Criminal Justice problem identification background

Criminal Justice problem identification background

This is an assignment that discusses the Criminal Justice problem identification background. It also discusses the historical research in the topic.

Criminal Justice problem identification background

Conduct scholarly research to identify a problem that is affecting criminal justice leadership, a criminal justice organization, and (or) organizational policies and practices using theoretical frameworks. The identified problem must also involve one of the following elements of criminal justice. These are leadership, ethics, diversity and inclusiveness, team dynamics, or change and innovation. Describe the problem, and create an introduction to the problem that provides information within applicable political, social, economic, and ideological contexts. Then, create an analysis of the background of the problem.

Your analysis should compile and evaluate valid, reliable current and historical research to investigate the circumstances surrounding the problem and its implications for the criminal justice system. Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate criminal justice leadership and organizational policies and practices using theoretical frameworks. Clearly delineate the problem as to the different groups that are affected by it. In your assignment, be sure‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ to address the following critical elements, which align with the grading criteria: Explain a problem that is affecting criminal justice leadership or a criminal justice organization or organizational policies and practices using theoretical frameworks. Evaluate valid, reliable current and historical research to investigate the circumstances surrounding a problem and its implications for the criminal justice organization within political, social, economic, and ideological contexts.

Describe how the problem relates to the concepts of leadership, ethics, diversity and inclusiveness, team dynamics, and change and innovation.
Writing Requirements: Length: At least 4 double-spaced pages (excluding the cover page and references list). Include page numbers, headings, and running header. References: At least 5 peer-reviewed resources FROM THE LAST FIVE (5) YEARS formatted following APA guidelines. Formatting: Use correct APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references. Font size and type: Times New Roman, 12 point‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

Impact of neoliberal policies on Kenya’s human development

Impact of neoliberal policies on Kenya’s human development

This is an essay discussing the Impact of neoliberal policies on Kenya’s human Development. Additionally, there are three sources that are discussed in this essay.

Impact of neoliberal policies on Kenya’s human Development

‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍Firstly, for the past three decades transnational development institutions (WB, IMF, WTO) insisted that neoliberal free-market policies were the best policy alternative to foster development in Kenya. So, did neoliberal development policies have a positive or a negative impact on human development? Your answer should provide a) a brief historical review of the development profile of the country; b) describe the specific neoliberal policies that were implemented; c) discuss their impact on the country’s human development.


Secondly, identify the topic and tentative title. Justify the choice of country (KENYA) or movement in relation to its relevance to the ideas presented in course materials. Why is your choice relevant? (200 words) Tentative Thesis Statement: Drawing from your research, indicate in a succinct statement the argument that you will develop in the essay. The thesis statement must be clearly written and must indicate why you are making the particular argument. It must directly address the essay question.

Thirdly, discuss the THREE most important academic sources in the bibliography: Indicate the following for each of these three sources: why is this source useful/relevant for your essay? Also, what is the main argument? Then, what kind ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍of data or argument from this source will you be using? You should write around 250 words for each source. Outline: Provide a structure for the essay, indicating the various sections that you will require in order to develop your argument.


Lastly, list EIGHT scholarly sources that directly relate to your topic, using proper academic referencing style. Include books, book chapters, and articles from academic journals (as opposed to newspaper or magazine articles) indicating the library call numbers for each source. You may also include a maximum of two documents produced by governments and/or development institutions. If you are using internet sources, they must come from academic journals. must employ standard style for the bibliography and in-text reference system.


Indicate whether you have any additional academic questions about the topic, issues that you cannot resolve. Also, additional material you might need (be specific), additional help that you might require in order to develop your ide‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍as

Code of Conduct for the Company Data Clear from the Case Stady

Code of Conduct for the Company Data Clear from the Case Stady

This is a paper that focuses on the Code of Conduct for the Company Data Clear from the Case Stady. Also, the paper discusses the key  factors for developing a sound conduct.

Code of Conduct for the Company Data Clear from the Case Stady.

Writing  the Code of Conduct for the Company Data Clear from the Case Stady.
The Case study available in this Link:

The assignment should be less than 2000 words. It is to be written in single space, 12 pt Times New Roman or equivalent. Any use of tables or figures must be on reference page. Moreover, do not use of non-academic sources, such as for instance Wikipedia etc. The assignment contributes 70% towards the final course grade. Add sources for this assignment using proper citation and formatting.
During the course you have worked with a case study focusing on a decision whether a SME should go global or not. Regardless of whether your group recommended remaining on the domestic market or going global, you should by yourself make a decision whether the company should have gone global or whether staying on the domestic market (briefly state your decision in a single sentence).

Then assume you are hired by a consultancy company to develop a code of conduct for the company. Communicate the code of conduct only to the employees rather than officially communicated. The themes you bring up in the analysis may vary. You may include considerations of context, organizational design/structure, strategy, culture, leadership, human resource and/or type of operation.
Focus for assessment will be on:
Identifying important key factors for developing a sound code of conduct (i.e. understanding) given contextual constraints,

  • The use of key concepts (make them bold or in italics),
  • The what extent is the integration of the analysis.
  • The report structure.

Cogito in Descartes’s Meditations – mental and material substance

Cogito in Descartes’s Meditations – mental and material substance

Explain the role of the Cogito in Descartes’s Meditations. What are the differences between mental and material substance?

Cogito in Descartes’s Meditations-mental and material substance?

Explain the role of the Cogito in Descartes’s Meditations and how this leads him to conclude that mind is fundamentally a different substance than the body.

What are the differences between mental and material substance?

Why does he think mind (rather than body) is the more essential substance in human beings?

What are some of the main problems with his approach?

Without doubt it is not possible to understand Descartes‘ metaphysics without some knowledge of his physics. Remember that the aim of this metaphysics is to offer a secure foundation to Descartes’ own mechanistic science of nature. He believed was a far superior science than the Aristotelian view of the universe. In a very simple way, Aristotelian metaphysics views each thing as an individual substance, and to understand a thing is therefore to be able grasp its individual essence.

More on material substance?

To understand a horse is therefore to be able to understand what it means for x to be a horse, to understand the individual substance ‘horse’. The 17th century mechanistic view of nature is a complete rejection of individual substances as the basis of scientific explanation. Horses, did not exist, but that we needed, in order for it to be truly scientific.An explanation at a ‘deeper’ level. Here the inspiration is not Aristotle, but the classical Greek atomist like Democritus, Leucippius and Epicurus.

We understand a thing not by describing what that thing is. By analysing the number, shape and motion of the atoms that make it up. Atoms are common to all things, and not just to one individual substance. The world is therefore ‘nothing but matter in motion’.  Thus Descartes can write in the Principles of Philosophy that all the phenomenon of nature can be explained by the ‘the shape size, position and motion of particles of matter.’

Current event analysis based on sociological knowledge and skills

Current event analysis based on sociological knowledge and skills

This is an assignment that discusses the topic current event analysis based on sociological knowledge and skills. This includes a summary of a current event.

Current event analysis based on sociological knowledge and skills

P‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍urpose:The primary goal of this exercise is to apply your developing sociological knowledge and skills to the analysis of a current event.

Writing Expectations: This should be 4-6 pages long, double-space, 12pt font (arial or times new roman), with 1″ margins.

Instructions: Choosing a Current Event. A current event refers to something that is happening in the world at present. They are usually described on the news and in mass media. You must choose a report (written, from the radio, or on television) of an event that has been on air within 3 months of the assignment deadline. Remember, the event you choose must have some relevance to the study of society. Additionally, you must properly cite the source from which you got your report. Describe the Current Event.

Brief summary

Second, you will need to provide a brief summary of the current event. This should include details such as location, timing (i.e is this an ongoing event, does it appear to be a one time event, is this an example of an event that happens frequently). In addition to this also people involved, and any analysis offered by the report(er). Analyzing the Current Event.

The final step in the proce‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ss is:

Conducting an analysis of the current event using knowledge you have gained from the course to-date. The most important thing here is that the analysis should not just be your opinion about the current event, but also in sociological theory and prior research. You will need to use at least 4 sociological concepts covered in this course to analyze the current event.

You are to use and cite sources. Sociological concepts should be clearly identified, defined and then applied. Any paraphrasing or direct quotes used from another source should include APA formatted in-text citations and a full reference at the end of the essay. This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realize you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. . DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the res‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ults.

Functionalist and Positivist Theories Consequences of Behaviour

Functionalist and Positivist Theories Consequences of Behaviour

This essay entails a research paper on the Functionalist and Positivist Theories and Causes and Consequences of Behaviour. Functionalist and Positivist Theories  explain the need of theics and good relationship among the different members of the community.

Functionalist and Positivist Theories Consequences of Behaviour

Firstly, students are tasked with applying one or more of the various theoretical perspectives on deviance (as discussed in class and textbook readings) to a specific social issue regarded by society as deviant or non-conformist. The paper will discuss the process by which the behaviour is officially defined as deviant, how the group, person or person(s) become deviant and how the individual or group responds to the deviant label.

Secondly, each student will write TWO argumentative essays on the course material. Both essays should be similar in format, but will differ slightly in terms of content. The first essay should be more focused on an explanation of a specific concept and its relationship to the larger history of ideology and ideology critique. The second essay should be more focused
on using a concept we’ve covered in class to conduct your own ideological analysis of a cultural text of some kind.

Thirdly, you can use functionalist / positivist theories or critical / interpretive theories. Please note that this is a SOCIOLOGY course. so you want to avoid doing a psychological profile of an individual (serial killer or other type of person) or of proposing crime prevention strategies.

Forthly, you want to analyze a phenomenon through a sociological lens, looking not at the individual, but at the collective. This means relating the personal to the sociological.

Lastly, sociology is concerned with studying social life, social change and social causes and consequences of behaviour. It does not focus on the human mind and the thoughts, emotions and feelings of individual people. Which is the purview of psychology.

Events that shape a personal belief

Events that shape a personal belief

Prepare / deliver a speech on a true story about an event that happened to you that has helped to shape a personal belief. A story has a clear beginning, middle and end. It is about a single event.

event that happened to you that has helped to shape a personal belief

Firstly, Prepare / deliver a speech on a true story about an event that happened to you that has helped to shape a personal belief.

Secondly, A story has a clear beginning, middle and end. It is about a single event. A story, for example, is NOT an autobiography, a list of places you visited on a summer trip, or experiences you might have had at work.

A story is one particular event in your life, your experience when you visit one place on a summer trip or one event that happen to you at work. For example, a first date, seeing the Grand Canyon, dealing with an irate customer at work, the birth of a child, crashing a bike, getting a tattoo, waiting on a famous person, are all experiences that would work for this assignment.   No outline or visual aid is a requirement for this presentation.

Be specific. Consider the moments when your belief was formed or tested or changed.

Further, Think of an experience and tell us how that particular event shaped your personal belief. Your story need not be heart-warming or gut-wrenching—it can even be funny—but it should be real. Make certain your story ties to the essence of your daily life philosophy and the shaping of your belief.

Be brief. Make certain you can name your belief. If you can’t name it you might not be talking about a belief. Make certain you are focusing on one belief and not a stream of consciousness.

EU anti-discrimination law Court of Justice Advocate General

EU anti-discrimination law Court of Justice Advocate General

This essay entails a resaerch paper on the EU anti-discrimination law and the roles performed by the Court of Justice Advocate General. EU anti-discrimination law enables that the rules are followed despite the class or political level of the one in prosecution.

EU anti-discrimination law Court of Justice Advocate General

Firstly, upon completion of the course,  write a paper on a simulated legal case in the area
of EU anti-discrimination law. In this paper, you should assume the role of an Advocate General at the Court of
Justice of the European Union in relation to a preliminary ruling. You will, therefore, advice the Court on how to
resolve the case.

Secondly, in your response, you are expected to mimic both the logic and style of Advocate General at the
Court of Justice (in the part of the AG’s Opinions, regarding the assessment of the case), as well as the Court itself
(demonstrating the knowledge and consistent comprehension of the Court’s case-law, discussed during this course.

Also, your response should be a maximum of 3 pages (Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12,
Line Spacing 1.0 point, Margins: Normal [2.5cm all sides], including footnotes if needed (consistently following
Demonstrated knowledge of central concepts of EU anti-discrimination law.

Thirdly, ability to identify and utilize relevant case law of the Court of Justice Clear style of narration and logical structure  Ability to logically formulate your legal answers, mimicking the arguments of the Court of Justice and the style of its Advocate General(s) as closely as possible to the current reasoning of the Court in its recent case law.

Lastly, Ms. Kowalska has been working as a flight attendant for the air company ‘Niebo’ for 5 years. She adopted a baby boy from an orphanage 2 years ago. Although her child did not have any permanent disabilities, he suffered from numerous diseases. Therefore, to care for her child, Ms. This arrangement permitted her to allow sufficient time for her child’s medical care.

Natural Law Gun Control Valid or Invalid Argument

Natural Law Gun Control Valid or Invalid Argument

This is a paper that discusses the Natural Law Gun Control valid or invalid Argument. The paper also mentions the various laws that are available in the land.

The Natural Law Gun Control valid or invalid Argument

1. Firstly, an action is morally right because it is consistent with natural law.

2. Secondly, natural Law is the set of rules guiding human beings to be fully what they are by nature: human beings.

3. Thirdly, Gods plan is that human beings be happy and live in harmony with each other.

4. Human beings have a natural right only to what contributes to harmony in the human community.

5. An action is morally wrong if it violates harmony in the human community.

6. Gun control laws contribute to harmony in the human community.

7. Therefore, gun control is morally required.

Assignment requirements

• It is expected that your assignment will meet college-level writing standards regarding grammar (punctuation, sentence structure), paragraphing, organization, etc.

Be sure all the following are in the assignment: — whether the argument is valid or invalid and why — whether the argument is sound or unsound and why — Explain the first premise (could include an example) — Give at least one very good reason ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍in support of your judgment (true, false) of the first premise — Give, explain, and refute at least one good objection to your judgment of the first premise. — Explain the second premise (could include an example) — Give at least one very good reason in support of your judgment (true, false) of the second premise. — Give, explain, and refute at least one good objection to what your judgment of the second premise. (If there is a third or fourth premise, do the same as for the first and second premise.)

• Lastly, you are not merely reporting your opinion; you are explaining it and defending it as true. Rationality requires that you change your opinion if, after you start doing it, you realize that the better reasons are on the opposite side. • Whether it’s legal or illegal is not the same as whether it’s moral or immoral. • Support your opinion about the truth or falsity of the conclusion by appealing to the only authority all of us recognize: reason (not the bible, the Quran, the Constitution, the l‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍aw, etc.)

Third Reich resistance Nazi-led genocide of European

Third Reich resistance Nazi-led genocide of European

This essay entails a paper on the Third Reich resistance and the results that followed Nazi-led genocide of European. Third Reich resistance occured after the oppression of the slaves by the elites to the slaves. The people formed movements which resulted to the deaths of many people and family separation.

Third Reich resistance Nazi-led genocide of European

Firstly, History & Memory Paper Assignment 2 All papers should be four-five, double-spaced pages. Please note the policy for grade reduction of late papers on your syllabus. Papers should: Present a complete introductory paragraph that defines the focus of the paper and includes a clearly articulated thesis. Include topic sentences for each paragraph of the paper that substantiate your overall thesis.

Also, draw on the requisite number of sources, as stated in the questions below. No outside (non-assigned) citations are allowed. • Cite relevant evidence. Please feel free to draw upon the pictures that are included in lecture outlines. “Evidence” includes your sources of information as well as the source of any particular quotation you reproduce. o We are not particular about the style of citation you use (i.e. Chicago vs. MLA etc.), but do expect you to be consistent and accord with scholarly standards. • Include discussion of any conflicts in interpretation that emerged in your chosen sources and indicate which point(s) of view you find most compelling and why.

Spell check and include page numbers. Please answer one of the following questions: (1) Why did the perpetrators involved in the  Jewries carry out their actions? In your answer, draw on and analyze three of the following assigned sources: Jan Gross, Neighbors, Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men, Daniel Goldhagen “Police Batallion 101,” and Primo Levi, Gray Zone.


Secondly, nder what circumstances did resistance to the Third Reich and its racial and genocidal policies take place? What forms did resistance take? Your answer should define “resistance” and draw on and analyze three of the following sources, as represented on the syllabus: Stoltzfuss, “The Limits of Policy,” Primo Levi, “The Gray Zone,” Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men, Daniel Goldhagen, “Police Batallion 101,” Jan Gross, Neighbors, Etty Hillesaum, “A Letter from Westerbork,” in Cohen and Stein, eds.

Thirdly, tracks in the Snow: Recollections of a Macedonian Partisan.” Essay should focus on last half of course but can draw on earlier material in addition to that required, above. Last half course: Cohen and Stein, eds., “Tracks in the Snow: Recollections of a Macedonian Partisan.” • Stoltzfuss, “The Limits of Policy,” • Primo Levi, Gray Zone. • Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men, • Daniel Goldhagen “Police Batallion 101,” If you guys have any questions, just message me. Thank you!