Social Stress in Mental Health

Research Paper:

The research paper should be 5-7 pages double spaced. It will consist of two
parts, statement of the problem, a short concise thesis statement about what you are going to
research. The second part will consist of a literature review of the sociological problem that you
will research. The paper should also have a title and bibliography. You can select any topic
related to Deviance. Make sure you narrow your topic down to a manageable topic. I am sure
that you can find something that interests you from the readings, videos and topics covered in
the course to research, if you are having difficulty choosing a topic. ASA Style-formatting should
be used in the paper. If you have any questions please ask.

Resume for Community Health Nurse


Proofread my resume. I am applying for a job as a Community Health Nurse (CHN). Make it outstanding!

Writing Across the Curriculum Project. Using Professional and Scholarly Resources

Level One:
• Cite professional/scholarly nursing reference using APA citation

• Run a CINAHL database search accessed through the library homepage on the topic of basic
care and comfort.
• Write a one and half to two page summary using APA format
• Work individually to create a written product
Student Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate familiarity with nursing journals/publications
Engage in an introduction to electronic resources using the DCC/CSN library home page
Engage in an introduction to using APA reference citation
Write a summary of an article using APA format
Written Assignment
Topic: Choose a concept topic and look for an article that addresses nursing implications and/or
nursing considerations.
Concept topics:
Assessment; Infection; Communication; Oxygenation; Elimination; Perfusion; Intervention:
Medication Administration; Tissue Integrity; Mobility; Clinical Decision Making; Metabolism;
Teaching and Learning

Go to the library and review one of the following nursing journals available in print and in the
DCC/CSN electronic database on the assigned topic (within the past five years): American
Journal of Nursing; Home Healthcare Now; Nursing; Nursing Made Incredibly Easy; Minority
Nurse Magazine.
• Access CINAHL through the library’s home page
• The search must produce a professional/scholarly nursing article within the past five (5) years
• Provide a one and one half to two page double spaced summary of the article using APA format
• The summary will include an overview of the content in the article.
• A clinical evaluation “Satisfactory” or ‘Unsatisfactory” will be issued for the written assignment
as this is a clinical assignment reflecting an understanding of patient basic care, patient safety,
and/or patient comfort.
Requirements for turning in the written assignment:
The quality of your written assignment is a reflection on you. Your instructor is committed to
assisting you to produce the best written assignment possible, while ensuring all work conforms
to a universal style. You are responsible for following the procedure for submitting your work to
your instructor, who will grade the format and content using the grading rubric.

The written assignment shall follow the guidelines described in the current Publication Manual of
the American Psychological Association.
Double-space the text throughout the work, both within and between paragraphs. Do not triple or
quadruple space between paragraphs. Paragraphs should be indented one half inch (0.5”).
Regardless of the margin requirements dictated in the APA Publication Manual or approved
alternate style guide, your margins shall conform to the following rules.
a. The top, right, left, and bottom of each page will have a margin of one inch (1”).
b. Do not justify the right margin.
Type Style (Font) / Size:
Utilize black type in 12-point Times New Roman font.
Title Page:
Submit a “Title” page with the name of the article, your name, course name, instructor’s name,
and date. Each should be centered on its own line.
Follow the title page with the summary of the article.
Follow the summary of the article with the reference page.
Submit the following to your instructor:
Submit both a hard copy and an electronic copy of the journal article, the completed written
assignment, and a copy of the grading rubric.

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties NONPF Competencies


Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Choose FOUR NONPF NP core competencies and at least one indicator for each. Explain each
competency and indicator and discuss why it is essential to NP practice. Match a School of
Nursing (SON) outcome to the competency and explain how the SON outcome supports the core
Choose 2 PMHNP competencies and explain why each is essential to PHMNP practice.
Paper should be no more than 6 pages long.
Use correct APA formatting and references. Include an APA formatted cover sheet.
Use correct grammar and sentence structure as well as logical thought progression and syntax

Nurse Professional Portfolio. Profesional Nurse Portfolio


Purpose: As you prepare for your new career, you will want to show prospective employers your
qualifications, background, and achievements. First, you need to describe your ideal NP position.
This step helps you develop a customized resume and cover letter for the position you are
looking for. When you complete your education, you are now ready to begin the next phase of
this transition: employment.
Directions: Continue working on Topics 5–7 of your ePortfolio. Submit a PDF file of sections five
through 7 in the appropriate Dropbox by the end of the last day of Unit 2.
Resume: Develop a resume that is no more than three pages and includes contact information,
at least three professional goals, all undergraduate degrees and certifications, all previous formal
education, recent continuing education or training, employment history, and accomplishments
such as awards or publications.
NP job description: Describe your ideal NP position with details of duties and responsibilities
(look at NP job descriptions on the Web for structure), work environment, patient population,
interdisciplinary team members, salary requirements with expected benefits, scope of practice
(i.e. independence versus collaboration), and hours.
Cover Letter: Write a cover letter for the above position you just described. Make sure your cover
letter includes a career goal, a paragraph that explains why you are a perfect fit for this job, and
how your background, training, and education qualifies you for this job.

The relationship between health practices (diet, exercise and smoking/drinking) and chronic health conditions (diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and overweight).

Nurse Patient Diagnosis. PICOT Question

A 57-year-old female presents for follow-up. She weighs 233 pounds. She has a history of hypertension,
hyperlipidemia, and osteoarthritis. She has been experiencing reflux-type symptoms frequently for the
past 4 weeks. She has used over-the-counter antacids, which have been quite effective in alleviating her
Upon review of her history, it is noted that she has a family history of osteoporosis, with 2 first-degree
female relatives suffering vertebral fractures by the age of 65. She was seen in the office about 3 weeks
ago with an apparent sinus infection, for which she was prescribed a cephalosporin. Further questioning
of the patient reveals no weight loss, dysphagia, odynophagia, or other alarm symptoms.
Physical examination is within normal limits. The patient’s blood pressure is noted to be well controlled,
and results of her most recent blood chemistries demonstrate normal blood sugar, renal function, and
serum lipids.
The patient expresses frustration regarding her frequent reflux and requests a prescription for “the
purple pill”. She says she is tired of having to take antacids so frequently, and would just like to take a
pill every day which would stop the heartburn.
In this case, a conservative approach is optimal, and before committing the patient to long-term
pharmacologic therapy for reflux symptoms and presumed GERD, it would be appropriate to try nonpharmacologic methods. The patient is now on 150mg of ranitidine (H2 receptor antagonist).
You are the nurse conducting an exam on 2/4 for his next follow up appointment. Include a
complete health history, physical examination, medication education, and three health
promotion topics.

Nurse Advocacy Campaigns

Nurse Advocacy Campaigns


As a community nurse, select one of the diseases prevalent in the community and why you think a policy is needed to address the problem. What should the policy address (be specific).

Community Health Role of Community Health Nurse

In your paper, discuss:

  • Services Provided by Community Health Nurses
  • Barriers to Community  Care Services

Personal Philosophy of Nursing 

“Personal Philosophy of Nursing”

In this module’s Assignment, you will draft a formal paper expressing your personal philosophy of nursing paper. In this paper, you will provide a framework for your personal practice of nursing and reflect on why you chose nursing as a profession. Your paper will define how you interact with patients, family members, other nurses, and other health care professionals.


ANA Code of Ethics

APA Resources- (click APA Style Help) (MS Word Tutorials for Beginners)

Review your course readings, lecture, and your Module 2 Resources before completing this module’s Assignment.

Performance Objectives

  • Compose a personal philosophy of nursing.
  • Correlate historical, ethical, and/or political factors influencing professional nursing
    practice with what you believe the core of nursing is and should be.
  • Apply professional practice standards.
  • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA)
    format in writing professional papers.