Major benefit and cost categories of the public transport

Outline the major benefit and cost categories of the public transport subsidy or the temperate zone forestry case studies. For each category, justify your points.

Major benefit and cost categories of the public transport

Outline the major benefit and cost categories of the public transport subsidy or the temperate zone forestry case studies. For each category, justify your points.

Firstly, what are the advantages of public transport?
9 Benefits of Public Transportation

Firstly, It benefits communities financially:

Secondly, public transportation reduces air pollution:

Thirdly, increased fuel efficiency:

Fourthly, reduced traffic congestion:

Further, saves money:

Moreover, increases mobility:

Also, frees up time:

Lastly, public transportation is safer:

How much does it cost to take public transportation?
The average cost per ride on the subway, bus, or train is normally $2.75. With the reduced fare card, you pay only $1.35.
Are any public transportation systems profitable?
Violating the old transit myth that there are no profitable systems, data from the Union of International Public Transport (the international equivalent of the American Public Transportation Association) indicate both systems earn annual profits of approximately 30 percent over operating and capital expense.
What are the pros and cons of public transportation?
Below are some pros and cons of using public transportation to help better your commute.

Pro: Can be more productive while taking public transportation. When you’re driving, you have to focus on the road ahead of you.

Con: Wait time/cost.

Pro: Environmentally friendly.

Con: Sharing the experience with others.


How does public transportation help the environment?

By moving more people with fewer vehicles, public transportation can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. … Transit can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by facilitating compact development, which conserves land and decreases the distances people need to travel to reach destinations.
How does public transportation help the economy?
Public transportation helps move the economy for the benefit of all Americans. In communities around the nation, transit systems ease traffic congestion, connect people with jobs and opportunities, and save consumers billions of dollars every year in commuting costs.

Theory of aerodynamics and simulations aircraft

Theory of aerodynamics and simulations aircraft

This is an assignment that focuses on the understanding of the theory of aerodynamics and simulations. The paper is also involving running of simulations in calculation of quantities.

The understanding of the theory of aerodynamics and simulations

Vehicle Design and Technology
Students are to submit an electronic copy of their completed assignment. This is via the Assignments section of Canvas and follow any specific instructions. Any change to this instruction will be advised via Canvas.
In line with Faculty policy for late submission of coursework.

In case of illness or other issues affecting your studies please refer to the University Mitigating Circumstances policy. Guidance on mitigating circumstances can be found on MyKingston:– Circumstances.aspx Please note that if you submit a piece of work you have judged yourself fit to undertake the assessment and cannot claim mitigating circumstances retrospectively.

The understanding of the theory of aerodynamics

Guidance on avoiding academic assessment offences such as plagiarism and collusion can be found on MyKingston
The following module learning outcomes and professional body learning outcomes are in this assessment:

School of Engineering and the Environment. Coursework Assessment Brief. Page 2 of 7
 Firstly, understand essential elements of the theory of aerodynamics and run CFD simulations to calculate essential quantities related to high performance vehicle aerodynamics.
Please copy and paste the marking scheme and feedback form following the cover page of your assignment in Word format.
 Secondly, presenting the work of others as your own is academic misconduct and will be subject to penalty. If in doubt you are to read the university regulations on academic misconduct: Cheating in assessment and/or consult the lecturer setting the assignment.

 Referencing and citation requirements: Thirdly, you are to refer to the indicative bibliography of the module provide in Canvas and the additional bibliographic sources suggest in the lecture notes. In addition, you must undertake your own appropriate further reading and research in relation to the matters addressed in this coursework brief. Evidence of independent reading and research will be rewarded. A list of References must be at the end of the report listing all bibliographic sources cited.”
Assessment of your submission will be based on the following weighted assessment criteria as given below which relate to the specified module and PSRB learning outcomes. Assessment criteria are in Canvas in a rubric.

Mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study

Mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study

This is an assignment that focuses on the mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study. The paper also requires demonstration of an argument to support the research.

Mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 Firstly, develop stylistically appropriate writing that incorporates strategies for writing to a given audience, subject, and purpose   Secondly, incorporate feedback from peer review for improving the quality and effectiveness of one’s own writing   Thirdly, write informative introductions; coherent theses; well-developed, organized, and supported body paragraphs; and conclusions that are persuasive and supported by effective research   Fourthly, utilize appropriate research for developing a well-informed position through written composition
Prompt For this essay, you will identify an issue in your current major, a major you are interested in pursuing, or your field of work. You will then establish an argument and support that argument with research and relevant evidence.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: This is where readers will have a chance to get an idea of what your essay will be about and what you will prove throughout. Do not give all of your information away here, but give readers a sample of what is to come. Do not forget to review your writing plan to make sure you are hitting all of the points that you planned out, while also stating your claim. A. Provides an overview of the issue you have selected, briefly describing main points and your argument. B. Compose an engaging thesis that states the argument that you will prove and support throughout your essay. This statement will give direction to your essay and should be well thought out.

The mastery of identifying an issue in the field of study

II. Body: The body is your opportunity to describe and support your argument in depth. Make sure your thoughts and evidence are clear and organized in a way that is easy for readers to follow and understand. A. Be sure that you also write multiple paragraphs that are focused, clearly state their intent, and move logically from one to the other, building the thesis argument as the essay progresses.  B. Your body paragraphs should support your argument by combining thoughts and ideas with evidence from sources. There is no such thing as a right or wrong argument; the key is how it is supported and the quality of the evidence used.  C. Address and refute any opposing viewpoints to your argument. This is your chance to discredit any opposing views, thus strengthening your own.

III. Conclusion: Think of the conclusion as a review of your argument. Use this section to restate your argument and remind readers of your supporting evidence. Think of this as your last chance to persuade readers to agree with you. A. Review your argument. Additionally, this section should consist of a review of your main points employed to support your argument. Think of this as your last chance to prove your point or your closing arguments. B. Your conclusion should articulate insights about your argument established through your essay. This should follow logically from your essay, referring to key points or quotes used to support your argument.

Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” short essay writing

Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” short essay writing

This is a paper that is requires a Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” 1200 words short essay writing. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” 1200 words short essay writing

Write a short essay of approximately 1,200 words on Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” in connection with ONE of the following two prompts.  Note that in both prompts below, “central characters” means either Macbeth himself or Lady Macbeth, and you should choose one of them to focus on, not both, as trying to do both will likely result in not discussing either one in sufficient detail

Compare a central character of Shakespeare’s play to an anti-hero/villain character of your choice in another work (e.g. film, TV, etc.).  Your thesis should indicate which of the two works was more effective in fostering a degree of empathy (however minimal) for the anti-hero/ villain, and a strong thesis should give a hint as to what sorts of details motivated this reaction.
Some ideas as to what you may want to consider in your paper:

How much background is the audience given about the character, e.g. their personal history, challenges in their past, impact of close relationships, etc.?

To what extent is the character’s behavior deviant comparing to what is going on around them?
Which character causes more harm?  To whom do they cause harm (e.g. loved ones, strangers, society as a whole, themselves). Also, how extensive and/or irreparable is the damage?  To what extent are they reflective about their actions, acknowledging guilt vs. rationalizing it away?  Did they make their decisions freely, in a state of sound mind, or were they due to compromise or pressure?  Was the motivation by hate, by ambition, just oblivious, etc.?

What happens to the anti-hero/villain at the end of the story?  Does their fate seem proportionate to the harm they caused, or was it in some sense “over the top” so as to potentially cause the audience to feel bad for them despite their previous wrongdoing?

Why medical tourism is popular among Americans

Why medical tourism is popular among Americans

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to explain reasons why medical tourism is popular among Americans. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Explain reasons why medical tourism is popular among Americans

Part 1. Discussion Question
From your discussion preparation, examine the primary reasons why medical tourism is becoming popular among Americans. Also, determine whether or not the health care industry should encourage this consumer behavior. Give at least two specific examples associated with such patient medical consumerism behaviors.

Part 2 Case Study
Consulting for the Caring Angel Hospital


Imagine that you are a senior consultant at Practical Health Care Consulting. Your supervisor has instructed you to spend three months at the Caring Angel Hospital to help improve the quality of care. Additionally, to add value to the organization, improve employee morale, design an efficient organizational chart, create a strong team environment, and create the hospital’s competitive advantage. The hospital has traditionally made losses year after year. Furthermore, it is not performing well financially, and the banks are not willing to lend it large sums of money for more effective marketing.

After spending two months within the hospital, you are very happy with your progress. You think you are capable of acquiring more patient base and expanding the hospital market. However, with a closer look, you notice that your patients are still hopping from one specialized hospital to another in search of various specialized treatments. You also notice that the seats are not comfortable in the waiting area, and the patients continuously show up for appointments on the wrong dates.

The nurses and the employees are not smiling during patient conversations. Everyone looks for ways to blame others for failures in the patient treatment process. Everyone seems to work alone and hide what they do from their colleagues.
At the end of the 3-month period, you must provide a report with your recommended strategies designed to help Caring Angel Hospital achieve its goals.
Note: You may create or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Impact of culture gender religion race and ethnicity

Impact of culture gender religion race and ethnicity

Analyze the impact of culture, gender, religion, race and ethnicity on indigenous peoples’ concepts of human rights. Compare and contrast indigenous and non-Western conceptions of human rights with Western ones.

The impact of culture, gender, religion, race and ethnicity on indigenous peoples’ concepts of human rights

Select three of the following and comment briefly (pick any three)

Firstly, analyze the impact of culture, gender, religion, race and ethnicity on indigenous peoples’ concepts of human rights.

Secondly, compare and contrast indigenous and non-Western conceptions of human rights with Western ones.

Thirdly, analyze whether and how Western and non-Western concepts of human rights might mesh to support the expansion of human rights around the world.

Fourthly, discuss how the European human rights grew to encompass environmental rights after 1950.

Further, analyze how different cultures’ conceptions of human rights evolved out of their unique lived experiences.

Additionally, compare and contrast the human rights concepts that grew out of individualist versus collectivist cultures.

Finally, discuss whether it is possible to balance individual and group rights and, if so, on what basis this should be accomplished.

More details;

Culture, Religion, and Freedom of Religion or Belief

The relationship between culture and freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) is often seen as a negative one, with freedom of religion often invoked to defend human rights violations. In response, many human rights advocates draw a distinction between culture and religion, and what is insinuated is that culture is the problem, not religion. However, the reality is that in many cases, culture and religion are not so distinct, with cultural practices becoming “religionized” and religious ideas becoming part of the culture. Recognizing this relationship can open up other more positive avenues for the promotion of human rights and FoRB.

The common connection that we make between culture and freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) is often a negative one.

Movie Analysis “The Day Pictures were Born”

Movie Analysis “The Day Pictures were Born”

This paper focuses on Cultural anthropology film paper. Using the text and the film, “The Day Pictures were Born,” discuss some of the hypotheses that explain the purpose of prehistoric cave art.

Using the text and the film, “The Day Pictures were Born,”

Use the text and the film, “The Day Pictures were Born,” discuss some of the hypotheses that explain the purpose of prehistoric cave art. What evidence is there that these are valid explanations for prehistoric art? How do you understand the rock paintings? You’ll need at least one written source for your essay.

More details;

We live in a highly complex world, one that requires many different skills and abilities to make our way through it. One of these skills is to look at lines and shapes that we see around us and give meaning to them. This ability to read images is an essential part of our lives. If we didn’t have it, life, as we know it, would be impossible; our world would be unrecognizable. But at some point in our ancient past, that’s what the world was like — imageless. And then something changed. At some point in our human history, probably about 35,000 years ago. We began to create pictures and to understand what they meant. Archeologist call this period the “creative explosion.”

But why did people suddenly decide to start creating images of the world around them?

The discovery of the prehistoric cave paintings of Altamira gave 19th century experts a clue to this question—they first theorized the obvious, prehistoric humans painted simply to represent the world around them. But that was not a real answer, for these early artists only seemed to paint one thing—animals. And they painted their pictures in dark caves, too, well away from the eyes of admirers.

Reflection teaching scenario

Reflection teaching scenario

In this assignment, you will combine all of the information you have learned this week to evaluate a teaching scenario. For each learning context, you will be observing a teacher in the classroom.

You will combine all of the information you have learned this week to evaluate a teaching scenario

In this assignment, you will combine all of the information you have learned this week to evaluate a teaching scenario. For each learning context, you will be observing a teacher in the classroom. After watching the video, answer the questions, based on your context, using the information from the week as your guide. Respond to either the K-12 or adult learning questions, but not both.

To structure your writing,

Your audience will be another group of colleagues and/or a teaching supervisor. You are reporting on how the teaching/ideas are best-practice based on what you have learned so far.

Your role is that of someone who is observing teaching practices of an ELL teacher.

The format will be an essay.
The purpose is to evaluate the teaching practices for best-practices, according to research (class content you have learned so far)

Children or Students in a K-12 Learning Context


Comprehensible Input

Teachers Incorporate Comprehensible Input

Affective Filter Theory

Tools, Tools, Tools

Summary: Differentiated Instruction and the English Language Learner

Watch Westergaard’s 2015 video, ESL Beginner Lesson Demo (Chris Westergaard) (Links to an external site.)

Address the following items in your paper:

Firstly, thinking of all of the information we have learned related to planning for ELLs.

Secondly, describe how the teachers use comprehensible input hypothesis and what can be done to include more comprehensible input.

Thirdly, explain if and how the teachers are using communicative language teaching.

Fourthly, evaluate how students might vary in their interactions during lessons based on their proficiency with basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) and cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP).

Determine what language objectives might be important for ELLs to be successful in this lesson?

Finally, determine what language objectives might be important for ELLs to be successful in this lesson?

Must be two to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined

Importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power

Importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power

Using The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail and the film Good Night and Good Luck write an essay that informs and persuades your audience over the topic discussing the importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power.

Discussing the importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power

Using The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail and the film Good Night and Good Luck write an essay that informs and persuades your audience over the topic discussing the importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power. The essay should be in MLA format and each body paragraph should include two or three pieces of evidence. Three different rhetorical devices will need to be typed and highlighted.

More details;

The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Summary

The play is divided into two Acts. There are no delineations between scenes despite the fact that the setting shifts back and forth between the present and various periods in the past. Despite the fact that these flashbacks take place in different locations, the “setting” of the play never changes. The set is essentially a bare bones jail cell and the shifts in time. Also, place are indicated through various other means. Indeed, the entire play could very easily be performed without any notable break between Act One and Act Two. Though to do so would diminish the impact of the Thoreau’s famous retort which brings the curtain down on the first act.

The choice of the jail cell as the play’s lone scenic design is important both literally and thematically:

the “present” time relates the actual historical event in which Henry David Thoreau chose to be jailed rather than pay taxes to support a contemporary war against Mexico which he considered immoral. So in the “present” the cell literally holds Henry prisoner. But as narrative explores through fluidity of time several episodes from Thoreau’s past. The jail also becomes a metaphor for the imprisonment of ideas.

Tragic accounts of Margaret Garner

Tragic accounts of Margaret Garner

After reading both tragic accounts of Margaret Garner & Frederick Douglass, in what ways might a slave narrative (Garner’s account was written by a male) written by an enslaved woman differ from Douglass’s account.

After reading both tragic accounts of Margaret Garner

Read both tragic accounts of Margaret Garner & Frederick Douglass, in what ways might a slave narrative (Garner’s account was written by a male) written by an enslaved woman differ from Douglass’s account. Please respond in a few paragraphs making sure that you back up statements with evidence from both texts.

More details;

Who Speaks for Margaret Garner? Slavery, Silence, and the Politics of Ventriloquism