Activist individual who stood up for a cause

Activist individual who stood up for a cause

Prompt: Identify an activist or an individual who stood up for a cause. Identify their background and how it led them to the path they chose. What events transpired prior to them standing up for a cause?

Identify an activist or an individual who stood up for a cause

The Activist I want you to write about is Hillary Clinton
Prompt: Identify an activist or an individual who stood up for a cause. Identify their background and how it led them to the path they chose. What events transpired prior to them standing up for a cause? Identify the change they were able to instill because of their actions. What stood in their way? What did they have to lose?

Must have/include:
Four pages + a work cited page (MLA FORMAT)

Answers the prompt

Cannot be the predictable choices (Gandhi, MLK,Lincoln, Parks, Mandela

Chavez, Steinhem, etc).

Use three to four resources that are CREDIBLE

Must organize in categories/headings

Avoid being a biography

Heasings for essay

Introduce your topic- use a good hook

Write about the background of your activist- this may be a little biography

Events Prior

Describe the events that lead to this person who stands up for something

Stands In Their Way

What obstacles stood in their way

Loss and Gain

Directions: You will write a 1200 word research paper on a person of your choosing.

This person must satisfy the prompt. The researcher must include at least three- four sources cited in MLA Format.

What losses and what gains did they have to go through

Change That Their Actions Instilled

What change has taking place since they have stood up

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