Racoon life cycle and reproduction series of changes

Racoon life cycle and reproduction series of changes

This is an assignment that discusses the Racoon life cycle and reproduction series of changes . The structure and functions are also in the reach in these assignment.

Racoon life cycle and reproduction series of changes

Firstly, life Cycle and Reproduction a. Life Cycle: describe the life cycle of your organism. The life cycle refers to the series of changes that happens from the beginning of life as your organism develops and grows into a mature organism. Please see here for some hints on the Life Cycle. If you have any questions please feel free‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ to ask! a. Reproduction: You must discuss the reproductive strategies of your organism (e.g. release of gametes by a fish or hermaphroditic reproduction in earthworms), mate choice, mating displays, mate competition and mating systems.

Secondly, structure and Function a. Please select one organ system of your organism that you find to be particularly interesting and describe both the anatomy and physiology of that system.

Thirdly, energy Ecology a. If you can observe these, that is best. If not, research. b. What are the food sources? Types? Amounts? Temporal pattern of feeding? Specific handling or processing of food items by the organism (e.g. the way a squirrel manipulates an acorn)

Fourthly, habitat a. Where your organism lives. This does not refer to a city or state, but rather the natural environment in which your organism lives. b. You should consider abiotic factors, such as soil, water, etc., as well as biotic factors, such as predators, hosts, etc.


• All references listed on the reference slide should be cited internally within the presentation, and vice versa. Introduction Slide(s) 1. Organism Introduction a. The common and scientific name of your organism. b. Where you observed your organism (country, state, park, zoo, etc.) c. A brief discussion on why you chose your organism d. If possible, a picture and/or video of you safely observing your species in the field. If not possible, search the Internet for an image (and remember to cite your source for the image) in a typical habitat.

The Body 1. Description a. You must include a brief physical description. You can use your personal observations. However, if you cannot safely observe your organism, you must research. i. Size, Coloring, etc.

Lastly, your presentation must contain approximately 10-15 slides (excluding references) • Please note that less than 10% of your presentation should contain direct quotes. • Proper use of scientific terminology is required. • Be sure to properly cite your work, both internal to the presentation as well as within the reference slide (this includes photos, graphs, figures, videos, etc.).

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