Effect of multiculturalism international firms

Effect of multiculturalism international firms

The effect of multiculturalism

r Paper details the research question is What kind of effect does multiculturalism have on the workplace? H0: Multiculturalism doesn’t have an effect on the workplace. Ha: Multiculturalism have a significant effect on the workplace i’ve done the questionnaire and the and it was a survey and the population the employees in our college the YUC (Yanbu University College) and the sample size is 10

Principles and practice of sports marketing

Principles and practice of sports marketing

Pick a sports organisation (from UK, USA, EUROPE) and prepare a detailed 2000 word report analysing and critically appraising the organisation’s marketing activity. The report should consider the elements of the contemporary sports marketing mix and also demonstrate an understanding of the wider marketing context, including the marketing environment and the organisation’s consumers. The report should be underpinned by academic marketing theory and illustrated with real-life examples. The report should conclude with recommendations for the future direction of the organisation’s marketing strategy and the most appropriate.

Leadership Trends in Information Technology

Leadership Trends in Information Technology

Leadership Trends in Information Technology Case Study  Case Study CASE ASSIGNMENT 2 OPTION-1: Use Social Network to Out-reach Customers The Ethics textbook covered 3 business applications of social network: – Post advertisement to outreach customers – Background check in recruiting – Improve customer service Assuming you are a marketing specialist in the company you currently work with (for real), and you were asked to investigate how the company should use online social network to improve its business. Given the limited budget, the company will select only one service provider. Can you select a popular social network site (Facebook, Twitter, etc) to investigate the following aspects: – Profile of the site, such as size of user base, key features, advertisement product profile (both web & mobile based) – Demographics of existing advertisement clients, and their success (or failure) stories – Your company’s existing channels to out-reach customers. – Any companies in the same of similar business as yours are using social network in their marketing effort. – Recommendation about marketing product selection and projected cost. – Potential downside, or any other issues related to this online social network based customer out-reach. – Another other issues related to the decision your company is to make about this social network initiative. Here are some sketch notes from my recent reading on Facebook IPO. Just FYI. Facebook.com just went its IPO, after about 10 years being a private business. Most of the company’s income came from its advertisement revenue. What kind of advertisement products or service lines the Facebook has for its customers? What are the top users of the service line? Its claimed reason of going IPO is seeking extra fund to support its business expansion. Does the company so badly need investment – given its $2b profit last year?

• eHow. How to Advertise on Facebook. Web.

• Facebook. Success Stories and Best Practices. Web.

• Marketing Pro. Top Brands on Facebook: Coca-Cola, Hyundai, MTV. Web. October 27, 2011.

• Niall Harbison. Meet the Top-20 Brands on Facebook. Social Media. Web. July 4, 2011.

• Ben Kunz on. Why GM and Others Fail With Facebook Ads. Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Web. May 22, 2012. Since its introduction, facebook.com has been in the center of online privacy debate. There is some coverage in this respect.

• Chunka Mui. Facebook’s Privacy Issues Are Even Deeper Than We Knew. Forbes. Web. Aug. 8, 2011.

• Len Boselovic. Facebook stock troubles rattle investor confidence. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Web. May 24, 2012. Your delivery in this project is a 7 to 10-page document (350 words per page). CASE ASSIGNMENT 2 OPTION-2: If I Were My Company’s CIO 25 points maximum If you have good observation and/or descent knowledge about IT leadership in your organization, use Barton & IVK as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of your organization’s IT leadership in the following dimensions:

• Maintain efficient operation of the existing systems,

• Manage application portfolios,

• Manage projects,

• Hire, retain and motivate top talent, and train employee,

• Manage vendors,

• Manage security & respond to IT crisis

• Facilitate & support business operation reengineering

• Add IT-value to the organization’s product offering

• Select & execute IT innovations It will be good enough if you can evaluate 5 items on the list – no need to do all of them.

A few suggestions:

• Acquire calendars of a few IT executives to find how they distribute their time. Where they spend their resources, where their heart is. The most precious resource of business executives is their time.

Collect IT strategic plans in your company.

• Interview IT executive(s), and their direct reports.

• Survey the web to find industry average and best practice in the concerned respects. At the end of documentation, draft an improvement recommendation proposal as your “pay-back” to your interviewee(s). The report shall cover the following elements: Your delivery in this project is a 7 to 10-page document (350 words per page).

Case Study Analysis Report – Improving Clinical Operations

Case Study Analysis Report – Improving Clinical Operations

Below are the very strict APA guidelines the professor has she is very critical on these requirements. I have attached the case study in the uploaded files section. This is an essay analyzing the case study. 5. Required Sources: Each issue, question, paragraph and sentence with a statistic, number or direct quote is required to contain at least one “External Authoritative Source” in addition to the case study and the textbook to support the statements and conclusions made therein. 6. Required Sources: A source and citation is required on each table/chart used 7. Required Sources: Two “External Authoritative Sources” in addition to the case study and textbook are required for maximum points on EACH answer. 8. Required Sources: A source cannot be referenced unless it was cited in the narrative answer. 9. Required: The textbook from which the case study was published and the course text book must be cited just like any other source. It is not permissible to write “In the text book… or In the case study…” Case Study In-Text Citation: (McAlearney and Kovner, 2013) Case Study Reference: McAlearney, A. and Kovner, A. (2013). Health Services Management: Cases ; Readings ; and Commentary ; Tenth Edition. 10th ed. Arlington: AUPHA, pp.270-277. 10. Required: Any direct quote in the narrative must include the page or paragraph number in the citation. 11. “External Authoritative Sources” for purposes of this course shall mean: books, peer reviewed journal articles, education and government sites as well as non-partisan national or international organizations (such as WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS etc) provided, the foregoing source/material selected has in text citations and references to support statements made therein. Under no circumstances are newspapers including the Wall Street Journal, blogs (regardless of source), editorials, panel discussions and dot com sites to be used. The foregoing are not considered authoritative for this course. 12. Required: It is wrong/improper to place a citation/source at the end of a paragraph if material from the source appears before the last sentence in the paragraph. 13. Required: It is improper to place a citation in the middle of a sentence. One can lead with the source in the sentence but cannot use a citation within parentheses except at the end of the sentence.

Interviewing a business owner or manager

Interviewing a business owner or manager

1. Interview information – interviewee manager name and the company the manager works for

2. Interview logistics, timing and the general summary of the interview and the topics covered Telephone interview on (Date) 30 mins 50pts Motivation to start the company What steps where taken to get the funding needed What avenues of marketing to get the word out? Who’s your market base How do you manage the finances of the company? (The report should be in narrative form rather than question-answer, question-answer)

3. Key learnings from the interview; any surprises or confirmations from prior experience 20pts

4. Self-reflection – what you learned about yourself in scheduling and conducting the interview 15 pts 5. Correct English 10pts List all questions asked and not asked on a final page APPLY FOR THIS CASE

Marketing research essay

Marketing research essay

Do some research about the marketing you find around the two films you watched. For example, if you watched Aladdin, do a Google search for “Aladdin” to see what kinds of marketing you can find about the film and about the toys, etc. that were sold based on the film. Create a photo montage of the marketing you find and write a 2-3 page summary of your findings analyzing this marketing with attention to race, gender, and/or sexuality. Be sure to incorporate your learning from this module in your essay. You do not need to incorporate everything you learned from this reading. Just choose one thing from the reading that resonated with you and which help you to analyze the movies you watched for this module. In your essay, you will want to include specific quotes and descriptions of moments from both films.

Company internationalisation strategy

Company internationalisation strategy

Answers will be assessed for both their theoretical contribution and case evidence. Please focus on 2-3 relevant theories (Please go through slides that will have relevant theory that can used) applied to supporting case examples/evidence for each part of the question. Please make sure you answer all parts of the question drawing on both case evidence from your chosen company and relevant theory.

The Coursework Question:

2. For an organisation of your own choice, identify an episode of international expansion into a specific country or region. Critically analyse the motivations for this expansion and the internationalisation strategy developed at the time. What organisational issues arose during this expansion? Who were the key stakeholders and how well did the organisation work with them during the expansion?  

Complementary Partners Workshop on Leadership Effectiveness Competencies

Complementary Partners Workshop on Leadership Effectiveness Competencies

Complementary Partners  Imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. There will be 100 people attending. Within this assignment you will be creating a document that discusses the main components of leadership and corporate culture. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: 1.Address a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. 2.Discuss a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. 3.Describe some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. 4.Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: a.This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: •Describe the primary functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) and the associated skills, tools, and theoretical approaches that can be used to accomplish these functions. •Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior. •Describe actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in organizations. •Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts. •Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.

Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis and SWOT of Hanes Brand

Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis and SWOT of Hanes Brand

explains what the Strengths and Weaknesses (Internal) also include the (External) Opportunities and Threats in the body of the text with and provide a Chart. Porter Five Forces address all by applying the follow : Entry barriers; Intensity of rivalry; Bargaining power of buyers; Bargaining power of suppliers Threat of substitutes with cited relevant information and examples.

Lean Six Sigma in Amazon Inc

Lean Six Sigma in Amazon Inc

Lean Six Sigma with Amazon  Write a thorough paper on a company using Lean Six Sigma with Amazon. 5-10 pages, double spaced, times new Roman 12 pitch. You may use pics, charts, graphs, etc. Reference sites in last page. No specific format required. Overview of company, their Lean Journey (how are they using Lean and what tools are they using it hAve used), how do they move forward with continuous process improvement to be be successful in the future.