HR Generalist from outside the company job analysis vs job design

HR Generalist from outside the company job analysis vs job design

So now you have hired the new HR Generalist from outside the company. Since you want him/her to be successful in the role, you have to set performance expectations. Using APA (6th Edition) Style and Formatting guidelines, write a 7-11 page paper, (plus a reference page), that addresses the following questions:

you have hired the new HR Generalist from outside the company

So now you have hired the new HR Generalist from outside the company. Since you want him/her to be successful in the role, you have to set performance expectations. Using APA (6th Edition) Style and Formatting guidelines, write a 7-11 page paper, (plus a reference page), that addresses the following questions:

What kind of goals would you create for the incumbent of this position? Provide a goal statement, strategies, tactics, etc.
Develop two (2) performance goals and one (1) development goal. (You have to be creative here since you do not have any performance data for this new hire).

For each of these 3 goals:

Write 3 strategies for how you will achieve each of the goals
Select one of the strategies for each goal and:
Write 4-5 tactics for that strategy
One measure of success
One measurement.

Also, Determine how frequently you would have informal and formal feedback sessions?

Further, Describe the focus of these feedback sessions; discuss specifically what you would focus on and why.
If you wanted to provide some recognition during one of these informal feedback sessions for outstanding performance, say after the first two months:
What behaviour or performance would you want to recognize?
What form of recognition would you use, and why would you use it?
At the end of the performance year, you will have to evaluate this persons’ effectiveness and performance.

Create four (4) effectiveness areas with a minimum of four (4) behaviours for each area. Be creative. Also, Explain why you chose each effectiveness area. At the end of the performance year, you are told by management that your discretionary bonus pool has been approved. You, therefore, have the budget to award a bonus. In your view, what would the HR generalist need to have accomplished to be eligible to receive a discretionary bonus? Given that accomplishment and going back to the bonus range for this position that you identified earlier in the paper, how much of a bonus would you award. Please explain your rationale.

Human Resource Management, 15 ed. (2017). Dessler, G. Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-423545-5.

Ryanair strategic advice Ryanair strategic management paper

Ryanair strategic advice Ryanair strategic management paper

Write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice. Introduce Ryanair and the management problem and create a research question. It is a necessity to find extra data/articles on Ryanair, on the internet, to use as input for the models & concepts that you’ll choose to use.

Write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice

Write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice. Introduce Ryanair and the management problem and create a research question. It is a necessity to find extra data/articles on Ryanair, on the internet, to use as input for the models & concepts that you’ll choose to use. Only articles from renowned media (Economist, The Guardian, New York Times, Bloomberg, etc.) can be used as an extra data source on Ryanair. Conclude the paper with advice, based on your analyses, to Ryanair.

This assignment will account for 100% of your final grade for this course. The basis for this assignment is the business case: “Ryanair: the low fares airline – ‘always getting better’?” which can be found on page 622 of your coursebook. It is mandatory to use this case for this assignment. Please hand in your assignment via Canvas before the deadline, for only then will your paper be assessed. Canvas will automatically check your work with anti-plagiarism software. Lastly, the assessment matrix, which is under modules, to assess your paper.

Strategic advice for Ryanair Assignment
Firstly, Write an academic paper in which you give Ryanair strategic advice.

Secondly, Introduce Ryanair and the management problem and create a research question.

Thirdly, incorporate (and use) the relevant class materials to analyze the situation at Ryanair.

Fourthly, It is a necessity to find extra data/articles on Ryanair, on the internet, to use as input for the models & concepts that you’ll choose to use.

Further, Only articles from media (Economist, The Guardian, New York Times, Bloomberg, etc.) can be as an extra data source on Ryanair.

Finally, Conclude your paper with advice, based on your analyses, to Ryanair Strategic advice for Ryanair Assignment



Concept of crowd creation and the private sector

Concept of crowd creation and the private sector

This is an assignment  that discusses the definition of the concept of crowd creation and the private sector. The assignment uses two countries to identify the approaches.

Definition of the concept of crowd creation and the private sector

Different national cultures have different approaches to creativity and innovation. Using two countries of your choice, explain how these different approaches can affect the level of innovative output between your chosen two countries.

Crowd creation is changing the way that private sector organisations work.

Firstly, define the concept of crowd creation and argue to what extent it is becoming more attractive to the private sector. Then, apply a private sector case study of your choice to your argument.
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) face increasing competitive pressure to produce more blue ocean innovations in less time. Define boundary practices and boundary objects and apply them to an MNE case study of your choice to explain how they can contribute to faster blue ocean innovations.

Contemporary entrepreneurial personal development involves developing business through personal networks. Define the concept of relational learning and apply it to a business idea that you intend to develop in the future.

Additional Optional Essay Choices for Business and Finance (BAF) Students
NOTE: BAF students can either choose one essay from this section or one from the topics above
Consumer protection is a growing concern due to online fraud. The evidence is clear given that the banking community is currently tightening up on security. Explain how blue ocean concepts might help to make bank accounts more secure for consumers, using a case study of your choice.

Crowd funding platforms are an effective alternative to banks for raising money. Using a case study of your choice, analyse to what extent this statement is accurate.

NOTE: Further Reading Resources on Black Board may help you start your research.

General assessment criteria

The above titles are to be broad in scope.  Therefore your answer should be narrowed down to an aim that should be clarified in your introduction.

Define concepts and also provide sources for them before applying them.

Critique theories by comparing and contrasting them.

Enrich your synthesis with illustrations to underpin theories and your arguments.

ACME employees declined management’s invitation change resistance Lewin’s theory

ACME employees declined management’s invitation change resistance Lewin’s theory

COMM 310 Why in the last year have at least half of ACME employees declined management’s invitation to attend the 1) annual company family picnic in the summer and the 2) holiday party in December?

COMM 310 half of ACME employees declined management’s invitation

A causal analysis is meant to answer questions and recommend remedies. It tends to follow the following structure:

Firstly,  Identify the problem.

Secondly, Examine possible and probable causes.

Thirdly, Recommend solutions.

Pick ONE of the following ‘problems’ from the list below and create an analysis report of between 650 and 750 words. Do not use double-spacing. Use a report writing format. Please try to use academic studies on (morale) workplace issues rather than mainstream/alternative media sources as you try to identify what factors may be at play at ACME. Please use citations (not part of the word count.)

Firstly, Why in the last year have at least half of ACME employees declined management’s invitation to attend the 1) annual company family picnic in the summer and the 2) holiday party in December?

Secondly, Why have AMCE employee sick days increased 25 per cent over the same period last year? Two-thirds of employees now take all their allotted paid sick days.

Thirdly, Why is there low morale among employees in ACME’s sales department resulting in high absenteeism and turnover of 30 per cent in the last 24 months?

Company background:

·         ACME has roughly 80 employees. It has been in business since 1950 and is based in a suburb of Vancouver, which isn’t accessible via transit.

·         The plant was built in 1978. Improvements are done when absolutely necessary.

·         It is a family-owned and operated business. Family members hold all the key positions. The present management team has been in place for 30 months.

·         It manufactures bowling balls for bowling alleys in western Canada and the western U.S. Revenues are $35-million USD annually.

·         ACME departments include: four human resources and training officers, eight management positions, a sales staff of 18, and roughly 50 administration workers and manufacturing (bowling ball-makers) staff. Part-timers work during the busy fall-winter period.

·         The youngest manager is 28. The oldest manager is 66. Other staff range from 22 to 71 years of age.

·         ACME employees are non-union, work a 35-hour week (eight hours x five days with one hour unpaid lunch), Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 5:00.

·         They receive overtime and breaks in accordance with provincial labour laws. Only sales staff and management receive bonuses based on sales. Sales staff must provide their own vehicles, but can claim mileage, gas expenses, hotel costs and per diems when on the road.

Firstly,  Staff start with 12-days of annual vacation and add one day annually to a maximum of 25 days.

Secondly,  The lowest paid staff members are paid higher than Vancouver’s living wage, which is presently $19.50 an hour.

Thirdly,  Staff receive medical, dental, RSP matching and life insurance benefits. They’re allowed five paid sick days annually. Beyond this, sick days are unpaid.

Training guidelines current or previous employer

Training guidelines current or previous employer

This paper focuses on to consider your current or previous employer. Was there an ergonomics program, and if so, what did it include? For example, was there training or guidelines? If there were not, what type of training or guidelines would be helpful?

Consider your current or previous employer

In this unit lesson, we discuss the benefits of implementing an ergonomics program. One of the most compelling reasons for the application of ergonomics is injury prevention. However, regardless of the moral and ethical arguments for injury prevention, businesses do not always find it cost effective.

Consider your current or previous employer. Was there an ergonomics program, and if so, what did it include? For example, was there training or guidelines? If there were not, what type of training or guidelines would be helpful?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. Finally, no references or citations are necessary.

*Firefighter was previous job

More details;

This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts presented in the Unit II Lesson regarding the elements of an ergonomics program. Specifically, you will be developing an ergonomics program.

As a graduate of Columbia Southern University’s Safety and Emergency Services program, you have decided to pursue a career as an occupational safety and health consultant. You were recently contacted by Will B. Shafe, the human resource manager at On Call, the company that employs Ms. Handz-Hurt from the unit lesson. According to Mr. Shafe, he is having trouble convincing the leadership at the company to address ergonomics because there is no OSHA ergonomics mandate.

Part 1:

You have agreed to assist Mr. Shafe by preparing a one-page minimum overview explaining the regulatory requirements related to ergonomics, including the history of the OSHA Ergonomic Standard and the benefits of implementing an ergonomics program. Your summary must include references and should be written to convince management to implement a program (after all, you are a consultant and you want their business).

Your overview must include a minimum of two outside sources, one in which must be from the CSU Online Library.


Supply Chain and Logistics Management analysis with Dell supply chain

Supply Chain and Logistics Management analysis with Dell supply chain

This is an essay discussing on the Supply Chain and Logistics Management analysis and comparing it to the Dell’s supply chain and logistics.

Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Firstly, watch the following video (just over 11 minutes) by clicking on the link below: MacNeil/Lehrer Productions (Producer). (1999). Your computer, your way: Dell and the direct sales model [Video file]. **Click here to view a transcript of the video. Transcript of video is uploaded!!** *After viewing the video, answer questions 1 and 2, and select one question from questions 3 and 4 to answer.

Secondly, compare Dell’s supply chain and logistics innovations with the competitive responses from competitors. Examples of such as the Apple Store and others.

Thirdly, discuss the emerging supply chain and logistics management factors shown in the video that were already negatively affecting large computer chain stores. Answer question 3 or 4 below: 3. Explain how these technology-driven factors were ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍not enough to enable some businesses to survive the online competitive entrance into the market. 4. In what ways may market research have helped prevent these large technology businesses from failing?

Each of your three responses should be at least one page in length; therefore, with an introduction and conclusion included, your essay should be at least four pages in length. In addition to the video, your essay must reference at least one article of your choice from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should reference at least two sources. Your essay must be in APA format. All paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations and references. Title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum length requirement‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

Organizational Leisure Behavior Computer Quantitative Analysis

Organizational Leisure Behavior Computer Quantitative Analysis

This essay entails an Organizational Leisure Behavior and Computer Quantitative Analysis of any chosen activity by the student. Organizational Leisure Behavior is the extra time in any firm left for the outside activity apart from the normal or daily work.

Organizational Leisure Behavior Computer Quantitative Analysis

Firstly, as you have been watching and finding examples of organizational behavior in art and leisure activities over the last 6 weeks. I would like you now analyze your findings. You are to look for linkages between concepts, patterns/trends/divergences in behavior across different areas. Outliers or deviations in behavior from theory, and accuracy as compared to the “real world.”

Also, your reflection should include the impact on the findings on your own behavior and potentially the success/failure of teams/organizations.

Secondly, you should have at least 4 different findings from your analysis. You should explain your thought processes (in this case your brain is the computer, rather than a computer as in quantitative analysis). This journal entry should be two to five pages (double spaced) in length. Include references to any articles or the textbook if used.

Thirdly, the journal assignment due at the end of the week is not to find examples of concepts in whatever leisure activities you enjoy. Analyze across the things you have read, watched, experienced, or what not over the term. In this case you are doing a qualitative analysis rather than a quantitative one. There are a number of ways you can take your analysis, and it will differ based on what you experienced and your thought processes.

Lastly, but you might compare what you saw or read. To see if the concepts held to what the book says will happen in these situations. Explain why or why not. Why, and what are the implications for the organizations? The assignment gives you a few more ideas for analysis.

Change Initiative in an organization – creating vision using driving forces

Change Initiative in an organization– creating vision using driving forces

This is an essay that focuses on the Change Initiative in an organization in creating vision using driving forces.

Change Initiative in an organization– creating vision using driving forces

This is a paper which focuses on evaluating the current forces driving change in your field or industry.

Firstly, as a leader, or considering the role of a leader, assess your organization and evaluate how well it is responding to the forces. Identify where there is a need for change in the organization. Then, develop a vision to inspire this change. Include the following: Describe your organization, include the organization’s mission, and identify the various stakeholders. Identify the external and internal forces that drive organizational change in your field or industry. Explain the origin or reason for these internal or external driving forces. Explain how these forces directly affect the viability of your organization.

Secondly, choose one of the driving forces. Describe the specific issues this driving force creates, or will potentially create, for your organization or department.

Thirdly, propose the steps needed for your organization or department to‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ respond to this driving force. Predict how employees at various levels in the organization will respond to your proposed change initiative. Then, develop a vision for change. Describe how this vision correlates with the organization’s mission, and how you will present this vision to internal stakeholders.

Lastly, predict how you think your vision will assist internal stakeholders in supporting the change initiative. Identify potential considerations posed by stakeholders, and discuss how you will respond.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Succession Planning and artifacts usage in leadership

Succession Planning and artifacts usage in leadership

This is an assignment that discusses the Succession Planning and artifacts usage in leadership. Additionally, it analyzes the strategies that they bring in terms of change.

Succession Planning and artifacts usage in leadership

Succession planning refers to the process by which new leaders are identified and developed within a given organization to ensure a seamless transition when existing leadership leaves the organization. An effective succession plan is often subtle because the change should be seamless; however, an ineffective succession plan can result in visible consequences as the challenges associated with the change become obvious.

For this assignment around succession planning, select a high-profile change in leadership at a public or nonprofit agency. You may choose an agency that you have worked for or have seen in the headlines or research. Analyze the artifacts of communication around how the change was announced and decide whether the transition was seamless from a public perspective.

In a 5–7 page narrative, address the following: o Provide a brief background on the chosen public or nonprofit agency. o Explain a recent change in leadership that took place in that organization.

Identify the usage of artifacts of communication that were around the change in leadership.

Analyze the strategies used with those artifacts to communicate the change in leadership.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the execution of the agency’s succession plan.

Submission Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Your writing should clearly identify where each grading criterion or part of the assignment is to address. Your points must be logical, substantive, and relevant based on the evidence presented. The writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA guidelines: Resources and citations must be according to APA style and formatting. Be sure to distinguish an electronic journal article by including the DOI or URL. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings.

Review the results and make any changes before submitting to your instructor for grading.


Your ideas must have a support of relevant scholarly sources that are within the past five years.  citation and referencing to be in APA style. Length of paper: 5–7 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references.

Leading change and change management in the current environment

Leading change and change management in the current environment

This is a paper that focuses on leading change and change in the current environment. Below is a section of instructions that you are to follow.

Leading change and change in the current environment


Firstly, write a one page summary/abstract approximately 370 to 400 words long. However it should not be longer than one page. Increase the word count from the current paper from 2,000 words to 6,100 using New Times Roman font – size 12, use the same spacing included in the existing paper and use the Harvard format system. Counting the Introduction section, part 1 – critical review section, part 2 – evaluation section, part 3 – also reflection on and assessment section and the conclusion section, the word count will be 6,100 words. The abstract/one page summary, figures/models and their naming convention, the titles of each section, the reference section and the appendix section do not count toward the word count. Only the in body text counts.
Also, this assessment is by one assignment, a critical essay of 6100 words which integrates theory and practice.


Secondly, the assignment must include a clear structure, a list of references and, where appropriate, appendices and diagrams. However, you must make appropriate use of journal articles and texts. The reference sources, journals and books, are all listed below starting on page 5 (Recognizing the Need for Change). Do not use any other sources or references. Additionally, only use the sources that I have provided. 1. Recognizing the Need for Change 2. Analyzing the Change Required 3. Skills of Leaders of Change 4. Changing Systems and Processes 5. Successful Change 6. Resources for Innovation Please concentrate on my professors comments when you edit the existing 2,000 and write the new 4,000 words.

Do try to use the references and sources in the reading/reference lists that I provided. The reading lists can be found at the end of every Power Point Presentation that I have submitted and I also included the same information in the provided Word documents and they are titled with, references and further readings.