Selecting a Policy Analysis Framework

The goal of policy analysis is to provide in-depth, relevant, and evaluative information about a
policy. Using a framework as a guideline for the analysis provides scaffolding for logically and
carefully considering the policy issue. To select a framework, one should consider the focus of
the policy being analyzed and whether the policy is intended to be predictive or prescriptive. For
this Discussion, you will choose a policy issue that is important to you and after evaluating the
frameworks described in the Learning Resources, select the framework most appropriate for
analyzing the issue.——————————————————————————————————
To prepare:

Reflect on your understanding of the policy process: how policy is formulated, adopted,
implemented, and evaluated.
Review the various frameworks presented in this week’s Learning Resources and consider how
they are applied to nursing and health policies. How do they assist you in understanding and
shaping policy?
Brainstorm a list of the issues that are most important to your practice (these can be issues at
the institutional, local, state, national, or international level). Then identify a specific nursing or
health care policy related to one key issue, and consider which of the frameworks you would use
to examine the issue.
Note: You may not select the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for this analysis.———-
Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:
Identify the policy you have selected.
Describe the framework that you would use for this particular issue, and provide your rationale.
At what other stages in the policy process might an analysis framework provide guidance?———
I am a Family Nurse Practitioner who works in mental health and substance abuse. I am in my
DNP program. Please use original thought as it will be checked for plagiarism.

Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders

Assignment: Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders

Gastrointestinal (GI) and hepatobiliary disorders affect the structure and function of the GI tract.
Many of these disorders often have similar symptoms, such as abdominal pain, cramping,
constipation, nausea, bloating, and fatigue. Since multiple disorders can be tied to the same symptoms, it is important for advanced practice nurses to carefully evaluate patients and
prescribe a treatment that targets the cause rather than the symptom.
Once the underlying cause is identified, an appropriate drug therapy plan can be recommended
based on medical history and individual patient factors. In this Assignment, you examine a case
study of a patient who presents with symptoms of a possible GI/hepatobiliary disorder, and you
design an appropriate drug therapy plan.
To Prepare
Review the case study assigned by your Instructor for this Assignment
Reflect on the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and drugs currently prescribed.
Think about a possible diagnosis for the patient. Consider whether the patient has a disorder
related to the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary system or whether the symptoms are the result of
a disorder from another system or other factors, such as pregnancy, drugs, or a psychological
Consider an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs
currently prescribed.
By Day 7 of Week 4
Write a 1-page paper that addresses the following:
Explain your diagnosis for the patient, including your rationale for the diagnosis.
Describe an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.
Justify why you would recommend this drug therapy plan for this patient. Be specific and provide

Discussion Post: Lack of Sleep

Please answer the followign in 2 paragraphs Great discussion post including the possible problems Maria may have, including sleep deprivation! Is lack of sleep a common problem among students? What can you tell us about the common pharmacological practices of students seeking to prevent sleep so can study (aka – cram for exams). ***use 1 scholary source, no older than 5 years and cite in APA

Potential Natural or Man-made Disaster in Community


Select a potential natural or man-made disaster that could happen in your community. Then,
write a 3- to 4-page paper about the disaster from the community nurse’s perspective.
Section 1: The Disaster, Man-Made or Natural
What disasters may strike your community and why? For example, do you live in “Tornado Alley,”
or has climate change resulted in unusual cold weather snaps or blizzards in your community?
Are you located in a flood plain? Include possible diseases that may result from a natural
disaster, such as tetanus or cholera.
Section 2: The Nursing Response
Formulate responses to the disaster, considering systems and community levels of intervention.
Review websites where a disaster plan may be available for the public, or if one is not currently available, call public health department to see if a disaster plan exists for your community and
what the plan contains.
In addition to reviewing websites for information about your local disaster plan, you will need to
locate best practice/evidence-based practice guidelines in professional literature to determine
whether your community’s disaster plan is as sound as it might be or if there is room for
Section 3: Is My Community Prepared for a Disaster?
What conclusions can you draw about your community’s preparedness plan from having
completed this evaluation?
Rubric Detail
Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.
Name: NURS_4210_Week5_Assignment_Rubric
Grid View
List View
Show Descriptions
Required Content
Descibed a potential local natural or man-made disaster.–

Collaboration on Systems Thinking in Project Design

Collaboration on Systems Thinking in Project Design
The purpose of this assignment is to assess the ability to apply principles of systems thinking to
an evidence-based practice project. This assignment requires each student to provide an
overview of the implementation plan for his/her project and how the project fits into the health
care system.
An illustration, diagram, or map of the system should be attached to the post. It should depict
inputs, throughputs, outputs, feedback loops, and sustainability mechanisms within the system. It
should identify stakeholders and assessment points. The attachment should incorporate
principles of systems organization described in the textbook and readings in Weeks 1and 2 this
course, as well as feedback from instructors and peers in DNPU 703.
The post should be written using the professional style described in the APA manual (6th ed.)

Preparing Emergency Response as PHN (Scenario Analysis)

Scenario: You are the PHN working at your local public health department in the nursing division.
It is the middle of summer, and you have been receiving telephone calls asking about “the flu
season” since the vaccine wasn’t accurate in predicting the strains of influenza that affected your
community last year, and many people contracted the virus. Business and community leaders
are concerned because they don’t want a repeat performance of last year. You have been asked
to develop some solutions to community concerns. Select two of the following scenarios and
respond to the questions that are posed in each. As you consider the scenarios you have
selected, think about the following considerations as you develop your responses.
Which agencies are available to lead and assist in the disaster response?

What resources are available in your community?
How might resources be used most efficiently?
Are there any gaps that may pose a problem?
Identify potential strengths and weaknesses in the community
Scenario 1: Imagine that initial pandemic flu cases have been identified in your jurisdiction. Some
people are home sick, and others are staying home fearful that they may become infected with
the flu. What advice would you give to local business owners to prepare for this event? Name
two actions that business owners can take to keep their businesses open.
Scenario 1, Part B. As incidents of influenza continue to rise, local business owners are worried
about loss of revenue if several large planned conventions are forced to cancel due to the flu.
What advice can you give these business owners? Should all events be cancelled?
Scenario 2: Disease rates are rising, and estimates are that as many as 20% of the population
are ill with confirmed influenza. Several businesses have closed and services have been
suspended. What advice would you give to local law enforcement officials so they can continue
to serve the needs of the people? Describe two actions that law enforcement workers can take to
remain on the job. How will the gaps in personnel created by those who are ill be covered by
those who are still well? What advice will you give?
Scenario 3: Disease rates are remaining at 20% of the population, and many schools have
closed due to teacher absence. Since parents still have to work if they are not sick with the flu, what advice can you give day care providers? What two ideas can you share with them so they
can stay open and able to care for the children of working parents? Should all school sporting
events be cancelled? What information should parents be given? Should announcements be
given daily?
Scenario 4: The numbers of influenza victims has reached 25% of the population. Many of the
large grocery stores in your community are short-staffed due to employee sick calls. Shelves are
bare since many of the workers are home with the flu, and even if the storeowner could stock the
shelves, cashiers are home sick, too. In-store pharmacists are struggling to keep their
pharmacies open to serve the public. Consumables like bread and milk are in short supply since
many delivery drivers are home sick. What two actions can you recommend to these
storeowners so that your community doesn’t suffer?
Scenario 5: With 25% of the total population sick with influenza, your hospital is short of staff at a
time of very high census. While many of the administrative positions are unaffected by illness, at
least 40% of the nurses have called in sick or are at home caring for very sick children. Name
two recommendations that you can give your hospital administration to keep their services
available for the community.
Scenario 6: The community is turning to the Health Department for assistance because reported
incidents of influenza have risen from 5% of the population to 10% of the population in a matter
of days. What is your first response to this situation? What steps will you take? Where will you start?

Nursing Practicum Discussion


Practicum Discussion: This week, your assignment will be to incorporate all of the information
you have gathered from the community—including the population itself, health data,
interviews/conversations with interested community members, and your community assessment,
including your Windshield Survey—as well as what you have gathered from scholarly literature to
propose measureable interventions. Measureable interventions mean that the results can be
measured through some data that could be collected (Stanhope, 2016). This requires thinking in
terms of actions and then measuring results. An evaluation of interventions is important to see
whether or not they are effective in solving a health care problem. Remember, you will need to
use the data you gathered to determine whether or not a problem exists in your community and
to then determine whether your interventions might be effective.
Please discuss the following points in your Practicum Discussion:
Identify one evidence-based behavior change that would promote health in your selected
Suggest one specific culturally sensitive, evidence-based, measureable intervention to address
the health problem for your selected population.
Think in terms of measuring outcomes. What outcomes would you expect to see once the
intervention(s) are in place? Be specific.

Effects of Paid Maternity Leave

Topic: The effects of paid maternity leave
Guidelines for Writing the Cause/Effect Essay
Typed MLA formatted Cause/Effect essay, 800 words minimum
Plus typed MLA formatted Works Cited page
Must include in-text citations that identifies when you use the sources in the Works Cited page, at least one per body paragraph
I want one quote per paragraph, no paraphrased sources. I want all your citations to be in quote form.
Paper is to be written in third person
2 Sources, one must be peer reviewed and ALL need to come from a PVCC library database
Must concentrate on either causes or effects, but not both.
Must identify 3 causes or 3 effects, depending on your focus
Papers will be deducted 10 points for each missing requirement listed above. A grade of 0 to 40 will be issued for papers with no citations or works cited page.
Writing the Causal Analysis/Cause Effect Essay
The cause/effect essay can be split into four basic sections: introduction, body, conclusion and Works Cited page. There are also three basi formats for writing a cause/effect:
Single effect with multiple causes–air pollution is the effect, and students would identify several causes;
Single cause with multiple effects–bullying is the cause, and students would establish several effects it has on children;
Causal Chain–this is complicated, and I try to steer students away from this format. Causal chains show a series of causes and effects. For
example. dust storms between Tucson and Phoenix can be deadly causing a chain reaction of accidents. The dust is the initial catalyst. It
causes car A to stop. Car B crashes into Car A. Car C crashes into Car B., etc. Global Warming is a good example of a causal chain topic.
Population increase is causing an increase in traffic and greenhouse gases. It is also causing an increase in deforestation for housing, roads and farming. Deforestation means less plants to take up the CO2 and release O2 into the environment. Each item causes an effect. That effect causes another effect. All of this contributes to global warming.
The Introduction

The introduction introduces the reader to the topic. We’ve all heard that first impressions are important. This is very true in writing as well. The goal is to engage the readers, hook them so they want to read on. One way is to write a narrative. Topics like bullying or divorce hit home.
Beginning with a real case study highlights the issue for readers. This becomes an example that you can refer to throughout the paper. The final sentence in the introduction is usually the thesis statement.
Another way to introduce the topic is to ask a question or questions. What are the main causes of schizophrenia? Who is susceptible? The
student would then begin a brief discussion defining schizophrenia and explaining its significance. Once again, the final sentence would be a thesis statement introducing the main points that will be covered in the paper.
The Body
The body of the essay is separated into paragraphs. Each paragraph covers a single cause or effect. For example, according to the National
Institute of Mental Health, the two main causes of schizophrenia are genetic and environmental. Thus, if I was writing about the causes of
schizophrenia, then I would have a body paragraph on genetic causes of schizophrenia and a body paragraph on the environmental causes.
The global warming example would have separate paragraphs that explain each cause/effect relationship: population increases, increases in air pollution due to traffic exhaust and manufacturing, increases in food production and agriculture, deforestation, all causes for global warming and all intricately linked.
A body paragraph should include the following:
Topic sentence that identifies the topic for the paragraph,
Several sentences that describes the causal relationship,
Evidence from outside sources that corroborates your claim that the causal relationship exists,
MLA formatted in-text citations indicating which source listed on the Works Cited page has provided the evidence,
Quotation marks placed around any information taken verbatim (word for word) from the source,
Summary sentence(s) that draws conclusions from the evidence,
Remember: information from outside sources should be placed in the middle of the paragraph and not at the beginning or the end of the
Be sure and use transitions or bridge sentences between paragraphs.

Draw final conclusions from the key points and evidence provided in the paper;
Tie in the introduction. If you began with a story, draw final conclusions from that story;
If you began with a question(s), refer back to the question(s) and be sure to provide the answer(s).
Works Cited page
A Works Cited page is a type of bibliography that is formatted according to the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) guidelines;
Citations are double spaced and placed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name;
If there is no author, then the title is used;
The first line of each entry is placed on the left margin with subsequent lines of that entry indented a half inch.
More Resources
Cause/Effect Essay from Roane State Community College (Links to an external site.)
Purdue Online Writing Lab–OWL (Links to an external site.)
Submit your final draft here. Before you submit, make sure your essay has:
800 words minimum
Works Cited Page
In-text citations(I want one quote per body paragraph)
MUST USE TWO SOURCES. ONE should be scholarly (peer reviewed), and all have to come from a PVCC library database.
Written in third person
Double spaced
Do not begin the conclusion paragraph with the words “In conclusion” or “In summary.”
Written in Microsoft Word
Must concentrate on either causes or effects

Elder Abuse Legal issues

From my instructors guide lines for this paper:

“Legal Issues” might be characterized as issues that are or should best be handled by “laws” that are passed by the legislature or the voters at the ballot box.  These can create new laws or, most often, they amend existing laws by change or modify.  Those laws are then enforced by some various enforcement agencies.”

 “Your overall course goals is to avoid going too deep into any one topic, you will NOT be required to include formal references in footnotes or endnotes. In sum, I am looking for what YOU learned about that topic, that issue and then, most importantly, what YOU think the law should be.”

“Instructions for  Final Papers :

  1. Choose a working title for your paper.
  2. State in your first paragraph the issue you chose.
  3. Explain why that issue is important to Oregon’s elders today.
  4. Add your thoughts on how that issue might evolve over the next decade or two.
  5. Revisit our working title and consider whether it should still be your final title.
  6. Submit your paper for Assignments “ (all of the above is what my instructor is requiring me of).

The following is from my Introduction I have so far, feel free to tweek it so that it has a functional thesis that coincides with all the issues I want to incorporate.

“Elder abuse victims may face increased risk of death, physical or emotional injury, and financial ruin. Legal acts of elder abuse often violate one or more criminal laws and the results have cost society billions of dollars annually in cost to protect those elders that are vulnerable to abuse.  Adult Protection Services, (APS) are the main defense in fighting elder abuse along with other allies within each state that work together to protect the rights of elders who are at risk for abuse.”

Issues to be covered are:

Types of elder abuse

  • Financial exploitation- Elders being taken advantage financially by family, caregivers and on line scams.
  • Neglect- Either by caregivers or by them self
  • verbal abuse
  • physical abuse & abandonment

Adult Protection Services(APS)-Laws in Oregon, provides some of the safety nets that are in place to protect elders who are too often at a higher risk of various types of “abuse”.

Gatekeepers Program— Mandated, required by law to report situation they see of suspected elder abuse.

Adult Protection Services –Statues and laws that are in place to protect vulnerable adults, from abuse , neglect and exploitation. They try to help the client to make their living condition better, not to send them to a alternative home. To protect their rights.

Fast- Financial Abuse Specialty Team(FAST)

 Public Guardian/Conservator’s Program obtains and implements court-appointed guardianship and/or conservatorship for people who are; profoundly mentally incapacitated; unable to care for themselves, and currently at high risk due to abuse, exploitation or extreme self-neglect.

Enhancing Quality & Safety


Develop a 3-5 page paper that examines a safety & quality issue in a health care setting