Leading change and change management in the current environment

Leading change and change management in the current environment

This is a paper that focuses on leading change and change in the current environment. Below is a section of instructions that you are to follow.

Leading change and change in the current environment


Firstly, write a one page summary/abstract approximately 370 to 400 words long. However it should not be longer than one page. Increase the word count from the current paper from 2,000 words to 6,100 using New Times Roman font – size 12, use the same spacing included in the existing paper and use the Harvard format system. Counting the Introduction section, part 1 – critical review section, part 2 – evaluation section, part 3 – also reflection on and assessment section and the conclusion section, the word count will be 6,100 words. The abstract/one page summary, figures/models and their naming convention, the titles of each section, the reference section and the appendix section do not count toward the word count. Only the in body text counts.
Also, this assessment is by one assignment, a critical essay of 6100 words which integrates theory and practice.


Secondly, the assignment must include a clear structure, a list of references and, where appropriate, appendices and diagrams. However, you must make appropriate use of journal articles and texts. The reference sources, journals and books, are all listed below starting on page 5 (Recognizing the Need for Change). Do not use any other sources or references. Additionally, only use the sources that I have provided. 1. Recognizing the Need for Change 2. Analyzing the Change Required 3. Skills of Leaders of Change 4. Changing Systems and Processes 5. Successful Change 6. Resources for Innovation Please concentrate on my professors comments when you edit the existing 2,000 and write the new 4,000 words.

Do try to use the references and sources in the reading/reference lists that I provided. The reading lists can be found at the end of every Power Point Presentation that I have submitted and I also included the same information in the provided Word documents and they are titled with, references and further readings.

Coca Cola and Starbucks are highly regarded consumer companies

Coca Cola and Starbucks are highly regarded consumer companies

Both Coca Cola and Starbucks are highly regarded consumer companies with a global presence and a commitment to social responsibility.

Both Coca Cola and Starbucks are highly regarded consumer companies

Firstly, both Coca-Cola and Starbucks are highly regarded consumer companies with a global presence and a commitment to social responsibility.
In this assignment, you will compare and contrast each company’s code of ethics for its employees.

Secondly, You will find a copy of each company’s code in the Assignments folder. Read each code carefully.

Do not begin to write your assignment until after you have participated in this week’s discussion topic in which you and your classmates will be analyzing the Gap code of ethics for employees. Recommended page length: 3-4 pages. Note: Be specific in your responses to the questions.

Your paper should answer these four topics:


Describe four specific ways that the Coca Cola code attempts to address the needs of a new employee who would read the code from start to finish.

Describe four specific ways that the Starbucks code attempts to address the needs of a new employee who would read the code from start to finish. Overall, which company’s Code of Ethics do you think is most effective in meeting the communication needs of a new employee?

Explain your reasoning.

Describe four specific ways that the Coca Cola code is useful as a reference document for an experienced.
Firstly, Does Coca Cola incorporate its brand identity or marketing image in its employee Code of Ethics? If so, how? If not, how might it be improved?

Secondly, Does Starbucks incorporate its brand identity or marketing image in its employee Code of Ethics? If so, how? If not, how might it be improved?

Firstly, Does the Coca Cola code address the specific needs of its international employees? If so, how? If not, how might it be improved?

Secondly, Does the Starbucks code address the specific needs of its international employees? If so, how? If not, how might it be improved?


pdf https://livingourvalues.starbucks.com/en-us/living-our-values


Personality test description using the South University Online Library

Personality test description using the South University Online Library

This is an assignment that focuses on a personality test description using the South University Online Library. The paper also discusses the various personality categories in the test.

Personality test description using the South University Online Library

Firstly, using resources such as the South University Online Library and the Internet research various personality tests and select one free test to attempt. Subsequently, after attempting the test, write a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document that includes the following:

A brief description of the test. An explanation of the purpose of this test. Also, a brief description on the theoretical basis for the test. An analysis of the test results. An explanation on whether your results surprised you. Then, a list of the references cited for the construction or development of this test, if any. In your report, provide answers to the following questions:

What are the personality categories examined by the test—the Big Five, introversion versus extroversion, Holland Code categories, or single constructs? How much faith do you have in this test and i‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ts results? On the basis of what you learned about personality tests, what would you change regarding this test and why? What are the implications of taking this test on a computer? Would this test be better as a paper-and-pencil test? What are the positive and negative ramifications of this test’s availability? Is the test associated with a reputable organization?

However, if yes, give a brief description of the organization. Are there different subscale scores, or is it just one aggregate score? What scoring unit is used—z scores, percentile scores, or raw scores? Also, what are the theoretical implications for the scoring of this test? Support your responses with examples. Lastly, using APA format, appropriately cite your sources throughout the assignment and include references on a separate page. (please look on internet for other personality ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍test)

Workforce supply analysis for Stonewall Manufacturing

Workforce supply analysis for Stonewall Manufacturing

This is an assignment that focuses on the work force supply analysis for Stonewall Manufacturing. The paper also discusses the positions in regards to shortage of employees.

The work force supply analysis for Stonewall Manufacturing

You are an HR Director at Stonewall Manufacturing, a rapid prototype development company, headquartered in Norwalk, MA, with operations across the US. The following results were recently compiled by your HR Business Partner and based on a supply analysis of managerial positions/roles. Based on this analysis, you need to prepare are cap to Stonewall’s CEO that summarizes what roles the company should be investing. As well as which ones are likely to require fewer employees in the future.

Specifically, your assessment should:

Identify two roles where you feel Stonewall will have a shortage of employees that could most significantly impact its future business strategy. For each of the two roles, address the following:

Employee Development: In order to develop existing Stonewall employees into these roles, what are the top tasks, knowledge, and skills needed for each role.

Retention Focus Areas:

Knowing that we want to focus on retaining employees in these positions, what are important work values that Stonewall should consider from a retention perspective

Alternative Sourcing:

As Stonewall searches for candidates to fill these roles in the future, what related occupations or roles could we consider for recruiting. Identify one role where you feel we will have a contraction in our future need.

The work force supply analysis for Stonewall Manufacturing

A few factors to consider:

A “span of control”identifies the average number of direct reports someone in that role has. For planning purposes,the company has assessed that 6 direct reports is ideal for managers. If an employee has a higher number than that, then they spread too thin and are less likely to be an effective manager of a team. Inversely, if that number is below the average, then they have some band width to manage more individuals. To complete your assessment, you will need to assess and understand the external market for these roles. You can use O * Net.org for this level of analysis.

This site will provide useful information: Projected growth : identifies the rate of growth of this role in the US over the next 5 to 10 years. Knowing this will be able to assess how the company’s current need differs from that of the market.

Skill set: identifies and prioritizes key competencies required for the job

Work values: identifies and prioritizes those factors that are important for individuals who perform this role of Related positions

Assignment requirements:

Lastly, submit your assessment as a written memo to the CEO. The memo should be a maximum of 4 pages,plus an additional page for reference citations, as needed. Answer your questions using the quantitative data

(both supplied as well as from O*Net.org), and outlining the logic of your assessment ( i.e.,why your commended what recommended).

Laura Mc Cormick case study analysis

Laura Mc Cormick case study analysis

This is an assignment that focuses on the MGT 2530 Laura Mc Cormick case study analysis. The paper also focuses on the various issues that the Directors requested.

The MGT 2530 Laura Mc Cormick case study analysis

The Board of Directors for two major corporations received approval from shareholders to complete a ‘merger’ during the next 90 days.  The 1st company provides a “TECH” service on the U.S. west coast.  The 2nd company provides a ‘Manufacturing’ product in the U.S. southeast.  The new company after the merger will be located in the U.S. Midwest (Detroit, MI).  (The employment level at the new location will be higher).

The Board of Directors has requested that Wayne State Business Students (Individuals and Teams/Groups research, summarize, present, and debate) the following issues;
1.     Firstly, should current employees at the two existing locations be offered positions at the new location?  If so, what will be the management process for relocation?
2.     Secondly, both existing locations have had complaints and fines regarding health, safety, and environment violations.  How will you demonstrate ‘corporate social responsibility’ to ensure compliance and good community citizenship?
3.     Thirdly, both existing locations have serious sexual harassment and hostile environment open complaints such as:  A) Supervisor making inappropriate advances to an employee.  B) Two employees making ethnic, gender identity, and religious negative comments to a group of employees.  How will you resolve these issues?  What will be your plan to create a positive culture eliminating future incidents?

4.     The new company plans to be a leader in employee motivation thus reducing stress and negative emotions/moods.  What is your implementation plan?
5.     Lastly, the new company must establish a performance management and decision-making process.  What are the performance metrics?

The paper submission should be in APA writing guidelines, formatting, and citation. Include at least three sources in the assignment paper.

Analysis of Space Age Furniture Company MRP

Analysis of Space Age Furniture Company MRP

This is an assignment that focuses on the analysis of Space Age Furniture Company MRP. The assignment also discusses the trade-offs between the overtime and inventory prices.

The analysis of Space Age Furniture Company MRP

Read “Space Age Furniture Company” in Chapter 9 of your text. Respond to the following and include any Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) calculations:

Use course textbook Vonderembse, M. A., & White, G. P. (2013). Operations management [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/
Firstly, develop an MRP for Space Age Furniture Company using the information in the case including the production of sub-assemblies in lot sizes of 1,000.
The lot size of 1,000 for sub-assemblies has produced a lumpy demand for part 3079. Also, suggest ways for improvements over sub-assemblies in lot sizes of 1,000.
Secondly, analyze the trade-off between overtime costs and inventory costs.
Calculate a new MRP that improves the base MRP.
Compare and contrast the types of production processing—job shop, batch, repetitive, or continuous—and determine which the primary mode of operation is and why.
Describe ways that management can keep track of job status and location during production.
Recommend any changes that might be beneficial to the company and/or add value for the customer.

The final case study should demonstrate your understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge. The paper should integrate readings, scholarly sources, and class discussions into work and life experiences. It may include explanation and examples from previous events as well as implications for future applications.
The purpose of the final case study is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of operations management.

Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper:

Firstly, must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Should and Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Lastly, must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Risk management in health care organizations

Risk management in health care organizations

This is an assignment that discusses the Organizational Risk Management in health care organizations. The paper also involves conducting an interview with employees in a health care organization.

Organizational Risk Management in health care organizations

T‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍he purpose of this assignment is to gain real-world insight into how risk management programs operate within health care organizations. Select a local health care organization where you can conduct an interview with an employee who is involved in risk management processes. This organization can be your current employer or a different health care facility in your community. Acute care, urgent care, large multi?provider private medical clinics, assisted living facilities, and community/public health clinical facilities are all ideal options to complete the requirements of this assignment.

Select an individual who can provide sufficient information regarding how their organization manages risk within its facility to answer the questions below. In your interview, address the following:

1. Firstly, risk management strategies used in the organization’s risk control program, along with specific examples. Use infection control in the operating room.

2. Secondly, how the facility’s educational risk management program addresses key professional, l‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍egal, and ethical issues, such as prevention of negligence, malpractice litigation, and vicarious liability.

3. Thirdly, indicate the policies the facility has implemented that address how to manage emergency triage in high?risk areas of health care service delivery.

4. Then, describe challenges the organization faces in managing and controlling high-risk health care.

5. Lastly, strategies the facility utilizes to monitor, evaluate, and maintain compliance within its risk management program. Also, after conducting the interview, compose a word summary analysis of the interview that includes the questions above, in conjunction with the interviewee’s responses.


Additionally, include the following elements in your response: 1. An assessment of the organization’s risk management program, including how it attends to high-risk health care and legal concerns. 2. Action steps you would take to improve one area of the organization’s risk management program, along with your rationale for doing so. Cite appropriate references as needed to support your statements and rationale‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

Sports trauma management – decision making tools

Sports trauma management – decision making tools

This is an essay focusing on sports trauma management. Decision making tools and guidelines are key in management.

Sports trauma management – decision making tools

In the beginning, critically discuss the decision-making tools and guidelines to be used in Sports trauma management. These apparatus and guidelines are to recognise, monitor and return the adult player to sport. The essay is following a sport related concussion in an English Football league match.

The mechanism of injury leads you to believe that the player is suffering with a sport related concussion (SRC).

Thereafter, discuss on Management of SRC. Look in depth on the various causes of concussion.

Secondly, consider how you would recognise concussion on the field of play, immediate management. How you would monitor concussion within your scope of practice including onward referral and return to play guidelines.

Thirdly, robust and critical analysis is the key during the reporting of this essay. This is comparing to descriptive account of the management of SRC. Therefore, base your understanding from the literature and the perceived gaps in requiring knowledge.
Lastly, awarding of marks  will focus on critical and robust analysis will be emphasized. Do not focus more on descriptive account of the management of SRC,


Marketing plan assignment needs to be in APA format

Marketing plan assignment needs to be in APA format

The Marketing plan should be a new to the world product or service or maybe an improvement over an existing one.
Please DO NOT submit a marketing plan of an existing company, product or service.

Marketing plan should be a new to the world product or service

The Marketing plan should be a new to the world product or service or maybe an improvement over an existing one.
Please DO NOT submit a marketing plan of an existing company, product or service.
The marketing plan assignment needs to be in APA format

As a marketer, you’ll need a good marketing plan to provide direction and focus for your brand, product, or company.  With a detained plan, any business will be better prepared to launch a new product or build sales for existing products.  Non-profit organizations also use marketing plans to guide their fundraising and outreach efforts.  Even government agencies put together marketing plans for initiatives such as building public awareness of proper nutrition and stimulating area tourism.

The Purpose and Content of a Marketing Plan
Unlike a business plan, which offers a broad overview of the entire organizations mission, objectives, strategy, and resource allocation, a marketing plan has a more limited scope, it serves to document how the organization’s strategic objectives will be achieved through specific marketing strategies and tactics, with the customer as the starting point.

The Role of Research

To develop successful strategies and action plans, marketers need to up date information about the environment, the competition, and the market segments to be served.  Marketing Research helps marketers learn more about their customers’ requirements, expectations, perceptions, and satisfaction levels.  This deeper understanding provides a foundation for building competitive advantage through well-informed segmenting, targeting, and positioning decisions.

The Role of Relationships

The marketing plan shows how the company will establish and maintain profitable customer relationships.  The relationships affect how marketing personnel work with each other and with other departments to deliver value and satisfy customers.  It also affects how the company works with other stakeholders that include suppliers, distributors, strategic alliance partners, government regulators, media and the community at large to achieve the objectives listed in the plan.

From Marketing Plan to Marketing Action
Companies generally create yearly marketing plans, but some plans may cover a longer period.  Marketers start planning well in advance of the implementation date to allow time for marketing research, thorough analysis, management review, and the necessary coordination of departments.

For effective implementation and control, the marketing plan should define how progress toward objectives will be measured.  Managers typically use budgets, schedules, and performance standards for monitoring and evaluating results.  With budgets, they can compare planned expenditures with actual expenditures for a given week, month, or other period.  Performance standards track the outcomes of marketing programs to see whether the company is moving forward toward its objectives.

The Major Parts of the Marketing Plan

The Executive Summary
This section summarizes the main goals, recommendations, and points as an overview for senior managers who must read and approve the marketing plan.  Generally a table of contents follows this section, for management convenience.

Current Marketing Situation
In this section, marketing managers discuss the overall market, identify the market segments they will target, and provide information about the company’s current situation.

Market Description

By describing the targeted segments in detail, marketers provide context for the marketing strategies and detailed action programs discussed later in the plan.

Benefits and Product Features
Clarify the benefits that the product features will deliver to satisfy the needs of customers in each market segment.

Product Review
The product review should summarize the main features for all of the company’s products.  The information may be organized by product line, by type of customer, by market, or by the order of product introduction.

Competitive Review
The purpose of the competitive review is to identify the competitors, describe their market positions, and briefly discuss their strategies.

Distribution Review
In this section, marketers list the important channels, provide an overview of each channel arrangement, and mention any new developments or trend
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis
Weaknesses are internal elements that may interfere with the company’s ability to achieve its objectives.


Opportunities are external elements that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage.

Threats are current or emerging external elements that may possibly challenge the company’s performance.

Objectives and Issues
The company’s objectives should be defined in specific terms so management can measure progress ad if needed, take corrective action to say on track.  This section describes any major issues that might affect the company’s marketing strategy and implementation.  Be sure to include the first year and second year objectives.  Generally we are using unit sales volume for the first and second year.
Marketing Strategy  What’s the Plan?

A positioning built on meaningful differences, supported by appropriate strategy and implementation, can help the company build competitive advantage.  How is your product different?  How is your product viewed by your target audience?

Product Strategy
Include all the features described in the earlier product review section.  Describe the warranty.  Further, describe what you will do to build the brand?  Also, describe the brand, its logo on the product as well as its packaging.

Pricing Strategy

Describe your pricing strategy.  What will you charge at retail, etc?  Will it be a penetrating pricing strategy, like Walmart?  Will it be a skimming policy like Mercedes automobiles?

Distribution Strategy
Describe your channel strategy.  How will you get your product from the producer to the consumer?  Who you will use for distribution to market your product?  What retails will you use?  What channels will be used as coverage and what markets you plan on entering.  Will you use the Internet and or catalogs as well?

Marketing Communication Strategy
Integrating all messages (IMC) in all media uses, will reinforce the brand name and its main points of product differentiation.  Will you use all five of the elements including: advertising, sales promotions, public relations and personal selling?  Direct marketing in some circles is also one of the communications as well.

Marketing Research
We can identify specific features and benefits that our target market segments value.  Feedback form market tests, surveys, and focus groups will help us develop new products and services.  You can also measure and analyze customer attitudes toward competitive brands and products.

Marketing Organization

Explain who would be hired to handle various aspects of the marketing organization.
Budgets serve two main purposes: to project profitability and to help managers plan for expenditures, scheduling, and operations related to each action   program. Be sure to include a break-even point.

Controls help management assess results after the plan is implemented, identify any problems or performance variations, and initiate corrective action.  There is a need for tight control measures to monitor quality and customer service.  This will enable you to correct any problems that may occur.  Other early warning signs include monthly sales and monthly expenses.

Creative Strategy Decision in Volvo Marketing and Advertising

Creative Strategy Decision in Volvo Marketing and Advertising

This is an essay analyzing the marketing and advertising strategy used by Volvo and the creative strategy decision in the Volvo Ad.

 Marketing and Advertising – Creative Strategy Decision in Volvo Ad

Firstly, research on advertising and Promotion in addition to Creative Strategy Decision. Then, analyze an advertisement Creative strategy. A determination of what an advertising message will say or communicate to a target audience.

Secondly, the forum requires you to provide 300+ words in response to the following: Volvo Trucks – The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test). Review the ad multiple times and answer these questions: Volvo ad- define what you think reflects one of the approaches used to develop a creative theme such as a unique selling proposition, brand image, inherent drama, or positioning.

Thirdly, discuss how the creative theme is used in this ad or campaign and suggest improvements (if necessary). Steering precision and stability, and directional stability. Summari‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ze the idea and importance of creativity in an advertising context of this add. Why is this ad unique and how this ad sells, presents and defines the Volvo brand? Lastly, identify the approaches used in this advertisement as a company determining the creative theme that forms the basis of an advertising campaign.

Lastly, Summarize the different types of messages used and appeals that advertisers use to persuade their target audience. Coursebook: “Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective” eText External tool Additional information can be found: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_Split

