. In their papers, students analyze a violation of ethics in the social and human services profession as reported in the popular media or a professional journal. In their papers, students should include:

An ethical issue using an ethical dilemma decision-making process

Students are expect ed to write a seven- to eight-page paper analyzing an ethical issue using an ethical dilemma decision-making process. In their papers, students analyze a violation of ethics in the social and human services profession as reported in the popular media or a professional journal. In their papers, students should include:

1) Firstly, A brief description of the case, based on the information gathered from the popular media or professional journal;

2) Secondly, Discussion of ethical violation which includes the context and all who are involved;

3) An explanation of how the professional and the student’s personal ethics provide guidance in this situation. Refer to APA Code of Ethics and specific principles and/or standards.

4) Thirdly, Your discussion of how this situation can handled differently, recommendation for the resolution of the case and your rationale for that.

Student are expect ed to combine their own thoughtful analysis with ideas and information found in at least three sources. Other than sources for the ethical violation (an original reports/articles or any other sources describing this case), the professional codes, and the course textbook.

Therefore, as in any scholarly writing, students should not merely copy information from another author. Instead, use evidence to support the contentions they have drawn from their findings. Also, critically analyze related literature – this paper has to be an analytical paper, not a summary of readings.

This paper must meet APA requirements of format and style. Failure to do so is plagiarism, even if the oversight is unintentional.

Patient management consideration for a patient

Patient management consideration for a patient

This is an assignment that focuses on the immediate patient management consideration for a patient. The paper also identifies the non-clinical observations of finding root cause.

The immediate patient management consideration for a patient

Clinical Scenario:
The Police are called to the residence of a 40-year-old male.  After gaining access, they find a male unconscious on the floor and a prehospital team are called in. The room also appears tidy with no sign of an assault or injury.  Further information: The patient has no sign of injuries; he is making noises consistent with upper airway obstruction and is unresponsive to voice or pain.

Q1. Firstly, what immediate on-scene and/or initial patient management would you consider? (100-200 words)
Q2. Secondly, describe the non-clinical observations and/or findings that may inform you of the potential cause(s) for the patient’s condition? (100-200 words)
Consider the two different scenarios (A and B) described below: Scenario A: The patient has pinpoint pupils. Scenario B: The patient has dilated but reactive pupils.
Q3: Thirdly, for each of the two alternative scenarios: (300-450 words per scenario) a) Discuss the likely toxidrome(s) and/or causes;  b) Any other associated clinical and on-scene findings that may support this diagnosis; and  c) Any specific management for each toxidrome/cause listed.   d) Additionally, briefly list other (non toxilogical) causes that should be in consideration and investigation.
[The management should be consistent with your scope of practice e.g. pre-hospital, emergency department, critical care – please state]
At an appropriate time, an ECG is performed. It is abnormal.
Q4: Fourthly, fist or tabulate potential toxicological indications on an ECG, potential causes, and any antidotes indicated (100-200 words).
Subsequently, in answering the question you are to have listened to the (relevant) lectures for this module, read the reading list and conducted your own literature search. This may include both guidelines and also research papers. You can use your local or national guidance in
M7 M7 Assignment 2019-20 – Student Version
this area to keep it relevant to your geographical region and scope of practice. .

Risk Management and Patient Safety assignment

Risk Management and Patient Safety assignment

This is an assignment that focuses on the Risk Management and Patient Safety. The paper contains several questions regarding the topic and also a references to use.

The Risk Management and Patient Safety assignment

A‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ssignment Overview: Given that each health care system and facility faces unique site-specific risk challenges, a one-size-fits-all model does not exist in risk management. Health care managers must consider all aspects of their setting very carefully in terms of patient safety, mandatory regulations, potential medical errors in the setting, existing and future policies/procedures, as well as current and upcoming legislative acts that affect health care provision in the setting.

This module’s Case Assignment challenges you to locate and read an existing risk management and patient safety plan of a facility in Southern California, and then assess its components in light of the background readings. Assignment: Using the information in the background readings below as well as some additional research in peer-reviewed sources, complete your Case Assignment by answering the following:

The Risk Management and Patient Safety assignment

1. Firstly, choose a health care facility (A hospital, physician’s office, freestanding ambulatory clinic, etc. in Southern California), and summarize each category of its risk management and patient safety plan. This can be your current or future-intend setting, or a facility that you locate through some research online. What is defined/included in the components of the plan? Who are the stakeholders responsible for the implementation of each component?

2. Secondly, are the directives stated by the American Society for Health Care Risk Management followed in the plan? If not, what seems to be missing?

3. Thirdly, what could be added/clarified in the plan’s policies and/or procedures to either further prevent risk or enhance patient safety? Be as specific as you can in your assessment.

4. Fourthly, does the facility ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍have a dedicated Patient Safety Officer (PSO)? What is the role and scope of a PSO’s daily work?

5. Finally, a well-formulated introduction and conclusion that support the paper. Learning Outcomes – Summarize the categories of a chosen health care facility’s risk management and patient safety plan.

Additionally, assess the plan for compliance with the American Society for Health Care Risk Management’s directives. Determine what could/should improve or clarify the plan and its accompanying procedures. – Articulate the role of a Patient Safety Officer, including the scope of work.

Background Reading (USE 2 OF THE BELOW REFERENCES, THE OTHER 3 FROM REFERENCES ELSEWHERE) American Society for Health Care Risk Management. (2019). Different roles, same goal: Risk and quality management partnering for patient safety. Available at American Society for Health Care Risk Management. (2019). Healthcare risk management: The path forward.

Evidence-based Practice in Nursing Practice

Evidence-based Practice in Nursing Practice

In this assignment, you will refer back to the topic you selected for your evidence-based practice problem (which is: Will the nurse’s knowledge regarding their hospital requirement for the assessment and accommodation be more useful and relative in adult patients who are intubated in the intensive care unit

Refer back to the topic you selected for your evidence-based

Firstly, In this assignment, you will refer back to the topic you selected for your evidence-based practice problem (which is: Will the nurse’s knowledge regarding their hospital requirement for the assessment and accommodation be more useful and relative in adult patients who are intubated in the intensive care unit
(ICU) compared to the patients on a medical-surgical floor?).

Secondly, For this assignment, you will interpret the three articles selected from your week 2 assignment (articles are attached).

Thirdly, You must complete a matrix table for your three articles (see template provided below). Once you complete this matrix table, you will write a paper, including the following information:

Fourthly,  An introduction to the topic from week 2 and created PICOT question (although this information may be similar to what you provided in your week 2 assignment, be sure to paraphrase and not copy/paste directly from that assignment). (See attached paper).

Further, For each of the three articles selected, describe the following:

A. Concepts explored in the article/study (This is the “what” of the study.)
B. Methods used in the article/study (Describe this in detail; it’s “how” of the study.)
C. Participants in the article/study (This is the “who” of the study.)
D. Instruments/tools in the student (This is the resources used to collect the data; i.e.; survey, interview, etc.
Be sure to include a discussion of reliability and validity, as well.)

E. Conclusion/summary of the evidence.



Patient perception for a pharmacist prescription

Patient perception for a pharmacist prescription

This is an assignment that focuses on the patient perception for a pharmacist prescription. The assignment also provides the method of conducting a survey.

Patient perception for a pharmacist prescription

I need a project protocol (project plan) which must include background (200 words like a summary of the literature) the objective, the subject and setting, and method
Please focus more to the objectives and the method parts because there are the hardest parts for me

The objectives ( I did these objectives so if you have any edit about it I will be happy )
1-     To conduct a literature review search with purpose of gathering information about the patient perception for the pharmacist prescribing.
2-     To design a questionnaire with the intention of gathering information from patients about their perception, acceptability, and experience for their pharmacist prescribers.s
3-     To use the questionnaire in order to collect patient perceptions data for their pharmacist prescribing from community pharmacies in Scotland.
4-     To analyse the collected data and assess whether independent pharmacists prescribing acceptable to the patients.

The patient perception for a pharmacist prescription

The method for each objective ( after meeting with my supervisor its need to be a questionnaire (not online survey) with closed questions and open question(I don’t now about the open question so if u have any advice about it ) also I decide to Likert scales are will be used as response options (5 being strongly agree and 1 strongly disagree). The open question will include to allow the patients to write comments with regard to their pharmacist prescribing.
For the literature method I already did it so no need to do it. So, you have only three method for three objectives.

If you have any advice please tell me, cuz I will bring you collected data later to analyse it.
I am sure you have a great experience about the dissertation parts. Also, if you have any references regarding the questionnaire or the method that will be support the work.
This is the project protocol structure
Aim (no need)
Subject and setting

Evidence-Based Practice for Healthcare Professionals Patient-centered care

Evidence-Based Practice for Healthcare Professionals Patient-centered care

This paper focuses on Evidence-Based Practice for Health Professionals. This assessment requires you to present the results of (ideally) one of the articles you will use in your Assessment 2: Literature Review.

Evidence Based Practice for Health Professionals

Assessment 1: Oral Presentation
Length: Three (3) minutes (maximum)
Weighting: 20%

This assessment requires you to present the results of (ideally) one of the articles you will use in your
Assessment 2: Literature Review.

That is, your task is to present an overview of a research article to your peers i.e. other students undertaking paramedic or human services programs.

Your challenge is to capture in three minutes and with no more than two (2) PowerPoint slides, the key components and overall message of the article.

After hearing your presentation, your peers should be left in no doubt that they understand what the article is about, the nature of the research, how it was conducted and what the key findings are.
Short presentation times are the norm at professional conferences. Another example of short scholarly presentations can be found in 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) competitions. Examples of these will be shared in class to give you inspiration and insight into what can be achieved in a short period of time.


Completing this assessment should:
Firstly, Increase your confidence in discussing research and research terminology

Secondly, Demonstrate your comprehension of a particular research article

Thirdly, Develop your ability to communicate research findings to peers

Fourthly, Assist you with locating literature for your Literature Review assessment piece

Also, Allow you to present in a safe environment in a focused but hopefully fun way.


This assessment will take the form of a three (3) minute maximum presentation accompanied by no more than two (2) PowerPoint slides. Your presentation will be recorded using the recording function available in Zoom. You will not be assessed on your production values or editing skills, but we do expect that you present yourself professionally, provide accurate information with correct spelling and grammar on your slides. You must appear in person on your video at some point.

Instructions: Evidence Based Practice for Health Professionals

1. Consider the Aims, Task and Format of the assessment.

2. Choose a topic:
Firstly, Choose something that is of interest to you related to your discipline.

Secondly,  For paramedic students this may be something related to a clinical intervention such as medication management, or pre-hospital care of a particular injury or condition.

Thirdly, Alternatively, you may wish to look at research that is about the profession e.g. professional identity development in paramedicine, transition to practice for paramedic students.

Fourthly,  For human services students this may be related to practice such as approaches to case management, counselling styles or aspects of service provision to particular population groups.

3. Research the topic by searching the appropriate databases via the USQ library. You need to ensure a body of research literature exists about your topic.

Firstly,  Aim to collect journal articles that have been publish ed with in the last five (5) years, though articles publish ed in the last ten (10) years are acceptable.

Secondly,  It is acceptable to look beyond your own discipline if the topic has relevance. For example, human services students may find appropriate articles in the social work, counselling or sociology databases. Paramedic students may find topics of interest addressed in nursing, emergency medicine or sociology databases.

Thirdly, You may need to read material from other sources such as texts, government health department and other reliable sources and websites in order to give you the context and background information you need to understand the topic.

Fourthly, If in doubt about your topic selection, consult your tutor or course examiner.

4. Select one (1) primary research article to present. This excludes literature reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

5. Your presentation should include:

Firstly, Title, author/s, year of publication – include reference on first slide

Secondly,   Describe what the research article is about – topic

Thirdly, How was it done – research approach and method

Fourthly, State the key finding/s or most important recommendation – outcomes

Also, state why this is worth knowing – the “So what?” test.

6. Submit via Study desk
·         Submit your recording as an MP4 file (instructions will be provided)
·         Submit the Marking Guide as a word document with your name and student ID completed (provided on Study desk at submission point).

Management of nursing staff in healthcare facility

Management of nursing staff in a healthcare facility

At a local hospital, a decision was made to downsize the nursing staff. The local television station sent a reporter and camera crew to interview the administrator regarding the impact of this action on patient care.

A decision was made to downsize the nursing staff

Firstly, At a local hospital, a decision is to downsize the nursing staff.

Secondly, The local television station sent a reporter and camera crew to interview the administrator regarding the impact of this action on patient care.

Thirdly, After 20 minutes of filming the interview, the reporter left. Later that evening, the CEO received a call from the hospital’s public relations director, who directed her to YouTube.

Fourthly, A video had been posted showing several nurses. Also, the former patients in front of the hospital protesting the hospital’s decision. The public relations director also directed the CEO to a new community blog called “”

Also, the CEO called a meeting for the next morning and wondered, “How did things get so out of control?”
She asked the public relations director to provide an overview and present a brief plan.

Finally, Submit the overview and plan you would present as the public relations director in this scenario.

More details;

The hospital industry in the United States is undergoing a widespread reorganization that includes restructuring of the workforce. Surveys reveal that nurses now working in hospitals have serious concerns about the impact of such staffing changes on the quality of care and the safety of patients. Media coverage of changes taking place in hospitals and hospital care echoes nurses’ warnings; Congress expressed its concern by mandating the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to study the adequacy of nurse staffing in hospitals and nursing homes. The recently completed IOM study recommended greater involvement of nurses in restructuring initiatives and more research on the relationship between nurse staffing and patient outcomes because empirical evidence could not be found to support testimony and anecdotal reports by nurses and others that current staffing levels were adversely affecting patient care.




Evidence-based practice and occupational therapy

Evidence-based practice and occupational therapy

This is an assignment that focuses on what is the evidence-based practice and occupational therapy importance. The paper also requires intensive discussion on occupational therapy.

What is the evidence-based practice and occupational therapy

ASSESSMENT TITLE: What is evidence-based practice (EBP) and also why is this important within occupational therapy?

Introduction: The introduction should set the scene for the reader.
. An introduction to evidence-based practice.
. A summary of what you are going to talk about in the main body of your work.

Main body of assignment: The main body of your assignment should aim to answer the question.
The question to be broken down into two sections. However, you may decide to structure your assignment.
What is evidence-based practice?
.  You have already given a brief introduction to this, but you should now elaborate, considering EBP in its broadest sense within health care, and then narrowing this down to Occupational Therapy.
. It may be appropriate within this section to consider the hierarchy of evidence and also how this relates to us applying evidence to our practice.

. You may also want to consider the relevance of qualitative and quantitative research here, in terms of their strengths and weaknesses when applying research findings to our practice.

Why is this important within Occupational Therapy?
. Firstly, to answer this part of the question, you need to discuss why EBP is important in occupational therapy practice.
. Secondly, you may want to consider the benefits and barriers to EBP within this section.
. Thirdly, you should consider the important of EBP from a range of perspective- for example, the individual therapist, the patient, the organisation, the profession, the public.
Remember to support your work with academic references throughout.
Conclusion: This should summarise your work for the reader, without introducing any new evidence in writing the assignment.

Community health nursing concepts and principles

Community health nursing concepts and principles

This is an assignment that focuses on the importance of community health nursing concepts and principles. The paper also discusses the impact of social determinants of health.

Importance of community health nursing concepts and principles

The aim of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of important community health nursing concepts and principles, including: analysing community data, the impact of social determinants of health, identifying vulnerable community groups, identifying health problems/needs and relevant evidence-based health promotion interventions/programs to address those needs.
This written assignment addresses all three of the course learning outcomes.
There are two parts to this assessment item: Part A and Part B.

Part A: (150 words)
Firstly, create and populate a table (Use the Appendix A: Assignment /Table 1 guide provided below): a) Analyse Appendix B: Community Data for Analysis table. Consider the social determinants of health and note any differences between the Inala data compared to state and national data. b) Based on your analysis, choose three (3) data categories and identify one (1) row of data for each (Choose data that are known determinants of health and that are often associated with each other). c) In Column a) name the category and the row of data chosen, e.g. ‘People’, ‘male’

d) In Column b) provide a summary statement that compares the Inala data to state and national data, including percentages/median where relevant e) In Column c) based on your understanding of social determinants of health, provide a brief statement (inference) as to how these differences might suggest health problems in the community.

Importance of community health nursing concepts and principles

Part B: (1050 words)
Secondly, write an essay in which you address the following points: 1. Briefly introduce the community and outline topics covered in the essay (75 words) 2. Based on the data you selected for Table 1 in Part A, discuss how each of these three social determinants impact health. (300 words) 3. Based on your response to dot point 2, link these 3 social determinants to identify a vulnerable sub- group in the community that is likely to have health issues/unmet health needs. (50 words) e.g. Males, aged over 75 years, living alone 4. With reference to relevant literature identify and also discuss one important health problem/need relevant to this vulnerable cohort. (250 words) 5. With reference to relevant literature:

a) identify and describe one existing evidence-based community health promotion intervention/program designed to address this health problem/need in the vulnerable group, b) describe the intervention/program components (content of the program) and delivery method (when, where, how, who delivered it), and c) explain how the intervention/program effectiveness was evaluated. (300 words for section 5) 6. Briefly summarise topics covered in the essay and also conclude. (75 words)
Important tips:
In Part A, try to choose 3 social determinants that relate to each other. In Part B, make clear links with the data selected and discussed in Part A. Ensure that all your answers relate specifically to this community/vulnerable group, and the data provided

Clinical patient management scenario

Clinical patient management scenario

This is an assignment that focuses on the ICM7079 module 7 clinical patient management scenario. The paper also focuses on patient’s signs of injuries.

The ICM7079 module 7 clinical patient management scenario

ICM7079/Module 7: Assignment Instructions
Word count: 1500 words (+/- 10%).
Maximum 25 references.
Clinical Scenario:
The Police are called to the residence of a 40-year-old male.  After gaining access, they find a male unconscious on the floor and a prehospital team are called in. The room appears tidy with no sign of an assault or injury.  Further information:

The patient has no sign of injuries; he is making noises consistent with upper airway obstruction and is unresponsive to voice or pain.
Q1. Firstly, what immediate on-scene and/or initial patient management would you consider? (100-200 words)
Q2. Secondly, describe the non-clinical observations and/or findings that may inform you of the potential cause(s) for the patient’s condition? (100-200 words)
Subsequently, consider the two different scenarios (A and B) described below: Scenario A: The patient has pinpoint pupils. Scenario B: The patient has dilated but reactive pupils.

Q3: Thirdly, for each of the two alternative scenarios: (300-450 words per scenario) a) Discuss the likely toxidrome(s) and/or causes;  b) Any other associated clinical and on-scene findings that may support this diagnosis; and  c) Any specific management for each toxidrome/cause listed.   d) Also, briefly list other (non toxilogical) causes to put into consideration and investigation.
[The management should be consistent with your scope of practice e.g. pre-hospital, emergency department, critical care – please state]
At an appropriate time, an ECG is done. It is abnormal.
Q4: Fourthly, list or tabulate potential toxicological indications on an ECG, potential causes, and any antidotes indicated (100-200 words).
Additionally, in answering the question you are to have listened to the (relevant) lectures for this module, read the reading list and conducted your own literature search. This may include both guidelines and research papers. You can use your local or national guidance in
M7 M7 Assignment 2019-20 – Student Version 2 this area to keep it relevant to your geographical region and also scope of practice.