Aphoristic remark Marx traditions

Aphoristic remark Marx traditions

In a famous aphoristic remark, Marx writes: “The traditions of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.” What is that at the service of describing or explaining?

In a famous aphoristic remark, Marx writes: “The traditions

Discussion Question #1:
Firstly, In a famous aphoristic remark, Marx writes: “The traditions of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.” What is that at the service of describing or explaining?

Discussion Question #2:

Firstly, So what is the screaming all about?

Secondly, Has Ivan Ilyich realized that he ought to have lived otherwise?

Thirdly, How ought he have lived, then?

Fourthly, Did he marry poorly, for instance?

Also, Or choose the wrong career? Or what?

Discussion Question #3:

What does it mean for the existentialist to personalize time? And to personalize space? Aren’t space and time supposed to be objectively measurable, or in other words, the opposite of personal?

More details;

The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living
“Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.
What was Karl Marx’s theory?
Like the other classical economists, Karl Marx believed in the labor theory of value to explain relative differences in market prices. This theory stated that the value of a produced economic good can be measured objectively by the average number of labor-hours required to produce it.
What is Marxism in simple terms?
Marxism is a political and economic way of organizing society, where the workers own the means of production. Socialism is a way of organizing a society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the proletariat. Marx proposed that this was the next necessary step in the progress of history.

Literature Review Format should include

Literature Review Format should include

This paper focuses on Literature Review Section. Discuss what is known about this topic, this could be outlined in different ways including:

Literature Review Section-Discuss what is known about this topic

Literature Review Format should include

The History of your Topic
Discuss what is known about this topic, this could be outline d in different ways including:

Firstly, Theme 1

Secondly, Theme 2

Thirdly Theme 3

Fourthly, Theme 4

Strengths and Weaknesses of the arguments presented and suggestions
Theoretical Construct that applies to your research question
A “lead in” that introduces your study


The following will be consider ed when evaluating your paper:
Firstly, Did you understand the important criminological theories, concepts, and issues?
Secondly, Does the author adequately and effectively use evidence to support your argument?
Thirdly,  How creative is the author? (introduces new ideas, integrates material in an innovative way?)
Fourthly, Is the paper in regarding to clarity, grammar, proper citation and spelling?

Lastly, Is the paper well organize d?


Literature Review:
In writing the literature review, your purpose is to convey to your reader what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. As a piece of writing, the literature review must be defined by a guiding concept (e.g., your research objective, the problem or issue you are discussing, or your argumentative thesis). It is not just a descriptive list of the material available, or a set of summaries

Besides enlarging your knowledge about the topic, writing a literature review lets you gain and demonstrate skills in two areas
1.    information seeking: the ability to scan the literature efficiently, using manual or computerized methods, to identify a set of useful articles and books
2.    critical appraisal: the ability to apply principles of analysis to identify unbiased and valid studies.
A literature review must do these things
1.    be organized around and related directly to the thesis or research question you are developing
2.    synthesize results into a summary of what is
3.    identify areas of controversy in the literature
4.    formulate questions that need further research

Analysis and assessment of TMA accounts materials

Analysis and assessment of TMA accounts materials

This is an assignment that focuses on the analysis and assessment of TMA accounts materials. The paper also requires you to do the assignment in the provided parts.

The analysis and assessment of TMA accounts materials

This TMA accounts for25%of your total assessment for the module.
Your TMA will be marked by your tutor.
You will find everything you need to answer this TMA in the ‘Materials’ section of this document.

Learning outcomes The module learning outcomes that will be assessed in this TMA are:
1.1 Develop knowledge and critical understanding of the theories and frameworks underpinning the strategy process at the different levels where strategies are developed in organisations, including the international context. 2.1 Work with the appropriate data to generate information relevant to the development of strategy. 2.2 Critically analyse relevant information using suitable conceptual tools. 2.3 Critically apply conceptual knowledge to the development of strategy in different situations and contexts. 2.4 Argue coherently and justify a point of view using appropriate information and theoretical concepts. 3.2 Communicate effectively during strategy development using a wide range of media. 4.4 Reflect on how strategic management can inform practice and next steps of career progression and development. Assignment tasks TMA 03 is made up of four parts. You need to complete all of the parts.

The analysis and assessment of TMA accounts materials

Part 1 Firstly, read the documents and materials provided in ‘Materials’, ‘Part 1’.
Critically analyse the company’s current corporate strategy, following the guidance notes for this part.
Your answer to this part should be no more than 1000 words. (30 marks)

Part 2 Secondly, based on the analysis that you conducted in Part 1, give advice about potential strategic choices at the corporate level that the company might pursue in the future, providing strategic recommendations.
Your answer to this part should be no more than 700 words. (20 marks)

Part 3 Thirdly, read the documents and materials provided in ‘Materials’, ‘Part 3’.
Taking into consideration one of the industries in which the company is operating, analyse its current business strategy in that industry and make strategic recommendations that can ensure business success in that industry in the future. Evaluate the suitability of its business model for pursuing that strategy.
Your answer to this part should be no more than 1300 words. (35 marks)

Part 4 Building on your work on Blocks 3 and 4, reflect on the skills you have developed so far and how the activities you have carried out in these two blocks have enhanced those skills.
Your answer to this part should be no more than 300 words. (15 marks)

Types of police encounters

Types of police encounters

We completed Unit 2 and discussed various types of police encounters and searches.  Also, we examined consensual encounters, stop and frisk, reasonable suspicion, and probable cause.

We completed Unit 2 and discussed various types of police encounters

Firstly, we completed Unit 2 and discussed various types of police encounters and searches. We examine consensual encounters, stop and frisk, reasonable suspicion, and probable cause.

Secondly, these law enforcement actions and legal terms have a dramatic effect on the admissibility of evidence and protection of people’s liberties.

Thirdly, there are particular moments during an encounter, search, and/or arrest that can determine whether the act was legal or a violation of someone’s rights.

Fourthly, understanding the legal parameters law enforcement and other government officials operate under is crucial for understanding when someone’s liberties are being infringe d upon.

Also, it helps us understand how the courts’ attempt to balance the need to protect people from criminals while maintaining the liberties afforded to everyone by the U.S. Constitution.

Now that you are at the end of this unit it is time to take a look back and reflect on the information presented and what you learned about it.

Completes an essay containing the following information:

1. Detail what constitutes a legal consensual encounter, stop & frisk, and the main elements of a search warrant.
2. Detail what constitutes a legal search under the plain view doctrine, search incident to an arrest, and consent searches. Include what areas can be search ed for each of the different types of searches.
3. Provide the definition of reasonable suspicion and probable cause, and provide an example of when each would be required. For example if we were discussing “proof beyond a reasonable doubt” you could say this is the standard required to find someone guilty at a trial.

Write a 500-650 word reflection of your understanding of the topics discussed in Unit 1. Prepare your response in proper APA/MLA format and submit by the due date for full credit.
Submit your paper in doc. or docx. Format as an attachment. Be advised that Canvas does not support “pages” documents and I cannot grade what I cannot open.
Grading Rubric
This assignment is worth 25 points. The following rubric will be used to grade your assignment.

Classic american literature on spheres ideology

Classic american literature on spheres ideology

This is an assignment that focuses on the classic american  literature on spheres ideology. The paper compares and contrasts two treatment divisions.

The classic american  literature on spheres ideology

P‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍lease choose one of the below topics about which to write a 5 pp., double-spaced critical essay in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Please submit Microsoft Word files (or Google Docs, or Pages files) rather than PDFs.

The essay should be titled, paginated, and follow MLA or Chicago citation conventions, including a list of works cited. Eligible works include: “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman, “The Wide, Wide World” by Susan Warner, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe, “Incidents in the life of a Slave Girl” by Harriet Jacobs, “Bartelby the Scrivener” by Herman Melville, “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain, or any of the following Emily Dickinson Poems: Her breast is fit for pearls, “Faith” is fine invention, I’m wife; I’ve finished that’ Some keep the Sabbath going to Church, I like a look of Agony, There’s a certain Slant of light, I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,

They shut me up in Prose, I showed her Heights she never saw, I dwell in Possibility, I heard a Fly buzz – when I died, I started Early – Took my Dog, My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun, Publication – is the Auction, Tell all the truth but tell it slant.


1.As we have seen, much of nineteenth-century American literature engages separate spheres ideology.  This is located women’s activity and authority within the private. Also,  domestic realm and that of men in the public realm of politics and the economy. a.Many of Emily Dickinson’s poems are rich with domestic imagery. Yet, Dickinson occasionally distances her speaker from the domestic sphere (as in Poems 656, 764). Herman Melville’s “Bartleby the Scrivener” similarly complicates separate spheres ideology. Although the story is set in a Wall Street office, Bartleby makes this space his home. Analyze the ways in which works by these white, middle-class authors critique and/or reinforce separate spheres ideology and, relatedly, conventional gender roles. In addressing these questions, focus on either two poems by Dickinson or on Melville’s story.

The classic american  literature on spheres ideology

Alternatively, you might compare and contrast Dickinson’s and Melville’s treatment of gendered divisions. b. As Harriet Jacobs suggests with her portrayal of Linda Brent’s grandmother in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Separate spheres ideology had limited applicability outside white, middle-class households. How do nineteenth-century writers of color complicate and critique separate spheres ideology by portraying alternative kinds of home and family life? How might these Black or indigenous domesticities model alternative forms of American identity? (Keep in mind that there is, of course, no monolithic American identity; you will want to avoid referring to “the American identity”. Analyze the significance of alternative constructions of American identity.)

2. Secondly, analyze satire and/or irony in “Bartleby the Scrivener” or The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. How does Melville or Twain critique through tone? What role does humor play in such moments? Be sure to identify the object of Melville or Twain’s critique, and what precisely the critique is.

The classic american  literature on spheres ideology

3. In Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman proclaims himself “the poet of the body.” I‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍n fact, most of our nineteenth-century works call attention to embodiment. Predictably, these texts depict bodies in terms of race, gender, and sexuality. But these bodies are also pregnant, sick, hungry, injured, drunk, weak, dying, captive, hidden, displayed, violent, covered, or exposed – among myriad other corporeal states and conditions. (And sometimes bodies seem to disappear from our texts entirely!) Conducting close readings of one or two texts, analyze the significance of these embodied representations of American identity. (Keep in mind that there is, of course, no monolithic American identity; you will want to avoid referring to “the American identity” and instead analyze the significance of various corporeal manifestations of American identity.)

4. Lastly, conduct an analysis of the various versions of one of Dickinson’s poems — these may include fascicles, letter-poems, and/or different published editions. How do even slight editorial changes stabilize and/or distort meaning? Does Dickinson’s poetry offer multiple, even contradictory, interpretations? If so, how? If choosing this prompt, be sure to focus on poems that we did not analyze extensively in lecture: alternate versions of several poems are below.

Advanced ergonomics and work environmental design

Advanced ergonomics and work environmental design

This paper focuses on ADVANCED ERGONOMICS UNIT V. This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts presented in the Unit V Lesson regarding controlling ergonomic risk factors with proper work environmental design.

ADVANCED ERGONOMICS UNIT V-provide an opportunity

This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts presented in the Unit V Lesson regarding controlling ergonomic risk factors with proper work environmental design.

Specifically, you will be evaluating a work task to identify specific control measures that can be implement ed to improve the design of the work.

For this assignment, you will evaluate the same video from Unit III and IV to identify opportunities to improve the task using the concepts presented in your Unit V Lesson.

Click here to access the video for this assignment. Please note that this video includes audio.

You are require d to develop a report that includes the following information:

Firstly, Identification of ALL of the environmental factors you observed in the video;

Secondly, Summarization of ALL the environmental factors you observed, including the potential impact each of them could have on the worker; and

Thirdly, Recommendations for controlling the environmental risk factors using the hierarchy of controls. (You must include at least one of each of the controls: engineering control, administrative control, and PPE).

Your completed assignment must include a minimum of two outside sources, one of which must be from the university Online Library, and the assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and references pages. You may also include graphics to illustrate your design recommendations.

More details;

There are many ways to reduce ergonomic risk factors and help fit the workplace to the worker. Solutions can be group ed into three main categories:

Firstly, eliminate the hazard,

Secondly, improve work policies and procedures,

Thirdly, provide personal protective equipment.

Lastly, Often the best solution involves a combination of approaches.

Next Threat to Aviation Security

Next Threat to Aviation Security

What is the next threat to Aviation Security? Explain. (10 pts.) How must authorities address this future threat to establish a defense? Explain. (10 pts.) Explain the rationale for your position. Support your response including any resources used in your argument.

What is the next threat to Aviation Security? Explain

Firstly, Read the following articles:
FAA extends conflict zone No tams on Pakistan airspace by a year (https://news.aviationsafety.net/2018/12/30/faa-extends-conflict-zone-notams-on-pakistan-airspace-by-a-year/)
Aviation Industry May Be Vulnerable to Cyber attack

Traditionally, Aviation Security has been reactive rather than proactive.

Secondly, What is the next threat to Aviation Security? Explain. (10 pts.)

Thirdly, How must authorities address this future threat to establish a defense? Explain. (10 pts.)

Fourthly, Explain the rationale for your position. Support your response including any resources used in your argument.

More details;

From terrorist attacks to geopolitical posturing, if there is one industry that tends to find itself dragged onto the frontline of global security and cyber risks, it is aviation.

While flying has always been one of the safest ways to travel, thanks to its wide-ranging international regulatory frameworks, aviation incidents have an outsize impact on the public consciousness. From recent airport attacks in Brussels and Istanbul to the shooting down of MH17 over Ukraine, horrifying images are more powerful than reassuring statistics.

Emerging technologies, the changing character of war, a widening cast of actors and growing reliance on cyber are changing the nature of the threats – creating pressure on the industry to make sure it maintains its safety level, with the number of air travellers projected to nearly double in the next 20 years.

Here are some of four ways in which the likely evolution of the international security landscape over the coming years will affect aviation – and four recommendations for how the industry should react.

Firstly,  Technology is rapidly democratizing the ability to inflict large-scale damage.

Furthr, Attacks that would once have been within the purview of only a few major states are becoming conceivable for a much wider range of non-state actors and individuals.

Secondly, The merging of cyber and physical creates new vulnerabilities.

Also, The democratized capacity to wreak large-scale havoc is closely related to the merging of the virtual world with the physical: increasingly, remote attacks can cause serious real-world disruptions….

Project planning and management

Project planning and management

This is an assignment that focuses on the project planning and management on BUS 611. The paper requires identification of stakeholders and also methods of communicating.

The project planning and management on BUS 611

Week 2 – Assignment
Project Kick-Off Meeting [CLOs: 2, 3]
You must cite at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford Online Library in addition to the textbook.
BUS 611 Project Planning and Management
Barkley, B. (2014). Modern project management [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu
You must cite at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford Online Library in addition to the textbook.
Your paper must be 900 to 1200 words in length (not including title and reference pages)
Note that we are continuing with our scenario from Week One. This week you travel to the Roto Air plant in Florida to hold the project kick-off meeting.  In preparation for the meeting:

Firstly, identify at least three categories of stakeholders that should be invited.
Remembering that interested parties are in both New York and Florida:

Secondly, select three methods of communicating with the attendees.
Describe the best method of holding the meeting that also limits travel costs.

Describe at least three team building exercises that could be used during the meeting.
Before leaving the office, Shawn mentions that her husband is employed as a sales representative by the manufacturer of one of the needed machines.

After reviewing the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Code of Conduct, specify which potential violation exists.
As the team leader, describe how you expect Shawn to proceed regarding this issue.
Explain what action you would recommend to Shawn’s husband.

Your paper must be 900 to 1200 words in length (not including title and reference pages) and must be according to APA style. Contextual (Level One) headings must be in your paper and your thoughts. You must cite at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford Online Library in addition to the textbook.

Learning assistance centers in post secondary education

Learning assistance centers in post secondary education

This is an assignment that focuses on the use of learning assistance in post secondary education. The paper also identifies the meaning LAC in addition to its incorporation in an organization.

Use of learning assistance in post secondary education

Firstly, learning assistance centers have become an integral part of post secondary education and continue to evolve to better accommodate a diverse and also dynamic post secondary education climate. It is important that post secondary administrators are familiar with these centers and understand their importance to the recruitment and retention of post secondary students. In this forum, we are going to do a role play. Imagine you were the new director of the Learning Assistance Center at your institution. You are energetic and passionate. Additionally, you want the LAC to be successful under your leadership. Ever since you were appointed this position, you have been thinking some very important issues as to creating a successful LAC.

To make the LAC “visible” to faculty, students, and other staff members on campus, you decide to write a letter to the ca‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍mpus community and explain your thoughts on the following issues: What is the definition of an LAC? What are the missions, goals, and objectives of the LAC? What is the organizational structure of the LAC? (The LAC can be an independent unit or a unit under other developmental programs.

Thirdly, choose a structure that works best for the institution of your choice.) What are the key programs and services that are available in the LAC? Where should the LAC be placed on campus? What is the LAC’s relationship to developmental education programs? What is the LAC’s relationship to the campus community? Now compose a letter and discuss your views on the above issues about a successful LAC. You can also choose the type of institution you are in: A two-year community college, a four-year university, or other institution which include‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍s an LAC

Sustainability as a risk

Sustainability as a risk

Some business leaders view sustainability efforts as a risk. Identifying these efforts as a risk is only the first step towards understanding their impact. For this assignment, define risk and describe what makes up sustainability risks.

Some business leaders view sustainability efforts as a risk

Some business leaders view sustainability efforts as a risk. Identifying these efforts as a risk is only the first step towards understanding their impact.

For this assignment, define risk and describe what makes up sustainability risks.

Firstly, Using your current organization or one you are familiar with, analyze the risks they have they taken lately.

Secondly, How did those risks affect the overall reputation of the organization?

Thirdly, What steps should the organization take to mitigate the risks if not able to remove them completely?

Fourthly, What local regulations require the removing or reporting or risks in an organization, refinery, factory, etc.?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements.
Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

More details;

What do you mean by risk?
Definition: Risk implies future uncertainty about deviation from expected earnings or expected outcome. … We have liquidity risk, sovereign risk, insurance risk, business risk, default risk, etc. Various risks originate due to the uncertainty arising out of various factors that influence an investment or a situation.
Sustainability risk refers to the uncertainty in being able to sustain the growth of a given system (a corporation, household, community or economy) because certain practices may have negative externalities which result in the dilapidation of value chain of the system over a period of time or impact other related .