Cybersecurity risks – Vulnerabilities within wireless technologies

Cybersecurity risks – Vulnerabilities within wireless technologies

The following assignment is to analyze cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities that are within wireless technologies. Examples of wireless technologies include mobile, wireless, and cloud infrastructures.

Analyze cybersecurity risks – Vulnerabilities within wireless technologies

Firstly, analyze cybersecurity risks or vulnerabilities within wireless, mobile, and cloud infrastructures. Also, also analyze disruptive technologies, to develop effective cybersecurity solutions.

Secondly, you have been selected to be a cybersecurity consultant. You have been asked to consult with the CIO of a large agricultural company who is going to implement a new wireless sensor system. This system is to measure humidity, rainfall, soil conditions, crop readiness, and disease detection.

Thirdly, assume that all of the servers that communicate with the sensors and store and retrieve data will be housed in a cloud environment. Additionally, all sensors (nodes) are outside and have little to no physical protection. The nodes run on batteries. The nodes communicate using radio signals. The sensor devices must communicate with each other and with the main servers in the c‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍loud.

Fourthly, based on readings and your own research on the Internet, prepare a report for this CIO that discusses the following:

  • unique security principles for this type of wireless sensor network,
  • the types of attacks that occur in sensor networks attacker motivation for these sensor networks

Lastly, discuss at least three specific types of attacks that can occur. Through research on the Internet, determine what you believe will be a good approach to securing this wireless sensor network that will address the unique security principles discussed. Propose a cybersecurity strategy to the CIO to protect this agricultural wireless sensor network‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

FERPA Technical Safeguards – Physical Access Controls

FERPA Technical Safeguards – Physical Access Controls

This is a paper focusing on Designing FERPA Technical Safeguards and the physical access controls recommended for the institution.

Designing FERPA Technical Safeguards – Physical Access Controls

Firstly, Imagine you are an Information Security consultant for a small college registrar’s office consisting of the registrar and two assistant registrars, two student workers, and one receptionist. The office is physically located near several other office spaces. The assistant registrars utilize mobile devices over a wireless network to access student records. The electronic student records are stored on a server located in the building. Additionally, each registrar’s office has a desktop computer that utilizes a wired network to access the server and electronic student records.

Secondly, the receptionist station has a desktop computer that she is using to schedule appointments. However, she cannot access student records. In 1974, Congress enacted the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to help protect the integrity of student‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ records. The college is hiring you to ensure technical safeguards are appropriately designed. You are to preserve the integrity of the student records maintained in the registrar’s office.

Having this is mind, write a three to five page paper for the above scenario. Analyze proper physical access control safeguards and provide sound recommendations to employ in the registrar’s office. Also, recommend the proper audit controls to employ in the registrar’s office. Then, suggest three logical access control methods to restrict unauthorized entities from accessing sensitive information, and explain why you suggested each method.

Lastly, analyze the means in which data moves within the organization and identify techniques that may be used to provide transmission security safeguards. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ resources.

Reframing Blackness in Media analysis on masculinity and femininity

Reframing Blackness in Media analysis on masculinity and femininity

This is an assignment that seeks to discuss Reframing Blackness in Media putting emphasis on the popular mainstream media.

Reframing Blackness in Media analysis on masculinity and femininity

Reframing Blackness in the Media In this assignment. You will choose a media item to critically analyze how race and gender intersect with other structures to produce cultural messages. Additionally, you will develop a response or an alternative form of media that address your criticisms. This assignment provides you the opportunity to both critically analyze a media item. Also, to develop a response or alternative version of this item that both incorporates your critiques and seeks an alternative.


Firstly, find a popular mainstream media item associated with images of Black masculinity or femininity discussed by Collins in Black Sexual Politics. However, this can be print or digital media that is one of the following:

  • An advertisement An article in a popular/mainstream magazine
  • A newspaper article
  • A popular YouTube video
  • A clip from a popular show on television
  • A clip from a news program *

However, the item must include an image or description of a person or persons, in order for you to conduct a critical analysis of race and gender.

Secondly, using what you have learned in this course, write a 2-3 page analytical essay* examining the intersections of race and gender in your media item, paying particular attention to how gender roles are constructed. Also, how Black men and women are presented. ******Consider the following:******

  1. Authorship (who made this text?)
  2. Purpose (what is the message? Who is speaking? Who is the target audience, at what social group is the text aiming at and how do you know?)
  3. Context (where is the source from and when was it produced?)
  4. Analysis/Interpretation (what is my analysis/interpretation of the text, how does this source reproduce and/or challenge images of Black masculinity and/or femininity? What is the text’s blind spots?) (Hint: use your course material)
  5. Alternative framing (How can you re-create the media item to challenge the imagery in the original).

Thirdly, drawing on your analytical essay recreate your media item to challenge the stereotypical representation of Black masculinity of femininity.

Lastly, use APA style writing and cite references. Additionally, please cite and reference the TEXTBOOK: Pickney, Alphonso. 2000. Black Americans (5th Edition).

In-N-Out Burger analysis by Stacy Perman and Esther Snyder

In-N-Out Burger analysis by Stacy Perman and Esther Snyder

This is a paper that focuses on the In-N-Out Burger analysis by Stacy Perman and Esther Snyder. Additionally, the paper finds out a brief history of the joint.

In-N-Out Burger analysis by Stacy Perman and Esther Snyder

Prepare a Paper from information gained by reading the book, In-N-Out Burger, by Stacy Perman that addresses the questions below.
Firstly, what were Harry and Esther Snyder’s Mission (or purpose) for In-N-Out Burger?  A Mission Statement should answer the following questions:  Who is being satisfied (customers)? What customer needs are being met (needs)? How are customer needs being satisfied (by what product or service)?

Secondly, what were the Snyder’s Major Goals for the business? What things were the Snyder’s trying to accomplish from the business.

Thirdly, what conditions existed in the General External Environment at the time Harry and Esther started the business that contributed to the success of In-N-Out Burger? Analyze each of the six categories of the General External Environment (demographics, economics, social/cultural, technological, global, and political/legal) and give specific examples for each significant trend and explain how it affected the business.

Fourthly, who were the major Competitors of In-N-Out Burger? Why would you consider them competitors?

Additional questions to answer include:

What is it about In-N-Out Burger that Differentiates or sets them apart from other firms in the industry?  (How are they different?) Give examples.

Then, describe In-N-Out Burger’s Employee Recognition and Reward System, and explain how it supports the company’s mission and goals. Give examples.
What was Snyder’s view on Social Responsibility? Who did they feel socially responsible for? What actions did they take to support their beliefs? Give examples.
What was In-N-Out Burger’s Strategy for Growth? How does their growth strategy compare with the growth strategy of their other competitors? Explain.
How would you define In-N-Out Burger’s overall Business Strategy? Subsequently, are they a low-cost provider, a differentiator, a focused company, or are do they use a combination strategy? Explain with facts.
What major factors contributed to the Success of In-N-Out Burger? What actions, practices, and policies contributed to their overall success?

lastly, identify several key points you learned About Strategic Management from reading the book and writing the paper.

Strengths and weakness of Security Systems in areas like malls

Strengths and weakness of Security Systems in areas like malls

This is an assignment that focuses on the strengths and weakness of areas in malls like Springdale. Other malls include West Mall, and the downtown area.

Strengths and weakness of areas in malls like Springdale

Firstly, read the case scenario. T‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍he major shopping areas in the community of Springdale include Springdale Mall, West Mall, and the downtown area on Main Street. A telephone survey has been conducted to identify strengths and weaknesses of these areas and to find out how they fit into the shopping activities of local residents. The 150 respondents were also asked to provide information about themselves and their shopping habits. The data are provided in the file SHOPPING.

The variables in the survey can be found in the file CODING. We will concentrate on variables 18–25, which reflect how important each of eight different attributes is in the respondent’s selection of a shopping area. Each of these variables has been measured on a scale of 1 (the attribute is not very important in choosing a shopping area) to 7 (the attribute is very important in choosing a shopping area). The attributes being rated for importance are below.

Examining the relative importance customers place on these attributes can help a manager “fine-tune” his or her shopping area to make it a more attractive place to shop.

  • 18 Easy to return/exchange goods
  • 19 High quality of goods
  • 20 Low prices
  • 21 Good variety of sizes/styles
  • 22 Sales staff helpful/friendly
  • 23 Convenient shopping hours
  • 24 Clean stores and surroundings
  • 25 A lot of bargain sales

Secondly, perform the following operations for variables 18–25:

Compute descriptive statistics for each variable along with an explanation of what the descriptive statistics tell us about the variable. Additionally, this will include the mean, mode, range, standard deviation, and the 5-number summary (minimum, first quartile (Q1), median (Q2), third quartile (Q3), and maximum).

Additional requirements

Lastly, be sure to show each ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍calculation in your spreadsheet. Are there any data points for any of the variables that can be outliers? However, if there are any outliers in any variable, please list them and state for which variable they are an outlier. Also, use the z-score method to determine any outliers for this question. Be sure to also show each z-score calculation in your spreadsheet for each variable. Based on the results for question 1, which attributes seem to be the most important and the least important in respondents’ choice of a shopping area? Which items from #1 did you use to decide on the least and most important attributes, and why? Finally, determine the correlation coefficient between variable 19 and variables 21–25.

Incremental development of a plan research relevant to your area of interest

Incremental development of a plan research relevant to your area of interest

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to apply the content learned in the course to the incremental development of a plan research relevant to your area of interest.

Incremental development of a plan research relevant to your area of interest

Firstly, The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to apply the content learned in the course to the incremental development of a plan to answer a research question relevant to your area of interest.


Produce a 3-5 page paper that applies elements from the topic “Formulating a research problem” to your area of research. Utilize APA standards where appropriate.

Secondly, This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization

Advanced Competency

Furthermore, Organization of paper as a whole is logical and quickly apparent. Connections among paragraphs are clearly articulated with smooth transitions between paragraphs. Every paragraph makes one distinct and coherent point.


Thirdly, Organization of paper as a whole is logical and apparent but transitions between paragraphs are not consistently smooth. Every paragraph makes one distinct and coherent point. The parts of each paragraph connect logically and effectively

Minimally Competency

Fourthly, Organization of the paper as a whole can only be discerned with effort. Not all parts of the paper fit the organizational structure or are not effectively integrated. There is not a distinct or coherent point in paragraphs or the parts do not connect logically.

No Competency

Organization of the paper as a whole is not logical or discernible.

Besides, This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clarity

Advanced Competency

Throughout the paper, wording is precise and unambiguous. Sentence structure is consistently clear and lucid.


Additionally, Paper is for the most part precisely worded and unambiguous. Sentence structure is mostly clear.

Minimally Competency

Also, Wording is imprecise or ambiguous fairly often throughout the paper. Sentence structure is often confusing.

No Competency

Besides, Throughout the paper, wording is imprecise or ambiguous. Sentence structure is consistently confusing.

This criterion is link to a Learning Outcome Mechanics.

Advanced Competency

Moreover, Paper is clean and appropriately formatted. There are no incomplete or run-on sentences. There are virtually no spelling or grammatical errors.


Paper is clean but there are some formatting errors. There are a few incomplete or run-on sentences. There are a few minor spellings or grammatical errors.

Minimally Competency

Paper is clean but there are many formatting errors. There are a number of incomplete or run-on sentences. There are a number of spelling and grammatical errors.

No Competency

Firstly,Paper is not formatted. There are many incomplete or run-on sentences. There are many spelling and grammatical errors.

Secondly, This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEthical application

Advanced Competency
Also, Discussion of ethical risk for the proposed research is clear and thoroughly addresses all of the required discussion points.

Further, Discussion of ethical risk for the proposed research is clear and adequately addresses all of the required discussion points.

Minimally Competency
Moreover, Discussion of ethical risk for the proposed research is minimally clear and/or minimally addresses all of the required discussion points.

No Competency
Additionally, Discussion of ethical risk for the proposed research is unclear and does not adequately address all of the required discussion points.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Professional literature usage.

Advanced Competency

Firstly, Demonstrates skillful use of high-quality, credible, relevant professional literature sources. Exceeds the minimum numbers of required sources of which all are from peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are authoritative.

Secondly, Demonstrates use of high-quality, credible, relevant professional literature sources. Meets the minimum number of required sources of peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are authoritative.

Minimally Competency
Further, Demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant professional literature sources. Meets the minimum required number of professional literature sources but not all are from peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. Web sites utilized are not all from an authoritative source.

No Competency
Also, Demonstrates minimal to no attempt to use credible and/or relevant professional literature sources. Does not meet the minimum number of required sources. Web sites utilized are mostly not from an authoritative source.


Lastly, Total Points: 24.0

Criminal justice system comparison from a expert practitioner

Criminal justice system comparison from a expert practitioner

This is an assignment that focuses on the criminal justice system comparison from a expert practitioner. Additionally, the paper focuses a criminal court visit or a court session.

Criminal justice system comparison from a expert practitioner

Practitioner Interview

Your task is to interview an individual of your choice involved in the criminal justice system: a police officer, attorney, judge, probation officer, researcher, current or former inmate, etc. (Note: Military personnel have the option of interviewing an equivalent person in the military.) However, should your “expert” not be listed here, contact your instructor.

1) Firstly, provide the purpose of the paper and background information on the selected person.
2) Secondly, record the person’s views on the criminal justice system—whether the criminal justice system works, in what ways it doesn’t work, and the future of the criminal justice system.
3) Third, write the paper in a narrative format, detailing what you learned as the result of speaking with this person. Do not submit a “question-answer” paper.
4) Fourthly, compare and contrast what your expert practitioner had to say with relevant instructional material from this course. Additionally, include one outside source that either supports or challenges what your expert practitioner said.
5) Lastly, when using the instructional material or other sources, properly document and reference them, and cite all web sources.

Additional information

You must also include the name your practitioner. Criminal Court Visit Your task is to visit a criminal court session. (Note: Military personnel have the option of visiting the military equivalent.). However, depending on when you attend, you could see a series of cases or only one case. Write also your reflections on what you observed and how the proceedings seemed to affect the administration of justice.

1) Begin with a cover page with your name, project title, course, and date submitted.
2) Then, write an introductory section explaining the purpose of the paper.
3) Write your reflections on what you observed and how the proceedings seemed to affect the administration of justice.
4) Compare and contrast what you observed with relevant material. Additionally, include one outside source that either supports or challenges what you observed.
5) When using the text or other sources, properly document and reference them. The name of the court you visited must be included. Police Ride-Along. This is an observational assignment that focuses on the use of discretion by the police officers wh‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍o patrol our communities. (Note: Military personnel may participate in a ride-along with a military police officer.)

Define Federalism – Three different types of federalism

Define Federalism – Three different types of federalism

Define Federalism. Discuss in detail the three different types of federalism.DO:Use examples: public services such as roads and police.

Define Federalism-Discuss in detail the three different types of federalism

DO:Use examples: public services such as roads and police.

Firstly, Define Federalism.

Secondly, Discuss in detail the three different types of federalism.

(What makes the types of federalism different?) Which do you feel is most applicable in today’s government (example)?

Thirdly, Which would you like to see being implemented and why (example)?

Also, It is said, “Money is the mother’s milk of politics”.

Define grant in aid.

Discuss the two types of grant in aid used by the federal government with examples. If you were a state governor which program would you fix first under what kind of grant in aid?

What is the main concept of federalism?

Federalism is a type of government in which the power is divided between the national government and other governmental units. It contrasts with a unitary government, in which a central authority holds the power, and a confederation, in which states, for example, are clearly dominant.

What is federalism as a form of government?

Federalism is the mixed or compound mode of government, combining a general government (the central or “federal” government) with regional governments (provincial, state, cantonal, territorial or other sub-unit governments) in a single political system.

What are the factors of federalism?

GOAL OF THIS study is the evaluation of the important factors that X have an impact on the nature of federalism in Nigeria. Federal fiscal policy, the creation of states, ethnicity, religion, the local government system, and the military, the economy and federal character principle are vital factors.

What do you mean by Grant in Aid?

A grant-in-aid is money coming from a central government for a specific project. A grant-in-aid is funds allocation by one level of government to another level of government whose usage are for specific purposes.

What are the 3 main types of grants in aid?

The three general types of federal grants to state and local governments are categorical grants, block grants, and general revenue sharing (see Table 1). Categorical grants can be used only for a specifically aided program and usually are limited to narrowly defined activities.


Guide to Critical Thinking textbook

Guide to Critical Thinking textbook

We have covered two chapters from our Concise Guide to Critical Thinking textbook. In Chapter 1, students learned why critical thinking matters, as well as how to identify claims, reasons and arguments.

We have covered two chapters from our Concise Guide to Critical Thinking textbook

We have covered two chapters from our Concise Guide to Critical Thinking textbook. In Chapter 1, students learned why critical thinking matters, as well as how to identify claims, reasons and arguments. In Chapter 2, students learned about obstacles to critical thinking. When we surrender to “self-centered thinking”; “group-centered thinking”; “resisting contrary evidence”; looking for confirming evidence” and “preferring available evidence” we are not doing justice to our argument. Also covered in Chapter 2, we learned about philosophical obstacles, such as “subjective relativism”; “social relativism” and “skepticism.” For all of these rules, you look to the opposite in order to write. You try your best not to fall into these traps, but to instead make legitimate connections and provide credible evidence. Be realistic about the opposition.

Critical thinking

To borrow from the mission statement for the nonprofit debate program Intelligence squared, you are going to write an essay that is “grounded by facts and informed by reasoned analysis.” Try not to fall into any old habits formed before you learned about how to critically evaluate.

Taking all that you have learned so far into consideration, you will select a question from the following list and write a three-page essay defending a statement pertaining to the issue. Pick whichever side you prefer, but make sure you are applying what you have learned.

I have tried to pick some contemporary controversial issues for you all to choose from. Apply what you have learned. Let the mix of ideas settle into a cohesive and well-connected piece of writing. The objective here is to present a three-page critical argument (plus a Works Cited page). It doesn’t matter which side you choose. You need to establish a central idea, come up with a solid thesis statement, and then construct a logical argument. The logical argument will depend heavily on the credibility of the support points you make. You need to incorporate at least two outside sources, to explain why each is credible and how it connects to and supports your claim. In short, you need to demonstrate the application of synthesis, which means a series of parts that come together to form a whole. In this case, your ideas will come together to prove your claim.

Hopefully there is at least one question listed below that will intrigue you. Again, choose only one.

1.      Are the media biased?

2.      Should a single corporation to own as many media outlets (newspapers, radio and TV stations, publishers, etc.) as it wants?

3.      Should the US government arrest and indefinitely imprison without trial any American citizen who is a suspect of terrorism?

4.      Should racial profiling  do security screening of airline passengers?

5.      Should Doctor-assisted suicide be legal?

6.      Should anti-vaxxers force to vaccinate their kids?

7.      Should trans-gendered people use the bathroom of their choice?

8.      Should people get fired for what they say on Social Media?

9.      Should athletes be allowed to kneel during the National Anthem?

The Warning-Just watch the video and write one page

The Warning-Just watch the video and write one page

This assignment paper focuses on The Warning movie. Just watch the video and write one page. Use the following link to watch the video

The Warning-Just watch the video and write one page

Just watch the video and write one page.

The Warning (Spanish: El Aviso) is a 2018 Spanish thriller film directed by Daniel Calparsoro and based on the novel of the same name by Paul Pen.  Jorge Guerricaechevarría and Chris Sparling adapted the screenplay. Morena Films.

The Warning was shown at the 2018 Miami International Film Festival and premiered on Netflix in July 2018. The film received mixed reviews from critics.

In April 2018, 9-year-old bullies torment Nico . They force him to steal an X-rated magazine from a 24-hour convenience store. Further, they tell him about a man killed there 10 years earlier. The owner,Héctor, catches Nico shoplifting ,who realizes the magazine is not for such a young boy. Héctor does not tell Nico’s mother and Nico instead buys a video game magazine. Later, Nico discovers a note inside the magazine saying he must not go to the store on his birthday, April 12, or else he will be killed. His mother reports her suspicions about the bullies having written the note to Nico’s school principal which then results in further retaliation.

On April 2, 2008, Jon picks up his best friend, David, who reveals he plans to propose that weekend to his girlfriend, Andrea. At Andrea’s behest, the pair stop to purchase ice at the same store before heading home. Jon waits in his car while David steps inside and is subsequently shoot in a fail murder attempt. As David falls into a coma, Jon, a mathematician suffering from schizophrenia, stops taking his risperidone.

Moreover, He discovers three previous violent incidents at the store’s location with an unusual pattern. With the exception of David’s shooting, each incident occurred on April 12 with five people present: a 10-year-old boy and four others aged 21, 32, 42, and 53 years old.