Statistics for a nurse or healthcare provider

How do you use statistics in your work as a nurse or healthcare provider? Find and discuss at least two examples of how statistics are used in your field. Do you feel like statistics are a vital part of the nursing field? Why or why not? You might wonder, why do you need to study Statistics. Why should you bother at all and know about it? I want you for a minute think about your daily life and see if you find any concept related to statistics that you might use or apply daily? Think about probability of getting a good paying job as a nurse or dental hygienist. Didn’t you in fact think about it before making the decision of becoming a nurse? (Besides your love for this career). How did study about this career and did your research? Didn’t you search and looked at the job demand, future demand and prediction? It seems you did use statistics already 🙂 Another example could be the correlation between weight of a patient and saturated fat. If you don’t know that, how do you help the diet of the patient? I am sure you would agree that, this is nothing but Statistics. If you think about it, I am sure you find many more examples and you would agree that in fact Stats has a huge impact in our lives.

Anaesthetic Practitioner

Read the case and address the issues.

Case Study -1 is 1500 words

Case study -2 is 1500 works.

Emotional Intelligence and Patient Safety

The Relationship between nursing leaders’ Emotional Intelligence and Patient Safety in accredited and non-accredited hospital at Riyadh Region.

it is chapter of discussion the results in the attachment the chapter focuses on the discussion of the findings in relation to each research hypothesis and places them in the context of the literature with justification. This chapter also discusses published researches and other articles similar to the concept or field of the study as they either support or contradict to the findings. i need you to answer the 4 hypothesis start with short introduction then end it with summary Purpose of the Study The aim of the present study is to explore the relationship between leaders’ emotional intelligence and patient safety in accredited and non-accredited hospitals at Riyadh City. This aim will be achieved through the following objectives: a. To determine level of emotional intelligence among nurse leaders working in accredited and non-accredited hospital at Riyadh City. b. To determine level of patient safety culture among nurse leaders working in accredited and non-accredited hospital at Riyadh City. c. To identify the association between the emotional intelligence and the patient safety among nurse leaders working in hospital at Riyadh City. 1.3. Research / Hypothesis Hypothesis 1: The level of leaders’ EI in accredited hospital is higher than non-accredited hospital at Riyadh City. Hypothesis 2: The level of patient safety in accredited hospital is higher than non-accredited hospital at Riyadh City. Hypothesis 3: There is a positive correlation between levels of EI leadership and patient safety in hospital at Riyadh City. Hypothesis 4: Nurse leaders’ socio-demographic characteristics will predict their EI.

Opioid Epidemic Paper

“The United States is in the throes of an opioid epidemic, as more than 2 million Americans have become dependent on or abused prescription pain pills and street drugs” (CNN, 2018). This is a health crisis that APN’s are a part of. Research and write a 3-page paper (not counting the cover and reference page) on the use of Opioids in the US. Define the problem including statistics related to the national impact as well as statistics related to your particular state. Include any personal experience with this national crisis. How is the role of the Nurse Practitioner impacted by this issue? What alternatives does the literature suggest for providers in lieu of prescribing Opioids for pain management?

Evidence Appraisal Papers :using qualitative research methods

Evidence Appraisal Papers using qualitative research methods
The purpose of this assignment is to appraise/evaluate research articles for evidence merit. One
research articles (using qualitative research methods) will be selected by student. The student will
write the appraisal papers based on the criteria noted below. Follow APA guidelines for this
assignment (e.g., title page, abstract, double-space, reference page, etc.) Maximum 4 pages of
text (beyond abstract, not including reference page).
Elements for Evidence Appraisal Papers
1. Background: issue/problem; importance to nursing
2. Purpose of the study
*3a (Qualitative) Conceptual model/theoretical framework
4. Variables OR phenomena of interest
5. IRB Revie/Ethical sample protection (not in SR)
6. Sample/Setting: recruitment; representative sample
7. Data collection (what, how)
8. Data analysis (Strategies/Stat)
9. Summary of results obtained
10. Implications for practice/research
11. Limitations of research
*12. APA format; Reference/Citations; 4-page limit

Advanced Practice Nursing SelfAssessment

1. You will read each of the boxes in Chapter 2 of your textbook, Transcultural Health Care: A
Culturally Competent Approach 4th Edition (one for each domain of the Purnell Model for
Cultural Competence), answer these questions as they relate to you.
2. Remember to answer these questions from your personal perspective. At all times, explain
why you do or do not adhere to the dominant cultural practices and beliefs of the ethnic group(s)
with which you primarily identify.
3. Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within
last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)
Submission Instructions:
Paper is to be clear, concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and
The paper is to be no shorter than 3 pages; nor longer than 5 pages in length, excluding the title,
abstract and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or
primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books
should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).
Plagiarism is a big deal since this paper will be submitter trough Turnitin.

Role of the Professional Nurse in Community Health

RecognizingHealth Hazards / ExistingNeeds and Possible Solutions
The role of the professional nurse in community health includes planning and developing
programs and services (interventions, actions) to prevent or reduce the chance of illness or injury
to their community. Programs and services may also be needed to manage current illnesses or
needs of persons within the community. Empowering the community act on its behalf is very
important to building healthy communities.
Use Windshield Survey Tool. Fill it out as much as possible in your community survey.
Windshield Survey Tool -Refer to the bottom of this document Pages 2-7
My Community Survey: A YouTube example
Specific to your chosen community, discuss your community in an APA formatted paper to include:
â–Ş Title page
â–Ş Minimum of 2-pages and a maximum of 5-pages
â–Ş Reference page
â–Ş Headings (page 62 of the APA manual)
The title and reference pages do not count in the page limit.
Support your information from researched sources. Government and city information can be found
online. Sites such as vital statistics for the community, the Chamber of Commerce, and CDC can provide
valuable information. Speaking with people in the community is always a great resource.
The APA paper will include:
â–Ş Provide a description of your selected community. Include demographics, mortality and
morbidity, as well as strengths for the area.
â–Ş Identify what you see as the #1 health risk/hazard in your community from your windshield
â–Ş Discuss your goal for your selected community according to the identified health risk/hazard you
â–Ş What interventions,plans, and actions (strategy) would be needed to help the community reach
the goal? (Chapter 13 in your textbook will be helpful.) Your goals are to be specific,
measurable,achievable, and time limited.
â–Ş Discuss the outcomes you expect from your interventions to resolve or minimize the effects of
the identified health risk/hazard for your community
Submit your scholarly written paper through Turnitin by 11:55PM CST on Friday of Week 3.
This activity is worth 10% of your total grade. You can expect feedback 72 hrs. after the closing of
the assignment.
Final Course Project Part 1 Tool
Windshield Survey Assessment
(Replaces Table 11.1 in the textbook)
This is a tool to help you process what you see or don’t see.
Do NOT submit it through Turnitin nor the Dropbox.
“If” some of the questions are not identifiable within your 25 block area,
how far is it from your 25 block area?
One of the roles of the professional nurse in community health includes the identification of potentially
negative findings within the community. These findings may detrimentally affect people’s health within
the community. You can consider this a type of assessment you currently perform on the patients you now
care for. (Review Table 2.1 on page 22 of your textbook, “Selected Nursing Activity.”)

How to Write Article Critique

Article Critique Instructions 

Submit a double-spaced; three page paper:

  1. An Introductory paragraph that states the author’s last name, date, and the central focus of the article. Then in this same paragraph: write a purpose or thesis statement—that is yourpurpose or intent in writing this critique.  Also include a brief ‘map’ or ‘preview’ statement of the 5 elements you intend to develop in the body, to support your purpose.
  2. The body of the critique should include the 5 elements of a research article into (use level two headers), starting the first sentence of each paragraph with a topic sentence that focuses on the strengths and/or weaknesses of that element. Be sure to support each point with evidence from the article—quotes, paraphrases.

These are the elements of a research article…in this order, generally:

  • Research Question/Problem—and, generally, the author’s Purpose for writing the article
  • Literature Review and/or a Theoretical/Conceptual Foundation
  • Methodology—data collection and data analysis section
  • Results or Findings
  • Discussion or Implications.
  1. Include a Conclusion that restates your purpose and summarizes the article’s overall strengths and weaknesses. You might also discuss briefly what you learned from this article and in what ways you found it interesting or useful to do this first article critique.


Comparative Effectiveness: Avastin vs Lucentis

What have you learned or been taught about evidence-based medicine, translational medicine, and implementation science, so far? What is your understanding of the evidence pyramid? Use an Internet search engine to look up the evidence-based medicine pyramid and study the images associated with that term and see the variety of images out there.  What observations or comments can you provide based on this review? Do you think that translational medicine and implementation science are emergent disciplines or are they old wine in new bottles? Why? Review Case 8: Comparative Effectiveness: Avastin vs Lucentis.  Respond to at least two of the questions below: If you were a retina specialist, how would the data in this case affect your drug procurement processes, your clinical practices, and your recommendations to patients? Would that decision be affected by the fact that Medicare allows a markup of 6% on outpatient injectables?  If you had AMD, what treatment choices would you make after reading this case?  Would your choice depend on whether you had significant copays or other out-of-pocket expenses related to eye injections?  If you were a CMS official, what coverage-related policies would you promote? If you were a legislator with oversight of a state Medicaid program, how would you respond to this case? If you were a policy analyst, what would you recommend and to whom?  What policy changes might be needed to support government-sponsored initiatives related to CER and evidence-based medicine? If you were an insurer, how would you respond to the recommendation that insurers facilitate CER research? What forms might such facilitation take?

Nurses Priority Setting


Watch the video case study Priority Setting and respond to the following:

If you were the nurse in this situation, which client should you see first? Identify the priority framework you are using and the rationale for your selection.

  • Your paper should be 3 pages
  • You are required to use and cite one academic source.
  • Use current APA Style.
  • Include a title page and a reference page listing the source(s) you used.

Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.