Managing Invoices more efficiently

Managing Invoices more efficiently

Research the application (Deluxe My Invoices & Estimates) and compare and contrast with one newer and better system to manage invoices. It could be any invoice application to manage invoices more efficiently than current application (Deluxe My Invoices & Estimates). Apply pros and cons of both systems. Citation format Preference: Business: Chicago Manual of Style Advantages of invoicing system: -Reduce costs -Facilitate automation -Shorten payment cycles -Improve account reconciliation -Enhance compliance -Prevent errors, losses and frauds -Improve supplier/customer relationship -Reduce carbon footprint

Management -Telecommuting

For this Module 2 Case Assignment, you will prepare a blog entry with the title: “My company has offered me a chance to work remotely. Should I telecommute? How can I stay motivated working from home? If I decide to work from home, what can my company do to help me stay highly motivated?” What is a blog assignment? A blog is like a conversation between you and the world. It is like having a conversation just with yourself, too. In this particular blog, you are given questions that you are to respond to in your blog (conversation). Like a regular essay assignment, your blog entry will have cover and reference pages. Your blog entry should be the equivalent of a 3-page paper. Also, be sure to use in-text citations and a reference list, with at least 2 scholarly references for support. You can write the blogs in first person since the assignment is not an essay paper. For administrative purposes, please add a title page so that your assignment can be readily identified. Each entry should have a heading to separate it from the next entry. Your blog entry should discuss the following: • What motivates you? Seeing progress in a task that needs to be completed. Making a difference whether it ensuring the company’s mission is met or assisting customers • How do Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factor • Theory explain your own and other employees’ motivation? • How can employees remain highly motivated when telecommuting? • What can they do to motivate themselves? What can the company do to motivate telecommuting employees? • Will you become a telecommuter? Why or why not? Yes, telecommuting is beneficiary to employees who live long distance, safer for the environment or have outside responsibilities that may interfere with being in the office daily. To reinforce your background reading in the textbook, review the following videos: Alanis Business Academy. (2012, August 11). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs [Video file]. Retrieved from Standard YouTube License. Alanis Business Academy. (2013, February 9). Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation [Video file]. Retrieved from Standard YouTube License. Organizational behavior. (2017). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing Edition. Retrieved from CC BY-NC-SA License. Read the following sections in Chapter 5: Section 5.2 Need-based theories of motivation Section 5.3 Process-based theories Read the following sections in Chapter 6: Section 6.3 Motivating Employees through Goal Setting Section 6.5 Motivating Employees through Performance Incentives Peck, E. (2015, March 18). Proof that working from home is here to stay: Even Yahoo still does it. Huffington Post. Retrieved from Optional Reading Luthans, F., Luthans, K. W., & Luthans, B. C. (2015). Chapter 6: Motivational needs, processes, and applications. In Organizational behavior: An evidence-based approach. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing. Available in the Trident Online Library. (Go to Additional Library Sources under the search box, then choose EBSCO eBook Collection, type in Luthans Organizational Behavior in the Summon search box; check book/ebook on the left.)

Managing People and Organizations

You will prepare a15-slide PowerPoint presentation. Your first slide (after the title slide) should include the context, either a synopsis of the movie or the description of the organization and/or the situation you will leverage). Each slide should have a mix of content and pictures/graphs/illustrations. Bullet points are not enough. Make sure that your last slide includes general lessons learned (how you think you benefit from the course and you will apply some of the lessons in the short-term, medium-term or long-term).

Information Systems Fundamental

Budgeting time is an exciting time in every organization.

Managers meet to come up with an estimate of needs for the areas and functions they supervise, and on the basis of the means available, new initiatives and projects are prioritized as to their perceived promise in adding to the growth of the organization. A. What is the relationship between strategic IS planning and the yearly budgeting and prioritization process? What is the objective of each? Do you think that general and functional managers should be involved in decisions about funding IS assets and services? Justify your opinion.

Who should be developing and presenting the business case for a new IS? Why? How would the new and existing ISs be funded and who would fund them? Propose three funding methods, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. B. Risks are associated with every new project that an organization considers to undertake. In the budgeting process, organizations often think of diversification of their new efforts and initiatives in order to minimize the risk of failure. What are the principal drivers and risks associated with implementing a new IS project? What are the principal drivers and risks associated with IS outsourcing? Why should an organization evaluate the aggregate risk of its portfolio of projects? What should an organization do if the current level of portfolio risk is not aligned with the degree of risk deemed appropriate according to the strategic IS plan? Justify your answers using relevant examples.

Future Performance Management Systems

Future Performance Management Systems”


Paper details:

“Future Performance Management Systems” Please respond to the following: Choose two (2) current worker and workplace trends from the text, and speculate on the primary manner in which each trend may affect the future of performance management. Provide specific examples that illustrate the potential changes in performance management. Predict three (3) significant changes that workers’ characteristics will have on performance management for the next five to ten (5-10) years. Recommend two (2) approaches for an organization to deal with such changes in an effective manner. Provide a rationale for your response.

Real Estate Property Management

Write a 4 to 6 page paper (not including title page or reference page) in APA Format. Your paper must be written in 12 Point Arial or Times New Roman font. In Real Estate there are many different jobs in which to focus or specialize. Consider your future goals.

What is your ultimate goal in your Real Estate career? Review the list of Real Estate careers below and select one to specialize your research for this paper. – Real Estate Agent / Sales – Real Estate Sales Management – Real Estate Property Management – Real Estate Broker – Real Estate Brokerage Owner / Operator – Real Estate Finance – Real Estate Appraisal – Corporate Real Estate – Commercial Real Estate – Land Development – Home Building – Home Inspections – Other: Is there another career you have in mind? If so, please select this choice and write on this career goal. Additional Instructions: When writing your paper, keep in mind you should examine and analyze the past along with the present day. Finally, after conducting your research and considering the various Real Estate careers listed above, examine and discuss your future in Real Estate. For this portion of the paper, focus your attention on taking an active role in the community (work, service, co-curricular activities) and examine civic issues encountered and insights gained. Three references are required.

Two must be from the APUS Library. Of course, you may use your text as a reference, as well as other sources if they are valid sources. Wikipedia is NOT a valid source.

Scenario Planning for Strategic Management

1. Please read paper requirement and all files before you start. 2. Please only use academic sources. 3. No direct quotation. Similarity should under 10%including reference list 4.Please follow the paper structure/word limit, you final version should include: all parts as mentioned in the instruction.(check file – Assignment Notes and Structure). You need apply ‘PESTEL’ in your paper. 5. Please check your paper with the Rubric before you delivery it 6. Please use academic vocabulary, no grammar errors

Hazmat Transportation Management

Hazmat Transportation Management

Identify and then discussunique safety (not security) issues you see related to each of the five modes of transportation. It is possible to identify the same considerations for some but not all modes, they all have unique dimensions. Your submission should discuss each mode and start by identifying unique safety considerations. You then should have a separate paragraph addressing safety considerations that might apply to groups of modes, there should be no safety consideration that applies to all modes, that is beyond the scope of the topic.

Human Resource Management – Presentation

For this assignment, please complete the steps below. Select one of the following positions:

◾ childcare director,

◾ chef,

◾ chief financial officer

, ◾ project manager,

◾ fire chief,

◾human resource director,

◾ program analyst,

◾ police chief, ◾ chemist, ◾ salesperson, ◾ administrative assistant, ◾ classroom teacher, ◾ pharmacist, or ◾ environmental services worker. Next, create a presentation to present to senior management on how you will source, recruit, and attract candidates for this position. In your presentation, you must include the following components: ◾ the name of your organization (be creative), ◾ the company mission or vision, ◾ a job posting (Note: this should be an original creation and shouldnot be a job description.), ◾ the sourcing methods you will use (What role will this plan play in recruiting applicants? Why are your recruiter sources more effective than others?), ◾ at least three external recruiting methods used to recruit for this position, ◾ at least three internal recruiting methods used to recruit for this position, ◾what makes your recruiting strategy effective, ◾ the EEOC requirements and best practices to be considered, and ◾a catchy but realistic slogan to attract candidates. Your presentation must be a minimum of ten slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. You must use your textbook and at least one other academic source. All information from the resources used must be citedand formatted in APA style. The use of speaker notes is required; you should use speaker notes to support the content of your slides and demonstrate your understanding of thematerial in the unit. In addition, you must use graphics that are appropriate,attractive, and support the content of your presentation.

Monitoring Performance

Monitoring Performance

Assignment Details

You have just been promoted from front-line supervisor to be one of the firm’s senior managers. During your business education, you learned that the primary role of a manager is to make good decisions. As a supervisor, you had frequently been making routine decisions, but you realize that decision making for the overall company can and will have far greater impact on the company and its employees. Your boss, the chief executive officer (CEO), realizes that you do not have much practice in this higher level, decision-making process and has asked you to write a memo describing your understanding of how to make important decisions. Your memo should address the following questions:

Describe at least 3 criteria that would determine whether the manager is making good decisions. What should be done to better assure that you are making a good decision? In the realm of decision making, what are assumptions? Rather than use a dictionary definition, cite several specific assumptions that would go with any real-life decision you have made or have seen made at a company at which you have worked. Given the importance of proper assumptions, your boss asked you to assess the accuracy of certain business assumptions and what could you do to test or confirm the credibility of them. The following were major assumptions for each firm: An automobile manufacturer’s assumption that the demand for SUVs would continue because gas prices would continue to rise An airline’s assumption that there was a need for an airline that provided no added amenities