Airport Operational Management

To complete this assignment, write a correctly formatted academic essay to address the following questions: Taking one airport of your choice (anywhere) as an example to discuss the level of competition with its nearby airports and report on how the chosen airport could compete more successfully. Please follow and address every step in the essay question above. you need to choose an airport to discuss the level of competition with its nearby airports and report on how the chosen airport could compete more successfully. i you have any questions let me know. looking forward to your work.

Human resource management HRM principles

Human resource management (HRM) principles

For this assignment, imagine you will be presenting at a conference for an audience of newly hired human resource professionals. You are to share your knowledge about how to evaluate the effectiveness of different recruiting and employee selection methods by applying human resource management (HRM) principles. In your introduction, include one type of position you would like to hire for and the KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) required for that position. Include examples of methods used in recruitment efforts that foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Consider the diverse cultures and social practices that surround your specific local or regional community. Include an explanation of steps used in the employee selection process. Use speaker notes to explain the content (in detail) for each of the slides, and support your presentation with at least two references. One reference may be your textbook. Include a minimum of one graphic or image that relates to the content. Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least five slides in length, not counting the title or reference slides. Adhere to APA style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used



For this assessment, consider yourself a nurse leader (which could be your current role if you are in a nurse leadership role at your organization) responsible for multiple departments, units, or service areas. You are struggling with performance of outcome measures that are below benchmarks. You feel that if your teams and staff were more engaged, your outcomes would improve

Strategic Thinking for Effective Human Resource Management

Write a 12- to 15-page literature review that captures relevant theories and empirical research leading to a significant research topic, problem, and research question(s). Approach your topic as though you were arguing for funding which might support a vital new step in understanding strategic thinking for effective HRM.

While you do not have to actually design a study to the point of specifying research measures for effective HRM or specify samples, try to evolve your thinking to the point of framing a relevant research topic, problem, and question(s) for research to address. This question should be complete enough to suggest why the answers obtained further develop an important theory, or address a gap in current models of strategic thinking or demonstrate an immediate application to solving common organizational problems. Rather than attempting to include as many references as possible, try to emphasize the logical coherence of your evidence of conceptual foundations.

Build a rhetorical argument for why your research problem and question(s) are important. An obvious extension of your paper would be to consider using it as a springboard for a dissertation proposal. Your literature review should include the following elements:

Adherence to APA format (6th edition), which requires a title page, an abstract, a reference list, and appropriate sections and their headings. A thorough review of the literature that shows evidence of a potential research opportunity/gap. Presentation of a clearly defined gap in the research, with a focus on what has and has not been discussed in the academic literature.

The definition of a viable topic for dissertation research (using the aforementioned identified gap as a basis). A draft problem statement included in your conclusion section. At least one research question that is demonstrably linked to your problem statement. You do not need to address any hypotheses or design considerations and should include this question in your conclusion section.

Evaluate how a leader can develop their emotional intelligence and analyse the role of emotional intelligence in driving innovation and change in an organisation from a leadership perspective.

This is an individual Assignment.

Students must not collude with each other. Please select ONE of the following topics: TOPIC

1: Emotional intelligence is a concept now widely associated with effective leadership (Northouse, 2015). Evaluate how a leader can develop their emotional intelligence and analyse the role of emotional intelligence in driving innovation and change in an organisation from a leadership perspective.

TOPIC 2: Compare and contrast the concepts of transformational and transactional leadership and justify which style of leadership is more likely to empower self and others in driving ethical innovation and changes that contribute towards service transformation.

TOPIC 3: Interagency collaboration is integral in the delivery of quality care for clients from diverse communities who may be vulnerable, marginalised or disadvantaged.

Analyse the concepts of collaborative strategies and decision-making processes across agencies and describe the leadership qualities/characteristics that could foster the development, implementation and ongoing delivery of optimal healthcare for clients from diverse and/or vulnerable community groups.

*Whichever topic you choose, you will need to access and reference at least ten (10) peer-reviewed, credible and recent (within the past five years) journal articles, as well as textbook/s to help you deepen and expand your reflections for this Assignment task.

Please see the marking criteria which are in the uploaded file page number 18-19 and go through the assignment instruction thoroughly.

Management information systems – Federal Express (FedEx)

Answer the questions to each case study then do a 600-800-word narrative summary of both cases. Case 1-1 Federal Express (FedEx), founded in 1971, handles an average of 3 million package-tracking requests every day ( To stay ahead in a highly competitive industry, the company focuses on customer service by maintaining a comprehensive Web site,, where it assists customers and reduces costs. For example, every request for information that is handled at the Web site rather than by the call center saves an estimated $1.87. Federal Express has reported that customer calls have decreased by 83,000 per day since 2000, which saves the company $57.56 million per year. And because each package-tracking request costs Federal Express 3 cents, costs have been reduced from more than $1.36 billion per year to $21.6 million per year by customers using the Web site instead of the call center. Another technology that improves customer service is Ship Manager, an application installed on customers’ sites so users can weigh packages, determine shipping charges, and print shipping labels. Customers can also link their invoicing, billing, accounting, and inventory systems to Ship Manager. However, Federal Express still spends almost $326 million per year on its call center in order to reduce customers’ frustration when the Web site is down or when customers have difficulty using it. The company uses customer relationship management software called Clarify in its call centers to make customer service representatives’ jobs easier and more efficient and to speed up response time. 1. Is technology by itself enough to ensure high-quality customer service? 2. What are Federal Express’s estimated annual savings from using information technology? 3. What are a couple of examples of information technologies used by Federal Express? Case 1-2 Faced with strong competition by online stores, retailers are looking for new ways to improve customer service and lower operating costs. They have found mobile technology to be the key for achieving this goal. Scan-as-you-go mobile devices are a logical next step after the self-checkout used by many retailers. Retail experts predict the new mobile-based retail devices could eventually bring about the end of traditional cash register systems. The mobile checkout stations pioneered at Apple stores appear to be the future. The goal is to speed up and improve customer service and to keep consumers in stores and spending. Ahold USA’s Stop & Shop retail stores use a mobile device called Scan It that hangs on the handle of the shopping cart and allows customers to shop and scan as they go through the aisles. If there is a coupon for an item, the device quickly gives the customers a credit and the total is recalculated. The device is smart enough to alert the customer if there is a coupon for a complementary item, such as coffee creamer if the customer has purchased coffee. Shoppers who use the Scan It device spend about 10 percent more than average. Clothing retailer Nordstrom is also using mobile devices, which it issues to its sales associates on the floor so they can scan items on the spot and let customers pay without going through the cash registers. The Home Depot uses a device called First Phones as an inventory tracker. If the item is out of stock, First Phones quickly notifies the customer whether a nearby store has it, then holds the item for the customer to pick up. Starbucks is using a digital wallet model that allows customers to pay using their smartphones. 1. According to this case study, what is an upcoming key technology that will be used in retail stores to improve customer service? 2. What is the name of the device used by Ahold USA’s Stop & Shop retail stores? 3. What will be the role of smartphones in the future of shopping?

Leadership and Trust in Team Collaboration

Prepare a 10–12-slide PowerPoint presentation for department managers on building leadership and trust in collaborative teams. Perhaps the best predictor of team success is its clarity of purpose and the team’s commitment to achieving it. To support that purpose, a team needs a process that moves smoothly from vision and mission to goals and tasks in order to achieve the desired outcomes. The foundation of both purpose and process is leadership. Any form of collaboration is an inherently human process. The culture of an organization can dramatically affect team efficacy and performance. The glue that holds teams together is trust. Three factors can help build trust in collaborative environments: performance and competence, integrity, and concern for the well-being of others. -Competency 1: Explain strategies for effective interprofessional teamwork and collaboration in health care delivery. (a.)dentify leadership behaviors that build trust and undermine trust within teams. (b.)Describe strategies team members can use to build trust among each other. (c.)Describe principles of effective interprofessional team leadership. -Competency 2: Analyze the implications of working with interprofessional teams in multifaceted health care settings. (a.)Explain the consequences of a team that does not trust its leader in terms of patient safety. -Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of a nursing professional. -Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Use correct APA format.

CRM system presentation

A small enterprise has decided to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

Your task is to introduce a system to the enterprise. Research and prepare a presentation that describes the main features of the system and how that enterprise will benefit from it. Your presentation should: Be 7-10 slides in length (not including title and reference slides); each slide should have four to six bullet points. Include the presenter’s notes for each slide to further detail the key text that is included on each slide.

Citations must be integrated into the presentation and all references must be listed on the Reference slide and formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.). The “Best Bet Databases for Information System Management” (Links to an external site.) resource from the CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources.

How can HR departments retain talent

How can HR departments retain talent?

1. Please read paper requirement and all files before you start. 2. Please only use academic sources. Please use the reading I upload as part of the sources(5~7), and find the rest academic sources by yourself. 3. No direct quotation. Similarity should under 10%including reference list 4. Please follow the paper structure/word limit, you final version should include all parts as mentioned in the instruction. 5. I have upload PPT, Draws on relevant theory to underpin analysis;. Lecture slides are not acceptable as a source. 6. Please check your paper with the Rubric before you delivery it 7. Please use academic vocabulary, no grammar errors 8. Please give me a draft of whatever you have at least 3 days before the deadline. 9. FIY, I upload sample paper and writing guide for you, please follow it strictly,.

Project Management Gantt Chart

Schedule (Project Plan) This section includes a summary of schedules and milestones. The major tasks in the project are listed in a project Work Breakdown Schedule (WBS). A primary purpose for developing a WBS is to ensure that any task required to produce a deliverable is not overlooked and thereby not accounted for and planned. In order to develop a project plan that will take us from start to finish of a project, we need to know precisely what must be done, by whom, when, and with what resources. Every task, however small, that must be completed in order to complete the project should be listed together with any required material or human resource. See pages 80-89 and Chapter 5 for guidance. For this assignment, create a table similar to the Gantt chart (p. 171) that is based on Table 5-4 (p. 157). 1. A discussion of your project that introduces the table. 2. Table x: Project Schedule using a Gantt Chart and information in the attached document. 3. A discussion of the table and explain the choices that you made.