You have completed the project planning activities and are now ready to share the results with the project team

You have completed the project planning activities and are now ready to share the results with the project team. Additionally, you have scheduled a project kick­off meeting in two weeks and are now preparing your materials.

You have completed the project planning activities and are now ready to share the results with the project team

8:22 PM (CDT)

Assignment Description: you have completed the project planning activities and are now ready to share the results with the project team. Additionally, you have scheduled a project kick­off meeting in two weeks and are now preparing your materials.

Using the Library, develop a 10 – 15 slide presentation that you will use for the kick­off meeting. In the presentation, identify the participants of the meeting, the objectives of the meeting, the meeting agenda, and the project’s objectives. Use the remaining slides to share key results from your project planning activities, such as the scope control system and the communication mechanisms that will be used.

In the communication plan, identify the audiences that must be reached. For each audience, describe the communication mechanism, the frequency of communication, the format, other involved parties, and associated responsibilities.
Be sure your presentation meets the standards for an effective presentation that you have learned in other courses.
For more information on creating PowerPoint Presentations, please visit the PowerPoint Lab.

Please submit your assignment.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.

Reading Assignment

Pinto, Chaps. 10 and 12 PMI, review 4.3, 5.5, 6.5, and 7.4, read Chap. 10

Please review the course resources from the online MGT637 Library Guide.

Assignment Objectives

Describe the need to manage project scope throughout a project’s life cycle to provide closure to a properly executed project.
Explain the need for effective project and team communications systems to keep stakeholders informed of project status.
Use effective communication techniques.

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Unit 5 ­ Individual Project

Assignment Overview

Unit:  Communication in Project Management

Due Date:  Tue,9/29/20

Grading Type:  Numeric

Points Possible:  160

Points Earned:

Deliverable Length:  8­12 slides

Type:  Individual Project

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Assignment Details

Learning Materials

Reading Assignment

My Work:

Online Deliverables: Submissions

Application of HRM information to your work setting project

This is a paper that is focusing on the application of HRM information to your work setting project. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

Application of HRM information to your work setting project

The project below is for you to apply HRM information to your work setting. The basic outline of each of the project is the: critical examination of existing situation; well thought-out recommendations for changes; outline of how you would influence the organization to change.

Selection Process Evaluation
Provide a narrative evaluation of the selection process of one position within your organization. I would like to choose a Gas Station cashier/clerk for a business that I Own In the state of California. Include some ideas to improve the effectiveness and/or efficiency of the process. Cost benefit of new analysis must be mentioned e.g benefit of a background check (which I think would be beneficial in C stores).

I chose the selection process of a cashier or store clerk. As a small business we are limited on the available resources when hiring and also in the past chose to only hire people we knew, family and referrals by other employees. This limited our pool of selection and made it difficult to find new capable employees. When old employees left it would take a while to find a qualified replacement.
The job may involve check cashing and money order sales which means working with a lot of cash daily over as well as daily convenience store sales. Cashiers are and must have a good Honest and clear history and also some experience working with money. Willing to learn new things etc. They must be punctual and good at record keeping a flaw of some past employees. Some tools.

Remember, ensure  that the paper is exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Design a preparedness plan for your agency or organization

Design a preparedness plan for your agency or organization.
Include all aspects of the preparedness model, survey to identify threats and vulnerabilities, analyze all available material, plan how to prepare, prevent and/or respond, and mitigate any impact.

Design a preparedness plan for your agency or organization

Design a preparedness plan for your agency or organization. Include all aspects of the preparedness model, survey to identify threats and vulnerabilities, analyze all available material, plan how to prepare, prevent and/or respond, and mitigate any impact.

Use APA Style to document your research.

Length should be 8 – 10 pages.

More details;

As a kid my father always told me great preparation makes success, in designing a preparedness plan for your agency or organization. Firstly,  we must examine what it means to be prepare. This preparation gear ed more so to defense against the growing threat of terrorist.  From a layered perspective, being prepare for a terrorist attack means taking individual responsibility for one’s own safety and security. This layer starts and gains life in the homes, at schools, at workplaces, and in communities, etc.

The community component then connects with the service provider requirements of being prepare d. This includes Law Enforcement, Emergency Services, Utilities, and also local Government. Continuing up the chain is the State Government and then the Federal Government.

All of these individual tiers have distinct responsibilities in being prepared for the next terrorist attack. Firstly, knowledge of what potential of a terrorist attack. It is in a realistic sense where failure of imagination will not come to play. A caveat to this element is also taking responsibility to share that knowledge with others whenever possible.

The second priority element is to advance one’s knowledge of a situation by not only understanding it, but to know what to do should a situation present. This can be achieved through training, through awareness of current events, having plans in the home for evacuation and sheltering, plans in…….

Human Resource Management principles compared to Operations Management principles

Professional service organizations help professionals maintain their careers via continuous learning, provide social and business networking opportunities, promote leadership and mentor-ship within the field of the profession, and provide standardization for the profession. Additionally, the code of ethics for a professional service organization is a major component of what defines a profession.

Directions In this Assignment, you will review these provided resources and compose an informative essay in a minimum of 3-full pages in which you specifically address the parts listed below. Make sure to include separate title and references pages, use standard paragraph structure, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and follow all other APA 6th edition formatting and citation guidelines. Conduct research from credible peer-reviewed sources. Part 1: Compare human resource management and project principles to those of operations management as follows: ● Human Resource Management principles compared to Operations Management principles ● Project Management principles compared to Operations Management principles Part 2: Close your paper with the following observations from your research: ● The importance of professional service organizations in standardizing a profession, to include their established code of ethics ● Imagine a scenario in a real-world workplace environment that you are familiar with where you have to apply critical thinking to determine a logical solution which begins with defining a problem, analysis of related factors, designing several policy solutions for senior leader consideration for their buy-in, where you present to the company president three potential policies for their review and selection of a final recommended policy. Make sure you integrate a professional code of ethics as an aspect of your proposed policies.

Managerial Decision Making

Paper details

Chapter 6 – Managerial Decision Making

Chapter 13 – Managing Communication

TEXTBOOK: UNDERSTANDING MANAGEMENT. RICHARD L. DAFT, DOROTHY MARCIC Case Studies Topics The case studies are located at the end of each chapter in your textbook. These are the cases you are assigned: Case Study Information (SEE BELOW INSTRUCTION FOR CASE STUDY) • Case Study 1 (found in Lesson 3) • Title: The Office • Location in Textbook: Chapter 6 • Case Study 2 (found in Lesson 5) • Title: E-mail Adventure • Location in Textbook: Chapter 13 Criteria Both case studies MUST be submitted to pass the course! • To summarize the case you should read it, analyze it, and then condense it. Include those points that are pertinent to understanding the case; omit those that are not. • This is similar to an Executive Summary that you may have experienced in the business/professional world or other classes. When you have finished, the reader of your summary should have a complete understanding of the case, but with much less detail than provided by the textbook author. • Answer the case study questions completely, using the doctrine provided in the text, your analysis of the case, and your experience/judgment. If a question has more than one part, ensure you answer all of it. The following criteria will be used in assigning a grade to each case study: • Submit the case study on time: 5 points • The case study is limited to one page: 5 points • The case study contains a summary of the case: 5 points • All case questions are fully answered: 20 points • The case study is of college-level rigor (grammar, spelling, punctuation, completeness, etc.): 15 points TOTAL: 50 Format Use the following format for case studies: Student’s name: John H. Doe Title: Society of Equals Summary: Provide a concise, but complete, summary of the case. Question 1: Response: Question 2: Response: Question 3: Response:

Crisis Communication and Reputation Management

Crisis Communication and Reputation Management

Despite the best efforts of public relations managers, crisis plans, no matter how comprehensive, aren’t perfect. Simulations often help identify weaknesses and oversights, but the only true measure of the value of a plan is when a crisis occurs. Describe three epic crisis communication failures that, in hindsight, managers should have anticipated and prevented from happening. For each case, (1) provide context that explains why managers did what they did and how the mistakes should have been prevented, and (2) steps managers should take to avoid repeating these mistakes.

Management Action Plan Part II


Management Action Plan (MAP): Part 2 For Part 2 of your MAP, address the criteria below in your essay.

Clearly describe the desired outcome(s) from the implementation of your MAP, attached. Consider limits on time, money, and other resources, and consider any constraints of the policy-making process that are specific to your MAP.

Clearly identify the path from legislation to implementation that would facilitate your plan. Be sure to consider the questions below as you clarify your measureable goal. What political elements and legislative processes are involved in your MAP? What goal are you trying to accomplish?

What is the process of meeting your goal? What measurements and assessments will ensure the success of your MAP implementation?

What realistic constraints do you have as you start to create your plan? This part of the course project will be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages or material from previous project submissions.

It should be organized well and contain an introduction. At a minimum, your textbook should be used as reference material for this part of your project. You are also encouraged to use any other scholarly or reputable sources. All sources used must be cited and referenced in APA style

Earned Value Management EVM

Suggested by Writer  Earned Value Management (EVM) is a classic method of measuring project status by upper management. Answer following questions: “1. Do you think a Project Managers ‘bonus’, if not job, should depend on what the EVM numbers are at the end of the project? Why or why not? 2. As a final reflection, what is the value of using EVM in the Capstone based on the detail workplan you have created? What are your concerns?” *express own ideas and use from first person point of view. For last question, I will provide the overview of workplan in capstone. APPLY FOR THIS CASE

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management

Each student will prepare a research paper discussing, in depth, a subject related to one of the topics covered in the course. The paper should be from 2,000 to 3,000 words in length (8-12 pages) and contain a separate title or cover page and separate pages for the list of reference sources. The paper is expected to be authoritative, and based on at least 10 high-quality sources (i.e., no Wikipedia, newspaper, or web page citations allowed). Use the UMUC library to find relevant journal or respected trade publication articles for your report. The majority of reference sources should be from recent publications no older than five years. Follow the APA format (6th ed.) for the paper and for all citations, figures, tables, and the list of references. You may include in your paper any of the articles assigned as readings, as well as any other reference sources encountered during the course. The style and content appropriate for an academic literature review can be seen in most scholarly journals found in peer-reviewed literature. Most articles will contain a section called, Literature Review. Look over a few to get a feel for the general style of writing expected. The report should exhibit graduate-level writing, in terms of grammar, punctuation, format, quality of analysis, coherence, insight, logical flow, and reasoning. The paper is NOT an essay, how to, or opinion piece, it is to be a research report based fully on facts and data derived from appropriate sources in the literature. Provide a reference citation for EVERY statement of fact you include in your paper. Do NOT string together direct quotes from reference sources to create a narrative in the report. More than three quotes within the paper will be too many. Write in your own words and include quote marks for ALL material copied from other sources. Remember, a literature review tells what other experts and researchers have discovered, NOT what you know or think. Save your own opinions about what all the facts mean for the conclusion of the review. Literature Review Individual Paper Assignment Criteria: Write a review of the literature that describes the findings of other researchers related to a specific topic in the Project Management field. The objective of the research paper is to enable you to conduct independent academic research in an area directly related to the course subject matter. Your efforts will generate a high-quality written report summarizing the results of your research into the current scholarly and relevant trade literature related to your chosen topic. Please make sure to cover the following question in depth: In what ways can project managers utilize artificial intelligence to improve project performance? The title of the paper should be: The impact of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management

Operation management SCM

Visit the websites of three Middle Eastern companies like Al Baik, Almarai, and Emirates Airlines or any others of your choosing.

Identify information on the companies’ supply chain management activities.

Write a 5-6 page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, that, after your opening paragraph which includes your thesis statement, identifies your selected companies in no more than three paragraphs. In the remaining pages, break down information you find on purchasing issues, supplier issues, logistics, information systems, quality, and customer service to compare and contrast the supply chains of your selected companies. In your final one or two paragraphs, suggest improvements for each company based on your comparison to the other two.

Be sure to use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed references in supporting your answer.

Current sources are those published within the most recent five-year period, and scholarly sources are those from peer-reviewed journals. Make certain for each listed reference that you have at least one supporting citation in the body of your content. Your reference page is always the last page of the submission where all individual references get listed.

The Saudi Digital Library is a good resource to search for these references. Submit your presentation into the Assignment Dropbox.

It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the TurnItIn Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the TurnItIn Originality Check – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.