Organizational goals can be integrated from the business case

Organizational goals can be integrated from the business case

Explain how organisational goals can be integrated from the business case into the project plans. What difficulties and challenges are there in this element?

Organisational goals can be integrated from the business case into the project plans


Firstly, Explain how organisational goals can be integrated from the business case into the project plans.

Secondly, What difficulties and challenges are there in this element?

Further, Discuss how projects form a portfolio and identify the difference between a programme and a project.

Meredith (2017) states that ‘the eight-step project portfolio process is an effective way to select and manage projects that are tied to the organisation’s goals.’ (Chapter 2 – summary, p 55)


Requirements on the assignment:

1. You’ll see, for instance, that you get up to 30% for “Understanding of the relevant module materials” and 20% for “Additional reading & application of workplace experience” so you can see that although the balance between theory and practice is weighted toward the former it is important to demonstrate the application of theory to practice. Even more so when you consider that another 30% is for “Critical discussion & synthesis of ideas reading”. Please note there are other criteria as well.

2. You have to decide which theories, concepts and models from the first half of the module are relevant to the assignment. Obviously, you are ultimately limited on how much you can write by the word count limit of 2500 words. What to include is a matter of judgement on your part. So please read the assignment brief very carefully for any pointers.

3. Avoid generalisations and substantiate any claims by including relevant citations; otherwise, you are expressing personal opinion only. You may find it helpful to review some academic journal articles to see how authors handle this. Make explicit relevant underpinning theory on Project
Management concepts.

4. When you explain how organisational goals can be integrated from the business case into the project plans, and what difficulties and challenges are there in this element? Use a business case (i.e. project) that you are familiar with, either one from your own experience, or a well-known case -through which to demonstrate your understanding. Then discuss how projects form a portfolio and identify the difference between a programme and a project.


More details on the paper:

5. Structure the assignment appropriately. This should take the form of an academic report, using an Introduction, body and conclusion. Use
Headings and sub-headings to guide your train of thought. Think about the logical flow of your paragraphs. Make sure that you proof-read your work against the assignment question when complete to ensure that you have fully answered the assignment question.

6. Make sure that you cite academic sources appropriately using the Harvard referencing convention.

7. Make sure that your work has a clear structure and flow. Write in 3rd person, so you make your writing more formal and objective.


Hillside’s revenues based on demand growth

Hillside’s revenues based on demand growth

This is an assignment that focuses on the analysis of Hillside’s revenues based on demand growth. The paper also answer to questions like implications of increasing the payment period.

Analysis of Hillside’s revenues based on demand growth

Hillside Industries is considering the expansion of its operations by pursuing a plant extension. As a background, Hillside’s revenues have substantially increased based on demand growth for its products, currently at levels not seen since 2010. Working as the company’s Chief Financial Officer, you have been asked to assess the aforementioned plant extension plan. Additionally, presenting (in a report) your recommendations to the Board of Directors (BoD). The current figures at Hillside indicate that the company has sold 12,500 units in the last financial year. The projected sales of 15,000 units over the next five years (annually). However, since relying on more efficient fully automated machines (the initial investment for which is discussed below), the new plant will have the capacity to produce 20,000 units/year.

Secondly, to cover the gap between forecasted sales and the capacity of the new plant, the marketing department has suggested to launch an aggressive campaign (amounting to a cash expense of $40,000/year) whereby the payment period to wholesale customers is extended from 15 to 30 days – this will presumably lead to the additional demand of 5,000 units/year required to cover the gap. The projections above also assume a sale price of $100 per unit, and that Hillside would be liable to pay its suppliers 12 days from the date of purchase of raw materials, with the cost of raw materials being $30/unit. Also relevant is the fact that it currently takes 15 days for the company to convert raw materials into finished goods, with production levels of 60 units/day.


The investment envisaged by the production manager of Hillside to carry on with the business expansion entails the installation of a newly developed, fully automated production technology in the new plant. The details associated with this investment are as follows: Forcasted Future Free Cash Flows (Years) Initial Investment: $270‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ 000 Year 1: $47 000 Year 2: $61 000 Year 3: $95 000 Year 4: $97 000 Year 5: $150 000. Based on the previous behaviour of the company’s stock, the beta of Hillside’s shares is 2. Moreover, the current economic scenario is such that the risk-free interest rate is 1% per year. With financial analysts expecting a rate of return of 6% on the market portfolio (i.e., the relevant index representing the stock market). Hillside has also previously issue corporate debt that will mature in 15 years  currently priced at $896.


Finally, the company’s liabilities amount to 60% of its balance sheet and assume the tax-shield in Australia as 30%. Based on the background provided in the case study. You are to write a report addressing the following key questions:

1. In terms of working capital requirements.what are the implications of increasing the payment period (or average collection period) from 15 to 30 days? Please refer to the operating and cash conversion cycles in your answer.

2. Based on the forecasted sales, is it possible for Hillside to achieve the corresponding cash and accounting break-even points? Based on your calculations for each – and from a pure cost management perspective – is the marketing department’s proposal acceptable? Explain.

3. Use the net present value (NPV) criteria to assess whether the expansion plan is warrant. Explain to the BoD the benefits of the NPV vis-a-vis other capital budgeting methodologies.

4. Which of the two sources (bonds or shares) should the company use to raise the funds for the expansion plan? Explain the reasons behind your decision.

5. Based on the answers to the previous questions, determine whether to endorse the recommended plan to t‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍he Board

One kaizen project master improvement plan review

One kaizen project master improvement plan review

This essay entails a paper on the One kaizen project and the master improvement plan review. One kaizen project helps in the arrangement of the processes involved in the aims of a research. Also, it enables the researchers in setting new standards.

One kaizen project master improvement plan review

Master Improvement Plan Review the Week 7 online lecture example** Down below and develop a master kaizen or improvement plan for your process using the template provided (Link). The Week 7 online lecture will help you understand how to complete and use this tool for your improvement project. Focus on longer term milestones and tasks (beyond this class) needed to support the original goals and objectives you defined in Week 2.

Additionally base your future milestones and tasks upon the various improvement tools examined in the Week 5 and 6 lessons that are used to eliminate waste as analyzed in Week 4. 2. Review Plan. Students had to coordinate and implement one kaizen or improvement project in Week 6 for this process.

This review plan template is on the same file as the master improvement plan. The Week 7 online lecture will help you understand how to complete and use this tool for your improvement project. Identify Lessons Learned – Include challenges and experiences while doing this assignment. Generalize what you learned for use in later process improvement projects.

This template includes a box to enter this step at the bottom of each plan (tailor for each criterion). This submission should use the template provided (there are two separate spreadsheets on the same file for criteria 1 and 2). But it is based off of the kaizen principles of continuous improvement and a comfort with change. Students may change the format to fit their project or employer needs, as long as similar steps as on the template are included VIDEO:

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries, a large, publically held manufacturing company. Your immediate supervisor is the controller who also reports directly to the VP of Finance.

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries

Read the following scenario.
Answer the questions that follow. This will be a 2-3 page submission in a question and answer format (also in paragraph form). An introduction and conclusion is not required.
Refer back to your textbook for guidance on how to think through the scenario.

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries, a large, publically held manufacturing company. Your immediate supervisor is the controller who also reports directly to the VP of Finance. The controller has assigned you the task of preparing the year-end adjusting entries.  In the receivables area, you have prepared an aging accounts receivable and have applied historical percentages to the balances of each of the age categories.  The analysis indicates that an appropriate estimated balance for the allowance for uncollectible accounts is $180,000.  The existing balance in the allowance account prior to any adjusting entry is a $20,000 credit balance.

After showing your analysis to the controller, he tells you to change the aging category of a large account from over 120 days to current status and to prepare a new invoice to the customer with a revised date that agrees with the new category.  This will change the required allowance for uncollectible accounts from $180,000 to $135,000. Tactfully, you ask the controller for an explanation for the change and he tells you “We need the extra income, the bottom line is too low.”


In a 2-3 page paper, discuss the following:

Consider what you have learned relative to ethics and financial reporting.

1) What is the rationale for the calculations/process use to estimate the $180,000 uncollectible allowance?
In this section, you want to refer back to chapter 9 in your textbook and review the process for determining the allowance for bad debt.  What is most important in getting started on this assignment is to make sure you first understand why companies use the allowance method for accounting for receivables. The focus is not on the calculation itself, but the rationale for using the allowance method in comparison with the direct write-off method. Why is accounting for uncollectible receivables necessary? How does the allowance method provide a more accurate reporting result?

2) How do you think the misstatement of funds will impact the income statement and balance sheet?
For this question, you want to discuss the potential impact on the financial statements. The allowance method will provide an estimate for bad debt expense, as well as estimate the balance for the allowance contra account to accounts receivable. How will the items affect the income and balance sheet? For example, how will changing the aging category data affect the accuracy and reliability of information reported? Will the balance sheet accounts be accurate if they are over/understate d?  How will the over/understatement of expenses, for example, affect the income statement?

3) What is the ethical dilemma you face? What are the ethical considerations? Consider your options and responsibilities as assistant controller.

For this question, you want to think about certain ethical considerations such as GAAP violations, lack of integrity, employee trust, customer trust, etc. How will changing the numbers noted in the scenario impact the company based on these ethical considerations? Is the conduct of the controller appropriate? Why or why not? Refer to chapter 8 in your textbook to help you expand on this question.

4) Identify the key internal and external stakeholders. Further, what are the negative impacts that can happen if you do not follow the instructions of your supervisor?

For this question, you want to discuss the key individuals that may be affected by the act of the controller if his instructions are not followed.  Who is mostly at risk?  What is the responsibility to the employees, customers, vendors, etc.? What could reporting a low bottom line mean for the company? Also, could the company’s financial survival be threaten ed? Finally, What could happen to the assistant controller if he/she does not comply with the supervisor’s request?

5) What are the potential consequences if you do comply with your supervisor’s instructions? Who will be negatively impact ed?
For this question, you want to name potential individuals who may be negatively impact ed if the assistant controller does follow the instructions of his supervisor and how they may be affected. Again, think about the stakeholders you identified in question 4. For example, how would this affect the company’s reputation? Additionally, are there other potential ethical and/or criminal violations?

Additional Requirements:
Use at least one (1) quality academic resource (in addition to your textbook) for this assignment.

Race and Gender in the Workplace debate assignment

Race and Gender in the Workplace debate assignment

This is a paper requiring the student to discuss the Race and Gender in the Workplace debate assignment. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Race and Gender in the Workplace debate assignment

1. Firstly, identify One type of Diversity Situation or Cultural Dilemma based on different types of cultural and group associations that are current and possibly in the news.

– Topic can be about Race and Gender in the Workplace

a) The diversity situation or cultural dilemma should demonstrate a cultural clash between at least two or more socio-cultural groups and have the potential for debate.

b) Select topics that can be researched to find out about them more in-depth.

2. Secondly, write 1000 word paper discussing the following:

a) Describe the diversity situation or cultural dilemma
b) Describe the cultural groups impacted by this topic

3) Thirdly, explain the types of power or privilege each group possesses.
– In what ways are members of each group aware (or not aware) of their power or privilege?

4) Fourthly, discuss the types of prejudice or discrimination applied to each group.
– Is the discrimination or prejudice overt or covert?
5) Also, how do these (prejudice, discrimination, power, or privilege) impact each group’s access to goods, services, positions of power, education, or other societal structures?

6) Please ensure to have an Introduction and Conclusion to the paper.

7) Lastly, support your claims with documentation from ONE or more historical perspectives, ANY recent news activities, FOUR scholarly articles, and course resources.
a) Use ProQuest and EBSCOhost to find FOUR (4) appropriate scholarly articles to support the topic

(At least one article should come from ProQuest, and one article should come from EBSCOhost)

Important: Each paragraph should include an in-text citation to all information summarized, paraphrased, or quoted from outside sources. Please cite the articles you found using ProQuest and EBSCOhost.


CIPD Assessment Activity on a new performance management system

CIPD Assessment Activity on a new performance management system

This is an assignment paper that discusses the CIPD Assessment Activity on introduction of a new performance management system into an organization.

CIPD Assessment Activity on introduction of a new performance management system

Activity 1 (2,000 words)
A new performance management system introduction into an organisation.
You are asked to produce a report to enable the HR Director to make a presentation to the board. The Director has asked you to research and include in your report:
A description of at least two purposes of performance management in addition to their relationships to business objectives. Then, an explanation of at least three components of performance management systems.
In addition,

  • An explanation of the relationship between motivation and performance management with reference to at least 2 motivational theories.
  • An explanation of at least two purposes of reward within a performance management system.
  • Identification and explanation of at least three components of a total reward system, one of which should be non-financial.
  • Identification and explanation of at least four factors that need to be considered when managing performance, both good and bad.
  • A description of at least two sources of data (1 of which should be external to the organisation) required by individuals involved in performance and reward management processes.
  • An explanation of the frequency, purpose and process of performance reviews.

Activity 2
Prepare for and conduct a performance review meeting. However, the performance review is to be videoed. Your review meeting will be observed by an assessor and recorded using the observation record.
Activity 3 (400 words)
Write a reflective statement, in which you:

  • reflect on the outcomes of the performance review meeting
  • reflect on your own performance in conducting that meeting
  • record 2 key learning points, to develop review meetings in the future.

Learning outcomes:

1. Be able to explain the link between organisational success, performance management and motivation.
2. Be able to explain the relationship between performance management and reward.
3. Be able to contribute to effective performance and reward management in the workplace.
4. Be able to conduct and reflect upon a performance review.

Conflict Management Policy Recommendation based on feedback

Conflict Management Policy Recommendation based on feedback

This is an assignment that discusses the Conflict Management Policy Recommendation based on feedback. The paper also revises previous recommendations.

The Conflict Management Policy Recommendation based on feedback


Unit 9 Assignment Instructions Assignment Preparation Your final assignment is due in Unit 9. Read the assignment instructions and scoring guide and familiarize yourself with the grading criteria. For the first part, you will revise your Unit 6 assignment recommendations based on feedback. Be sure to review your previous assignment so you can synthesize that feedback. Conflict Management Policy Recommendation In your previous assignment, you built the foundation of analyzing a conflict that arose in an agency by evaluating conflict management methods and making recommendations for effective conflict management. In this assignment, expand upon those recommendations by revising all and also choosing one to construct an organizational policy built around conflict management. Continue with the agency and scenario you selected in your last assignment. This assignment comprises two parts. In

Firstly, revise your previous recommendations on effective conflict management based on peer or instructor feedback you may have received.

Secondly, propose at least one change to an organizational policy or one new organizational policy based on those recommendations related to effective conflict management.

The Conflict Management Policy Recommendation based on feedback

In a 4–6 page narrative, include the following: Revise previous recommendations based on peer and instructor feedback. Include applicable context from previous assignment. Formulate expectations for professional behavior from employees. Recommend one new organizational policy or change to an existing policy related to effective conflict manageme‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍nt. Justify change in policy using revised recommendations. Submission Requirements Your assignment should meet the following requirements: Written communication: Your writing should clearly identify where each grading criterion or part of the assignment is addressed. Your points must be logical, substantive, and relevant based on the evidence presented. The writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA guidelines: Resources and citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Be sure to distinguish an electronic journal article by including the DOI or URL.

The Conflict Management Policy Recommendation based on feedback

Additionally, when appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. SafeAssign: Submit your paper to SafeAssign as a draft. Review the results and make any needed changes before submitting to your instructor for grading. Resources: Your ideas must also be supported with relevant scholarly sources that are dated within the past five years and are properly cited and referenced in current APA style. Length of paper: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Writing assistance: Additional resources and support are available through the Writing Center and Smarthinking’s free, online tutoring service. Also, review the scoring guide for the grading criteria for this assignment. Resources Conflict Management Policy Recommendation Scoring Guide. SafeAssign.

Introduction to the Writing Center. Smarthinking. APA Style and Format. Lastly, by submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates. Institution Release St‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍atement

Overall strategic direction of a business supply chain

Overall strategic direction of a business supply chain

This is an assignment that discusses what is the overall strategic direction of a business supply chain. The paper discusses the core suppliers working with a firm.

What is the overall strategic direction of a business supply chain

Strategic setting, customer focus, supplier relations, value generation, and outcomes

F‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ive pages, single-spaced, 12-point font, and APA style is not needed. Pick any format you want but stay consistent throughout. Plus, you can use any text you want from weekly assignments. Each section (strategic setting, customer focus, supplier relations, value generation, and outcomes) is intended to be one page single spaced. Each color (red, blue, and green) represents a subsection or paragraph of the single-spaced page allocated to the topic. When a color has two underlined portions, you have a choice of dividing that subsection into one or two paragraphs.

Strategic Setting:

This section should describe the overall strategic direction of the business. Also, how the area of focus in this size-up assignment links to and is influential by the firm’s global supply chain strategy. Customer Focus: A discussion of the customer segments served by the firm. If multiple customer segments exist, compare and contrast them (up ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍to 3). Identify the critical customer(s) and explain why they are critical within the context of the firm’s supply chains. Supplier Relations:

A brief discussion of the core suppliers working with the firm (i.e., top 2-3 suppliers). In addition, include a discussion of internal pressures and external pressures (e.g., threats from competitors or demands placed on the firm by major customers). Value Generation: This section should address the value proposition today and in the future of the firm and how these link to overall global supply chain strategy. Include a description of what the firm has to do well regarding its global supply chains to succeed. Outcomes:

This section should describe the ultimate outcome that the firm ideally would generate by implementing certain changes in global supply chain strategy. Also, discuss briefly which metrics are appropriate for evaluating and prioritizing the desired global supply chain strategy outcomes and how you will measure this infor‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍mation

Corporate Cocial Responsibility CSR Company’s Strategy Practice UAE Company

Corporate Cocial Responsibility CSR Company’s Strategy Practice UAE Company

This essay entails a Corporate social Responsibility paper on any  Company’s Strategy Practice. Corporate social Responsibility ensures that every member of the firm is dedicated and follows the rules outlined in the firm’s constitution.

Corporate social Responsibility Company’s Strategy Practice

Firstly, you must choose a company and write a critical analysis of its Corporate social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. This should include academic or reliable references to concepts and theories covered during the course and some elements of critical evaluation. You could consider evaluating the company’s strategy versus what it does in practice.

However, please be aware that the appendices should provide only supporting information (graphs, data, figures, table etc.). . PART 2: a briefing document written as a Board Paper. This part should read like a business document. For one particular issue within your chosen organisation/ company please write a Board Paper. A model and some examples of Board Papers awarded a first-class mark during previous years have been made available on Canvas.

Secondly, imagine that this document has to be approved by the Board of Directors. You should position yourself as an employee or a consultant of your chosen company. In this short Board Paper you inform the Board of Directors of your company of a CSR-related problem that has arisen (i.e. it is on-going and current) which impacts one or several stakeholder groups.

Thirdly, you should: Briefly outline the problem Make recommendation(s) on how to solve this problem, while referring if necessary to best practices of competitors Consider how your suggestions affect various stakeholders of your company Your aim is for the Board of Directors to approve your recommendation(s).

Also, these footnotes should contain the information that is usually provided in the list of references/ bibliography at the end. No list of reference or bibliography is required. The 750-word limit excludes footnotes (Microsoft Word excludes these automatically) and appendices. The appendices could, for example, include tables, graphs, images or other important information.

Managing consultancy cycle interventions in organizations

Managing consultancy cycle interventions in organizations

This is an assignment that discusses the managing consultancy cycle interventions in an organization. The paper also analyzes the key activities involved at each stage of the cycle.

The managing consultancy cycle interventions in organizations

Managing consultancy interventions
M‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍anaging consultancy interventions: Introduction: This unit is about understanding the consultancy cycle and the associated risks involved. It also covers the differences in approach and style that may be required for use in different situations. Scenario: Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario: – You are a senior manager, leading teams of consultants across a range of clients. You need to ensure that each team uses the appropriate approach for delivering a consultancy project that supports organisational objectives.

Task 1: Firstly, by referring to the consultancy cycle, you are to produce a report that covers the following: Analyse the requirements of the key activities involved at each stage of the cycle. Evaluate the risks and challenges that could be faced at each stage of the cycle. Outline the strategies that you would develop to overcome the risks and challenges t‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍hat may occur at each of the stages outlined.


Word count: 1,500 – 1,800 words A.C. 1.1 – Analyse the key activities involved at each stage of the consulting cycle A.C. 1.2 – Evaluate the risks and challenges which may occur at each stage of the consulting cycle A.C. 1.3- Develop strategies to overcome risks and challenges which may occur during an intervention

Task 2: Lastly, from your own experience, discuss the range of interventions that consultants may be involved in. By referring to three specific interventions, outline the different styles and approaches that were to successfully deliver interventions in line with organisational objectives. Evaluate the range and approaches that were in these scenarios. Guideline word count: 1,500 – 1,800 words A.C. 2.1 – Discuss a range of interventions a consultant may be involved inA.C. 2.2 – Additionally, evaluate a range of approaches and styles that can be used by consultants in different interventions A.C. 2.3 – Select suitable approaches to meet the nature and type of consultancy interventio‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍n