Leadership Approach Analysis Field Placement Agency

Leadership Approach Analysis Field Placement Agency

The essay entails a paper on the Leadership Approach Analysis which includes Field Placement Agency. Leadership Approach Analysis helps heads of any organisation or a firm to ensure ease of running the post they hold.

Leadership Approach Analysis Field Placement Agency

Firstly, conduct an analysis of a leader in your field placement or agency where you are employed. Your analysis should reflect your understanding of the course content on leadership.

In addition, you can include research based on scholarly articles with appropriate references in APA style to enhance your paper. Your paper should be approximately 6-8 pages.

Also, at minimum, your analysis should include the following. Background on leader. Their role; how many people they supervise;  their current position and current role.

Furthermore, explain how do they think their social identity shapes their leadership approach (race, ethnicity, gender, sex, (dis)ability, sexual orientation, religion, spirituality, social class, age, nation, tribal or indigenous affiliation.

Secondly, this is already completed which theoretical approaches from among those presented in class best characterizes this individual’s leadership style/orientation? Particpative/democratic. Include an analysis of their use of power and authority. Refer to attached assessments.

Thirdly, assess the strengths and areas of needed improvement of this individual’s leadership within the context of the organization where they work.

Eventually, refer to attached assessments and sources. Critically analyze and indicate what skills and attributes could result in more effective leadership. Refer to attached assessments and sources Grading will be based on the following criteria.

Forthly, connection between course material and subject. Supervisor’s background completed. Covered all domains. Identified leadership style, traits, philosophy, skills, Theory X or Y, etc.

Lastly, assessment (8 points) refer to paper. Critically assessed use of power and authority, and how that impacts strengths/weaknesses o Identified areas of improvement and what skills and attributes could result in more effective leadership refer to attached assessments and sources. Overall clarity and cohesiveness of paper. Includes grammar & spelling

Employee motivation – Organizational behavior toolkit

Employee motivation – Organizational behavior toolkit

This is an essay which is focusing on how employee motivation can be boosted using an organizational behavior toolkit which has several practices and techniques.

Employee motivation – Organizational behavior toolkit

F‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍or this paper, you are going to assemble an institutional behavior toolkit to be used by managers confronting one of the scenarios below. There are various organizational behavior concepts and techniques that are in the toolkit.. Additionally, this toolkit might aid a senior official in his or her decision-making and management processes. Worker or employee motivation is the topic we are going to choose for this essay. After that you will construct a 12-15 page paper on the subject matter.

Secondly, the paper should include the following information: Research evidence that shows these to be good practices i. Shows links to individual performance improvement ii. Indicate links to improved morale, satisfaction, commitment iii. Shows links to reduced turnover, quitting, and deviance 5.

Thirdly, argue which one might be the “best” from the 4 practices/approaches. What other situations does this practice/technique applied in?. In addition, explain how this practice/technique relate to other organizational behavior concepts. Thereafter, assess roughly how it would teach others (senior managers) how to use the technique. Finally, explain what you think would happen if management consistently used this approach.

In conclusion, provide a summary and conclusion recapping the arguments, strengths, and point out limitations.

Employees behaviour and job satisfaction and impact on business

Employees behaviour and job satisfaction and impact on business

This is an assignment that discusses the employees behaviour and job satisfaction and impact on business outcomes. This will include an analysis of various employees in an organization.

Employees behaviour and job satisfaction and impact on business outcomes

Employee Behavior and Job Satisfaction Good employee engagement is key to an efficient and effective organization. Understanding job attitudes and job satisfaction is imperative to creating an organization that is productive. The following Course Outcome is assessed in this

Assignment: Describe the impact of individual behavior on business outcomes. Read the fictional scenario and respond to the checklist items in a 2–3 page paper with an additional title and references page. Scenario (fictional): The following four employees have different attitudes towards their jobs and different levels of job satisfaction which impacts their behavior on the job at this beverage company. You are the HR Director who is becoming concerned regarding the behavior of some employees at work. Read the following background information on each of the four employees and address all the checklist items.

Employee #1: Marketing product manager:

She experiences cognitive dissonance every time her boss tells her she should not worry about the lower end of the market as “those people don’t have much buying power” when the company’s values statement says that the company values the welfare of everyone everywhere. She is frequently late to work and her boss has given her a warning as result.

Employee #2: Chemist:

He is in a highly visible job creating new products that creates a lot of stress and works 12-hour days. Also, he is loyal but feels depressed by the constant work. He is starting to look at job openings online in his off-hours.


Employee #3: Loading dock manager: This representative works the 12am –7am shift. She does what is required but complains in the employee break room about the offi‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ces and work conditions when she is on break. The other employees tend to agree with her when she complains. Lately the Distribution Supervisor has noted employees’ reduced effort on the shift.

Employee #4: Quality control administrator:

He is the sole Asian in the organization. Also, he feels isolated as though he is just a placeholder versus really making a recognized difference in the organization. The company promotes itself as a diverse organization, which he knows is not true. He feels as if everyone expects him to fail since not many people engage with him, including his boss, on any regular basis. Checklist: The four employees have different attitudes and levels of job satisfaction. Describe the attitudes and job satisfaction of each of the four employees.

Categorize and explain the responses the employees have to dissatisfaction based on the Reading. Explain how the above attitudes and job satisfaction for each employee impacts the organization in terms of profit, employee turnover, and affecting other employee attitudes. Include at least 2 scholarly* citations with accompanying references regarding attitudes and job satisfaction and the impact on the organization that support your responses to the checklist item above.

Explain what each of the managers of the four employees can do to change the employees’ attitudes for the better (referencing at least one of Mintzberg’s managerial roles to explain your response).

Food Safety infographic story related to population

Food Safety infographic story related to population

This is a paper focusing on the Food Safety infographic story. Also, the paper is emphasizing on the priority population in regards to the Health People objective.

Food Safety infographic story related to population

Firstly, create an original infographic it should be in one poster, that tells the story of the priority population related to the Healthy People objective you selected “ Food Safety” It’s important to describe the issue in a way your audience can easily grasp the nature and severity of the problem and recognize the need for developing an intervention:

  • Describe the priority population – include demographic characteristics
  • Identify the locale/ setting – include social and/or environmental factors
  • Describe the priority population’s experience(s) with the burden of the health outcome – include social determinants
  • Describe any other factors or conditions that contribute to severty of the impact

If you do not already have a favorite infographic tool, create a FREE account to access one of the following:
Venngage: https://venngage.com
Tutorials: http://bit.ly/2tIvEuj

Canva: https://www.canva.com/create/infographics/
Tutorials: http://bit.ly/2tF1VCu

Piktochart: https://piktochart.com
Tutorials: http://bit.ly/37LR9JI

If you confused what priority population identified for infographic this might help you
The female makes up half of society, yet they especially suffer a lot. With many health issues, such as depression, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s. So with that, we need to focus more and promote them in different programs. There are some factors that might affect women’s health like age, education, geographic location, race, and income.

I agree that the health promotion program for food safety must understand and serve the female cultural, environmental, social and personal needs. “Culture can be thought of as a shared worldview.” (ALLENSWORTH, 2010). In addition, there are some differences in one culture, there are differences in age, sexual orientation, race, and education. Also, food safety programs need to focus on how to protect themselves from the disease. For instance, they could obtain a free check-up and free vaccine such as pap tests and vaccines to protect the female from pop cancer.

Building the coaching relationship by creating a live case

Building the coaching relationship by creating a live case

This is a paper that focuses on Building the coaching relationship by creating a live case. The case is to help in coaching and development of skills as a coach.

Building the coaching relationship by creating a live case

Firstly, the purpose of this Assignment is to create a “Live Case” by experiencing the process of coaching and developing your skills as a coach. Because this case is designed around experiential learning, we can go beyond the conceptual knowledge covered in the reading materials below to actual skills building. This requires putting what you are learning into immediate practice. Although this assignment involve a coaching experience, the focus is on you as the coach. You will be learning how to prepare for a coaching session, what questions you should ask, and what behaviors are most effective. The case involves a coaching relationship with one person and there is a continuation in stages across all four modules. So, be sure to focus on the exact stage covered in each module and do not get ahead of yourself.

Secondly, the goal of the coaching process is to expedite the growth of the coachee’s understanding of his or her strengths and weaknesses. Through the coaching process, the coachee gains an appreciation of his capabilities for growth and builds self-confidence. Thus, before you begin this exercise in coaching, you must first find someone who is willing to go through this exercise with you as a coachee. This can be a friend, a colleague, or a co-worker. It does not have to be a situation tied to your job. The only requirement is that you must be able to identify a contracted piece of work based on a shared concern (if no shared concern can be found, find another coachee).

Johari window

Additionally, you were introduced to the Johari window as a tool for increasing awareness of how one is perceived by others and to improve communication. This case design is to enlarge your “open” area and reduce your “blind” area, so you can be more effective as a coach. Additionally, you will learn to use coaching techniques as a way to correct problem behaviors (“blind area”). Lastly, it will help coachees realize they have untapped potential and open the possibility for growth through unused capacities. Read: Johari Window (n.d.) Crowe Associates LTD. Retrieved from https://www.crowe-associates.co.uk/coaching-and-mentoring-skills/johari-window-as-a-coaching-tool/ The structure of the Live Case Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report.

Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages) Then meet with the coachee and use your plan as a guide for the session The bulk of the report is on how it went: successes and failures. What would you do differently next time? (3 to 5 pages) Preplanning Action Reflection What are your goals for the session? What actions do you plan? How will you know if you are successful? (1-2 pages) Meet with coachee (45-50 minutes). Report on the session. Provide a narrative descriptive summary of the conversation as it occurred (1 or 2 paragraphs). How do you feel the session went? Analyze the process and outcomes of your‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ coaching. What new knowledge did you gain? What would you do differently next time?

Amazon’s technology and leadership

Amazon’s technology and leadership

This is an assignment that focuses on the exploration of Amazon’s technology and leadership. The paper also investigates the various aspects through its E-commerce.

The exploration of Amazon’s technology and leadership

Instructions for Case 2: Amazon
You are to explore and research Amazon through the lens of technology and leadership. Answer the following questions in your own words . Clearly label each answer:
It has been said that Amazon provides what its customers and shareholders want, but its industry and societal impacts are negative overall:

1.     Amazon is too dominant in e-Commerce, jeopardizing competitors, global consumer products brands, and also local retailers
2.     Amazon is destroying more jobs than it is creating
3.     Amazon’s data collection practices and artificial intelligence services such as Alexa and Rekognition violate general expectations of privacy
4.     Amazon is a poor corporate citizen, e.g., in terms of negative environmental impact and not paying its fair share of taxes

The exploration of Amazon’s technology and leadership

Select two of the four above statements. For each statement you select, address the following in no more than 1000 words:
a.     Provide support (e.g., reasons, data, evidence, expert opinions) for the given statement, as if you were defending the statement in class.
b.     Provide support (e.g., reasons, data, evidence, expert opinions) for the opposite of the given statement, as if you were debunking the statement in class.
c.     Your Point of View–Explain your point of view, and fully explain why.

Grading criteria:
·        75% for your analysis and support
·        15% for substance and credibility of cited sources and completeness of their citations. There should be at least two cited sources, other than course materials and basic sites such as Wikipedia
·        10% for writing quality (coherence, grammar, spelling, format)
Note: The Khan (2019) article cited below may be helpful, especially its “Introduction” and “Part I.” It may be cited as one of your two sources if it is clear how it contributed to the substance of your paper. Khan, L. (2019). The separation of platforms and commerce. Columbia Law Review, 119, 973-1093. Retrieved from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3180174.

Personal self-assessment Reflection Paper Personal SWOT Analysis

Personal self-assessment Reflection Paper Personal SWOT Analysis

This assignment focuses on Module 4 Discussion Question. Discuss your personal self-assessment findings. Include the following: perceived barriers to achieving the national recommended goals for physical activity.

Module 4 Discussion Question-Discuss your personal self-assessment findings

Discuss your personal self-assessment findings. Include the following: perceived barriers to achieving the national recommended goals for physical activity as well as strategies for maintenance of already achieved goals or for future achievement of yet to be reached goals and responses to self-reflection questions in module description above.

Reflect on a physical activity you have always wished to engage in but have never have. What creative strategies can you implement to remove the barriers so that you can now do so?


What are some important guidelines to follow when goal setting for physical activity?
Here are ten guidelines to help you set goals more effectively.
Firstly, Set long-term, intermediate, and short-term goals.

Secondly, Keep records and evaluate progress.

Thirdly, Set goals for both training and racing.

Fourthly, Set goals that are difficult yet realistic.

Further, Devise goals that are specific.

Also, Devise goals that are measurable.

Why is it beneficial for a person to meet the minimum standard of physical activity?
Benefits of physical activity and risk of insufficient physical activity. … reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, various types of cancer (including breast cancer and colon cancer), and depression; reduce the risk of falls as well as hip or vertebral fractures; and.
What are the four guidelines for setting goals?
Terms in this set (4)
  • 1 goal guideline. State goal clearly.
  • 2 goal guideline. Set deadlines or other ways to measure success.
  • 3 goal guideline. Goals need to be Realistic while still aiming high.
  • 4 goal guideline. goals should be consistent with values.


What strategies will you use to achieve success?

  • Set SMARTER goals. Anyone that’s serious about achieving their goals needs to understand the importance of the SMARTER goal-setting method.
  • Create a plan of action. .
  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Instill self-discipline.
  • Mitigate your distractions.
  • Leverage daily goal setting.
  • Avoid procrastination.
  • Manage your time.



Code of ethics and media analysis of a chosen profession

Code of ethics and media analysis of a chosen profession

This is an assignment that focuses on the analysis of Code of ethics and media analysis of a chosen profession. The paper also reflects on an ethical dilemma in real time.

Analysis of Code of ethics and media analysis of a chosen profession

Overview: For the final assignment, you will write a 4-6 page essay consisting of that addresses the issue of professional ethics. The project requires you to recognize the principles associated with a breach of ethics demonstrated in a film, a television show, in print fiction, newspaper and magazine columns, radio talk shows, news, and/or feature stories.

This assignment is to span a full block or semester class. Assignment: This is an assignment in which you will reflect on their ability to recognize and understand ethical dilemmas. Understanding ethics is a graduation competency at Wilmington University. This assignment consists of multiple parts and requires students to think about their growth and development in understanding ethics and seeing professions from multiple perspectives.

Assignment Description: Part 1: Code of Ethics of one’s chosen profession Part 2: Media Analysis Project Final Product: Both parts of the assignments will be combined into one Ethics & Values paper that includes both the code of ethics essay and media analysis. These parts should be in one paper with a cover sheet format in APA style. Part I: Getting Started: Developing Awareness of the Code of Ethics in One’s Chosen Field Identify your chosen profession (psychologist, educator, counselor, police or probation officer). Go online to search for and find the ethical standards for your chosen profession.

Analysis of Code of ethics and media analysis of a chosen profession

Secondly, explore the many resources found at the site. Write a short essay (minimum of 2 paragraphs) explaining: Why you chose the specific profession. Also, why it is important for professionals in the field you have chosen to be familiar with and understand the field’s code of ethics. Also, identify what you think are the three most important requirements of the field’s code & explain why. Be sure to cite the code of ethics. Part II: Ethics – A Media Analysis Paper. For the second part of this paper, write an essay describing an ethical dilemma for a person working in your desired profession, depicted in at least two forms of media.

Examples: You might also select a movie and a radio talk show to discuss ethical dilemmas of a psychologist. Or, a movie and a newspaper article might depict the ethical dilemmas of an attorney.

Writing the Paper:

Lastly, describe the ethical dilemma in which the real, or fictitious, professional(s). Relate the questions below to the code of ethics of your chosen profession: What actions did the person take? Were those actions within the profession’s code of ethics?  What actions could the person have taken to remain within the profession’s code of ethics? Additionally, how can and does the profession respond to ethical misconduct among its membership?  Finally, explain how each theory would view the ethical dilemmas and the actions taken by the real, or fictitious, professional(s).

Ethical behavior issues in handling food and beverage products

Ethical behavior issues in handling food and beverage products

Describe one or more ethical behavior issues in handling food and beverage products returned to a manufacturing company and a retail store. Choose a real example.

Ethical behavior issues in handling food and beverage products

Describe one or more ethical behavior issues in handling food and beverage products returned to a manufacturing company and a retail store. Choose a real example.

More details;

The well-being of a consumer is link ed with ethical marketing of the products. The food and beverage is one of the industries where ethical marketing has substantial considerations especially when it comes to handling the products. (Lim, 2016). Sanlu manufacturing firms in China is one of the manufacturing companies whose products were return ed to the company and its retail stores because they were taint ed. The food safety regulator in China discover ed extreme melamine levels in samples that were test ed. The Food and Drug administration in China
indicated that a lot of melamine was found in batches of milk powder commodities manufactured by Sanlu dairy firm. The administration further demanded all consumers to returntainted milk to the manufacturer (Lim, 2016).

Sanlu Milk powder contributed to deaths of 4 people and 6244 confirmed cases by 18thSep, 2008, because of its melamine. Inspection of the goods indicate  that a few batches of the products of 20% had melamine and as a result were defective commodities, among which there were well recognize brands like Yili, Mengniu, Guangming. Melamine is a poisonous chemical that results in kidney stones especially in babies. Customers refuse  to purchase these products and were return to the company. It was this incident that ruined the entire dairy industry and food industry (Su, Yong. et. Al, 2008).

Ethical behavior

Furthermore, Sanlu also infringed on the moral and legal rights of consumers as indicated in the constitution of People’s Republic of China (Su, Yong. Et al, 2008). The company was also against the code on fair transaction. This is because it fail to accomplish its role in taking care of their customers as stipulate in their contracts. The key objective of moral life is to practice and display virtues and also cultivate them. It only becomes moral when display and practice values are enhance d. What Sanlu did was quite dissimilar and can only be characterized as immoral behavior.
Additionally, Sanlu should maintain their commitments outlined in agreements in assuringthe safety and quality of their produces. They should also inform their clients the nutrients included in their commodities. Based on the theory of social cost, enterprises should be accountable for all expenses cause d by their product’s defects.

In conclusion, after the incident of Sanlu Milk, people keep on wondering why the company did so. It is concluded that Sanlu’s behavior is against business ethics. It also fails to take into consideration the social accountabilities of customers. The incident can be attribute d to factors like the poor moral quality of the entrepreneur. Their tainted products damaged their own interest and the interests of the entire society.


Main components of leadership and corporate culture discussion

Main components of leadership and corporate culture discussion

This is an assignment that focuses on the main components of leadership and corporate culture discussion. Complimentary partners is the main topic for this assignment for this paper.

Main components of leadership and corporate culture discussion – Complimentary partners

The paper addresses the main key leadership traits that can be considered as those that manage conflicts.

A‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ssignment 2: Complementary Partners.

Firstly, imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. There will be 100 people attending. Within this assignment you will be creating a document that discusses the main components of leadership and corporate culture.

Secondly, write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: Address a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. Discuss a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. Then, describe some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University co‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍urses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

Thirdly, the specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Describe the primary functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) and the associated skills, tools, and theoretical approaches that can be used to accomplish these functions. Then, explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior. Describe actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in organizations. Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts. Lastly, write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.

Write the assignment in APA style. Include proper and clear references and citations in the APA format.