Foundations of Financial Management

Assignment 6: Prepare a short discussion (250 words) of a current event article on an issue in Finance or Financial Management that is related to the objectives of the course. Discuss a news item or event that has arisen within the past month that has relevance to this course. Include the following: Topic Date Source which may include, radio, television, newspaper, internet, etc Summary of the news item Conclusions or commentary about relevance to the content of this course Assignment 13: Paper must be substantial and thoughtful and be a minimum of 250 words. Intel has been shown to have a low debt ratio. To learn more about this company go to its website: Click on “About Intel.” Scroll down and click on “Investor Relations.” Click on “Financial Information.” Click on “annual Reports, 10-k and Proxy Statements.” Select the latest Annual Report and form 10-K. Scroll down in the left margin and click on “Selected Financial Data.” Compute the dollar change in “Total Assets”, “Stockholders’ Equity”, and “Long Term Debt” over the last two years. Assignment 15: The Capital Budgeting Process (paper should be at least 250 words) Assume a company, correlated with the economy, is evaluating six projects of which two are positively correlated with the economy, two are negatively correlated, and two are not correlated with it as all. Which two projects would it select to minimize the company’s overall risk? Make you choice and discuss it and the reasons leading to your decision with your classmates.

MIS management

Description Read chapter 13 and 14 and chose one question to answer, answer must be 600 word min each Select one of the following questions from the list below FOR EACH CHAPTER: Chapter 13 Questions: How can Barton break the vicious cycle of always being reactive? What are your responses to Bernie Ruben’s three questions in taking action on the blog issue at IVK: What, if anything should the company do about this blog entry? What should be the company’s general policy about blogging based on inside information from within the company? What should be the process for spotting emerging technologies and analyzing them to see how they might be relevant to the company, for better or worse?

Do you think the younger generation carries out work differently than previous generations? How much time and effort should an IT department devote to scanning for and analyzing emerging technologies? Chapter 14 Questions: How should IVK decide between vendors? Recommend a process they could follow. How should the vendor contract be structured? Make a recommendation. Which service delivery model would work best for IVK? Recommend and justify. Submit a fully developed, 600 word solution (1,200 words total) for each of the questions selected before the deadline. Support your work with citations from the assigned readings or research from current trade or scholarly literature.

Managing Human Assets


The human resource is the ‘most vexatious of assets to manage. —Dr. Jac Fitz-enz (2000). Think about the particular difficulties and opportunities involved with managing people in organisations. The management of all resources – financial, physical and human – encompasses unpredictability, uncertainty and a number of ethical considerations. Yet, decisions made about the ways in which organisations plan for and use their people can have far-reaching consequences on societies, communities and individuals – the human resource, after all, is the only resource to have feelings. Organisations have choices about the way in which they choose to employ, deploy, reward and develop people. The most effective HR strategy is one that takes account of all of these elements of the employment experience and balances the needs of the organisation and its workforce to achieve mutual benefit. This exercise encourages you to look at the best ways to achieve this and the difficulties associated with it. For this assignment, you explain conventional approaches to strategy making and analyse alternative approaches to organisational strategy. Reference: Fitz-enz, J. (2000) The ROI of human capital. New York: AMACOM. Think about the role that people issues play in how strategy is made developed and executed in your organisation. In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:

• Consider why the ‘human resource’ is difficult to manage. In your response, be sure to include an analysis of both conventional and alternative approaches to organisational strategy and human resources. • In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions: o Why is the ‘human resource’ difficult to manage? o What role do people issues play in strategy making? When writing your responses, synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked

Portfolio Management Implementation Report

Description This Assessment builds upon the second assessment which is in the upload files (Assessment 2) and has to focus on the implementation of project portfolio management. *****Please, It is imperative to use the sources provided in the attached files otherwise the assessment won’t be valid. You can use some other references such as web pages, e-books, pdf etc as long as they have relation Portfolio Management Portfolio******* *******The company selected to do the Portfolio Management Planning Report is CISCO you can find information in the file Cisco.pdf and the Assessment 2.doc which include the information to analyse and perform the report***** The report has to include the following parts: * Situational Context:  Is the organisation investing in the right projects?  Is the organisation optimising its capacity?  How well is the organisation executing?  Can the organisation absorb all the changes?  Is the organisation realising the promised benefits? * Portfolio Evaluation  What is the justification of using the chosen method in comparison to some of the others that are available?  Are there any challenges that the organisation might face in using the current method if it were to operate in a global environment?  Is the benefits management lifecycle incorporated in the evaluation process?  How might benefits management be helpful in successfully meeting the deliverable goals of the organisation’s projects? * Portfolio Management How is project portfolio management ensuring that the organisation’s collective projects are aligning with its strategic objectives?  Has a Project Management Office been introduced into the organisation and, if so, has it played a role in terms of standardising practices and increasing project success rates? If not, why not? What alternative approaches are available? **Maturity Levels At what maturity level do you believe the organisation is at in terms of its approach to project portfolio management?  What are the key best practices which can be adopted to improve the maturity level and which model (e.g. PRINCE2, OPM3) do you think would be appropriate?  How might you go about implementing this change and what assistance from the organisation would you require? *Corporate Culture Assess the corporate culture of the organisation and whether it is likely to be different in terms of key internal stakeholder influence and input (e.g. HR Director, Technology Manager, Facilities Manager, Accountant).  Will any change management initiative in terms of project portfolio management process improvement and benefits realisation need to take into account the different perspectives of these stakeholders and what concerns might each stakeholder express?  What aspects of the corporate culture do you think would support project portfolio management and its sustainability criteria?  Are there any challenges involved in getting project portfolio management and its sustainability criteria embraced by the organisation?

Management at a Company

Choose between Walmart or McDonalds Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: Evaluate two (2) key changes in the selected company’s management style from the company’s inception to the current day. Indicate whether or not you believe the company is properly managed. Provide support for your position. Explain senior management’s role in preparing the organization for its most recent change. Provide evidence of whether the transition was seamless or problematic from a management perspective. Provide support for your rationale. Evaluate management’s decision on its use of vendors and spokespersons. Indicate the organizational impact of these decisions. As a manager within the selected company, suggest one (1) innovative idea that could have a positive impact on both the employees and customers of the company. Indicate the approach you will take in implementing the new idea. Provide support for your suggestion. Predict the selected company’s ability to adapt to the changing needs of customers and the market environment. Indicate how open communication channels are critical for successfully implementing change in the organization. Provide support for your prediction.

Fundamentals of Management

Fundamentals of Management


Papers 1 through 5 constitute the signature assignments for this course. The syllabus contains the rubric to score these papers. All students are asked to write five papers for the course outlining the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling aspects of an organization.

These papers should be a true integration of students’ various sources of learning. The program curriculum is designed to build on students’ prior and current work experiences, in-class experiences, and learning derived from the assigned readings. Each student must use this forum to choose his/her organization during this first week, and the choice must be unique – each student must choose a different organization. Be sure to choose a business or non-profit organization for which you can gather management information (not just sales or product information), either personally or by online research. After reviewing previous posts to avoid duplicates, post your chosen organization.

The Instructor will indicate his/her approval with a reply post. Looking ahead to Paper 1, it should be composed of 2–3 pages focused on the PLANNING aspects of your chosen company (e.g., how the company plans its initiatives, how it allocates its resources, etc.). You are required to use at least two peer-reviewed journals as outside sources in addition to your course text.

You are expected to follow the 6th edition APA format. You may also use ETS Criterion to help you write your paper. ETS Criterion is a service that helps students plan, write, and revise essays. After receiving your instructor’s approval, get started on researching your organization.

HRMIS Data Analysis and Recommendations


1. You have been retained by the VP of Human Resources of this company to recommend to the company an optimum (the Best Fit) HRIS and Payroll system that would be appropriate for the concerned company. This company is currently using ADP as the outsourced payroll service and a paper based model for all their HR administra¬tive process. The VP of HR would like your expertise to recommend to the company an integrated Payroll and HRIS system that would be appropriate for the company and fit the company’s needs. The company does not want to outsource any Payroll to HR Administrative Processes. 2. Your task in this consulting assignment is to recommend to the VP of HR-ONE HRIS/Payroll integrated systems that the VP can include in her final due diligence before she selects the “right” system for the company. Treat this assignment as a real-world situation. This will give you the opportunity to practice how you would research and provide information as an HRM professional

Fundamentals of Management

INSTRUCTIONS Papers 1 through 5 constitute the signature assignments for this course.

The syllabus contains the rubric to score these papers. All students are asked to write five papers for the course outlining the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling aspects of an organization.

These papers should be a true integration of students’ various sources of learning. The program curriculum is designed to build on students’ prior and current work experiences, in-class experiences, and learning derived from the assigned readings. Each student must use this forum to choose his/her organization during this first week, and the choice must be unique – each student must choose a different organization. Be sure to choose a business or non-profit organization for which you can gather management information (not just sales or product information), either personally or by online research. After reviewing previous posts to avoid duplicates, post your chosen organization.

The Instructor will indicate his/her approval with a reply post. Looking ahead to Paper 1, it should be composed of 2–3 pages focused on the PLANNING aspects of your chosen company (e.g., how the company plans its initiatives, how it allocates its resources, etc.). You are required to use at least two peer-reviewed journals as outside sources in addition to your course text. You are expected to follow the 6th edition APA format. You may also use ETS Criterion to help you write your paper. ETS Criterion is a service that helps students plan, write, and revise essays. After receiving your instructor’s approval, get started on researching your organization.

Airport Operational Management

To complete this assignment, write a correctly formatted academic short essay of one page each to address all of the following questions : ————————————————————————————————- Question 1: Identify and discuss the main reasons for a government to privatise their airports. ————————————————————————————————- Question 2: Discuss how a change in airport ownership can influence an airport’s performance. ————————————————————————————————- Question 3: Identify and discuss the major factors influencing an airport’s costs and revenue (both aeronautical and non-aeronautical). ————————————————————————————————- Question 4: Define benchmarking in the context of the airport industry and discuss the important for measuring an airport’s economic performance and efficiency. —————————————————————————————————– Please write a one page academic short essay for each essay question above. The four mini essays have to have a introduction and a body and a conclusion each. If there is any questions please let me know. thanks looking forward to your work.

Real estate and property management

The building chosen for this paper is ‘Clifford Whitworth Library’ which is located in Salford, England. Assessment task details and instructions You should write a report to describe and analyse the changes to the structure, fabric and services of a non-domestic building over time. It is your responsibility to select a building of sufficient size and complexity, which it is to be discussed and confirmed by the tutor by maximum week 3. You should also have access to both the exterior and the major interior public spaces and that has undergone a significant transformation e.g. a major alteration, extension, programme of refurbishment or change of use.